سُبْحَانَ ٱللَّٰهِ
Holy Qur'an
Kids Qur'an
For Madyan We selected their brother Shuaib, who said: "O mypeople! Worship Allah, you have no other god but Him. A clearguidance has come to you from your Rabb. Give just measure andweight, do not undersell others in their goods, and do not createmischief in the land after it has been set in order; this isbetter for you if you are true believers.
To the people of Median We sent their brother Shu'aib. He said:"O my people! Worship Allah, you have no god but Him. Do not giveshort measure and weight. Although I see you in prosperity today,I fear for you the scourge of a Day that will encircle you.
To the people of Madyan We sent their brother Shu'aib, who said:"O my people! Worship Allah and look forward to the Last Day, anddo not transgress in the land wickedly."
Establish Salah from the decline of the sun till the darkness ofthe night (Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha) and read at Fajr (dawn);for the reading at Fajr is witnessed (by the angels).
Surely as for those who are true believers (the Muslims), theJews, the Sabians, the Christians, the Magians and the ones whocommit shirk (polytheists) - Allah will judge between them on theDay of Resurrection; for Allah is a witness over everything.
Their hearts are preoccupied with worldly affairs; thesewrongdoers say to each other in private: "Is this man (Muhammad)not a human being like yourselves? Would you follow witchcraftwith your eyes open?"
Today when Our clear revelations are recited to them, they say:"This man only wants to turn you away from those gods to whomyour forefathers have been worshipping." Others say: "This Qur'anis nothing but an invented falsehood." While yet others, who denythe truth when it comes to them, say: "This is nothing but plainmagic."
In fact, neither had We given them books to study, nor had Wesent to them any Warner before you.
Those who have gone before them also denied - these Arabs havenot received one tenth of what We had granted them - yet whenthey denied My Rasools, see how terrible was My scourge.
It is neither their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah; itis your piety that reaches Him. Thus, He has subjected theseanimals to you so that you may glorify Allah for giving youguidance, and O Prophet, give good news to those who do good toothers.
Proclaim the greatness of your Rabb,
And let those who do not find means to marry keep themselveschaste until Allah enriches them out of His bounty. As for thoseof your slaves who wish to buy out their liberty, execute thedeed of liberty with them if you find them deserving, and givethem some of the wealth which Allah has given you. Do not forceyour slave-girls into prostitution for your own worldly gains, ifthey wish to preserve their chastity; and if anyone forces theminto it, then surely after such a compulsion Allah will beforgiving and merciful to them.
And let those who do not find means to marry keep themselveschaste until Allah enriches them out of His bounty. As for thoseof your slaves who wish to buy out their liberty, execute thedeed of liberty with them if you find them deserving, and givethem some of the wealth which Allah has given you. Do not forceyour slave-girls into prostitution for your own worldly gains, ifthey wish to preserve their chastity; and if anyone forces theminto it, then surely after such a compulsion Allah will beforgiving and merciful to them.
And let those who do not find means to marry keep themselveschaste until Allah enriches them out of His bounty. As for thoseof your slaves who wish to buy out their liberty, execute thedeed of liberty with them if you find them deserving, and givethem some of the wealth which Allah has given you. Do not forceyour slave-girls into prostitution for your own worldly gains, ifthey wish to preserve their chastity; and if anyone forces theminto it, then surely after such a compulsion Allah will beforgiving and merciful to them.
It is not for the mushrikin to maintain the mosques of Allahwhile they bear witness against themselves about their unbelief.It is they whose deeds are in vain and in the hellfire shall theylive forever.
Reasonable provisions must also be made for divorced women. Thatis an obligation upon those who fear Allah.
Those of you who die and leave widows should bequeath for them ayear's maintenance without causing them to leave their homes; butif they leave the residence on their own there is no blame on youfor what they chose for themselves in a fair way. Allah isMighty, Wise.
In regard to inheritance Allah commands you concerning yourchildren: that the share of a boy shall be twice that of a girl.In the case where there are more than two girls, their share willbe two thirds of the estate; but if there is only one girl, hershare will be one half of the estate. If the deceased leftchildren behind, each of the parents shall get one sixth of theestate, but if the deceased left no children and the parents arethe only heirs, the mother shall get one third of the estate, butif the deceased left brothers and sisters, then the mother willget one sixth of it. The distribution in all cases shall be afterfulfilling the terms of the last will and the payment of debts.With regards to your parents and your children, you do not knowwho is more beneficial to you, therefore, Allah issued thisordinance. Surely Allah is the Knowledgeable, Wise.
They ask you for a legal decision relating to inheritance in thecase of a childless person. Say: Allah gives you His decisionabout those who leave no descendants or ascendants as heirs. If aman dies childless and leaves behind a sister, she shall inheritone-half of his estate. If a woman dies childless, her brotherwill inherit all of her estate. If the childless person leavesbehind two sisters, they both shall inherit two-third of hisestate; but if he leaves more than two brothers and sisters, theshare of each male shall be equal to that of two females. ThusAllah makes His commandments clear to you lest you go astray.Allah has perfect knowledge of everything.
Neither yield to any mean oath-monger,
mischief making slanderer,
opponent of good, transgressor,
wicked oppressor, and above all, ignoble by birth,
though he be possessing wealth and children.
When Our revelations are recited to him , he says: "They arenothing but the tales of the ancient."
Soon We shall brand him on the snout.
And those who annoy believing men and believing women, for nofault of theirs, shall bear the guilt of slander and an evidentsin.
There are some people among them who molest the Prophet saying:"He is one who believes everything that he hears." Say: "It isgood for you that he listens to what is best for you; he believesin Allah, has faith in the believers, and is a blessing for thoseof you who are true believers." As for those who molest theRasool, will have a painful punishment.
If a women fears cruelty or desertion from her husband, there isno blame if both of them agree to reconcile by means of acompromise, after all compromise is better. Human souls are proneto narrow- mindedness, but if you show generosity and fear Allahin your dealings, surely Allah is well aware of your actions.
We shall surely test your steadfastness with fear and famine,with loss of property, life and produce. Give good news to thosewho endure with patience;
You shall certainly be tested with by means of your wealth andwith your persons; and you will certainly hear much that ishurtful from those who were given the Book before you, and fromthe mushrikin. But if you endure with patience and have fear ofAllah, this will surely be a proof of your firm determination.
We shall put you to test until We know the valiant and theresolute among you, and test all that is said about you.
The life of men when they get to the age of puberty is tempted bydesire for women when they get married children, when they getchildren the hoarding of treasures of gold and silver, splendidhorses, cattle, and plantations. These are the comforts for thetransitory life of this world; the everlasting best comfort,however, is with Allah.
O mankind! Have fear of your Rabb, the One who created you from asingle soul, from that soul He created its mate, and through themHe spread countless men and women. Fear Allah, the One in whosename you demand your rights from one another and the ties ofrelationship; surely Allah is watching you very closely.
Your Rabb has decreed to you that: You shall worship none butHim, and you shall be kind to your parents; if one or both ofthem live to their old age in your lifetime, you shall not say tothem any word of contempt nor repel them and you shall addressthem in kind words.
We have enjoined man to show kindness to his parents; but if they(your parents) force you to commit shirk with Me, of which youhave no knowledge, do not obey them. To Me is your return and Iwill inform you of what you have done.
O believers, give what is due to your relatives, the needy andthe traveller in need. That is best for those who seek thepleasure of Allah and it is they who will attain felicity.
O mankind! Have fear of your Rabb and fear that Day when nofather shall avail his son nor a son his father. Surely thepromise of Allah is true. Let not the life of this world deceiveyou, nor let the Deceiver (Shaitan) deceive you concerning Allah.
We have enjoined man to treat his parents with kindness. Withmuch trouble his mother bore him, and much pain did she give himbirth. His bearing and his weaning took thirty months. When hereaches the age of full strength and becomes forty years old, hesays: "My Rabb! Grant me the grace that I may thank you for thefavors which You have bestowed on me and on my parents, and thatI may do good deeds that will please You, and grant me goodchildren. Surely I turn to You in repentance and surely I am ofthose who are Muslims."
with the exception of those who offer the Salah (prayer),
Today all good clean things have been made lawful for you; andthe food of the People of the Book is also made lawful for youand your food is made lawful for them. Likewise, marriage withchaste free believing women and also chaste women among thePeople who were given the Book before you is made lawful for you,provided that you give them their dowries and desire chastity,neither committing fornication nor taking them as mistresses.Anyone who commits Kufr with Iman (rejects faith), all his gooddeeds will be in vain and in the Hereafter he will be one of thelosers.
When they neglected the warning they had received, then, insteadof punishment, We opened the gates of every kind of prosperityfor them; but just as they were rejoicing in what they weregiven, We suddenly seized them; lo! They were plunged intodespair!
He is the One Who takes your souls at night (makes you go tosleep) and knows what you do during the day, then next day raisesyou up again to complete your allotted span of life. To Him youshall all return, then He will notify you of all that you havedone."
On that Day when He will gather them all together, it will appearto them as if they had not stayed in this world but an hour of aday to get to know each other. At that time they will realizethat: in fact the losers are those who denied the meeting withAllah and were not rightly guided.
This is the command of Allah which He has sent down to you. Hethat fears Allah, will have his sins removed and his rewardenlarged.
He is the One Who has made you the inheritors of the earth andraised some of you in ranks over others so that He may test youin what He has given you. Surely your Rabb is swift inretribution; yet He is also very Forgiving, Merciful."
We are the One Who established you on earth, and provided youmeans of your sustenance therein: yet little it is that you paythanks.
When it is said to them: "Have fear of that which is before youand that which is behind you, so that you may receive mercy,"they pay no heed.
Yet he hopes that I shall give him more.
O children of Adam! Let not Shaitan seduce you in the same manneras he seduced your parents out of paradise through stripping themof their clothing in order to expose their nakedness. He and histribe watch you from where you cannot see them. We have permittedthe shaitans to be the guardians over the unbelievers.
O Prophet, remind mankind about incident when your Rabb broughtinto existence the offspring from the loins of Adam and hisdescendants (virtually each single individual of mankind) andmade them testify about themselves. Allah asked them: "Am I notyour Rabb?" They all replied: "Yes! We bear witness that Youare." This We did, lest you mankind should say on the Day ofResurrection: "We were not aware of this fact that You are ourRabb and that there will be a Day of Judgement.
He is the one who created you from a single being and from thatbeing He created his mate, so that he might find comfort withher. When he covers her, she conceives a light burden and walksaround with it. When it grows heavy they both pray to Allah theirRabb saying: "If You will grant us a healthy child, we will betruly thankful."
Whenever affliction touches a man, he prays to Us, whether lyingdown on his side, sitting, or standing on his feet. But as soonas We relieve his affliction he walks away as if he had neverprayed to Us for removing that affliction which touched him! Thusthe foul deeds which they do are made fair-seeming to thetransgressors.
If We let man taste any mercy from Us, then withdraw it from him,he becomes despairing, ungrateful.
Whenever any adversity strikes you at sea, all those to whom youpray besides Him forsake you except He; yet when He brings yousafe to the land, you turn your backs upon Him. Indeed, man isever ungrateful.
There are some among people, who say: "We believe in Allah;" yetwhen they suffer in the cause of Allah they confuse thepersecution of people with the punishment of Allah. But whenthere comes help in the shape of a victory from your Rabb, theyare sure to say: "We have always been with you." Is not Allahfully aware of what is in the hearts of the people of the world?
If they embark on a ship, and the ship gets into trouble, theycall upon Allah, being sincerely obedient to Him; but when Hebrings them safely to land, they start committing shirk (givingcredit for their safe arrival to others);
When an affliction befalls the people, they turn in prayer totheir Rabb in repentance. But when He let them taste a blessingfrom Him, lo! Some of them start committing shirk,
When any giant wave covers them like a canopy, they pray to Allahwith all devotion making their faith pure for Him. But when Hedelivers them safely to land, some of them falter between beliefand unbelief. None reject Our revelations except the treacherousand the ungrateful.
When some trouble befalls man, he cries to his Rabb and turns toHim in repentance; but no sooner does He bestow on him His favorthan he forgets what he has prayed for and sets up rivals toAllah, thus misleading others from His Way. Tell such people:"Enjoy your unbelief for a little while; certainly you will be ofthe inmates of hellfire."
Man is such that when he is in trouble he appeals to Us; but whenWe bestow Our favor upon him, he says: "This has been given to mebecause of certain knowledge I possess." Nay! It is but a test,yet most of them do not know.
Man is never tired of praying for good, but when any evil befallshim, he loses hope and is in despair.
Now if they give no heed, they should know that We have not sentyou, O Muhammad, to be their keeper. Your only duty is to conveyMy message. Man is such that when We give him a taste of OurMercy, he is very happy about it; but when, through his ownfault, an evil afflicts him, he becomes utterly ungrateful."
As for man, when his Rabb tries him through giving him honor andblessings, he says: "My Rabb is bountiful to me."
when I complete his moulding and breath into him of My spirit,kneel down and prostrate before him."
He created man from a drop of semen, yet he is an open contender.
It is He Who has given the best form to everything that He hascreated. He originated the creation of man from clay;
It is Allah Who created you from dust, then from a sperm-drop,then He made you pairs. No female conceives or delivers withoutHis knowledge. No long-lived man grows old or has his life cutshort but is written in a Book; surely all this is easy forAllah.
Does not man see that We have created him from a sperm? Yet hestands up as an open adversary.
Have We not created you from an unworthy fluid,
Woe to man! What a disbeliever he is!
Let man consider from what he is created!
- created man from a leechlike mass.
Yet man prays for evil as fervently as he ought to pray for good,and mankind is ever hasty.
Just imagine the scene of that Day when We shall call everycommunity with their respective Imams (leaders): then those whowill be given their 'book of deeds' in their right hand will readit with pleasure and they will not be wronged in the least.
Then after living for a while you shall all die,
Such people should not forget that Day when their own tongues,their own hands and their own feet will testify against theirmisdeeds.
He who surrenders himself to Allah and leads a righteous life hasindeed grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold; as the ultimatedisposal of affairs rests with Allah.
Allah has not put two hearts in a person's body: nor does Heregard your wives whom you divorce through Zihar (divorcing awife saying; from now on you are as my mother, depriving herconjugal rights yet keeping her like a slave nor letting hermarry anyone else) as your mothers: nor does He regard youradopted sons as your sons. These are mere words which you utterwith your mouths; but Allah declares the Truth and guides you tothe Right Way.
O Prophet say to the mushrikin: "O ignorant! Do you bid me toworship someone other than Allah?"
It is He Who has created you from dust, then from a sperm, thenfrom a leechlike mass, then He delivers you from the womb of yourmother as a child, then He makes you grow to reach the age offull strength, then He makes you grow to reach an old age -though some of you die earlier - so that you may complete yourappointed term and grow in wisdom.
Whatever affliction befalls you is the result of what your ownhands have done even though for many of your misdeeds He grantsforgiveness.
His companion will say: "Here is my testimony ready with me."
We have created you: will you not then testify about Our power ofcreation?
O believers! Surely among your wives and your children there aresome who are your enemies: so beware of them. But if you pardon,overlook and forgive their faults, then know that Allah isForgiving, Merciful.
Indeed, man has been created impatient,
with the exception of those who offer the Salah (prayer),
Indeed, man shall bear witness against himself,
These unbelievers love the transitory life of this world andneglect the heavy Day that is coming ahead.
O man! What has lured you away from your gracious Rabb,
That will be the Day of your accountability, O mankind! Surelyyou must strive towards your Rabb, a hard striving, then youshall meet Him.
I swear by the glow of sunset;
Nay! But you did not show kindness to the orphan,
certainly We have created man to be in stress.
Have We not given him two eyes to observe?
surely your efforts are directed towards various ends.
We have indeed created man in the best stature;
Nay! Indeed, man transgresses all bounds,
That will be the Day of your accountability, O mankind! Surelyyou must strive towards your Rabb, a hard striving, then youshall meet Him.
Does he think that no one observes him?
Does he think that none has power over him?
Let the rich man give according to his means, and the poor mangive according to what Allah has given him. Allah does not chargea man with more than He has given him; soon Allah may bring easeafter hardship.
It is He Who has created you; yet some of you are unbelievers andsome are believers. Allah is observant of all your actions.
O mankind, is your creation harder than the heaven that He built?
Certainly the creation of the heavens and the earth is a greatertask than the creation of men; yet most people do not understand.
On the Day when He will assemble them all together, ( Allah willaddress the Jinns): "O assembly of Jinns! You seduced mankind ingreat number." And their votaries from among mankind will say:"Our Rabb, we have both enjoyed each other's fellowship but alas!Now we have reached the end of our term which You had decreed forus." Then Allah will say: "Now hellfire is your dwelling-place;you will live therein forever unless Allah ordains otherwise."Surely your Rabb is Wise, Knowledgeable.
We have indeed created man in the best stature;
certainly We have created man to be in stress.
He created man from a drop of semen, yet he is an open contender.
Does not man see that We have created him from a sperm? Yet hestands up as an open adversary.
He starts making comparisons for Us and forgets his own creation.He says: "Who will give life to bones that have been decomposed?"
Ask them: "What is more difficult - their creation or the rest ofOur creation? - Them We have created out of a sticky clay.
It is He Who has given the best form to everything that He hascreated. He originated the creation of man from clay;
then automated the creation of his progeny by an extract of adespicable water;
then He fashioned him in due proportion and breathed into him ofHis spirit. He gave you ears, eyes and heart; yet you are seldomthankful.
Say: "It is He Who has brought you into being, gave you thefaculties of hearing, seeing, feeling and understanding: yet youare seldom thankful."
We have created you: will you not then testify about Our power ofcreation?
Have you ever considered the semen you discharge:
Is it you who create the child from it, or are We the Creator?
It is We Who have ordained death among you and We are nothelpless
in replacing you by others like yourselves or transforming youinto beings that you do not know.
You already know well your first creation, why then do you nottake heed?
and a few from the later generations.
He created man from sounding clay similar to pottery,
They shall have the jewelled couches,
And created jinns from smokeless fire.
reclining on them facing each other,
So, O jinns and men, which of your Rabb’s favors will both of you deny?
and in your own creation and that of animals which are scatteredthrough the earth, there are signs for those who are firm infaith,
Tell My servants that they should speak only what is the best.Surely shaitan stirs up trouble among them. The fact is thatshaitan is an open enemy to mankind.
It is guarded by nineteen guards.
We have appointed none but angels as wardens of the fire; and Wehave made their number a trial for the unbelievers, so that thePeople of the Book may be convinced and the faith of the truebelievers may be increased, and that no doubts will be left forthe People of the Book and the believers, and that those in whosehearts there is a disease and the disbelievers may say: "Whatcould Allah mean by this parable?" Thus, Allah leaves to straywhom He wills and guides whom He pleases. No one knows the forcesof your Rabb except Himself, and this (Qur'an) is nothing but areminder to mankind.
It is He Who has created you from dust, then from a sperm, thenfrom a leechlike mass, then He delivers you from the womb of yourmother as a child, then He makes you grow to reach the age offull strength, then He makes you grow to reach an old age -though some of you die earlier - so that you may complete yourappointed term and grow in wisdom.
Men are overseers over women because Allah has given the one morestrength than other, and because men are required to spend theirwealth for the maintenance of women. Honorable women are,therefore, devoutly obedient and guard in the husband's absencewhat Allah require them to guard their husband's property andtheir own honor. As to those women from whom you feardisobedience, first admonish them, then refuse to share your bedwith them, and then, if necessary, beat them. Then if they obeyyou, take no further actions against them and do not make excusesto punish them. Allah is Supremely Great and is aware of youractions.
Say: "It is He Who has multiplied you in the earth, and beforeHim you shall all be assembled."
Therefore, stand firm in your devotion to the upright faith - thenature made by Allah, the one on which mankind is created - andthe laws of Nature ordained by Allah cannot be changed. That isthe standard of true faith, but most among mankind do not know.
He also subjected to you whatever is between the heavens and theearth; all from Himself. Surely there are signs in this for thosewho think.
It is not vouchsafed to any human being that Allah should speakto him face to face, He speaks either through inspiration, orfrom behind a veil, or through sending a messenger (angelGabriel) authorized by Him to reveal His will; surely He is mostHigh, most Wise.
Do you not see that Allah has subjected to your benefit all thatis in the heavens and in the earth, and has lavished on you Hisevident and hidden favors? Yet there are some people who stillargue about Allah without knowledge, without guidance or anenlightening Book.
We have included the sacrificial camels among the Symbols ofAllah, for there is much good for you in them. Therefore,pronounce the name of Allah over them while standing, and whenthey fall down on their sides after slaughter, when theirmovement completely stops, then eat of their meat, feed thecontented (poor who do not ask) and the beggars (poor who ask).Thus We have subjected these animals to you so that you may begrateful.
Do they not see that among the other things which Our hands havefashioned, We have created cattle which are under theirdomination?
We have subjected these animals to them, that they may ride onsome and eat the flesh of others,
in them there are other advantages and drinks (milk) for them.Should they not then be grateful?
He has subjected to your service the night and the day, the sunand the moon: and likewise the stars also serve you by Hiscommand: surely there are signs in this for people who use theircommon sense.
Do you not see that Allah has subdued to you all that is in theearth and the ships that sail through the sea by His command? Heis withholding the sky in a way that it cannot fall down on theearth without His permission; surely Allah is very kind andmerciful to mankind.
Give orphans the property which belongs to them when they areable to handle it themselves and do not substitute your worthlessthings for their valuable ones; and do not cheat them of theirpossession through mixing it up with your own. For this wouldindeed be a great sin.
If you fear that you shall not be able to treat the orphans withfairness, then you should not marry the women with orphanchildren; marry other women of your choice: two, three or four.But if you fear that you will not be able to maintain justicebetween your wives, then marry only one or any slave girl you mayown. That will be more suitable , so that you may not deviatefrom the Right Way.
Do not entrust your property which Allah has made a means ofsupport for your family, to feebleminded people for investment inbusiness, however, provide such people with food and clothing andspeak to them nicely and give them good advice.
Observe the orphans through testing their abilities until theyreach the age of marriage, then if you find them capable of soundjudgment, hand over to them their property; and do not consume itwastefully in haste lest they grow up to demand it. If theguardian is well-off, he should not take compensation from theorphan's property, but if he is poor let him take a just andreasonable remuneration. When you hand over their property tothem, call in some witnesses; even though Allah is sufficient intaking the accountability.
Furthermore, not to go near the property of an orphan except inthe best way (to improve it). Until he attains maturity, givefull measure and just weight - We never charge a soul with morethan it can bear. Whenever you speak, be just, even if it affectsyour own relatives, and fulfill your covenant with Allah. Theseare the things which He has enjoined on you so that you may bemindful.
and another, the last third Manat (names of Arabian idols,claimed by the pagans of Makkah to be the daughters of Allah)?
Allah will do away from their account their worst deeds andreward them according to their best deeds.
Those who conceal the clear proofs and the guidance, after Wehave made it clear in the Book for mankind, will have Allah'scurse and that of those who are entitled to curse;
except those who repent, reform and let the truth be known; I'llaccept their repentance, for I am the Receiver of Repentance, theMerciful.
And the one who comes with the truth and the one who confirms it- surely are the Godfearing.
They shall have from their Rabb all that they wish for. Thusshall the righteous be rewarded.
Allah will do away from their account their worst deeds andreward them according to their best deeds.
Mankind was one nation having one religion. Later when peopleinvented other religions, Allah appointed Prophets as bearers ofgood news and warnings; and revealed to them the Book with theTrue Guidance to settle the matters of dispute between mankind.But the very people to whom it was given, started disputes afterthe clear arguments had come to them, because of rivalry betweenone another. Allah has guided the believers by His will to thetruth in those matters in which they had differences. Allahguides whom He pleases towards the Right Way.
Mankind was once just one nation; later on they became dividedthrough inventing different creeds. If your Rabb had not alreadygiven His word ( specified time for the life of mankind onEarth), the matters in which they differ would have certainlybeen decided.
Yet, when He does deliver them, behold! The same people becomeunjustly rebellious in the land. O mankind! Your rebellion isagainst your own souls - (you may enjoy) the transitory pleasureof this world - in the end you have to return to Us, then Weshall inform you of what you have done.
The Day of Accountability for mankind is getting closer andcloser, yet they are heedless and are turning away from theadmonition.
Therefore, stand firm in your devotion to the upright faith - thenature made by Allah, the one on which mankind is created - andthe laws of Nature ordained by Allah cannot be changed. That isthe standard of true faith, but most among mankind do not know.
He created you all from a single person, then from that person Hecreated his mate. He also created for you eight head of cattle inpairs. He creates you in the wombs of your mothers in stages, oneafter another, in three layers of darkness. This is Allah, yourRabb. To Him belongs the sovereignty. There is no god but Him.How can you then turn away from Him?
O mankind! We created you from a single pair of a male and afemale, and made you into nations and tribes that you might getto know one another. Surely the noblest of you in the sight ofAllah is he who is the most righteous. Allah isAll-Knowledgeable, All-Aware.
O mankind! We created you from a single pair of a male and afemale, and made you into nations and tribes that you might getto know one another. Surely the noblest of you in the sight ofAllah is he who is the most righteous. Allah isAll-Knowledgeable, All-Aware.