Hamnah said my menstruation was great in quantity and severe. SoI came to the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) for a decisionand told him. I found him in the house of my sister, Zaynab,daughter of Jahsh. I said: Apostle of Allah, I am a woman whomenstruates in great quantity and it is severe, so what do youthink about it? It has prevented me from praying and fasting. Hesaid: I suggest that you should use cotton, for it absorbs theblood.She replied: It is too copious for that. He said: Thentake a cloth. She replied: It is too copious for that, for myblood keeps flowing. The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him)said: I shall give you two commands; whichever of them youfollow, that will be sufficient for you without the other, butyou know best whether you are strong enough to follow both ofthem. He added: This is a stroke of the Devil, so observe yourmenses for six or seven days, Allah alone knows which it shouldbe; then wash. And when you see that you are purified and quiteclean, pray during twenty-three or twenty-four days and nightsand fast, for that will be enough for you, and do so every month,just as women menstruate and are purified at the time of theirmenstruation and their purification. But if you are strongenough to delay the noon (Zuhr) prayer and advance the afternoon('Asr) prayer, to wash, and then combine the noon and theafternoon prayer; to delay the sunset prayer and advance thenight prayer, to wash, and then combine the two prayers, do so:and to wash at dawn, do so: and fast if you are able to do so ifpossible; The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) said: Of thetwo commands this is more to my liking.
My father said, "When Allah's Apostle became seriously ill, he was told about the prayer. He said, 'Tell Abu Bakr to lead the people in the prayer.' 'Aisha said, 'Abu Bakr is a softhearted man and he would be overpowered by his weeping if he recited the Qur'an.' He said to them, 'Tell him (Abu Bakr) to lead the prayer.' The same reply was given to him. He said again, 'Tell him to lead the prayer. You (women) are the companions of Joseph.' "
The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) appointed him commanderover a detachment. He said: I went out along with it. He (theProphet) said: If you find so-and-so, burn him with the fire. Ithen turned away, and he called me. So I returned to him, and hesaid: If you find so-and-so, kill him, and do not burn him, forno one punishes with fire except the Lord of the fire.
Allah's Apostle said, "While I was sleeping, I saw myself drinking (i.e. milk), and I was so contented that I saw the milk flowing through my nails. Then I gave (the milk) to 'Umar." They (i.e. the companions of the Prophet) asked, "What do you interpret it?" He said, "Knowledge."
When Hani went with his people in a deputation to the Apostle ofAllah (peace be upon him), he heard them calling him by hiskunyah (surname), AbulHakam. So the Apostle of Allah (peace beupon him) called him and said: Allah is the judge (al-Hakam), andto Him judgment belongs. Why are you given the kunyah AbulHakam? He replied: When my people disagree about a matter, they come tome, and I decide between them, and both parties are satisfiedwith my decision. He said: How good this is! What children haveyou? He replied: I have Shurayh, Muslim and Abdullah.He asked;Who is the oldest of them? I replied: Shurayh. He said: Thenyou are AbuShurayh.
I met AbuBakr.He said: Who are you? He (Hanzalah) said:Hanzalah has turned out to be a hypocrite. He (AbuBakr) said:Hallowed be Allah, what are you saying? Thereupon he said: I saythat when we are in the company of Allah's Messenger (peace beupon him) we ponder over Hell-Fire and Paradise as if we areseeing them before our very eyes. When we are away from Allah'sApostle (peace be upon him) we attend to our wives, our children,our business; most of these things (pertaining to the After life)slip out of our minds.AbuBakr said: By Allah, I also experiencethe same. So AbuBakr and I went to Allah's Apostle (peace beupon him) and said to him: Allah's Apostle (peace be upon him),Hanzalah has turned to be a hypocrite.Thereupon Allah's Apostle(peace be upon him) said: What has happened to you? I said:Allah's Apostle, when we are in your company, we are reminded ofHell-Fire and Paradise as if we are seeing them with our owneyes, but whenever we go away from you and attend to our wives,children and business, many of these things go out of our minds. Thereupon Allah's Apostle (peace be upon him) said: By Him inWhose Hand is my life, if your state of mind remains the same asit is in my presence and you are always busy in remembrance (ofAllah), the angels will shake hands with you in your beds and onyour paths. However, Hanzalah, time should be devoted (to theworldly affairs) and time (should be devoted to prayer andmeditation). He (the holy Prophet) said this thrice.
Rafi bin Khadij said, "My two uncles told me that they (i.e. the companions of the Prophet) used to rent the land in the lifetime of the Prophet for the yield on the banks of water streams (rivers) or for a portion of the yield stipulated by the owner of the land. The Prophet forbade it." I said to Rafi, "What about renting the land for Dinars and Dirhams?" He replied, "There is no harm in renting for Dinars-Dirhams." Al-Laith said, "If those who have discernment for distinguishing what is legal from what is illegal looked into what has been forbidden concerning this matter they would not permit it, for it is surrounded with dangers."
The Prophet led us in the prayer at Mina during the peace period by offering two Rakat.
I heard the Prophet saying, "O people! Give in charity as a time will come upon you when a person will wander about with his object of charity and will not find anybody to accept it, and one (who will be requested to take it) will say, "If you had brought it yesterday, would have taken it, but today I am not in need of it."
I heard the Prophet (p.b.u.h) saying, "(O people!) Give in charity (for Allah's cause) because a time will come when a person will carry his object of charity from place to place (and he will not find any person to take it) and any person whom he shall request to take it, I will reply, 'If you had brought it yesterday I would have taken it, but today I am not in need of it."
The Prophet led us in a two-Rak'at prayer at Mina although our number was more than ever and we were in better security than ever.
Al-Khuzai: The Prophet said, "Shall I inform you about the people of Paradise? They comprise every obscure unimportant humble person, and if he takes Allah's Oath that he will do that thing, Allah will fulfill his oath (by doing that). Shall I inform you about the people of the Fire? They comprise every cruel, violent, proud and conceited person." Anas bin Malik said, "Any of the female slaves of Medina could take hold of the hand of Allah's Apostle and take him wherever she wished."
I heard the Prophet mentioning the Lake-Fount (Al-Kauthar), saying, "(The width of the Lake-Fount) is equal to the distance between Medina and Sana' (capital of Yemen)." Haritha said that he heard the Prophet saying that his Lake-Fount would be as large as the distance between Sana' and Medina. Al-Mustaurid said to Haritha, "Didn't you hear him talking about the vessels?" He said, "No." Al-Mustaurid said, "The vessels are seen in it as (numberless as) the stars."
I heard the Prophet saying, "Shall I tell you of the people of Paradise? They comprise every poor humble person, and if he swears by Allah to do something, Allah will fulfill it; while the people of the fire comprise every violent, cruel arrogant person."
I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "Give in charity because there will come a time on the people when a person will go out with his alms from place to place but will not find anybody to accept it."
I heard the Prophet saying, "May I tell you of the people of Paradise? Every weak and poor obscure person whom the people look down upon but his oath is fulfilled by Allah when he takes an oath to do something. And may I inform you of the people of the Hell-Fire? They are all those violent, arrogant and stubborn people."
I prayed along with the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) atMina and the people gathered there in large numbers. He led ustwo rak'ahs in prayer in the Farewell Pilgrimage.
That he asked 'Abdullah bin Busr (i.e. the companion of the Prophet), "Did you see the Prophet when he was old?" He said, "He had a few white hairs between the lower lip and the chin."
(Usama's Maula) Usama (bin Zaid) sent me to 'Ali (at Kufa) and said, "'Ali will ask you, 'What has prevented your companion from joining me?' You then should say to him, 'If you ('Ali) were in the mouth of a lion, I would like to be with you, but in this matter I won't take any part.' " Harmala added: "'Ali didn't give me anything (when I conveyed the message to him) so I went to Hasan, Hussain and Ibn Ja'far and they loaded my camels with much (wealth)."
I saw the Prophet (peace be upon him) addressing the people onhis she-camel al-Adba', on the day of sacrifice at Mina.
Sa'id said: Umar passed by Hassan when he was reciting verses inthe mosque. He looked at him. Thereupon he said: I used to reciteverses when there was present in it the one who was better thanyou (i.e. the Prophet).
Knowledge is of two types. Firstly, knowledge perceived by the heart, and that is useful knowledge; secondly, the knowledge at on the tip of one's tongue, and that is an argument from Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, against the children of Adam.
Transmitted by Darimi.
Al-Hasan learnt the following from the Prophet (peace be upon him): Leave alone that which involves thee in doubt, and adhere to that which is free from doubt, for truth is comforting and falsehood is disturbing.
Transmitted by Tirmidhi.
I have learnt from the Prophet (peace be upon him) and preserved this (in my memory): Leave those things which create doubts in your mind and adopt that which does not create any doubt in your mind.
Transmitted by Tirmidhi.
Ja'far ibn Muhammad told on his father's authority that when al-Hasan ibn Ali was sitting, a bier was brought past him and the people stood up till the bier had gone by. Al-Hasan then said, "A bier carrying a Jew was brought past when Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) was sitting in its path, and just because he did not like having a Jew's bier higher than his head he stood up."
Nasa'i transmitted it.
She reported on the authority of her paternal uncle: I asked theProphet (peace be upon him): Who are in Paradise? He replied:Prophets are in Paradise, martyrs are in Paradise, infants are inParadise and children buried alive are in Paradise.
I asked Abu Huraira "By Allah! Tell me the truth whether you heard the Prophet saying, 'O Hassan! Reply on behalf of Allah's Apostle. O Allah! Help him with the Holy Spirit.'" Abu Huraira said, "Yes."
No one ever made an innovation in their religion but Allah withdrew the equal portion from their Sunnah and He would not restore it to them till the Day of Resurrection.
Transmitted by Darimi.