He has forbidden you to eat dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine,and that on which any name other than Allah has been invoked; butif someone is compelled by absolute necessity, intending neitherto sin nor to transgress, he shall incur no sin. Surely Allah isForgiving, Merciful.
You are forbidden to eat the meat of any animal that dies byitself (dead body), blood, the flesh of swine (pork) and that onwhich any name other than Allah has been invoked; also that whichis strangled to death , killed by a violent blow, killed by aheadlong fall and of those beaten or gored to death; and thatwhich has been partly eaten by a wild animal unless you are ableto slaughter it before its death; also that which is sacrificedon altars or is divided by raffling of arrows. All these aresinful acts. Today the unbelievers have given up all their hopeof vanquishing your religion. Have no fear of them, fear Me.Today I have perfected your religion for you, completed my favorupon you and approved Al-Islam as a Deen (way of life for you).Anyone who is compelled by hunger to eat what is forbidden, notintending to commit sin, will find Allah Forgiving, Merciful.
He has only forbidden you to eat carrion (meat of dead a body),blood, pork, and that over which any name other than Allah hasbeen invoked. But if one is forced by necessity, intendingneither to break the Divine Law nor to transgress limits, thensurely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
Who is more unjust than he who prevents people from the Masajid(place of worship) of Allah , forbids the mention of His nametherein, and strives to ruin them ? It is not proper for suchpeople to enter in them except with His fear. For them there isdisgrace in this world and grievous punishment in the Hereafter.
O Muhammad tell them: I did not find in what has been revealed tome anything forbidden to be eaten by one who wishes to eat it,except the meat of an already dead animal, or running blood orthe flesh of swine (pork) - for these are unclean - or flesh ofan animal which has become profane because of slaughtering in thenames other than Allah. Even so, if anyone is forced in ahelpless situation, intending neither disobedience nortransgression, you will find your Rabb Forgiving, Merciful.
Do not use Allah's name in your oaths as an excuse to prevent youfrom dealing justly, guarding against evil and making peacebetween people; Allah hears and knows everything.
Do not use Allah's name in your oaths as an excuse to prevent youfrom dealing justly, guarding against evil and making peacebetween people; Allah hears and knows everything.
Do not use Allah's name in your oaths as an excuse to prevent youfrom dealing justly, guarding against evil and making peacebetween people; Allah hears and knows everything.
so that they may witness the benefits which are made availablehere for them, and pronounce the name of Allah over the cattlewhich We have provided as food for them, on the appointed days,then eat meat themselves and feed the indigent and needy.
They ask you what food is lawful for them, say: All good cleanthings are lawful for you, as well as what you have taught yourhunting birds and beasts to catch, trained by you with theknowledge given to you by Allah. Eat what they catch and hold foryou, however, pronounce the name of Allah over it. Have fear ofAllah. Allah is swift in settling the accounts.
So eat of that meat on which Allah's name has been pronounced ifyou truly believe in His revelations.
Why should you not eat that on which Allah's name has beenpronounced, when He has clearly spelled out for you in detailwhat is forbidden - except in a case of extreme helplessness? Infact, many do mislead people by their appetites unchecked byknowledge. Your Rabb knows best those who transgress.
Eschew all sin whether open or secret: surely those who earn sinwill get due punishment for their wrongdoings.
Do not eat of that meat on which Allah's name has not beenpronounced, since that is most surely a transgression. In factthe shaitans inspire their friends that they should argue withyou, and if you obey them, most surely you will be considered amushrik.
Glorify the name of your Rabb morning and evening;
Name your adopted sons after their fathers; that is more just inthe sight of Allah, and if you don't know who their fathers are,then call them as your brothers in faith and your friends. Thereis no blame on you for an unintentional mistake, but you will beheld responsible for what you do with the intention of yourhearts; Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
We have made you a moderate Ummah (nation) so that you maytestify against mankind and that your own Rasool may testifyagainst you. We decreed your former Qiblah only to distinguishthose who are the real followers of the Rasool from those whowould back away from the faith. It was indeed a hard test exceptfor those whom Allah has guided. Allah wants not to make yourfaith fruitless. Allah is Compassionate and Merciful to mankind.
In fact Ibrahim (Abraham) was a nation in himself, an upright manobedient to Allah, and he was not of the mushrikin.
He was always grateful for the favors of Allah, Who chose him andguided him to a Right Way.
We gave him a good life in this world, and in the hereafter hewill be among the righteous.
And now We have revealed to you Our will, saying: "Follow thefaith of Ibrahim the upright, he was not of the mushrikin."
Whereupon the baby spoke out: "I am indeed a servant of Allah. Hehas given me the Book and made me a Prophet.
His blessing is with me wherever I go. He has commanded me toestablish Salah and give Zakah as long as I shall live.
He has exhorted me to honor my mother and has not made medomineering, hard to deal with.
Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I shall die and theDay I shall be raised to life again".
Such was Isa (Jesus) the son of Maryam, and this is the Truestatement about him concerning which they are in doubt.
It is not befitting to the majesty of Allah that He Himselfshould beget a son! He is far above this (weakness to get a sonfor name, fame, help or continuity of race); for when He decreesa matter He need only say: "Be" and it is.
You are of the highest noble character.
Yet they were commanded nothing but to worship Allah, with theirsincere devotion to Him, being True in their faith; to establishSalah ( prayers); and to pay Zakah (poor due); and that is theinfallible true Religion.
Therefore, stand firm in your devotion to the upright faith - thenature made by Allah, the one on which mankind is created - andthe laws of Nature ordained by Allah cannot be changed. That isthe standard of true faith, but most among mankind do not know.
He is the One Who has made the stars for you, so that you mightfind your way thereby in the darkness whether you are on the landor the sea. We have spelled out Our revelations very clearly forpeople of common sense.
Nay! Do not obey him! Prostrate yourself and bring yourselfcloser to your Rabb.
Therefore, when you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield smitetheir necks and, when you have thoroughly subdued them, then takeprisoners of war and bind them firmly. After the war lay down herburdens, then you have the choice whether you show them favor oraccept ransom. Thus are you commanded. If Allah wanted, HeHimself could have punished them; but He adopted this way so thatHe may test some of you by means of others. As for those who areslain in the cause of Allah, He will never let their deeds belost.
Righteousness is not whether you turn your face towards East orWest; but the righteousness is to believe in Allah, the Last Day,the Angels, the Books and the Prophets, and to spend wealth outof love for Him on relatives, orphans, helpless, needytravellers, those who ask for and on the redemption of captives;and to establish Salah (prayers), to pay Zakah (alms), to fulfillpromises when made, to be steadfast in distress, in adversity,and at the time of war. These people are the truthful and theseare the pious.
Charity is for those needy people who are engaged so much in thecause of Allah that they cannot move about in the land to earntheir livelihood: the ignorant think that they are wealthy onaccount of their modest behavior. You can recognize them by theirlook because they do not make insistent demands on people.Whatever you spend on them, surely Allah knows it.
In fact the sadaqat (Zakah) collection is for the poor, thehelpless, those employed to administer the funds, those whosehearts need to be won over to the truth, ransoming the captives,helping the destitute, in the Way of Allah and for the wayfarer.That is a duty enjoined by Allah; and Allah is All-Knowledgeable,Wise.
O believers, give what is due to your relatives, the needy andthe traveller in need. That is best for those who seek thepleasure of Allah and it is they who will attain felicity.
Remember, We took a covenant (firm commitment) from the childrenof Israel: "You shall worship none but Allah; be good to yourparents, relatives, orphans and destitute, speak fair to thepeople, establish 'Salah', and pay 'Zakah.'" But you broke thecovenant, except a few of you, and you paid no heed.
Serve Allah and do not commit shirk (associate any partner) withHim, and be good to your parents, kinfolks, orphans, thehelpless, near and far neighbors who keep company with you, thetravellers in need, and the slaves you own. Allah does not lovethose who are arrogant and boastful,
You shall speak courteously to needy persons if you are waitingfor your Rabb's bounty and you lack the means to assist them.
You shall give to your relatives their due and to the needy andto the wayfarers. You shall not be a spendthrift
Know that one-fifth of the booty (spoils of war) is for Allah,His Rasool, close relatives of the Rasool, orphans, the needy andthe wayfarer, if you do believe in Allah and in what We revealedto Our servant on the day of distinction (between right andwrong), the day when two armies met in combat. Allah has powerover everything.
They ask you what they should spend in charity. Say: "Whateveryou spend with a good heart, give it to parents, relatives,orphans, the helpless, and travellers in need. Whatever good youdo, Allah is aware of it.
- Nay, the fact is that you people love this fleeting life
I will turn away from My signs the eyes of those who are unjustlyarrogant in the land, so that even if they see each and everysign they will not believe in it. If they see the Right Waybefore them they will not follow it; but if they see a crookedway they will follow it; this is because they denied Ourrevelations and were heedless of them.
As for those who do not hope to meet Us on the Day of Judgement,being well pleased and satisfied with this worldly life and thosewho give no heed to Our revelations,
they shall have the Fire as their abode because of what they hadearned (erroneous creed and wrong conduct).
Certainly, We have destined many Jinns and human beings for hell;those are the ones who have hearts with which they do notunderstand, they have eyes with which they do not see, they haveears with which they do not hear. They are like animals - or evenworse than them , because they are those who are heedless.
Serve Allah and do not commit shirk (associate any partner) withHim, and be good to your parents, kinfolks, orphans, thehelpless, near and far neighbors who keep company with you, thetravellers in need, and the slaves you own. Allah does not lovethose who are arrogant and boastful,
He begets not, nor is He begotten;
Allah does not forbid you to be kind and equitable to those whohad neither fought against your faith nor driven you out of yourhomes. In fact Allah loves the equitable.
They question you about the new moon. Tell them: it is todetermine the periods of time for the benefit of mankind and forthe Hajj (pilgrimage). It is not righteous to enter your housesfrom the back doors during Hajj times. Righteousness is to fearAllah. Enter your houses through the proper doors and fear Allahso that you may prosper.
O believers, if an evildoer comes to you with some news, verifyit (investigate to ascertain the truth), lest you should harmothers unwittingly and then regret what you have done.
O believers, if an evildoer comes to you with some news, verifyit (investigate to ascertain the truth), lest you should harmothers unwittingly and then regret what you have done.
Does it seem strange to the people that We revealed Our will to aman from among themselves, saying: "Warn mankind and give thegood news to the Believers that they are on sound footing withtheir Rabb?" The disbelievers say: "This man is indeed an obviousmagician!"
Say, "The Holy Spirit (Gabriel) has brought it down piecemealintact from your Rabb to strengthen the faith of the believers,and to give guidance and good news to the Muslims."
Tua Sin. These are verses of the Qur'an, the Glorious Book;
a guide and good news for the believers,
Whenever they hear news of peace or of danger, they spread itquickly; but if they would report it to the Rasool and to theresponsible people in the community, it would come to theknowledge of those who could draw the right conclusions. If ithad not been for Allah's grace and mercy, all of you with theexception of a few, would have followed Shaitan.
O believers, if an evildoer comes to you with some news, verifyit (investigate to ascertain the truth), lest you should harmothers unwittingly and then regret what you have done.
Whenever they hear news of peace or of danger, they spread itquickly; but if they would report it to the Rasool and to theresponsible people in the community, it would come to theknowledge of those who could draw the right conclusions. If ithad not been for Allah's grace and mercy, all of you with theexception of a few, would have followed Shaitan.
O believers! Let no men laugh at other men who may perhaps bebetter than themselves; and let no woman laugh at another woman,who may perhaps be better than herself. Do not defame throughsarcastic remarks about one another, nor call one another byoffensive nicknames. It is an evil thing to be called by a badname after being a believer, and those who do not repent are theones who are the wrongdoers.
Forbidden to you for marriage are: your mothers, your daughters,your sisters, your paternal aunts, your maternal aunts, daughtersof your brothers, daughters of your sisters, your foster-mothers,your foster-sisters, the mothers of your wives, yourstepdaughters under your guardianship from those wives with whomyou have consummated your marriage, but there is no blame on youin marrying your stepdaughters if you have not consummated yourmarriage with their mothers, whom you have divorced, and thewives of your own real sons; and you are also forbidden to takein marriage two sisters at one and the same time except whathappened prior to this commandment; surely Allah is Forgiving,Merciful.