سُبْحَانَ ٱللَّٰهِ
Holy Qur'an
Kids Qur'an
- it is He Who has placed you in the earth and before Him youshall all be assembled on the Day of Judgement.
It is He Who gives life and cause you to die, and in His controlis the alternation of the night and the day: then why don't youunderstand?
On the contrary they just say what their forefathers said beforethem,
who said: "What! After death when our bodies become dust andbones, could we really be raised to life again?
We have heard many such threats and so did our forefathers beforeus. These are nothing but legends of primitive people."
Say: "To whom belong the earth and everything therein? Tell me ifyou know?"
They will promptly reply: "to Allah!" Ask them: "Then why youdon't use your common sense and believe in Him?"
Say: "Who is the Rabb of the seven heavens and the Rabb of theGlorious Throne?"
Right away they will say: "Allah." Ask them: "Then why you don'tfear Him?"
Say: "In whose hands is the sovereignty of all things, protectingall, while against Him there is no protection? Tell me if youknow."
Quickly they will reply: "Allah." Ask them: "Then how you can beso bewitched?"
The fact of the matter is that We have brought them the Truth,and undoubtedly these people are liars.
During the prayer say: "Rabb! Make my entrance, the entrance withtruth and make my exit, the exit with truth and grant me asupporting authority from your presence;"
Have not the unbelievers ever considered that the skies and theearth were once one mass, then We split them asunder? And We havecreated every living thing from water. Will they still notbelieve?
O Prophet! If you and the believers divorce your wives, divorcethem at the end of their prescribed periods, and count theirprescribed periods accurately. Fear Allah, your Rabb. Do notexpel them from their homes during their waiting period, nor theythemselves should leave, unless they have committed an openlewdness. These are limits set by Allah; he that transgresses thelimits of Allah will wrong his own soul. You never know, Allahmay, thereafter, bring about some new situation ofreconciliation.
O believers! When the believing women seek refuge with you, testthem. Allah best knows their faith. If you find them truebelievers, do not send them back to the unbelievers. They are notlawful to the unbelievers, nor are the unbelievers lawful tothem. Return to their unbelieving husbands what they have spenton them. There is no blame on you if you marry such women,provided you give them their dowers. Do not hold on to yourmarriages with unbelieving women. Demand what you have spent onthem and let the unbelievers do the same. This is the order ofAllah which He has decreed between you. Allah is All-Knowing,All-Wise.
If you do not get back the demanded amount that you have spent onyour disbelieving wives from the unbelievers, and your turncomes, to pay the demanded amount of Muslim wives to theunbelievers, you can offset the amount and pay those whose wiveshave fled the equivalent of the amount they have spent on theirdisbelieving wives. Fear Allah, in Whom you believe.
Allah will not call you to account for what is inadvertent inyour oaths. But He will hold you accountable for that which yousolemnly swear. The penalty for a broken oath is to feed tenindigent persons with such food as you normally provide to yourown family, or to clothe ten needy people, or to free one slave.The one who cannot afford any of these must fast three days. Thisis the expiation for breaking your oaths. Therefore, be mindfulof your oaths. Thus Allah makes clear to you His revelations thatyou may be thankful.
That shall be the day when you will be brought before your Rabb,and none of your secrets shall remain hidden.
When Allah made the covenant with those who were given the Book,they were asked to spread the teachings of the Book to mankindand not to conceal them; but they cast it behind their backs andsold them for a petty price. What a bad bargain they made!
who, when they spend, are neither extravagant nor stingy, butkeep the balance between those two extremes;
Those who rejoice in their misdeeds and wish to be praised forwhat they have not actually done, should never think that theywill escape the punishment; in fact they shall have a painfulpunishment;
No affliction can happen on earth nor to your souls, which is notrecorded in a Book, before We bring it into existence; surelythat is easy for Allah.
This is done so that you may not grieve for the things that youmiss, or be overjoyed at what you gain; for Allah does not loveany vainglorious boaster,
nor those who, being stingy themselves, enjoin others to bestingy also. He that gives no heed should know that Allah is freeof all needs, worthy of all praises.
But if We let him taste any favor after adversity has afflictedhim, then he says: "All my sorrows are gone from me," and hebecomes jubilantly arrogant.
When We give mankind a taste of blessing, they rejoice, but whensome evil afflicts them because of their own misdeeds, lo! Theyare in despair.
Now if they give no heed, they should know that We have not sentyou, O Muhammad, to be their keeper. Your only duty is to conveyMy message. Man is such that when We give him a taste of OurMercy, he is very happy about it; but when, through his ownfault, an evil afflicts him, he becomes utterly ungrateful."
Have they never travelled through the earth and seen what was theend of those who have gone before them? They were more in numberand superior in strength than these and they have left behindgreat traces of their power in the land; yet all that they didwas of no avail to them.
When their Rasools came to them with clear revelations, theyproudly boasted about their own knowledge; but the veryforewarned scourge at which they mocked, hemmed them in.
When they saw Our scourge, they cried out: "We believe in Allah,the One and Only, and we reject all those gods whom we used toassociate with Him."
But after seeing Our scourge, their professing the faith (Islam)was of no use to them; such was the practice of Allah in dealingwith His servants in the past, and thus the disbelievers werelost.
The fact is that Qarun (Korah) was one of Musa's people, but herebelled against them. We had given him such treasures that theirvery keys were a heavy burden to a band of strong men. When hispeople said to him: "Do not exult, for Allah does not love theexultant.
Rather seek, by means of what Allah has given you, to attain theabode of the hereafter, while not neglecting your share in thisworld. Be good to others as Allah has been good to you, and donot seek mischief in the land, for Allah does not love themischief makers."
He replied: "All that I have been given is by virtue of theknowledge that I possess." Did he (Qarun) not know that Allah haddestroyed many people before, who were mightier in strength andgreater in riches than him? But the criminals are not called toaccount immediately for their sins.
One day he came out before his people in his worldly glitter.Those who sought the life of this world said: "Would that we hadthe like of Qarun's fortune! He is indeed a very lucky man."
But those who were endowed with knowledge said: "Alas for you!Better is the reward of Allah for him that has faith and doesgood deeds; but none shall attain it save those who endured withfortitude."
Then We caused the earth to swallow him, together with hisdwelling, and he had no host to help him against Allah; nor washe able to defend himself.
Now the same people who envied him for his lot the day before,began to say: "Alas! We had forgotten that it is indeed Allah Whoenlarges the provision for whom He wills and restricts it fromwhom He pleases. If Allah had not been gracious to us, He couldhave caused the earth to swallow us too. Alas! We did notremember that the disbelievers never attain felicity."