Masha Allah this history is very touched to my heart
This site has helped me tremendously in learning the tafsir and achieving high scores in my Quran exam.
This is really a helpful post. During my practice I met a lot of young people who require this kind of assistance. Definitely this website is a wonderful medium to educate youngsters on Qura'n thoughts. Thank you.
This site is just amazing and a very powerful tool for someone looking to "brush up" on the fundamentals of Qura'n and someone interested in a structured or even a solid knowledge on the same. I applaud the engineers, content providers, UI/UX designers, and those who do the research to keep the site relevant, fresh, and engaging. Jaz Jak Allah Khairun
This is wonderful and very useful. May this endeavor become a great success.
MashaAllah! The website is very nice and informative. I pray may Allah bestow you and your efforts with special blessings and favors in both worlds.
Great website, I found a lot of great historical information as well as teachings from Quran. I really appreciate you each and everyone who come up with idea of Ayah theme. Ayah theme is one of the best tools that I use everyday; it's really helpful to understand the Quran. Great Job!
It is just a perfect effort for Muslim brothers and sisters. I was just searching for the feature of repeating specific verses for the sake of memorization and I found it on this Quranic site. May Allah grant you much more than your effort (ameen) Jazak Allah khair.
MashAllah this is an amazing resource. Ironically, I was discussing with some friends a few weeks back about a 'database' where everyone could go to find hadith and Quran Ayahs for references; and how it would greatly help people explain things. SubhanAllah I stumbled onto this site and am very impressed. I pray that this site grows quickly.
Assalamualaikum, I Love this website! It'll be my new best friend until I become a Hafizah insha'Allah
MashaAllah. Very Helpful Site.. Lots of Information. Loved it... JazaakAllah Khair.
Thank you so much Alim team for running such a wonderful website to learn ad recite Quran. Now I have learned a lot about Quran and Hadith and started teaching my brothers and sisters the thoughts from Quran and Hadith.
While surfing Islamic sites for learning of Quran I could find alim.org. Subahan Allah what a useful website! It is not only for Quran learning but also Hadith and other related area.
I recently used the Alim program for my computer and since then I am amazed at the wealth of information available at one's finger tips.
The Alim is outstanding and unique. It is also comprehensive and easy to use. The manual of instructions is one of the best and clearest I have ever read. Many thanks for a job well done.
Congratulations on a remarkable achievement.
I thank you for the wonderful service you have rendered to the Muslim society and may Allah help you in your future endeavours as well.
I have tried the Alim software on my computer and found it to be much more than I had expected. I am very pleased with it.
I would like to congratulate you on your courage in undertaking a tremendous task in producing the Alim software. You have done a great service to my Islamic studies. I am very happy over ISL Software's work and will recommend it to all the brothers I know with a computer to purchase this great study lesson software.
Incredible! This is definitely the wave of the future!
Any mosque, Islamic school, university, organization, library, religious leader, researcher, teacher, or anyone interested in Islam for any reason will find it rewarding to use The Alim.
The Alim is by far the most comprehensive and powerful tool for access to Islamic knowledge that has ever been created in the English language. It is a stunning achievement by any standard.
I am glad reading the tafsir. It has made my understanding to Qur'an easy . I was searching for the best and easy tafsir and my search ended here. Alhamdolillah . Jazakallah khair.