سُبْحَانَ ٱللَّٰهِ
Holy Qur'an
Kids Qur'an
Enjoin the believing men to lower their gaze and guard theirmodesty; that is chaster for them. Surely Allah is well aware oftheir actions.
Those who lower their voices and speak softly in the presence ofAllah's Rasool are the ones whose hearts Allah has tested forpiety; they shall have forgiveness and a great reward.
We did not find most of them true to their commitments rather Wefound that most of them were transgressors.
Indeed successful are those believers
who are humble in their Salah (prayers),
who avoid vain talk,
who are punctual in the payment of Zakah (charity),
who guard their private parts
except with their spouses or those who are legally in theirpossession, for in that case they shall not be blamed
- however those who seek to go beyond that in lust are the oneswho shall be the transgressors
- who are true to their trust and covenants,
and who are diligent about their Salah (prayers).
These are the heirs
who will inherit paradise; and live therein forever.
As for those who say: "Our God is Allah," and then stay firm onit, the angels will descend on them, saying: "Let nothing fear orgrieve you. Rejoice for the good news of paradise that has beenpromised to you.
We are your protectors in this life and in the hereafter. Thereyou shall find all that your souls desire and all that you canask for:
A hospitable gift from the All-Forgiving, All-Merciful."
Indeed successful are those believers
who are humble in their Salah (prayers),
who avoid vain talk,
who are punctual in the payment of Zakah (charity),
who guard their private parts
except with their spouses or those who are legally in theirpossession, for in that case they shall not be blamed
- however those who seek to go beyond that in lust are the oneswho shall be the transgressors
- who are true to their trust and covenants,
and who are diligent about their Salah (prayers).
These are the heirs
who will inherit paradise; and live therein forever.
On their tongues is the promise of obedience and good talk, so ifthey would have proved their promise with Allah when the finalcommand was given, it would have been better for them.
Now what can be expected of you if you are put in authority,other than to do evil in the land and violate the ties of blood.
Such are those whom Allah has cursed and made them deaf andblinded their sight.
Will they not ponder upon the Qur'an? Are there locks upon theirhearts?
We gave wisdom to Luqman so that he may be grateful to Allah. Theone who pay thanks, does so for his own good; and the one whodenies His favors, should know that Allah is certainly free ofall wants, worthy of all praise.
Have you ever seen the one who has taken his own desires as hisgod? Would you take the responsibility of guiding him?
O believers! Stand firm for justice and bear true witness for thesake of Allah, even though it be against yourselves, your parentsor your relatives. It does not matter whether the party is richor poor - Allah is well wisher of both. So let not your selfishdesires swerve you from justice. If you distort your testimony ordecline to give it, then you should remember that Allah is fullyaware of your actions.
Keep yourself content with those who call on their Rabb morning and evening seeking His good pleasure; and let not your eyes turn away from them desiring the attraction of Worldly Life; nor obey the one whose heart We have permitted to neglect Our remembrance, who follows his own desires and goes to extremes in the conduct of his affairs.
But the generations who succeeded them abandoned the Salah andstarted following their lusts; so they will soon face theconsequences of their deviation.
Do not strain your eyes with envy regarding the worldly benefitsWe have bestowed on some among them, for with these We seek totest them, the lawful provision of your Rabb is better and morelasting.
So if they do not meet this demand, you should know that theyonly follow their own desires. And who is more misguided than theone who follows his own desires rather than the guidance fromAllah? In fact, Allah does not guide such wrongdoing people.
Nay! The wrongdoers are led by their own appetites, without realknowledge. So who can guide those whom Allah leaves astray? Theywill have no helpers.
Some of them indeed listen to you but no sooner do they leaveyour presence than they ask those endowed with knowledge: "Whatwas it that he said just now?" Such are the men upon whose heartsAllah has set a seal, and who follow their own desires.
O believers! Stand firm for justice and bear true witness for thesake of Allah, even though it be against yourselves, your parentsor your relatives. It does not matter whether the party is richor poor - Allah is well wisher of both. So let not your selfishdesires swerve you from justice. If you distort your testimony ordecline to give it, then you should remember that Allah is fullyaware of your actions.
Have you noticed the words of that person who rejects OurRevelations yet boasts: "I shall always be given wealth andchildren".
Has he gained knowledge of the Unseen or has he been awarded acontract by the Compassionate (Allah)?
By no means! We write down what he says and We will make hispunishment long and terrible.
We will inherit all that he boasts of, and he will come back toUs all alone leaving all these things behind.
We also selected Lut, who said to his people: "Will you do suchindecent acts as no one else in the world has committed beforeyou?
When Our messengers, in the form of beautiful young men, came toLut, he became upset about them, for he felt helpless to offerthem protection against his nation's many violent homosexual men.He said: "This is a critical day."
Then he asked: "On what expedition you have been sent, Oemissaries of Allah?"
To Lut (Lot) We gave wisdom and knowledge, and We delivered himfrom the town which practiced abominations - surely itsinhabitants were very wicked transgressors
The people of Lut (Lot), also, disbelieved their Rasools.
Also mention to them of Lut (Lot), when he said to his people:"Do you commit indecency though you see its iniquity?
Witnessing this whole incident, Lut (Lot) affirmed his beliefwith Ibrahim. Finally Ibrahim said: "I will migrate towards myRabb (go where my Rabb has bidden me). He is the Mighty, theWise."
Lut was one of Our Rasools.
JUZ (PART): 27 Ibrahim (Abraham) asked: "O Divine Messengers,what is your errand?"
Another example is the people of Lut (Lot) who disbelieved Ourwarning.
The messengers said: "O Lut! We are the messengers of your Rabb.They will not be able to harm you. Now, take your family and getout of this town while yet a part of the night remains - and letnone of you turn back - except your wife, who should be leftbehind. She will face the same fate as they. Their scheduled timeof doom is the morning. Is not the morning very close?"
except his wife, who, Allah says, has been destined to remainwith those who will stay behind."
Allah has set an example to the unbelievers in the wife of Nuh(Noah) and the wife of Lut (Lot). They were married to two of Ourrighteous servants, but they betrayed them. In no way could theirhusbands protect them from Allah. Both of them were told: "Enterthe fire, along with those who enter."
As for those of the left hand - how unfortunate will be thepeople of the left hand!
They will be in the midst of scorching winds and in boilingwater:
in the shade of a pitch-black smoke,
neither cool nor refreshing.
For they lived in comfort before meeting this fate.
He put hypocrisy into their hearts to last till the Day whereinthey shall meet Him as a consequence of their breach of covenantwith Allah and the lies they told.
Shall I tell you, O people, on whom the shaitans descend?
They descend on every slandering sinner.
Those who listen to hearsay - and most of them are liars
Beware! Sincere true obedience is due to Allah Alone! As forthose who take other guardians (worship the saints) besides Himand justify their conduct, saying: "We worship them only thatthey may bring us nearer to Allah." Surely Allah will judgebetween them concerning all that in which they differ. Allah doesnot guide him who is a liar and a disbeliever.
Do not follow anyone except the one who follows your ownreligion." O Muhammad, tell them: "The only true guidance is theguidance of Allah." These people of the Book do not believe thatrevelation could be sent to anyone besides themselves, like thatwhich has been sent to you; or that they will ever argue with youin the presence of your Rabb. Tell them: "For sure, grace is inthe hands of Allah: He bestows it on whom He pleases; Allah hasboundless knowledge."
There are some among them who twist their tongues pretending aquote from their Holy Book; so that you may think that what theyread is a part of the Book, whereas, in fact it is not a part ofthe Book. They also assert, "It is from Allah" whereas, in factit is not from Allah. Thus they deliberately ascribe a lie toAllah.
It is not possible for a man whom Allah has given the Book, theWisdom and the Prophethood, that he would say to the people:"Worship me instead of Allah." On the contrary he would say: "Bedevoted worshippers of your Rabb in accordance with the Holy Bookyou have been teaching and reading."
He would never ask you to take angels and prophets as your lords.Would he ask you to become kafir (unbelievers) after you havebecome Muslims (believers)?
All food, that is lawful in Islamic Law, was also Halal (lawful)for the children of Israel except what Israel (Ya'qoob) madeHaram (unlawful) for himself before the Taurat (Torah) wasrevealed to Musa. Ask them: "Bring the Taurat (Torah) and read apassage from it in support of your objection, if what you say istrue."
Then whoever fabricates a lie against Allah after this, willindeed be unjust.
O People of the Book! Do not transgress the limits of yourreligion. Speak nothing but the Truth about Allah. The Messiah,Isa (Jesus) the son of Maryam (Mary) was no more than a Rasool ofAllah and His Word "Be" which He bestowed on Maryam and a Spiritfrom Him which took the shape of a child in her womb. So believein Allah and His Rasools and do not say: "Trinity"." Stop sayingthat, it is better for you. Allah is only One Deity. He is farabove from the need of having a son! To Him belongs all that isin the heavens and in the Earth. Allah Alone is sufficient forprotection.