سُبْحَانَ ٱللَّٰهِ
Holy Qur'an
Kids Qur'an
As-Sa'ib reported on the authority of a man whom he named: TheApostle of Allah (peace be upon him) put on two coats of mailduring the battle of Uhud as a double protection. (The narratoris doubtful about the word zahara or labisa.)
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "None of you must take his brother's staff jestingly with the intention of causing annoyance. Anyone who takes his brother's staff must return it to him."
Tirmidhi and AbuDawud transmitted it, the latter's version ending at "causing annoyance."
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Command a boy to pray whenhe reaches the age of seven years. When he becomes ten years old,then beat him for prayer.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Do not fast on Saturdayexcept what has been made obligatory on you; and if one of youcan get noting but a grape skin or a piece of wood from a tree,he should chew it.
I was a Christian Bedouin; then I embraced Islam. I came to a manof my tribe, who was called Hudhaym ibn Thurmulah. I said to him.O brother, I am eager to wage war in the cause of Allah (i.e.jihad), and I find that both hajj and umrah are due from me. Howcan I combine them? He said: Combine them and sacrifice theanimal made easily available for you. I, therefore, raised myvoice in talbiyah for both of them (i.e. umrah and hajj). When Ireached al-Udhayb, Salman ibn Rabi'ah and Zayd ibn Suhan met mewhile I was raising my voice in talbiyah for both of them. Oneof them said to the other: This (man) does not have any moreunderstanding than his camel. Thereupon it was as if a mountainfell on me. I came to Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleasedwith him) and said to him: Commander of the Faithful, I was aChristian Bedouin, and I have embraced Islam. I am eager to wagewar in the cause of Allah (jihad), and I found that both hajj andumrah were due from me. I came to a man of my tribe who said tome: Combine both of them and sacrifice the animal easilyavailable for you. I have raised my voice in talbiyah for both ofthem. Umar thereupon said to me: You have been guided to thepractice (sunnah) of your Prophet) (peace be upon him).
Abu Juhaifa said, "I asked Ali, 'Have you got any book (which has been revealed to the Prophet apart from the Qur'an)?' Ali replied, 'No, except Allah's Book or the power of understanding which has been bestowed (by Allah) upon a Muslim or what is (written) in this sheet of paper (with me).' " Abu Juhaifa said, "I asked, 'What is (written) in this sheet of paper?' Ali replied, 'It deals with the Diyya (compensation (blood money) paid by the killer to the relatives of the victim), the ransom for the releasing of the captives from the hands of the enemies, and the law that no Muslim should be killed in Qisas (equality in punishment) for the killing of (a disbeliever).' "
Whenever Ibn 'Umar greeted Ibn Jafar, he used to say: "As-salamu-'Alaika (i.e. Peace be on you) O son of Dhu-l-Janahain (son of the two-winged person)."
An Nu'man bin Bashir said, "Abdullah bin Rawaha fell down unconscious." (and mentioned the above Hadith adding, "Thereupon, when he died she (i.e. his sister) did not weep over him."
'Adi took a white rope (or thread) and a black one, and when some part of the night had passed, he looked at them but he could not distinguish one from the other. The next morning he said, "O Allah's Apostle! I put (a white thread and a black thread) underneath my pillow." The Prophet said, "Then your pillow is too wide if the white thread (of dawn) and the black thread (of the night) are underneath your pillow!"
from 'Ali when the latter stoned a lady to death on a Friday. 'Ali said, "I have stoned her according to the tradition of Allah's Apostle."
I heard Abu Juhaifa saying, "I asked 'Ali, 'Have you got any Divine literature apart from the Qur'an?' (Once he said...apart from what the people have?) 'Ali replied, 'By Him Who made the grain split (germinate) and created the soul, we have nothing except what is in the Qur'an and the ability (gift) of understanding Allah's Book which He may endow a man with and we have what is written in this paper.' I asked, 'What is written in this paper?' He replied, 'Al-'Aql (the regulation of Diya), about the ransom of captives, and the Judgment that a Muslim should not be killed in Qisas (equality in punishment) for killing a disbeliever.' " (See Hadith No. 283,Vol. 4)
Ash Sha'bi said, "I was informed by a man who had seen the Prophet going to a grave that was separate from the other graves and he aligned the people in rows and said four Takbir." I said, "O Abu 'Amr! who narrated (that) to you?" He said, "Ibn Abbas."
Ash-Sha'bi said, "Somebody who passed along with your Prophet (p.b.u.h) by a grave that was separate from the other graves informed me (saying), "The Prophet
led us (in the prayer) and we aligned behind him." We said, "O Abu 'Amr! Who told you this narration?" He replied, "Ibn Abbas."
who said "We used to pay in advance for wheat barley and dried grapes."
I heard 'Abdullah bin Abi Aufa saying, "The Prophet forbade the use of green jars." I said, "Shall we drink out of white jars?" He said, "No."
I asked 'Abdullah bin Abi Aufa, "Did Allah's Apostle carry out the Rajam penalty (i.e., stoning to death)?" He said, "Yes." I said, "Before the revelation of Surat-ar-Nur or after it?" He replied, "I don't know."
I asked 'Abdullah bin Abi 'Aufa about the Rajam (stoning somebody to death for committing illegal sexual intercourse). He replied, "The Prophet carried out the penalty of Rajam," I asked, "Was that before or after the revelation of Surat-an-Nur?" He replied, "I do not know."
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Delay in payment on thepart of one who possesses means makes it lawful to dishonour andpunish him. Ibn al-Mubarak said that "dishonour" means that hemay be spoken to roughly and "punish" means he may be imprisonedfor it.
There was in the delegation of Thaqif a leper. Allah's Apostle(peace be upon him) sent a message to him: We have accepted yourallegiance, so you may go.
One day when I rode behind Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him),he said (to me): Do you remember any poetry of Umayyah ibnAbusSalt. I said: Yes. He said: Then go on. I recited a coupletand he said: Go on. Then I again recited a couplet and he said:Go on, I recited one hundred couplets (of his poetry). Thishadith has been reported on the authority of Sharid throughanother chain of transmitters but with a slight variation ofwording.
The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) came upon me when I wassitting thus: having my left hand behind my back and leaning onthe fleshy part of it, and said: Are you sitting in the manner ofthose with whom Allah is angry?
Sharid's mother left a will to emancipate a believing slave onher behalf. So he came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) andsaid: Apostle of Allah, my mother left a will that I shouldemancipate a believing slave for her, and I have a black Nubianslave-girl. He mentioned a tradition about the test of the girl.
The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) entered when I was withHafsah, and he said to me: Why do you not teach this one thespell for skin eruptions as you taught her writing.
I asked Anas bin Malik about the Qunut. Anas replied, "Definitely it was (recited)". I asked, "Before bowing or after it?" Anas replied, "Before bowing." I added, "So and so has told me that you had informed him that it had been after bowing." Anas said, "He told an untruth (i.e. "was mistaken," according to the Hijazi dialect). Allah's Apostle recited Qunut after bowing for a period of one month." Anas added, "The Prophet sent about seventy men (who knew the Quran by heart) towards the pagans (of Najd) who were less than they in number and there was a peace treaty between them and Allah's Apostles (but the Pagans broke the treaty and killed the seventy men). So Allah's Apostle recited Qunut for a period of one month asking Allah to punish them."
I asked Anas bin Malik: "Did you use to dislike to perform Tawaf between Safa and Marwa?" He said, "Yes, as it was of the ceremonies of the days of the pre-Islamic period of ignorance, till Allah revealed: 'Verily! (The two mountains) As-Safa and Al-Marwa are among the symbols of Allah. It is therefore no sin for him who performs the pilgrimage to the Ka'ba, or performs 'Umra, to perform Tawaf between them.' " (2.158)
I heard Anas bin Malik, "Have you ever heard that the Prophet said, 'There is no alliance in Islam?' " He replied, "The Prophet made alliance between Quraish and the Ansar in my house."
I asked Anas about the Qunut (i.e. invocation in the prayer). Anas said, "It should be recited before bowing." I said, "So-and-so claims that you say that it should be recited after bowing." He replied, "He is mistaken." Then Anas narrated to us that the Prophet invoked evil on the tribe of Bani-Sulaim for one month after bowing. Anas further said, "The Prophet had sent 40 or 70 Qaris (i.e. men well versed in the knowledge of the Qur'an) to some pagans, but the latter struggled with them and martyred them, although there was a peace pact between them and the Prophet. I had never seen the Prophet so sorry and worried about anybody as he was about them (i.e. the Qaris)."
I said to Anas bin Malik, "Did it reach you that the Prophet said, 'There is no treaty of brotherhood in Islam?' " Anas said, "The Prophet made a treaty (of brotherhood) between the Ansar and the Quraish in my home."
I said to Anas, "Did Allah's Apostle make Medina a sanctuary?" He replied, "Yes, (Medina is a sanctuary) from such-and-such place to such-and-such place. It is forbidden to cut its trees, and whoever innovates an heresy in it or commits a sin therein, will incur the curse of Allah, the angels, and all the people." Then Musa bin Anas told me that Anas added, "...or gives refuge to such an heretic or a sinner..."
I asked Anas bin Malik regarding Al-Qunut during the prayer. Anas replied, "Yes (Al-Qunut was said by the Prophet in the prayer)." I said, "Is it before Bowing or after Bowing?" Anas replied, "(It was said) before (Bowing)." I said, "So-and-so informed me that you told him that it was said after Bowing." Anas replied, "He was mistaken, for Allah's Apostle said Al-Qunut after Bowing for one month. The Prophet had sent some people called Al-Qurra who were seventy in number, to some pagan people who had concluded a peace treaty with Allah's Apostle . But those who had concluded the treaty with Allah's Apostle violated the treaty (and martyred all the seventy men). So Allah's Apostle said Al-Qunut after Bowing (in the prayer) for one month, invoking evil upon them.
I asked Anas bin Malik about Safa and Marwa. Anas replied, "We used to consider (i.e. going around) them a custom of the Pre-Islamic period of Ignorance, so when Islam came, we gave up going around them. Then Allah revealed, "Verily, Safa and Marwa (i.e. two mountains at Mecca) are among the Symbols of Allah. So it is not harmful of those who perform the Hajj of the House (of Allah) or perform the Umra to ambulate (Tawaf) between them." (2.158)
The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) permitted the herdsmenof the camel to lapidate the the jamrahs one day and omit oneday.
The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) gave permission to theherdsmen of the camels not to pass night at Mina and asked themto throw pebbles on the day of sacrifice, and to throw pebbles atthe jamrahs the next day and the following two days, and on theday of their return.
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) gave licence to herdsmen of camels not to pass the night at Mina and throw pebbles on the day of sacrifice, then combine two days' throwing after the day of sacrifice and throw the pebbles on one of them.
Malik, Tirmidhi and Nasa'i transmitted it, Tirmidhi saying this is a sahih tradition.
Allah's Apostle (peace be upon him) said to me: Say: "O Allah, Ibeg of Thee righteousness and adhering to the straight path."
While I was in the company of Abdullah bin Umar on the way to Mecca, he received the news of the severe illness of Safiya bint Abi Ubaid (i.e. his wife), so he proceeded at greater speed, and when the twilight disappeared, he dismounted and offered the Maghrib and Isha prayers together and said, " I saw the Prophet delaying the Maghrib prayer to offer it along with the Isha when he was in a hurry on a journey."
I heard Umar bin Al-Khattab saying, "I gave a horse to be ridden in Allah's cause and the person who got it intended to sell it or neglected it. So, I wanted to buy it as I thought he would sell it cheap. I consulted the Prophet who said, "Do not buy it even if for one Dirham, because he who takes back his gift is like a dog swallowing its vomit."
Umar bin Al-Khattab appointed a freed slave of his, called Hunai, manager of the Hima (i.e. a pasture devoted for grazing the animals of the Zakat or other specified animals). He said to him, "O Hunai! Don't oppress the Muslims and ward off their curse (invocations against you) for the invocation of the oppressed is responded to (by Allah); and allow the shepherd having a few camels and those having a few sheep (to graze their animals), and take care not to allow the livestock of Abdur-Rahman bin Auf and the livestock of (Uthman) bin Affan, for if their livestock should perish, then they have their farms and gardens, while those who own a few camels and those who own a few sheep, if their livestock should perish, would bring their dependents to me and appeal for help saying, 'O chief of the believers! O chief of the believers!' Would I then neglect them? (No, of course). So, I find it easier to let them have water and grass rather than to give them gold and silver (from the Muslims' treasury). By Allah, these people think that I have been unjust to them. This is their land, and during the pre-Islamic period, they fought for it and they embraced Islam (willingly) while it was in their possession. By Him in Whose Hand my life is! Were it not for the animals (in my custody) which I give to be ridden for striving in Allah's cause, I would not have turned even a span of their land into a Hima."
'Umar said, "Were it not for those Muslims who have not come to existence yet, I would have distributed (the land of) every town I conquer among the fighters as the Prophet distributed the land of Khaibar."
Ibn 'Umar asked me about some matters concerning 'Umar. He said, "Since Allah's Apostle died,I have never seen anybody more serious, hard working and generous than 'Umar bin Al-Khattab (till the end of his life."
Once I went with 'Umar bin Al-Khattab to the market. A young woman followed 'Umar and said, "O chief of the believers! My husband has died, leaving little children. By Allah, they have not even a sheep's trotter to cook; they have no farms or animals. I am afraid that they may die because of hunger, and I am the daughter of Khufaf bin Ima Al-Ghafari, and my father witnessed the Pledge of allegiance) of Al-Hudaibiya with the Prophet." Umar stopped and did not proceed, and said, "I welcome my near relative." Then he went towards a strong camel which was tied in the house, and carried on to it, two sacks he had loaded with food grains and put between them money and clothes and gave her its rope to hold and said, "Lead it, and this provision will not finish till Allah gives you a good supply." A man said, "O chief of the believers! You have given her too much." "Umar said disapprovingly. "May your mother be bereaved of you! By Allah, I have seen her father and brother besieging a fort for a long time and conquering it, and then we were discussing what their shares they would have from that war booty."
While Allah's Apostle was proceeding at night during one of his journeys and 'Umar bin Al-Khattab was traveling beside him, 'Umar asked him about something but Allah's Apostle did not reply. He asked again, but he did not reply, and then he asked (for the third time) but he did not reply. On that, 'Umar bin Al-Khattab said to himself, "Thakilat Ummu 'Umar (May 'Umar's mother lose her son)! I asked Allah's Apostle three times but he did not reply." 'Umar then said, "I made my camel run faster and went ahead of the people, and I was afraid that some Qur'anic Verses might be revealed about me. But before getting involved in any other matter, I heard somebody calling me. I said to myself, 'I fear that some Qur'anic Verses have been revealed about me,' and so I went to Allah's Apostle and greeted him.
He (Allah's Apostle ) said, 'Tonight a Sura has been revealed to me, and it is dearer to me than that on which the sun rises (i.e. the world).' Then he recited: 'Verily, We have given you a manifest victory.' " (48.1)
Allah's Apostle was traveling on one of his journeys, and 'Umar bin Al-Khattab was traveling along with him at night. 'Umar asked him about something, but Allah's Apostle did not answer him. He asked again, but he did not answer. He asked for the third time, but he did not answer. On that, 'Umar said to himself, "May your mother lose you! You have asked Allah's Apostle three times, but he did not answer at all!" Umar said, "So I made my camel go fast till I was ahead of the people, and I was afraid that something might be revealed about me. After a little while I heard a call maker calling me, I said, 'I was afraid that some Qur'anic Verse might be revealed about me.' So I went to Allah's Apostle and greeted him. He said, 'Tonight there has been revealed to me a Surah which is dearer to me than that on which the sun shines (i.e. the world).' Then he recited: 'Verily! We have given you (O Muhammad), a manifest victory.' " (Surat al-Fath) No. (48.1).
Ata' said: A reporter reported to me about Asma' that she threwpebbles at the jamrah at night. I said: We threw pebbles (at thejamrah) at night. She said: We used to do so in the lifetime ofthe Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him).
Abdullah AbuUmar, client of Asma', daughter of AbuBakr, said: Isaw Ibn Umar buying a Syrian garment in the market. When he sawthat it had red warp, he returned it. I then came to Asma' andmentioned it to her. She said: Bring me, slave-girl, the mantleof the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him). She brought out amantle of a course ornamented cloth, with its collar, sleeves,front, and back were hemmed with brocade.
I came to 'Aisha while she was praying, and said to her, "What has happened to the people?" She pointed out towards the sky. (I looked towards the mosque), and saw the people offering the prayer. 'Aisha said, "Subhan Allah." I said to her, "Is there a sign?" She nodded with her head meaning, "Yes." I, too, then stood (for the prayer of eclipse) till I became (nearly) unconscious and later on I poured water on my head. After the prayer, the Prophet praised and glorified Allah and then said,
"Just now at this place I have seen what I have never seen before, including Paradise and Hell. No doubt it has been inspired to me that you will be put to trials in your graves and these trials will be like the trials of Masiah-ad-Dajjal or nearly like it (the sub narrator is not sure which expression Asma' used). You will be asked, 'What do you know about this man (the Prophet Muhammad)?' Then the faithful believer (or Asma' said a similar word) will reply, 'He is Muhammad Allah's Apostle who had come to us with clear evidences and guidance and so we accepted his teachings and followed him. And he is Muhammad.' And he will repeat it thrice. Then the angels will say to him, 'Sleep in peace as we have come to know that you were a faithful believer.' On the other hand, a hypocrite or a doubtful person will reply, 'I do not know, but I heard the people saying something and so I said it.' (the same). "
A woman came to the Prophet and said, "If anyone of us gets menses in her clothes then what should she do?" He replied, "She should (take hold of the soiled place), rub it and put it in the water and rub it in order to remove the traces of blood and then pour water over it. Then she can pray in it."
No doubt the Prophet ordered people to manumit slaves during the solar eclipse.
I went to 'Aisha and she was standing praying and the people, too, were standing (praying). So I said, "What is the matter with the people?" She beckoned with her head towards the sky.
I said, "(Is there) a sign?" She nodded intending to say, "Yes."
The Prophet said to me, "Do not withhold your money, (for if you did so) Allah would withhold His blessings from you."
Once I said, "O Allah's Apostle! I have no property except what has been given to me by Az-Zubair (i.e. her husband). May I give in charity?" The Prophet said, "Give in charity and do not withhold it; otherwise Allah will withhold it back from you . "
Allah's Apostle said, "Give (in charity) and do not give reluctantly lest Allah should give you in a limited amount; and do not withhold your money lest Allah should withhold it from you."
I prepared the journey-food for Allah's Apostle in Abu Bakr's house when he intended to emigrate to Medina. I could not find anything to tie the food-container and the water skin with. So, I said to Abu Bakr, "By Allah, I do not find anything to tie (these things) with except my waist belt." He said, "Cut it into two pieces and tie the water-skin with one piece and the food-container with the other (the sub-narrator added, "She did accordingly and that was the reason for calling her Dhatun-Nitaqain (i.e. two-belted woman))."
I prepared the journey food for the Prophet and Abu Bakr when they wanted (to migrate to) Medina. I said to my father (Abu Bakr), "I do not have anything to tie the container of the journey food with except my waist belt." He said, "Divide it lengthwise into two." I did so, and for this reason I was named 'Dhat-un-Nitaqain' (i.e. the owner of two belts). (Ibn 'Abbas said, "Asma', Dhat-un-Nitaq.")
That she conceived 'Abdullah bin Az-Zubair. She added, "I migrated to Medina while I was at full term of pregnancy and alighted at Quba where I gave birth to him. Then I brought him to the Prophet and put him in his lap. The Prophet asked for a date, chewed it, and put some of its juice in the child's mouth. So, the first thing that entered the child's stomach was the saliva of Allah's Apostle. Then the Prophet rubbed the child's palate with a date and invoked for Allah's Blessings on him, and he was the first child born amongst the Emigrants in the Islamic Land (i.e. Medina).
Some lady said, "O Allah's Apostle! My husband has another wife, so it is sinful of me to claim that he has given me what he has not given me (in order to tease her)?" Allah's Apostle said, "The one who pretends that he has been given what he has not been given, is just like the (false) one who wears two garments of falsehood."
I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "There is nothing (none) having a greater sense of Ghira (self-respect) than Allah." And narrated Abu Huraira that he heard the Prophet (saying the same).
We slaughtered a horse (by Dhabh) during the lifetime of Allah's Apostle while we were at Medina, and we ate it.
We slaughtered a horse during the lifetime of Allah's Apostle and ate it.
(the daughter of Abu' Bakr) A woman came to Allah's Apostle and said, "I married my daughter to someone, but she became sick and all her hair fell out, and (because of that) her husband does not like her. May I let her use false hair?" On that the Prophet cursed such a lady as artificially lengthening (her or someone else's) hair or got her hair lengthened artificially.
(the daughter of Abu Bakr) Allah's Apostle has cursed such a lady as artificially lengthening (her or someone else's) hair or gets her hair lengthened.
A woman asked the Prophet saying, "O Allah's Apostle! My daughter got measles and her hair fell out. Now that I got her married, may I let her use false hair?" He said (to her), "Allah has cursed the lady who lengthens hair artificially and the one who gets her hair lengthened artificially."
The Prophet said, "I will be at my Lake-Fount (Kauthar) waiting for whoever will come to me. Then some people will be taken away from me whereupon I will say, 'My followers!' It will be said, 'You do not know they turned Apostates as renegades (deserted their religion).' " [Ibn Abi Mulaika said, "Allah, we seek refuge with You from turning on our heels from the (Islamic) religion and from being put to trial]".
A woman asked Allah's Apostle, "O Allah's Apostle! What should we do, if the blood of menses falls on our clothes?" Allah's Apostle replied, "If the blood of menses falls on the garment of anyone of you, she must take hold of the blood spot, rub it, and wash it with water and then pray in (with it)."
The Prophet once offered the eclipse prayer. He stood for a long time and then did a prolonged bowing. He stood up straight again and kept on standing for a long time, then bowed a long bowing and then stood up straight and then prostrated a prolonged prostration and then lifted his head and prostrated a prolonged prostration. And then he stood up for a long time and then did a prolonged bowing and then stood up straight again and kept on standing for a long time. Then he bowed a long bowing and then stood up straight and then prostrated a prolonged prostration and then lifted his head and went for a prolonged prostration. On completion of the prayer, he said, "Paradise became as near to me that if I had dared, I would have plucked one of its bunches for you and Hell became so near to me that I said, 'O my Lord will I be among those people?' Then suddenly I saw a woman and a cat was lacerating her with it claws. On inquiring, it was said that the woman had imprisoned the cat till it died of starvation and she neither fed it no freed it so that it could feed itself."
Allah's Apostle once stood up delivering a sermon and mentioned the trial which people will face in the grave. When he mentioned that, the Muslims started shouting loudly.
The Prophet prayed the eclipse prayer, and then said, "Hell was displayed so close that I said, 'O my Lord ! Am I going to be one of its inhabitants?' " Suddenly he saw a woman. I think he said, who was being scratched by a cat. He said, "What is wrong with her?" He was told, "She had imprisoned it (i.e. the cat) till it died of hunger."
During the period of the peace treaty of Quraish with Allah's Apostle, my mother, accompanied by her father, came to visit me, and she was a pagan. I consulted Allah's Apostle, "O Allah's Apostle! My mother has come to me and she desires to receive a reward from me, shall I keep good relation with her?" He said, "Yes, keep good relation with her."
I came to 'Aisha the wife of the Prophet during the solar eclipse. The people were standing and offering the prayer and she was also praying. I asked her, "What is wrong with the people?" She beckoned with her hand towards the sky and said, "Subhan Allah." I asked her, "Is there a sign?" She pointed out, "Yes." So I, too, stood for the prayer till I fell unconscious and later on I poured water on my head. After the prayer, Allah's Apostle praised and glorified Allah and said, "Just now I have seen something which I never saw before at this place of mine, including Paradise and Hell. I have been inspired (and have understood) that you will be put to trials in your graves and these trials will be like the trials of Ad-Dajjal, or nearly like it (the sub narrator is not sure of what Asma' said). Angels will come to every one of you and ask, 'What do you know about this man?' A believer will reply, 'He is Muhammad, Allah's Apostle, and he came to us with self-evident truth and guidance. So we accepted his teaching, believed and followed him.' Then the angels will say to him to sleep in peace as they have come to know that he was a believer. On the other hand a hypocrite or a doubtful person will reply, 'I do not know but heard the people saying something and so I said the same.' "
that she had gone to the Prophet and he said, "Do not shut your money bag; otherwise Allah too will withhold His blessings from you. Spend (in Allah's cause) as much as you can afford. "
The Prophet ordered us to free slaves at the time of solar eclipses.
We were ordered to free slaves at the time of lunar eclipses.
My mother came to me during the lifetime of Allah's Apostle and she was a pagan. I said to Allah's Apostle (seeking his verdict), "My mother has come to me and she desires to receive a reward from me, shall I keep good relations with her?" The Prophet said, "Yes, keep good relation with her."
I used to carry the date stones on my head from the land of Az-Zubair which Allah's Apostle had given to him, and it was at a distance of 2/3 of a Farsakh from my house.
Narrated Hisham's father: The Prophet (gave Az-Zubair a piece of land from the property of Bani An-Nadir (gained as war booty).
When Az-Zubair married me, he had no real property or any slave or anything else except a camel which drew water from the well, and his horse. I used to feed his horse with fodder and drew water and sew the bucket for drawing it, and prepare the dough, but I did not know how to bake bread. So our Ansari neighbors used to bake bread for me, and they were honorable ladies. I used to carry the date stones on my head from Zubair's land given to him by Allah's Apostle and this land was two third Farsakh (about two miles) from my house. One day, while I was coming with the date stones on my head, I met Allah's Apostle along with some Ansari people. He called me and then, (directing his camel to kneel down) said, "Ikh! Ikh!" so as to make me ride behind him (on his camel). I felt shy to travel with the men and remembered Az-Zubair and his sense of Ghira, as he was one of those people who had the greatest sense of Ghira. Allah's Apostle noticed that I felt shy, so he proceeded. I came to Az-Zubair and said, "I met Allah's Apostle while I was carrying a load of date stones on my head, and he had some companions with him. He made his camel kneel down so that I might ride, but I felt shy in his presence and remembered your sense of Ghira." (See the glossary.) On that Az-Zubair said, "By Allah, your carrying the date stones (and you being seen by the Prophet in such a state) is more shameful to me than your riding with him." (I continued serving in this way) till Abu Bakr sent me a servant to look after the horse, whereupon I felt as if he had set me free.
I conceived 'Abdullah bin Az-Zubair at Mecca and went out (of Mecca) while I was about to give birth. I came to Medina and encamped at Quba', and gave birth at Quba'. Then I brought the child to Allah's Apostle and placed it (on his lap). He asked for a date, chewed it, and put his saliva in the mouth of the child. So the first thing to enter its stomach was the saliva of Allah's Apostle. Then he did its Tahnik with a date, and invoked Allah to bless him. It was the first child born in the Islamic era, therefore they (Muslims) were very happy with its birth, for it had been said to them that the Jews had bewitched them, and so they would not produce any offspring.
We slaughtered a horse (by Nahr) during the lifetime of the Prophet and ate it.
We slaughtered a horse (by Nahr) during the lifetime of Allah's Apostle and ate it.
My mother came to me, hoping (for my favor) during the lifetime of the Prophet. I asked the Prophet, "May I treat her kindly?" He replied, "Yes." Ibn 'Uyaina said, "Then Allah revealed: 'Allah forbids you not with regards to those who fought not against you because of religion, and drove you not out from your homes, that you should show them kindness and deal justly with them.'.......(60.8)"
The Prophet said, "I will be standing at the Lake-Fount so that I will see whom among you will come to me; and some people will be taken away from me, and I will say, 'O Lord, (they are) from me and from my followers.' Then it will be said, 'Did you notice what they did after you? By Allah, they kept on turning on their heels (turned as renegades).' " The sub-narrator, Ibn Abi Mulaika said, "O Allah, we seek refuge with You from turning on our heels, or being put to trial in our religion."
I came to 'Aisha during the solar eclipse. The people were standing (offering prayer) and she too, was standing and offering prayer. I asked, "What is wrong with the people?" She pointed towards the sky with her hand and said, "Subhan Allah!" I asked her, "Is there a sign?" She nodded with her head meaning, yes. When Allah's Apostle finished (the prayer), he glorified and praised Allah and said, "There is not anything that I have not seen before but I have seen now at this place of mine, even Paradise and Hell. It has been revealed to me that you people will be put to trial nearly like the trial of Ad-Dajjal, in your graves. As for the true believer or a Muslim (the sub-narrator is not sure as to which of the two (words Asma' had said) he will say, 'Muhammad came with clear signs from Allah, and we responded to him (accepted his teachings) and believed (what he said).' It will be said (to him) 'Sleep in peace; we have known that you were a true believer who believed with certainty.' As for a hypocrite or a doubtful person, (the sub-narrator is not sure as to which word Asma' said) he will say, 'I do not know, but I heard the people saying something and so I said the same.' "