I am further commanded: " Dedicate yourself to the Deen(religion) in all uprightness and be not of the mushrikin (whoassociate other gods with Allah).
who believe in the Unseen, who establish Salah (five regulardaily prayers) and spend in charity out of what We have providedfor their sustenance;
O believers! Spend out of the sustenance which We have providedfor you before the arrival of that Day when there will be nobargaining, friendship or intercession. It is the unbelievers whoare wrongdoers.
O believers! When you are asked to make room in your meetings,make room, Allah will make room for you in the Hereafter. And ifyou are told to rise up, then rise up: Allah will raise to higherranks those of you who have faith and knowledge. Allah is awareof all your actions.
O Believers, do not say to our Rasool: "Ra'ina" (an ambiguousword for: "Listen, may you become deaf" or "Our shepherd" or inJudeo-Arabic language conveys the sense, "our evil one.") But say"Unzurna" ("look upon" us "or pay attention" to us) and listen tohim carefully; and remember that there is a painful punishmentfor the unbelievers.
Now, special mercy is assigned to those who follow the Rasool,the unlettered Prophet (Muhammad) - whom they shall finddescribed in the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel). Whoenjoins them what is good and forbids what is evil; makes purethings Halal (lawful) for them and impure things Haram(unlawful); relieves them from their heavy burdens and from theyokes that were around their necks. Therefore, those who believein him, honor him, help him, and follow the Light which is sentdown with him will be the ones who will be successful in thislife and the hereafter".
Indeed Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet. Obelievers, call for Allah's blessings on him and salute him withall respect.
When Allah made the covenant with those who were given the Book,they were asked to spread the teachings of the Book to mankindand not to conceal them; but they cast it behind their backs andsold them for a petty price. What a bad bargain they made!
Therefore, leave the unbelievers alone. Leave them alone for awhile.
Let not the Unbelievers think that Our granting of respite isgood for their souls. We grant them respite so that they may addmore to their sins. They shall have a disgraceful punishment.
If Allah were to hasten the punishment for their evil as theyhasten in asking good of this world, then the respite given tothe people would have been terminated, but this is not Our way.We leave those people alone who do not entertain the hope ofmeeting Us, to blunder about in their rebellion.
Respite was granted until the Rasools gave up hope of theirpeople and realized that they were being treated as liars, Ourhelp came to them and We delivered those whom We pleased; and Ourscourge was not averted from the criminal people.
Never think that Allah is unaware of what these unjust people aredoing. He is only deferring their case to that Day when theireyes will be fixedly open,
They challenge you to hasten the scourge on them. Had a time notbeen fixed for it, the scourge would already have overtaken them.It is going to come suddenly and catch them unaware.
These unbelievers of Makkah are plotting a scheme:
As for those, who, even after their injuries during the battle ofUhud, responded to the call of Allah and His Rasool to follow theQureysh army which was gathering to attack again, there will be agreat reward for such of those who do righteous deeds and refrainfrom evil,
and who, when the people told them: "Your enemies have mustered agreat force against you: fear them," grew more firm in theirfaith and replied: "Allah's help is all-sufficient for us. He isthe best protector."
As a result they returned home with blessings and grace fromAllah and suffered no harm at all. Besides this, they had thehonor of following what pleased Allah, and Allah is the Owner ofmighty grace.
When anyone greets you in a courteous manner, let your greetingsbe better than his - or at least return the same. Allah keepsaccount of everything.
O believers! Respond to the call of Allah and His Rasool, when Hecalls you to that which gives you life; and know that Allahstands between man and his heart, and that it is He in Whosepresence you shall all be assembled.
O believers! Respond to the call of Allah and His Rasool, when Hecalls you to that which gives you life; and know that Allahstands between man and his heart, and that it is He in Whosepresence you shall all be assembled.
There is an excellent reward for those who respond to the call oftheir Rabb. As for those who do not respond to Him - even if theyhad all that is in the earth, and as much besides, to offer as aransom in order to save themselves from punishment, it would beof no use. They are the ones who will have terrible reckoning;their abode will be hell - what an evil resting place.
The beduin Arabs who stayed behind will soon say to you: "Ourgoods and families kept us occupied, so please ask forgivenessfor us." They say with their tongues what is not in their hearts.Tell them: "Who can intervene on your behalf with Allah if it beHis will to do you harm or He pleases to do you good? Allah iswell aware of your actions.
Rather you thought that the Rasool and the believers would neverreturn to their families; this fancy seemed pleasing to yourhearts. You conceived evil thoughts and thus incurred damnation."
Further, tell them: "You shall not be questioned about our errorsnor shall we be questioned about your actions."
Give orphans the property which belongs to them when they areable to handle it themselves and do not substitute your worthlessthings for their valuable ones; and do not cheat them of theirpossession through mixing it up with your own. For this wouldindeed be a great sin.
If you fear that you shall not be able to treat the orphans withfairness, then you should not marry the women with orphanchildren; marry other women of your choice: two, three or four.But if you fear that you will not be able to maintain justicebetween your wives, then marry only one or any slave girl you mayown. That will be more suitable , so that you may not deviatefrom the Right Way.
Do not entrust your property which Allah has made a means ofsupport for your family, to feebleminded people for investment inbusiness, however, provide such people with food and clothing andspeak to them nicely and give them good advice.
Observe the orphans through testing their abilities until theyreach the age of marriage, then if you find them capable of soundjudgment, hand over to them their property; and do not consume itwastefully in haste lest they grow up to demand it. If theguardian is well-off, he should not take compensation from theorphan's property, but if he is poor let him take a just andreasonable remuneration. When you hand over their property tothem, call in some witnesses; even though Allah is sufficient intaking the accountability.
Do not entrust your property which Allah has made a means ofsupport for your family, to feebleminded people for investment inbusiness, however, provide such people with food and clothing andspeak to them nicely and give them good advice.
Observe the orphans through testing their abilities until theyreach the age of marriage, then if you find them capable of soundjudgment, hand over to them their property; and do not consume itwastefully in haste lest they grow up to demand it. If theguardian is well-off, he should not take compensation from theorphan's property, but if he is poor let him take a just andreasonable remuneration. When you hand over their property tothem, call in some witnesses; even though Allah is sufficient intaking the accountability.
Allah commands you to give back the trusts to their rightfulowners, and when you judge between people, judge with fairness.Surely, excellent is the counsel which Allah gives you. Allah isHe who hears and observes all.
O believers! Do not make your protecting friends those, fromamong the people who were given the Book before you and theunbelievers, who have made your religion a mockery or pastime,fear Allah if you are true believers.
But if they violate their treaty once they have sworn it andinsult your Deen, then fight with the ringleaders of the unbelief- for their oaths are nothing to them - so that they may bestopped.
Keep yourself content with those who call on their Rabb morning and evening seeking His good pleasure; and let not your eyes turn away from them desiring the attraction of Worldly Life; nor obey the one whose heart We have permitted to neglect Our remembrance, who follows his own desires and goes to extremes in the conduct of his affairs.
Do they not see that it is Allah Who gives abundantly to whom Hepleases and sparingly to whom He wills? Surely there are signs inthis example for those who believe.
Do they not know that Allah enlarges the provision for whom Hepleases and restricts it from whom He wills? Surely there aresigns in this for those who believe.
They solemnly swear their strongest oaths by Allah: "Allah willnever raise the dead to life." Why not? It is a promise which Hehas made binding on Himself, though most among mankind may notknow it.
Man says: "What! Once I am dead, shall I be raised to lifeagain?"
Do they not see that Allah, Who created the heavens and the earthand was not wearied by their creation, has the power to raise thedead to life? Why not! Surely He has the power over everything.
that after we are dead and have become dust we shall be raised tolife again, such a return is far from reason."
And the Trumpet shall be blown; that will be the Day of which youwere threatened!
And listen! The Day when the Caller will call out from a placequite near,
I swear by the Day of Resurrection,
The unbelievers say: "Shall we really be restored to our formerstate (life),
And listen! The Day when the Caller will call out from a placequite near,
the Day when the people will hear the mighty blast in reality;that will be the Day of coming forth (the dead will rise fromtheir graves).
Surely it is We Who give life and death; and to Us shall allreturn,
on that Day when the earth shall split asunder and the peopleshall be rushing out of it; that gathering them together shall bequite easy for Us.
And listen! The Day when the Caller will call out from a placequite near,
the Day when the people will hear the mighty blast in reality;that will be the Day of coming forth (the dead will rise fromtheir graves).
Surely it is We Who give life and death; and to Us shall allreturn,
on that Day when the earth shall split asunder and the peopleshall be rushing out of it; that gathering them together shall bequite easy for Us.
Does man think that We shall not be able to put his bonestogether?
Why not? We are able to put together, in perfect order, the verytips of his fingers.
But man wishes to keep on doing evil in the future as well.
He questions: "When will this Day of Resurrection be?"
Well, it will come when the sight shall be dazed,
the moon will be eclipsed,
and the sun and the moon will be brought together
on that Day man will ask: "Is there any way to escape?"
Nay! There will be no refuge.
On that Day, the refuge will only be towards your Rabb.
He is the One Who created the heavens and the earth in sixperiods - at the time when His Throne was rested on the water -so that He may test to find out which of you is the best indeeds. Now if you tell them:" You shall indeed be raised up afterdeath," the unbelievers would certainly say: "This is nothing butsheer magic!"
Now, if there is anything that feels strange, then strange istheir saying: "What! When we will become dust, could we then beraised to a new life again?" They are the people who have deniedtheir Rabb, they are the ones who will have yokes around theirnecks and they are the ones who will be the inmates of hellfireto live therein forever.
Those whom Allah guides are rightly guided; and those whom Helets go astray, shall find no protector besides Him. On the Dayof Judgment We shall gather them all, prone on their faces,blind, dumb and deaf. Hell shall be their abode: whenever itsflames die down, We will rekindle for them the fierceness of thefire.
Thus shall they be rewarded: because they rejected Ourrevelations and said: "When we are reduced to bones and decayedparticles, shall we really be raised to life in a new creation?"
Can they not see that Allah Who has created the heavens and theearth has power to create the people like them? He has set adeadline for their lives, there is no doubt about it: yet thewrongdoers refuse to do anything except deny.
They say: "What! Once we are lost in the earth, shall we becreated afresh?" Nay! They deny the fact that they will ever meettheir Rabb.
Say: "The angel of death (Izra'il) is assigned for you will carryoff your souls and bring you back to your Rabb."
If only you could visualize when the criminals will hang theirheads before their Rabb saying: "Our Rabb! We have seen and wehave heard; please send us back to the world and we will do gooddeeds: we are now convinced."
In response to that, it will be said: "Had We so willed, We couldhave given every soul its guidance. But My word which I had saidhas been fulfilled, that I shall fill hell with jinns and men alltogether."
Now taste the reward for your forgetting the meeting of this Day- We too have forgotten you now - taste the everlastingpunishment in consequence of your misdeeds."
The unbelievers say to the people: "Shall we point out to you aman who claims that when your body will disintegrate and mangleinto dust you shall be raised to life again?
Has he forged a lie against Allah or is he mad?" Nay! In factthose who do not believe in the Hereafter are doomed, for theyare in gross error.
You marvel at the wonders of Allah's creation, while theyridicule at it.
When they are admonished, they pay no heed,
and when they see a sign, they mock at it
and say: "This is nothing but plain sorcery.
What! When we are dead and have become dust and bones, shall webe raised to life again
- we and also our forefathers of the ancient time?"
Tell them: "Yes and you shall be held up to shame."
It will be just a single cry, and they will see it all with theirown eyes.
"Ah, woe to us!" They shall exclaim, "this is the Day ofJudgement!"
It will be said: "Yes, this is the same Day of Judgement whichyou used to deny".
"There is nothing beyond our first death and we shall not beraised again.
Bring back our forefathers if you are truthful."
Are these people better than the people of Tubba and those whowere before them? We destroyed them all only because they hadbecome criminals.
When Our clear revelations are recited to them, they have noother argument but to say: "Bring our forefathers back if whatyou say is true!"
O Prophet tell them: "It is Allah Who gives you life and latercauses you to die; then it is He Who will gather you all on theDay of Resurrection, about which there is no doubt, yet mostpeople do not understand."
But those who rebukes his parents and say: "Uff (as if to say, donot bothering me)! Do you threaten me with a resurrection,whereas many a generations have passed before me and none hascome back from among them?" And they both cry for Allah's helpand say: "Woe to you! Be a good believer. Surely the promise ofAllah is true." But he replies: "This is nothing but tales of theancients."
Such are the people against whom the verdict of torment hasproved true and they will be among the prior people of the jinnsand the men that have passed away before them. Indeed they willbe the losers.
Do they not see that Allah, Who created the heavens and the earthand was not wearied by their creation, has the power to raise thedead to life? Why not! Surely He has the power over everything.
On the Day when the unbelievers will be brought before the fire,Allah will ask: "Is this not real?" "Yes, by our Rabb!" They willanswer. "Well, then taste the punishment now," Will He reply, "inconsequence of your disbelieve."
that after we are dead and have become dust we shall be raised tolife again, such a return is far from reason."
We know all that the earth consumes of their bodies, and We havea Book which keeps records of everything.
The unbelievers claim that they shall not be raised to lifeagain. Tell them: "Indeed, by my Rabb, you shall surely be raisedto life again! Then you shall be told of all that you have done,and that is easy for Allah."
They say: "What! When we are reduced to bones and dust, shall wereally be raised up again into a new creation?"
Tell them: "(Yes, most certainly you shall be brought back tolife), even if you be stones or iron
or even something harder than this that you may think of." Thenthey will ask: "Who will restore us?" Say: "The One Who createdyou the first time." Then they will shake their heads at you andask: "Well, when will this be?" Say, "It may be quite soon!
It will be on the Day when He will call you and you will raise upin response to it, with His praise, and you will think that youremained in the state of death but a little while."
Man says: "What! Once I am dead, shall I be raised to lifeagain?"
Does not the man remember that We created him before out ofnothing?
By your Rabb, We will call them to account in the company of alltheir shaitans and set them on their knees around the Fire ofHell;
then from every sect We will certainly drag out its stoutestrebels against the Compassionate (Allah).
O mankind! If you doubt that there is life after death rememberthat We first created you from dust, then from a sperm, then froma leech- like mass, then from a morsel of flesh, partly formedand partly unformed, so that We may manifest to you Our power. Wecause to remain in the womb whom We wish for an appointed term,and then We bring you forth as infants; then We nourish you sothat you may reach your age of full strength. There are some ofyou who die young and some who live on to their abject old agewhen all that they once knew they know no more. You sometimes seethe land dry and barren; but no sooner do We pour down rain uponit then it begins to stir and swell, putting forth every kind ofbeautiful growth in pairs.
This is because Allah is the Reality: it is He Who gives life tothe dead and it is He Who has power over everything,
and this is a proof that the Hour of Doom is sure to come - thereis no doubt about it; and that Allah will raise up those who arein the graves.
The unbelievers say: "What! When we and our fathers have becomedust, shall we really be raised from the dead?
This promise which is made to us was also made to our forefathersbefore us, these are nothing but the legends of primitivepeople."
Say: "Travel through the earth and see what has been the end ofthe criminals."
and used to say: "When we are dead and turned to dust and bones,shall we then be raised to life again?
And our forefathers, too?"
Tell them: "Surely those of old and those of present age
shall certainly be brought together on an appointed time of aknown Day.
as a result, they presumed as you presumed that Allah would notappoint anyone as a Rasool.
Does man think that he will be left to wander around without anypurpose?
Was he not once a drop of emitted semen?
Then he became a leechlike mass, then Allah created him andfashioned him in due proportion,
and made him either of the two sexes, male and female.
Has He not then the power to bring the dead to life?
The unbelievers say: "Shall we really be restored to our formerstate (life),
when we shall have become hollow bones?"
They further say: "It would then be a fruitless restoration!"
They should know that it shall be only a single shout,
and they will be back to life in open plain.
Surely He, the Creator, has the power to bring him back to life,
on the Day when the hidden secrets will be brought to scrutiny,
Or take another example of the one (Prophet Ezra) who passed by atown which has fallen down upon its roofs. He exclaimed: "How canAllah bring this dead township back to life?" Thereupon Allahcaused him to die, and after one hundred years brought him backto life. Allah asked: "How long did you remained here?" Ezrareplied: "Perhaps a day or part of a day." Allah said: "Nay! Youhave remain here for one hundred years: now just have a look atyour food and drink; they have not rotten; and then look at yourdonkey and see that his very bones have decayed. We have donethis to make you a Sign for mankind. Look at the bones of yourdonkey how We bring them together then clothe them with flesh andbring him back to life! When this all was shown clearly to him hesaid: "Now I know that Allah has power over everything."
Yet another example is when Ibrahim said: "My Rabb! Show me howyou give life to the dead." He replied: "Have you no faith inthis?" Ibrahim humbly submitted: "Yes! But I ask this to reassuremy heart." Allah said: "Take four birds; train them to followyour direction, cut their bodies into pieces and scatter thosepieces on hilltops then call them back; Allah will bring themback to life and they will come to you right away. Thus you willknow that Allah is All-powerful and Wise."
It is Allah Who sends forth winds to raise up the clouds, thendrives them to a dead land and therewith revive the earth afterits death. Similar will be the resurrection of the dead.
that it rests upon Him to grant the second life (the life ofhereafter),
If you have to retaliate, let your retaliation be commensuratewith the wrong which was done to you; but if you endure withpatience, the best reward indeed is for those who endure withpatience.
The recompense for an injury is an injury proportionate to it;but if a person forgives and makes reconciliation he shall berewarded by Allah; He does not like the wrongdoers.
We ordained in Taurat for them: "A life for a life, an eye for aneye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a toothand for a wound an equal retaliation." But if anyone remits theretaliation by way of charity it will be an act of atonement forhim; those who do not judge by the law which Allah has revealed,they are the wrongdoers.
The recompense for an injury is an injury proportionate to it;but if a person forgives and makes reconciliation he shall berewarded by Allah; He does not like the wrongdoers.
O believers! Retaliation is prescribed for you in the cases ofmurder: a free man for a free man, a slave for a slave, and afemale for a female. But if anyone is pardoned by his aggrievedbrother, then bloodwit (a ransom for manslaughter) should bedecided according to the common law and payment should be madewith gratitude. This is a concession and a mercy from your Rabb.Now, whoever exceeds the limits after this, shall have a painfulpunishment.
O men of understanding! There is security of life for you in thelaw of retaliation, so that you may learn self-restraint.
You shall not kill anyone whom Allah has forbidden, except forjust cause under the law. If anyone is killed unjustly, We havegranted the right of retribution to his heir, but let him notcarry his vengeance too far in killing the culprit through takingthe law in his own hands, as he is supported by the law.
O believers! Retaliation is prescribed for you in the cases ofmurder: a free man for a free man, a slave for a slave, and afemale for a female. But if anyone is pardoned by his aggrievedbrother, then bloodwit (a ransom for manslaughter) should bedecided according to the common law and payment should be madewith gratitude. This is a concession and a mercy from your Rabb.Now, whoever exceeds the limits after this, shall have a painfulpunishment.
Thus shall it be! He that retaliates equal to the infliction hereceived and then is wronged again, will most certainly be helpedby Allah; surely Allah is the One Who is All-Forbearing, MostForgiving.
However, an exception is made for those (poets) who believe, dogood deeds, engage much in the remembrance of Allah and defendthemselves when wronged, showing no vindictiveness. The unjustoppressors will soon find out what vicissitudes their affairswill take.
Thus shall it be! He that retaliates equal to the infliction hereceived and then is wronged again, will most certainly be helpedby Allah; surely Allah is the One Who is All-Forbearing, MostForgiving.
To you, O Muhammad, We have revealed this Book with the truth. Itconfirms whatever has remained intact in the scriptures whichcame before it and also to safeguard it. Therefore, judge betweenpeople according to Allah's revelations and do not yield to theirvain desires diverging from the truth which has come to you. Wehave ordained a law and a Way of life for each of you. If Allahwanted He could have made all of you a single nation. But Hewilled otherwise in order to test you in what He has given you;therefore try to excel one another in good deeds. Ultimately youall shall return to Allah; then He will show you the truth ofthose matters in which you dispute.
Let not the believers make unbelievers their protectors ratherthan the believers; anyone who does so will have nothing to hopefor from Allah - except if you do so as a precaution to guardyourselves against their tyranny. Anyhow, Allah warns you to fearHim: because with Allah is your final refuge.
By this procedure, it is more likely that they will bear truewitness or at least fear that their oaths could be contradictedby subsequent oaths. Have fear of Allah and listen; Allah doesnot guide to those who are disobedient transgressors.
Say: "Should I seek another Rabb besides Allah when He is theRabb of everything?" Every soul will reap the fruits of its owndeeds; no bearer of burdens shall bear the burden of another.Ultimately you will return to your Rabb, and He will resolve foryou your disputes.
To Him you shall all return. Allah's promise is true. He is theOne Who originates the process of Creation and repeats it (willbring it back to life) so that He may justly reward those whobelieved in Him and did righteous deeds. As for those whodisbelieved, they shall have boiling fluids to drink and shallundergo a painful punishment because they rejected the truth.
He is the One Who gives life and causes death, and to Him youshall all return.
To Allah you shall all return and He has power over everything.
O Prophet, some of those to whom We have given the Book rejoiceat what is revealed to you, while there are some factions whodeny a part of it. Tell them: "I am commanded to worship Allahand to associate none with Him. To Him I invite you and to Him Ishall return."
Did you think that We had created you without any purpose andthat you would never return to Us for accountability?"
To Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth; andtowards Allah lies the final goal.
He is Allah; there is no god but Him. Praise belongs to Him inthis world and in the hereafter: His is the Judgement and to Himyou all shall be brought back.
Every soul shall taste death, then to Us you shall all return.
No bearer of a burden will bear another's burden, and if a heavyladen person cries out for help, none will come forward to sharethe least of his burden, even though he be a close relative. OProphet! You can only admonish those who fear their Rabb - thoughthey cannot see Him - and establish Salah. He that purifieshimself does so for his own good. To Allah is the destination ofall.
the Way of Allah - to whom belongs all that is in the heavens andthe earth. Beware! All affairs will eventually return to Allahfor a decision.
and to our Rabb we shall all return."
Blessed is He to Whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and theearth and all that lies between them! He Alone has the knowledgeof the Hour of Doom, and to Him you shall all be brought back.
Surely it is We Who give life and death; and to Us shall allreturn,
that it is He Who grants laughter and tears,
He created the heavens and the earth to manifest the truth. Heshaped you and shaped you well, and to Him you shall all return.
Say: "It is He Who has multiplied you in the earth, and beforeHim you shall all be assembled."
Surely to Us is their return,
then surely it is for Us to take their account.
although surely towards your Rabb is his return.
But he who will be given his book of deeds from behind his back,
shall soon be calling for death,
and shall be made to enter a blazing fire;
for he used to live happily with his kinfolks
and thought that he would never return to Allah foraccountability.
Yet, surely his Rabb was ever watching over his misdeeds.
O Prophet, you are not responsible for their guidance, it isAllah Who guides whom He pleases. Whatever wealth you spend incharity, it is to your own advantage; provided you give to seekthe pleasure of Allah. Whatever wealth you spend for the sake ofAllah, will be paid back to you in full, and you will not bewronged.