سُبْحَانَ ٱللَّٰهِ
Holy Qur'an
Kids Qur'an
Forbidden to you for marriage are: your mothers, your daughters,your sisters, your paternal aunts, your maternal aunts, daughtersof your brothers, daughters of your sisters, your foster-mothers,your foster-sisters, the mothers of your wives, yourstepdaughters under your guardianship from those wives with whomyou have consummated your marriage, but there is no blame on youin marrying your stepdaughters if you have not consummated yourmarriage with their mothers, whom you have divorced, and thewives of your own real sons; and you are also forbidden to takein marriage two sisters at one and the same time except whathappened prior to this commandment; surely Allah is Forgiving,Merciful.
At the time of marriage, give the women their dowries willinglyas an obligation; but if they, by their own free will, give up toyou a portion of it then you may enjoy it with pleasure.
O mankind! Have fear of your Rabb, the One who created you from asingle soul, from that soul He created its mate, and through themHe spread countless men and women. Fear Allah, the One in whosename you demand your rights from one another and the ties ofrelationship; surely Allah is watching you very closely.
Forbidden to you for marriage are: your mothers, your daughters,your sisters, your paternal aunts, your maternal aunts, daughtersof your brothers, daughters of your sisters, your foster-mothers,your foster-sisters, the mothers of your wives, yourstepdaughters under your guardianship from those wives with whomyou have consummated your marriage, but there is no blame on youin marrying your stepdaughters if you have not consummated yourmarriage with their mothers, whom you have divorced, and thewives of your own real sons; and you are also forbidden to takein marriage two sisters at one and the same time except whathappened prior to this commandment; surely Allah is Forgiving,Merciful.
If you fear that you shall not be able to treat the orphans withfairness, then you should not marry the women with orphanchildren; marry other women of your choice: two, three or four.But if you fear that you will not be able to maintain justicebetween your wives, then marry only one or any slave girl you mayown. That will be more suitable , so that you may not deviatefrom the Right Way.
At the time of marriage, give the women their dowries willinglyas an obligation; but if they, by their own free will, give up toyou a portion of it then you may enjoy it with pleasure.
The mothers shall breast-feed their offspring for two whole yearsif the father wishes the breast-feeding to be completed. Thereasonable cost of their maintenance and clothing will be theresponsibility of the child's father. No one should be chargedwith more than they can afford. Neither a mother should be madeto suffer on account of her child nor a father on account of hischild. The father's heirs are under the same obligation. But ifwith mutual agreement they both decide to wean the child there isno blame on them. If you decide to have a foster-mother for youroffspring there is no blame on you provided you pay what you havepromised to pay in an honorable manner. Fear Allah and bewarethat Allah observes your actions.
We have indeed created man in the best stature;
They ask you as to what will happen to the mountains. Tell them:"My Rabb will crush and scatter them like a fine dust.
And We have planted mountains on earth lest it should tilt to oneside with them (the weight of people) and We left between themopen passages so that they may find the right direction.
If We had sent down this Qur'an on a mountain, you would haveseen it humble itself and split asunder from the fear of Allah,We are citing this example for mankind, so that they may takeheed.
On the day when the earth with all it's mountains will be in aviolent commotion, and the mountains will crumble into heaps ofshifting sand.
and the mountains like colorful carded wool.
A share of the spoils shall be given to the indigent Muhajirin(immigrants) who were driven out of their homes and theirpossessions, and are seeking Allah's grace and His good pleasureand who want to help Allah and His Rasool: such are indeed thetrue believers.
O Believers, do not say to our Rasool: "Ra'ina" (an ambiguousword for: "Listen, may you become deaf" or "Our shepherd" or inJudeo-Arabic language conveys the sense, "our evil one.") But say"Unzurna" ("look upon" us "or pay attention" to us) and listen tohim carefully; and remember that there is a painful punishmentfor the unbelievers.
Among the Jews there are some who take the words out of theircontext and utter them with a twist of their tongues to slanderthe true Deen (faith) and say: "We hear and we disobey;" and"Hear, may you (O Muhammad) hear nothing!" And "Ra'ina" (anambiguous word meaning: "listen, may you become deaf," or "ourshepherd," or "in judeo-Arabic language conveying the sense of"our evil one"). If only they had said: "We hear and we obey;"and "Hear us;" and "Unzurna ("look upon us," or " pay attentionto us"): it would have been better for them and more proper. Dueto all this Allah has cursed them for their unbelief. In factwith the exception of a few, they have no faith.
Muhammad is no more than a Rasool of Allah, like the Rasools thatpassed away before him. If he dies or is killed will you turnback on your heels (become unbelievers)? He that turns back onhis heels will do no harm to Allah; but Allah will reward thethankful.
O Muhammad, it is a great Mercy of Allah that you are very gentlewith them; had you been rough or hard-hearted, they would havedeserted you. Therefore pardon them and ask Allah's forgivenessfor them. Consult them in the conduct of affairs; and when youmake a decision to do something, then put your trust in Allah(hold fast to your decision). Allah loves those who put theirtrust in Him.
Allah has done a great favor to the believers that He raisedamong them a Rasool from among themselves, reciting to them theRevelations of Allah, sanctifying them and teaching them the Bookand Wisdom, although before this they were in manifest error.
O mankind! The Rasool has brought you the Truth from your Rabb,so believe in it, it is for your own benefit. If you disbelieve,then you should know that to Allah belongs all that is in theheavens and in the earth. Allah is the Knowledgeable, Wise.
Allah has done a great favor to the believers that He raisedamong them a Rasool from among themselves, reciting to them theRevelations of Allah, sanctifying them and teaching them the Bookand Wisdom, although before this they were in manifest error.
If Allah wanted they would not be mushrikin. We have neitherappointed you their keeper nor made you their guardian.
O Allah ordain for us what is good in this life and in theHereafter, surely we have turned to You." He replied: "I willinflict My punishment upon whom I please; yet My mercyencompasses everything. I will ordain special mercy for those whodo righteous deeds, pay Zakah and believe in Our revelations."
Does it seem strange to the people that We revealed Our will to aman from among themselves, saying: "Warn mankind and give thegood news to the Believers that they are on sound footing withtheir Rabb?" The disbelievers say: "This man is indeed an obviousmagician!"
Therefore, O Prophet, keep up your mission of admonition. By thegrace of your Rabb you are neither a soothsayer nor a madman.
O Muddaththir (the one enveloped - one of the nicknames ofProphet Muhammad)!
Now, special mercy is assigned to those who follow the Rasool,the unlettered Prophet (Muhammad) - whom they shall finddescribed in the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel). Whoenjoins them what is good and forbids what is evil; makes purethings Halal (lawful) for them and impure things Haram(unlawful); relieves them from their heavy burdens and from theyokes that were around their necks. Therefore, those who believein him, honor him, help him, and follow the Light which is sentdown with him will be the ones who will be successful in thislife and the hereafter".
It is He Who has raised among the unlettered people a Rasool oftheir own, who recites to them His revelations, purifies them,and teaches them the Book and Wisdom, though prior to this theywere in gross error,
O Muhammad, say: "O mankind! I am the Rasool of Allah towards allof you from He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and theearth. There is no deity but Him. He brings to life and causes todie. Therefore, believe in Allah and His Rasool, the unletteredProphet (Muhammad) who believes in Allah and His Word. Follow himso that you may be rightly guided."
Has it never occurred to them that their companion is not amadman; he is merely a plain Warner.
Further tell them: "I have no power to acquire benefit or avertany harm from myself, only that happens which Allah wants. Had Ipossessed the knowledge of the unseen I would have acquired manybenefits to myself; and no harm would have touched me. I am nomore than a Warner and bearer of good news for the truebelievers."
and tell the unbelievers: "Surely I am only a plain Warner."
This Warner (Muhammad) is just like the earlier warners.
There are some people among them who molest the Prophet saying:"He is one who believes everything that he hears." Say: "It isgood for you that he listens to what is best for you; he believesin Allah, has faith in the believers, and is a blessing for thoseof you who are true believers." As for those who molest theRasool, will have a painful punishment.
Now, there has come to you a Rasool from among yourselves, theone who grieves at your loss and who is excessively anxious foryour success in both worlds, and who is compassionate andmerciful towards the believers.
When Our clear revelations are recited to them, those whoentertain no hope of meeting Us say to you: "Bring us a Qur'andifferent than this or make some changes in it." O Muhammad, tellthem: "It is not possible for me to change it myself. I followonly what is revealed to me. Indeed, I cannot disobey my Rabb,for I fear the punishment of a Mighty Day."
Teaches that you should worship none but Allah - indeed I am aWarner and bearer of good news from Him to you.
Tell them plainly: "This is my way. I invite you to Allah withsure knowledge which I and my followers possess. Glory be toAllah, and I am not one of the mushrikin."
O Prophet say: "I would ask you one thing. For Allah's sake!Think individually or consult one another and ponder whether yourcompanion Muhammad is really mad? You yourself will come to theconclusion that he is nothing but a Warner to you to forewarn youof a sever punishment."
O Prophet, be on your guard lest you omit to recite some thingswhich are being revealed to you feeling distressed in your heartthat they might say: "Why has no treasure been sent down to him,or why has no angel come with him?" You should know that you arenothing but a Warner! It is Allah Who is the Custodian ofeverything.
O Prophet tell them: "I am no prodigy among the Rasools; nor do Iknow what will be done with me or with you. I follow only what isrevealed to me, and I am no more than a plain Warner."
The unbelievers say: "You are no Rasool." Say: "Allah isall-sufficient witness between me and you, and so are those whohave knowledge of the Book."
Tell them: "Allah is sufficient as a witness between me and you -for He knows all that is in the heavens and the earth - those whobelieve in falsehood and disbelieve Allah, it is they who shallbe the losers."
Do they say that the Prophet has fabricated it himself? OProphet, tell them: "If I have fabricated it myself, then thereis nothing that you can do to protect me from the wrath of Allah.He knows fully well what you say about it. Enough is He as awitness between me and you. He is the Oft-Forgiving, the MostMerciful."
We know that your heart is distressed by what they say againstyou.
Be patient - for your patience is not but with the help of Allah- do not grieve over them and do not distress yourself because oftheir plots,
O Muhammad! You probably will kill yourself in grief over them, if they do not believe in this Message (The Qur'an).
The Rasool will say: "O my Rabb! Surely my people took thisQur'an for foolish nonsense."
Call people to the Way of your Rabb with wisdom and best advice,and reason with them, if you have to, in the most courteousmanner: for your Rabb knows best who strays from His Way and Heknows best who is rightly guided.
O Muhammad, tell them: "I am but a human being like you; the revelation is sent to me to declare that your God is One God; therefore, whoever hopes to meet his Rabb, let him do good deeds and join no other deity in the worship of his Rabb."
your companion (Muhammad) is neither astray, nor misguided,
O Muhammad, We have not sent you but as a blessing for all theworlds.
Say: "I ask of you no recompense for this work except that he whowants, may take a the Right Way to his Rabb."
Tell them: "I do not ask you for any recompense, even though whatI preach is all in your interest. My reward is only due fromAllah and He is a witness over everything."
O Prophet, tell them: "I do not ask you any recompense forconveying this Message, nor do I pretend to be what I am not.
O Muhammad, say to them: "I have been commanded to worship theRabb of this city (Makkah), the One Who has made it sacred andWho is the Owner of all things; and I am commanded to be of thosewho are Muslims,
Nor were you at the side of the mountain of Tur when We calledout to Musa, but it is your Rabb's mercy that you are being giventhis information so that you may forewarn a nation to whom noWarner had come before you. Maybe they will take heed,
O Prophet! Surely We have sent you as a witness, as a bearer ofgood news and as a Warner,
So that you may warn a people whose forefathers were not warned,hence they are unaware.
The Prophet is closer to the believers than their own selves andhis wives are as their mothers. Blood relatives have a greaterclaim on one another than the other believers and the Muhajirin(early Muslims who migrated from Makkah to Madinah) according tothe Book of Allah: although you are permitted to some good(through leaving bequests) for your friends . This has beenwritten in the Book of Allah.
You have indeed, in the life of Rasool-Allah, the 'Best Model'for him whose hope is in Allah and the Day of the Hereafter, andwho engages himself much in the remembrance of Allah.
Muhammad is not the father of any of your men (he is not going toleave any male heirs). He is the Rasool of Allah and the Seal ofthe Prophets. Allah has the knowledge of all things.
There is no blame on the ladies if they appear before theirfathers, their sons, their brothers, their brothers' sons, theirsisters' sons, their familiar women and those whom their righthands possess (slaves). O Ladies! Have fear of Allah: for Allahis a witness to all things.
O Prophet! Why do you make something unlawful, which Allah hasmade lawful to you in seeking to please your wives? Allah isForgiving, Merciful.
O Prophet, We have sent you to the entire mankind, to give themgood news and forewarn them, but most men do not know.
Further say: "Think, if this Qur'an is indeed from Allah and youreject it, when a witness (a Jew) from the children of Israel hasalso testified to its similarity with earlier scriptures and hasbelieved (accepted Islam), while you are showing arrogance, howunjust you are! Surely Allah does not guide the unjust people."
Surely those who swore allegiance to you O Prophet, indeed sworeallegiance to Allah Himself. The Hand of Allah was above theirhands. Now, the one who will break his pledge, will break it athis own peril, and the one who will keep his pledge that he hasmade with Allah, shall soon be given a great rewarded by Him.
Those who resist Allah and His Rasool will be among the mosthumiliated.
It is He Who has sent His Rasool with the guidance and thereligion of truth so that he may proclaim it over all religions,much as the Mushrikin may dislike it.
a Rasool reciting to you the revelations of Allah containingclear guidance, so that he may lead the believers who do gooddeeds from the darkness to the light. He that believes in Allahand does good deeds, shall be admitted to gardens beneath whichrivers flow, to live therein forever; and Allah has prepared anexcellent provision for them.
O Prophet! Make Jihad (struggle including war) against theunbelievers and the hypocrites and deal sternly with them. Hellshall be their home, and that is an evil abode!
You are of the highest noble character.
that this is the word of a noble Rasool.
O Prophet, say: "I pray only to my Rabb and worship none besidesHim."
except to the Rasool whom He may choose for that purpose, andthen He appoints guards, who march before him and behind him,
therefore, await with patience the command of your Rabb and donot yield to any sinner or disbeliever from among theunbelievers.
O mankind, We have sent towards you a Rasool, to bear witness foryou or against you, as We sent a Rasool towards Fir'on (Pharaoh)before you.
Section 1 He (the Prophet) frowned and turned away
Nay! Do not obey him! Prostrate yourself and bring yourselfcloser to your Rabb.
that is, a Rasool of Allah reciting to them holy scriptures frompurified pages
Whatever spoils from the dwellers of the township Allah hasbestowed on His Rasool, shall belong to Allah, His Rasool,Rasool's relatives, and to the orphans, the needy and thetravellers in need; so that it may not become the property of therich among you. Whatever the Rasool gives you, take it and fromwhatever he forbids you, refrain from it. Fear Allah; for Allahis stern in retribution.
Whatever spoils from the dwellers of the township Allah hasbestowed on His Rasool, shall belong to Allah, His Rasool,Rasool's relatives, and to the orphans, the needy and thetravellers in need; so that it may not become the property of therich among you. Whatever the Rasool gives you, take it and fromwhatever he forbids you, refrain from it. Fear Allah; for Allahis stern in retribution.
Admonish your close relatives
Surely those who swore allegiance to you O Prophet, indeed sworeallegiance to Allah Himself. The Hand of Allah was above theirhands. Now, the one who will break his pledge, will break it athis own peril, and the one who will keep his pledge that he hasmade with Allah, shall soon be given a great rewarded by Him.
Is this a magic, or do you not see?
Now burn therein; it will be the same for you, whether you bearit patiently or do not bear it patiently. You are being rewardedaccording to your deeds."
As for the righteous, they will be in Gardens and bliss,
rejoicing in what their Rabb has given them and their Rabb shallshield them from the torment of hell.
We have indeed sent down revelations demonstrating the Truth, andAllah guides to the Straight Way whom He pleases.
Whereas he had come with the truth and had confirmed the messageof prior Rasools.
Then it will be said: "You are surely going to taste the painfulpunishment:
and this reward is nothing except what you had done.
O Prophet, tell them: "I do not ask you any recompense forconveying this Message, nor do I pretend to be what I am not.
Certainly We have revealed to you the Book with the Truth:therefore worship Allah, offering Him your sincere obedience.
Therefore, O Prophet, keep up your mission of admonition. By thegrace of your Rabb you are neither a soothsayer nor a madman.
Allah took the covenant with the Prophets, saying: "Now that youhave been given the Book and Wisdom; there will come to you aRasool who will confirm that which is with you; you will have tobelieve in him and help him in his mission." Then He said "Do youaffirm this covenant and agree to take this heavyresponsibility?" The Prophets replied, "Yes, we do affirm." Allahsaid, "Very well, bear witness to this and I too bear witnesswith you."
Now if anyone turns back after this, he will become thetransgressor.
O people of the Book! Indeed Our Rasool has now come to youmaking clear to you the teaching of the Right Way, after a longbreak in the series of the Rasools, so that you may not be ableto say, "No one has come to give us good news or to warn us." Nowsomeone has come to give you good news and warn you so listen tohim. Allah has power over everything.
and lower your wing of kindness to those of the believers whofollow you,
The Prophet is closer to the believers than their own selves andhis wives are as their mothers. Blood relatives have a greaterclaim on one another than the other believers and the Muhajirin(early Muslims who migrated from Makkah to Madinah) according tothe Book of Allah: although you are permitted to some good(through leaving bequests) for your friends . This has beenwritten in the Book of Allah.
The Prophet is closer to the believers than their own selves andhis wives are as their mothers. Blood relatives have a greaterclaim on one another than the other believers and the Muhajirin(early Muslims who migrated from Makkah to Madinah) according tothe Book of Allah: although you are permitted to some good(through leaving bequests) for your friends . This has beenwritten in the Book of Allah.
Allah will not leave the believers in their present condition;you are in this condition only until He separates the Evil fromthe Good. Allah will not do this by disclosing to you the secretsof the unseen. As for disclosing the unseen, Allah chooses thoseof his Rasools whom He pleases. Therefore, believe in Allah andHis Rasool. If you have faith and guard yourselves against evil,you shall have a great reward.
O believers! Believe in Allah, His Rasool, the Book which He hasrevealed to His Rasool, and every Book which He previouslyrevealed. He who denies Allah, His angels, His Books, His Rasoolsand the Last Day has gone far astray.
Now, special mercy is assigned to those who follow the Rasool,the unlettered Prophet (Muhammad) - whom they shall finddescribed in the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel). Whoenjoins them what is good and forbids what is evil; makes purethings Halal (lawful) for them and impure things Haram(unlawful); relieves them from their heavy burdens and from theyokes that were around their necks. Therefore, those who believein him, honor him, help him, and follow the Light which is sentdown with him will be the ones who will be successful in thislife and the hereafter".
O Muhammad, say: "O mankind! I am the Rasool of Allah towards allof you from He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and theearth. There is no deity but Him. He brings to life and causes todie. Therefore, believe in Allah and His Rasool, the unletteredProphet (Muhammad) who believes in Allah and His Word. Follow himso that you may be rightly guided."
The true believers are only those who believe in Allah and HisRasool, and who, when gathered with him on a matter requiringcollective action, do not depart until they have obtained hispermission - only those who ask your permission are the ones whotruly believe in Allah and His Rasool - so when they ask yourpermission to leave and attend to theirs private business, youmay give permission to those of them whom you deem appropriateand implore Allah to forgive them; surely Allah is Forgiving,Merciful.
So that you, O people, may believe in Allah and His Rasool, andthat you may help him and honor him and glorify Allah morning andevening.
The true believers are those who believe in Allah and His Rasool,then never doubt; and make Jihad (exert their efforts) with theirwealth and their persons in the cause of Allah. Such are the oneswho are truthful in their claim to be the believers.
Believe in Allah and His Rasool and spend in charity out of whatyou have been made the inheritors of, for those of you whobelieve and spend in charity shall be richly rewarded.
Those who believe in Allah and His Rasool, they are the truthfuland the true witnesses in the sight of their Rabb; they shallhave their reward and their light. But those who disbelieve andreject Our revelations; they shall be the inmates of hellfire.
Therefore, hastenly strive for the forgiveness of your Rabb andfor the paradise which is as vast as the heaven and the earth,prepared for those who believe in Allah and His Rasools. Such isthe grace of Allah, which He bestows on whom He pleases, andAllah is the Owner of mighty grace.
O believers! Fear Allah and believe in His Rasool (Muhammad,peace be upon him). He will grant you a double share of Hismercy, provide for you a light to walk with and forgive you yoursins. Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
O believers! Should I tell you of a bargain that will save youfrom a painful punishment?
It is to believe in Allah and His Rasool and strive your utmostin the cause of Allah with your wealth and your persons. That isbest for you, if you but knew it.
He will forgive you your sins and admit you to gardens beneathwhich rivers flow, and will lodge you in beautiful mansions inthe gardens of Eden, which will be a supreme achievement.
And yet another blessing which you love: help from Allah and aspeedy victory. So O Prophet, give this good news to thebelievers.
Therefore, believe in Allah and His Rasool, and in the Lightwhich We have revealed. Allah is well aware of all your actions.
O believers! Do not betray the trust of Allah and His Rasool, norviolate your trusts knowingly.
Indeed Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet. Obelievers, call for Allah's blessings on him and salute him withall respect.
The beduin Arabs who stayed behind will soon say to you: "Ourgoods and families kept us occupied, so please ask forgivenessfor us." They say with their tongues what is not in their hearts.Tell them: "Who can intervene on your behalf with Allah if it beHis will to do you harm or He pleases to do you good? Allah iswell aware of your actions.
Rather you thought that the Rasool and the believers would neverreturn to their families; this fancy seemed pleasing to yourhearts. You conceived evil thoughts and thus incurred damnation."
You are of the highest noble character.
If they do not believe you, say: "I am responsible for my actionsand you are for yours! You are not accountable for my actions,nor I am responsible for what you do."
O believers! When you want to consult the Rasool in private,offer something in charity before your consultation, that is bestand purest for you. But if you lack the means, know that Allah isOft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Do you hesitate to give out in charity before your privateconsultation with him? If you cannot afford it - Allah willforgive you - so establish Salah and pay Zakah, and obey Allahand His Rasool. Allah is well aware of all your actions.
purify your clothes,
O believers! When you want to consult the Rasool in private,offer something in charity before your consultation, that is bestand purest for you. But if you lack the means, know that Allah isOft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Do you hesitate to give out in charity before your privateconsultation with him? If you cannot afford it - Allah willforgive you - so establish Salah and pay Zakah, and obey Allahand His Rasool. Allah is well aware of all your actions.
Allah took the covenant with the Prophets, saying: "Now that youhave been given the Book and Wisdom; there will come to you aRasool who will confirm that which is with you; you will have tobelieve in him and help him in his mission." Then He said "Do youaffirm this covenant and agree to take this heavyresponsibility?" The Prophets replied, "Yes, we do affirm." Allahsaid, "Very well, bear witness to this and I too bear witnesswith you."
Now if anyone turns back after this, he will become thetransgressor.
There are some among them who criticize you (O Muhammad)concerning the distribution of sadaqat. If they are given from itthey are pleased, and if they are not given from it, lo! They arefull of rage.
O Prophet! Say to your wives: "If you desire the life of thisworld and its glitter, then come, I shall give you of these andlet you go in an honorable way."
But if you seek Allah and His Rasool and the home of thehereafter, then you should rest assured that Allah has prepared agreat reward for those of you who are good.
O Prophet! Fear Allah and do not obey the unbelievers and thehypocrites: certainly Allah is aware and wise.
O Prophet! Make Jihad (struggle including war) against theunbelievers and the hypocrites and deal sternly with them. Hellshall be their home, and that is an evil abode!
They also claim: "Allah has commanded us to believe in no Rasoolunless he shows us a sacrifice consumed by a fire from theHeaven." Ask them: "Other prophets before me have come to youwith clear arguments and showed this miracle you are asking for.Why did you kill them if what you say is true?"
O Muhammad if they reject you by calling you an impostor, so didthey reject other Rasools before you, although they brought themclear signs, Psalms, and the enlightening Book.
The reasons which prevent their contributions from being acceptedare: that they disbelieve in Allah and His Rasool, that they cometo offer Salah but reluctantly, and that they offer contributionsbut unwillingly.
O Prophet! It is the same, whether you ask forgiveness for themor not; even if you ask for their forgiveness seventy times,Allah is not going to forgive them: because they have disbelievedAllah and His Rasool. Allah does not guide those who aretransgressors.
In regards to their saying: "Why has not a sign been sent down tohim (Muhammad) from his Rabb?" Tell them: " Allah Alone has theknowledge of the unseen. Wait if you will: I too shall wait withyou."
O Prophet, be on your guard lest you omit to recite some thingswhich are being revealed to you feeling distressed in your heartthat they might say: "Why has no treasure been sent down to him,or why has no angel come with him?" You should know that you arenothing but a Warner! It is Allah Who is the Custodian ofeverything.
The unbelievers say: "You are no Rasool." Say: "Allah isall-sufficient witness between me and you, and so are those whohave knowledge of the Book."
They say: "O you to whom the reminder (The Qur'an) is beingrevealed! You are surely insane.
Why don't you bring us the angels, if you are of the truthfulones?"
O Muhammad, tell them: "We do not send down the angels except forjust cause (to execute Our scourge), and when they come, peopleare not given respite.
We are quite aware what they really wish to hear when they listento you, and what they say when they converse in private. Thesewrongdoers say to one another: "The man you follow is surelybewitched"
"Rather," some of them say, "this Qur'an is jumble of dreams!"Others say: "He has made it all up!" And yet others say: "He is apoet!" Let him bring to us a sign as did the former Rasools."
The fact, however, is that even though We showed Signs to theprior people, not a single nation before them, which Wedestroyed, ever believed. Will they believe?
The Rasools which We sent before you, O Muhammad, were also humanto whom We sent revelation. If you, O objectors, do not knowthis, then ask the people of the reminder (Jews and Christians).
We did not give them bodies which could survive without food, norwere they immortal.
Then We fulfilled Our promise with them: We saved them and thosewhom We pleased, and destroyed the transgressors.
Now, O People, We have sent down to you a Book (The Qur'an) whichdeals with matters concerning yourselves; why don't youunderstand?
Today when Our clear revelations are recited to them, they say:"This man only wants to turn you away from those gods to whomyour forefathers have been worshipping." Others say: "This Qur'anis nothing but an invented falsehood." While yet others, who denythe truth when it comes to them, say: "This is nothing but plainmagic."
Those who have gone before them also denied - these Arabs havenot received one tenth of what We had granted them - yet whenthey denied My Rasools, see how terrible was My scourge.
O Prophet say: "I would ask you one thing. For Allah's sake!Think individually or consult one another and ponder whether yourcompanion Muhammad is really mad? You yourself will come to theconclusion that he is nothing but a Warner to you to forewarn youof a sever punishment."
If they disbelieve you, know that their predecessors alsodisbelieved their Rasools who came to them with clear signs,scriptures and light-giving Book.
But in the end I seized the disbelievers, and behold, howterrible was My disapproval!
They wonder that a Warner has come to them from among themselves,and the disbelievers say: "He is a sorcerer telling lies!
Does he claim that there is only One God in place of all othergods? Surely this is a strange thing."
Their leaders go about saying: "Pay no heed, stand firm in theservice of your gods; this slogan of One God is designed againstyou.
We have not heard such a thing from anyone of the people oflatter days (Jews and Christians): it is nothing but afabrication.
Is he the only fit person among us to whom the admonition isrevealed?" But in fact they doubt My admonition, for they havenot yet tasted My punishment.
Do they have the treasures of the mercy of your Rabb, theAll-Mighty, the Munificent One.
Or do they have sovereignty over the heavens and the earth andall that lies between them? If so, let them ascend by any meansto be in a position of dictating Allah according to their wishes.
Their faction is no more than an army who will be beaten righthere.
Before them the people of Nuh, `Ad and Fir'on, the man of spikes,denied their Rasools,
So did Thamud, the people of Lut and those of Aiykah (the peopleof Median) - all divided themselves into factions;
all charged their Rasools as liars, so just was my torment ofannihilating them.
These people also await nothing but a single mighty Blast - theone which none may retard.
Also imagine when the dwellers of fire will ask the Keepers ofhell: "Pray to your Rabb for relieving our punishment at leastfor one day!"
The Keepers of hell will ask: "Did there not come to you Rasoolswith clear revelations?" "Yes," they will answer. The Keepers ofhell will say: "Then pray yourselves." But vain shall be theprayer of the disbelievers.
He who does not believe in Allah and His Rasool, We have prepareda blazing fire for such unbelievers.
It has been the case that whenever a Rasool came to the peoplesbefore them, they said about him: "He is a sorcerer or a madman."
Have they transmitted this statement from one generation to thenext? Nay, but they are all a rebellious people.
So, O Prophet, ignore them; you are not at fault.
Therefore, O Prophet, keep up your mission of admonition. By thegrace of your Rabb you are neither a soothsayer nor a madman.
Do they say: "He is but a poet! We are waiting for somemisfortune to befall him."
Tell them: "Wait if you will; I too shall wait with you."
Does their faculties of reasoning prompt them to say this? Or isit merely that they are wicked people?
And remember when Isa (Jesus) the son of Maryam said: "O childrenof Israel! I am the Rasool of Allah towards you, confirming theTorah which came before me, and to give you good news of a Rasoolthat will come after me whose name shall be Ahmed (another nameof Muhammad, meaning 'The praised one')." But when he (Muhammad)came to them with clear signs, they said "This is plain magic."
Have you not seen those who, though forbidden to hold secretcounsels, persistently do what was forbidden? They hold secretcounsels among themselves for sin, hostility and disobedience tothe Rasool. Yet when they come to you, they greet you in wordswhich Allah does not greet you with, and say to themselves: "Whydoes Allah not punish us for what we say?" Hell is enough forthem, they shall burn in its flames, what an evil destination!
O believers! When you confer together in private, do not talkabout sin and hostility and disobedience to the Rasool; but tocounsel about virtue and piety, and fear Allah, before whom youshall be brought together.
But the ones who disobey Allah and His Rasool and transgress Hislimits will be cast to Hellfire to live therein forever, and theyshall have a humiliating punishment.
Just imagine how they will feel when We shall bring a witnessfrom every nation and call upon you , O Muhammad, to testifyagainst them?
On that Day (the Day of Judgement) those who rejected faith anddisobeyed the Rasool will wish that they were levelled withearth; for they will not be able to hide a single word fromAllah!
but if they disobey, tell them: "I am not accountable for whatyou do."
It is not fitting for a believing man or a believing woman tohave an option in their affairs when a matter has been decided byAllah and His Rasool; and whoever disobeys Allah and His Rasoolhas indeed strayed into a clearly wrong path.
My mission is only to deliver what I receive from Allah and makeHis messages known. As for those who disobey Allah and HisRasool, they shall be put in the fire of hell to live thereinforever."
O believers! Do not enter the houses of the Prophet withoutpermission, nor stay waiting for meal time: but if you areinvited to a meal, enter, and when you have eaten disperse and donot seek long conversation. Such behavior annoys the Prophet, hefeels shy in asking you to leave, but Allah does not feel shy intelling the truth. If you have to ask his wives for anything,speak to them from behind a curtain. This is more chaste for yourhearts and for theirs. It is not proper for you to annoy theRasool of Allah, nor ever to marry his wives after him; thiswould be a grievous offence in the sight of Allah.
O believers! Obey Allah, obey the Rasool and those charged withauthority among you. Should you have a dispute in anything, referit to Allah and His Rasool, if you truly believe in Allah and theLast Day. This course of action will be better and more suitable.
The only duty of the Rasool is to pass on My Message. Allah knowsall what you reveal and what you conceal.
He who emigrates in the path of Allah shall find numerous placesof refuge in the Earth and abundant resources. He who leaves hishome to migrate for Allah and His Rasool and dies on the way, hisreward becomes due and sure with Allah. Allah is Forgiving,Merciful.
They think they have conferred upon you a favor by embracingIslam. Tell them: "You have conferred upon me no favor byaccepting Islam. It was Allah Who has conferred a favor upon youin guiding you to the true faith; admit this, if you are men oftruth.
They think they have conferred upon you a favor by embracingIslam. Tell them: "You have conferred upon me no favor byaccepting Islam. It was Allah Who has conferred a favor upon youin guiding you to the true faith; admit this, if you are men oftruth.
Surely your enemy is the one who will be cut off from the root.
O believers! Do not enter the houses of the Prophet withoutpermission, nor stay waiting for meal time: but if you areinvited to a meal, enter, and when you have eaten disperse and donot seek long conversation. Such behavior annoys the Prophet, hefeels shy in asking you to leave, but Allah does not feel shy intelling the truth. If you have to ask his wives for anything,speak to them from behind a curtain. This is more chaste for yourhearts and for theirs. It is not proper for you to annoy theRasool of Allah, nor ever to marry his wives after him; thiswould be a grievous offence in the sight of Allah.
O believers! Do not enter the houses of the Prophet withoutpermission, nor stay waiting for meal time: but if you areinvited to a meal, enter, and when you have eaten disperse and donot seek long conversation. Such behavior annoys the Prophet, hefeels shy in asking you to leave, but Allah does not feel shy intelling the truth. If you have to ask his wives for anything,speak to them from behind a curtain. This is more chaste for yourhearts and for theirs. It is not proper for you to annoy theRasool of Allah, nor ever to marry his wives after him; thiswould be a grievous offence in the sight of Allah.
You have indeed, in the life of Rasool-Allah, the 'Best Model'for him whose hope is in Allah and the Day of the Hereafter, andwho engages himself much in the remembrance of Allah.
He who emigrates in the path of Allah shall find numerous placesof refuge in the Earth and abundant resources. He who leaves hishome to migrate for Allah and His Rasool and dies on the way, hisreward becomes due and sure with Allah. Allah is Forgiving,Merciful.
He that has no slave, shall fast two consecutive months beforethey touch each other. He that cannot fast, shall feed sixty poorpeople. This is enjoined so that you may have faith in Allah andHis Rasool. These are the limits set by Allah, and the violatorsshall have a painful punishment.
O Prophet! Why do you make something unlawful, which Allah hasmade lawful to you in seeking to please your wives? Allah isForgiving, Merciful.
Allah has already given you absolution from such oaths. Allah isyour Master and He is the Knowledgeable, the Wise.
When the Prophet confined a secret to one of his wives, shedisclosed this secret to another and Allah informed him about it,the Prophet made known to the said wife a part of it and avoidedmentioning the rest. So when he told her about this disclosure,she asked: "Who told you this?" He replied: "I was informed byHim Who is All-Knowing, All-Aware."
If you both (Hafsah and Aeysha) turn in repentance to Allah - foryour hearts have sinned - you shall be pardoned; and if you backup each other against him (the Prophet), then you should knowthat his protectors are Allah, Gabriel and all righteousbelievers, furthermore the angels too are his supporters.
It may well be that, if he divorce you all, his Rabb will givehim in your place better wives than yourselves, submissive,faithful, obedient, penitent, worshippers and keepers of fasting;be they previously married or virgins.
Those men who accuse their own wives but have no witness exceptthemselves, each one of them shall be made to swear four times byAllah that his charge is true,
We have made you a moderate Ummah (nation) so that you maytestify against mankind and that your own Rasool may testifyagainst you. We decreed your former Qiblah only to distinguishthose who are the real followers of the Rasool from those whowould back away from the faith. It was indeed a hard test exceptfor those whom Allah has guided. Allah wants not to make yourfaith fruitless. Allah is Compassionate and Merciful to mankind.
Tell the people O Muhammad: "If you sincerely love Allah, thenfollow me; Allah will also love you and forgive you your sins.Allah is Forgiving, Merciful."
Now, special mercy is assigned to those who follow the Rasool,the unlettered Prophet (Muhammad) - whom they shall finddescribed in the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel). Whoenjoins them what is good and forbids what is evil; makes purethings Halal (lawful) for them and impure things Haram(unlawful); relieves them from their heavy burdens and from theyokes that were around their necks. Therefore, those who believein him, honor him, help him, and follow the Light which is sentdown with him will be the ones who will be successful in thislife and the hereafter".
O Muhammad, say: "O mankind! I am the Rasool of Allah towards allof you from He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and theearth. There is no deity but Him. He brings to life and causes todie. Therefore, believe in Allah and His Rasool, the unletteredProphet (Muhammad) who believes in Allah and His Word. Follow himso that you may be rightly guided."
Follow that which is revealed to you from your Rabb: for Allah isaware of what you do.
And know that Allah's Rasool is among you. If he were to followyou in most affairs, you would certainly be in trouble. Allah hasendeared this faith to you and beautified it in your hearts,making unbelief, wrongdoing, and disobedience abhorrent to you.It is they who are rightly guided
through Allah's grace and blessing. Allah is Knowledgeable, Wise.
We have not created the Heavens and the Earth, and all that lies between them but to manifest the Truth.The Hour of Doom is sure to come, so overlook their misbehavior in a gracious manner.
O believers! Do not put yourselves ahead of Allah and His Rasool.Fear Allah; surely Allah hears all and knows all.
Do you think that you will be left alone (without trial)? WhileAllah has not yet demonstrated which of you had exerted yourutmost struggle (in the path of Allah) and did not take anyintimate friends other than Allah, His Rasool and the believers?Allah is well aware of all your actions.
he (Muhammad) indeed saw him (Gabriel) in the clear horizon
Do not look at the worldly wealth which We have given todifferent people among them, nor grieve at their condition. Leavethem alone, attend to the believers in kindness,
They also say: "Why is this Qur'an not revealed to a man of greatimportance in the two towns (Makkah and Ta'if)"?
Is it they who distribute the blessings of your Rabb? It is WeWho distribute the means of their livelihood in the life of thisworld, raising some in rank above others, so that one may takeothers into his service. But the blessing of your Rabb is fargreater in value than the wealth of this world which they amass.
Thus, have We revealed to you O Muhammad, a Spirit (inspired Book- The Qur'an) by Our command: while you did not know what is TheBook and what is the Iman (faith)? But We have made it (TheQur'an) a light whereby We guide those of Our servants whom Weplease; and surely you are guiding mankind to the Right Way
Allah has promised you many spoils which you shall acquire, andhas given you these spoils of Khayber with all promptness. He hasrestrained the hands of enemies from you, so that it may serve asa sign to the believers and that He may guide you to the RightWay.
If anyone thinks that Allah will not help His Rasool in thisworld and in the Hereafter, let him stretch out a rope to the skyif he can and cut a hole to peep through and see for himselfwhether his device can avert that which irritates him.
Now, special mercy is assigned to those who follow the Rasool,the unlettered Prophet (Muhammad) - whom they shall finddescribed in the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel). Whoenjoins them what is good and forbids what is evil; makes purethings Halal (lawful) for them and impure things Haram(unlawful); relieves them from their heavy burdens and from theyokes that were around their necks. Therefore, those who believein him, honor him, help him, and follow the Light which is sentdown with him will be the ones who will be successful in thislife and the hereafter".
The unbelievers who obstruct others from the Way of Allah anddisputed the Rasool after the guidance has become clear to themshall in no way harm Allah; as a result, he will bring theirdeeds to nothing.
Therefore, hold fast to this Qur'an which is reveled to you,surely you are on the Right Way.
O Prophet! Fear Allah and do not obey the unbelievers and thehypocrites: certainly Allah is aware and wise.
O Prophet! Make Jihad (struggle including war) against theunbelievers and the hypocrites and deal sternly with them. Hellshall be their home, and that is an evil abode!
O Prophet! Make Jihad (struggle including war) against theunbelievers and the hypocrites and deal sternly with them. Hellshall be their home, and that is an evil abode!
Does it seem strange to the people that We revealed Our will to aman from among themselves, saying: "Warn mankind and give thegood news to the Believers that they are on sound footing withtheir Rabb?" The disbelievers say: "This man is indeed an obviousmagician!"
Such are the people on whom there are blessings and Mercy fromAllah; and they are the ones that are rightly guided.
Behold! Safa and Marwah (two hills in the Sacred Mosque) areamong the symbols of Allah. So anyone who performs Hajj or Umrah(pilgrimage) to the House, there is no blame if one goes aroundboth of them; and anyone who does good voluntarily should knowthat surely Allah knows the grateful.
O Muhammad, you have never read a book before this nor have youever transcribed one with your right hand. Had you done either ofthese, the quibblers could suspect it.
O Prophet! Why do you make something unlawful, which Allah hasmade lawful to you in seeking to please your wives? Allah isForgiving, Merciful.
Allah has already given you absolution from such oaths. Allah isyour Master and He is the Knowledgeable, the Wise.
When the Prophet confined a secret to one of his wives, shedisclosed this secret to another and Allah informed him about it,the Prophet made known to the said wife a part of it and avoidedmentioning the rest. So when he told her about this disclosure,she asked: "Who told you this?" He replied: "I was informed byHim Who is All-Knowing, All-Aware."
If you both (Hafsah and Aeysha) turn in repentance to Allah - foryour hearts have sinned - you shall be pardoned; and if you backup each other against him (the Prophet), then you should knowthat his protectors are Allah, Gabriel and all righteousbelievers, furthermore the angels too are his supporters.
It may well be that, if he divorce you all, his Rabb will givehim in your place better wives than yourselves, submissive,faithful, obedient, penitent, worshippers and keepers of fasting;be they previously married or virgins.
When the Prophet confined a secret to one of his wives, shedisclosed this secret to another and Allah informed him about it,the Prophet made known to the said wife a part of it and avoidedmentioning the rest. So when he told her about this disclosure,she asked: "Who told you this?" He replied: "I was informed byHim Who is All-Knowing, All-Aware."
Tell them how We brought to you a group of jinns, who when theyreached the place where you were reciting and listened to theQur'an, said to each other: "Be silent." When the recitation wasover, they returned to their people as warners.
They said "O our people! We have just listened to a Book that hasbeen revealed after Musa which is confirming that what camebefore it, and it guides to the truth and to the Right Way.
O our people, answer the one who is calling you towards Allah andbelieve in him! Allah will forgive you your sins and save youfrom a painful punishment.
He that does not answer the one who is calling towards Allah,shall neither escape in the earth, nor shall have any to protectfrom Him. Surely such people are in manifest error."
Tell them how We brought to you a group of jinns, who when theyreached the place where you were reciting and listened to theQur'an, said to each other: "Be silent." When the recitation wasover, they returned to their people as warners.
They said "O our people! We have just listened to a Book that hasbeen revealed after Musa which is confirming that what camebefore it, and it guides to the truth and to the Right Way.
O our people, answer the one who is calling you towards Allah andbelieve in him! Allah will forgive you your sins and save youfrom a painful punishment.
He that does not answer the one who is calling towards Allah,shall neither escape in the earth, nor shall have any to protectfrom Him. Surely such people are in manifest error."
Muhammad is not the father of any of your men (he is not going toleave any male heirs). He is the Rasool of Allah and the Seal ofthe Prophets. Allah has the knowledge of all things.
It is not proper for the people of Madinah and the beduin Arabsof the neighborhood to forsake the Rasool of Allah or tojeopardize his life so as to safeguard their own: because they donot suffer any thirst or hunger or any ordeal for the sake ofAllah, or take any step which may provoke the unbelievers, orreceive any injury from an enemy, but shall be written down as agood deed to their account; for Allah does not waste the rewardof the righteous.
O believers! Do not enter the houses of the Prophet withoutpermission, nor stay waiting for meal time: but if you areinvited to a meal, enter, and when you have eaten disperse and donot seek long conversation. Such behavior annoys the Prophet, hefeels shy in asking you to leave, but Allah does not feel shy intelling the truth. If you have to ask his wives for anything,speak to them from behind a curtain. This is more chaste for yourhearts and for theirs. It is not proper for you to annoy theRasool of Allah, nor ever to marry his wives after him; thiswould be a grievous offence in the sight of Allah.
O Believers, do not say to our Rasool: "Ra'ina" (an ambiguousword for: "Listen, may you become deaf" or "Our shepherd" or inJudeo-Arabic language conveys the sense, "our evil one.") But say"Unzurna" ("look upon" us "or pay attention" to us) and listen tohim carefully; and remember that there is a painful punishmentfor the unbelievers.
Proclaim the greatness of your Rabb,
There are some people among them who molest the Prophet saying:"He is one who believes everything that he hears." Say: "It isgood for you that he listens to what is best for you; he believesin Allah, has faith in the believers, and is a blessing for thoseof you who are true believers." As for those who molest theRasool, will have a painful punishment.
O believers! Do not enter the houses of the Prophet withoutpermission, nor stay waiting for meal time: but if you areinvited to a meal, enter, and when you have eaten disperse and donot seek long conversation. Such behavior annoys the Prophet, hefeels shy in asking you to leave, but Allah does not feel shy intelling the truth. If you have to ask his wives for anything,speak to them from behind a curtain. This is more chaste for yourhearts and for theirs. It is not proper for you to annoy theRasool of Allah, nor ever to marry his wives after him; thiswould be a grievous offence in the sight of Allah.
O believers! Do not enter the houses of the Prophet withoutpermission, nor stay waiting for meal time: but if you areinvited to a meal, enter, and when you have eaten disperse and donot seek long conversation. Such behavior annoys the Prophet, hefeels shy in asking you to leave, but Allah does not feel shy intelling the truth. If you have to ask his wives for anything,speak to them from behind a curtain. This is more chaste for yourhearts and for theirs. It is not proper for you to annoy theRasool of Allah, nor ever to marry his wives after him; thiswould be a grievous offence in the sight of Allah.
O Rasool! Deliver the message which has been revealed to you fromyour Rabb, and if you do not, you are not doing justice to yourmission. Allah will protect you from the mischief of the people.Rest assured that Allah will not let the unbelievers succeedagainst you.
O Muhammad! Whether We let you see, within your lifetime, a partof what We threaten them with or cause you to die before We smitethem, your mission is only to deliver the Message and it is forUs to take accountability.
O Muhammad, We have not sent you but as a blessing for all theworlds.
Muhammad is not the father of any of your men (he is not going toleave any male heirs). He is the Rasool of Allah and the Seal ofthe Prophets. Allah has the knowledge of all things.
It is He Who has raised among the unlettered people a Rasool oftheir own, who recites to them His revelations, purifies them,and teaches them the Book and Wisdom, though prior to this theywere in gross error,
he is also sent for others of them who have not yet joined them(become Muslims). He is the Mighty, the Wise.
O believers! Do not enter the houses of the Prophet withoutpermission, nor stay waiting for meal time: but if you areinvited to a meal, enter, and when you have eaten disperse and donot seek long conversation. Such behavior annoys the Prophet, hefeels shy in asking you to leave, but Allah does not feel shy intelling the truth. If you have to ask his wives for anything,speak to them from behind a curtain. This is more chaste for yourhearts and for theirs. It is not proper for you to annoy theRasool of Allah, nor ever to marry his wives after him; thiswould be a grievous offence in the sight of Allah.
Surely those who annoy Allah and His Rasool, are cursed by Allahin this world and in the hereafter. He has prepared for them ahumiliating punishment.
O believers! Be not like those who slandered Musa, but Allahcleared him of what they said - for he was honorable in the sightof Allah.
They ask: "Why has no angel been sent down to us?" Well, if Wehad sent down an angel, the matter would have been settled atonce and no respite would have been granted after that;
and if We had sent an angel, We would have certainly send him ina human form and thus involved them in the same confusion as theyare in at this time.
or a house made with gold comes into being for you; or you ascendto the sky - we shall not even believe in your ascendance untilyou bring down to us a book that we can read." O Muhammad, tellthem: "Glory be to my Rabb! Have I ever claimed to be anythingmore than a human Rasool?"
O Muhammad, tell them: "I am but a human being like you; the revelation is sent to me to declare that your God is One God; therefore, whoever hopes to meet his Rabb, let him do good deeds and join no other deity in the worship of his Rabb."
Whenever they hear news of peace or of danger, they spread itquickly; but if they would report it to the Rasool and to theresponsible people in the community, it would come to theknowledge of those who could draw the right conclusions. If ithad not been for Allah's grace and mercy, all of you with theexception of a few, would have followed Shaitan.
Also tell them, "Obey Allah and His Rasool." Inspite of this, ifthey turn back then warn them, that Allah does not love thedisobedient.
Obey Allah and His Rasool so that you may find mercy.
These are the limits set by Allah: those who obey Allah and HisRasool will be admitted to paradise, in which rivers flow, tolive therein forever, and that is the Great Achievement.
O believers! Obey Allah, obey the Rasool and those charged withauthority among you. Should you have a dispute in anything, referit to Allah and His Rasool, if you truly believe in Allah and theLast Day. This course of action will be better and more suitable.
We did not send any Rasool but to be obeyed by Allah's leave. Ifthey would have come to you when they had wronged themselves toseek Allah's forgiveness and if the Rasool had also asked Allah'sforgiveness for them, they would have found Allah Forgiving,Merciful.
Whosoever obeys Allah and the Rasool will be in the company ofthose whom Allah has blessed - the Prophets, the truthful, themartyrs, and the righteous: What excellent companions they willbe!
Anyone who obeys the Rasool, in fact, obeys Allah. As for thosewho pay no heed, they should know that We have not sent you as ataskmaster over them.
Obey Allah and obey the Rasool and abstain from these things. Ifyou do not, then you should know that Our Rasool's duty is onlyto pass on My message clearly.
They ask you about booty (spoils of war). Tell them: "The Bootybelongs to Allah and His Rasool: so fear Allah, end yourdisputes, and correct the relations between yourselves: obeyAllah and His Rasool if you are true believers."
O believers! Obey Allah and his Rasool and do not turn your backto him, now that you have heard all.
Obey Allah and His Rasool and do not argue with one another, lestyou lose courage and weaken your strength. Show patience, surelyAllah is on the side of the patient.
The true believers, both men and women, are protectors of oneanother. They enjoin what is just and forbid what is evil; theyestablish Salah, pay Zakah, and obey Allah and His Rasool. It isthey on whom Allah will have His mercy; surely Allah is Mighty,Wise.
Tell them: "Allah is sufficient as a witness between me and you -for He knows all that is in the heavens and the earth - those whobelieve in falsehood and disbelieve Allah, it is they who shallbe the losers."
They challenge you to hasten the scourge on them. Had a time notbeen fixed for it, the scourge would already have overtaken them.It is going to come suddenly and catch them unaware.
They challenge you to hasten the scourge, whereas hell hasalready encircled the unbelievers.
That Day, when their faces will roll about in the fire, they willsay: "Woe to us! Would that we had obeyed Allah and obeyed theRasool."
They will further say: "Our Rabb! We obeyed our chiefs and ourgreat ones and they misled us from the Right Way.
Our Rabb! Give them double punishment and lay on them a mightycurse."
He will bless your works and forgive your sins - for he thatobeys Allah and His Rasool, has indeed achieved the highestachievement.
O believers! Obey Allah and obey His Rasool, and do not let yourdeeds come to nothing.
Tell the beduin Arabs who stayed behind: "You shall soon becalled upon to fight against a mighty people then either you willfight or they will embrace Islam. Then if you obey, Allah willgrant you a good reward, but if you turn away as you have donebefore, He will inflict on you a painful penalty."
There is no blame on the blind, the lame, and the sick if theystay behind. He that obeys Allah and His Rasool shall be admittedto gardens beneath which the rivers flow, and he that turns awayshall be punished with a painful punishment.
The beduin Arabs say: "We have believed." Tell them: "You havenot believed; rather say 'We have become Muslims;' for faith hasnot yet found its way into your hearts. If you obey Allah and HisRasool, He will not deny you the reward of your deeds; surelyAllah is Forgiving, Merciful."
Do you hesitate to give out in charity before your privateconsultation with him? If you cannot afford it - Allah willforgive you - so establish Salah and pay Zakah, and obey Allahand His Rasool. Allah is well aware of all your actions.
Obey Allah and obey His Rasool; but if you pay no heed, then youshould know that Our Rasool's responsibility is nothing but toconvey the message plainly.
Anyone who is hostile to the Rasool after guidance has beenplainly conveyed to him and follows a path other than that of thebelievers, We shall leave him in the path he has chosen and casthim into Hell; which is an evil refuge.
This is because they defied Allah and His Rasool. Whoever defiesAllah and His Rasool should know that Allah is strict inretribution,
that it is the reality, so taste it, and there will also be thetorture of hellfire for the unbelievers.
Don't they know that anyone who opposes Allah and His Rasoolshall live forever in the fire of hell? That surely is the worsthumiliation.
The unbelievers who obstruct others from the Way of Allah anddisputed the Rasool after the guidance has become clear to themshall in no way harm Allah; as a result, he will bring theirdeeds to nothing.
Those who resist Allah and His Rasool, shall be humiliated aswere those before them. We have sent down clear revelations; thedisbelievers shall have a humiliating punishment.
Those who resist Allah and His Rasool will be among the mosthumiliated.
Allah has decreed: "It is I and My Rasools who will mostcertainly prevail." Surely Allah is All-Powerful, All-Mighty.
You will never find any people who believe in Allah and the lastDay on friendly terms with those who oppose Allah and His Rasool,even though they be their fathers, their sons, their brothers ortheir relatives. It is they in whose hearts Allah has inscribedfaith and has strengthened them with a spirit of His own. He willadmit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow, to live thereinforever. Allah will be well pleased with them, and they will bewell pleased with Him. They are the party of Allah. Beware!Surely it is the party of Allah that will be successful.
It is He Who drove the disbelievers from among the People of theBook (reference is to the Jewish tribe of Banu Al-Nadir) out oftheir homes at the first banishment. You did not think that theywould ever go out; and they thought that their fortresses woulddefend them from Allah, but the wrath of Allah came to them fromwhere they never expected - which casted such terror into theirhearts - that they destroyed their homes by their own hands aswell as by the hands of the believers. So learn a lesson fromthis example! O the people of insight.
Had Allah not decreed exile for them, He would certainly havepunished them in this world, and in the hereafter there shall bethe punishment of the fire for them,
because they set themselves up against Allah and His Rasool; andhe that set himself up against Allah should know that Allah isstern in retribution.
Do not consider the summoning of the Rasool in the same manner,as you consider the summoning of one another among yourselves.Allah knows those of you who slip away, concealing themselvesbehind others. Let those who disobey his orders beware, lest sometrial befall them or a painful punishment be inflicted on them.
It is not fitting for a believing man or a believing woman tohave an option in their affairs when a matter has been decided byAllah and His Rasool; and whoever disobeys Allah and His Rasoolhas indeed strayed into a clearly wrong path.
and be patient for the sake of your Rabb.
Allah took the covenant with the Prophets, saying: "Now that youhave been given the Book and Wisdom; there will come to you aRasool who will confirm that which is with you; you will have tobelieve in him and help him in his mission." Then He said "Do youaffirm this covenant and agree to take this heavyresponsibility?" The Prophets replied, "Yes, we do affirm." Allahsaid, "Very well, bear witness to this and I too bear witnesswith you."
Now if anyone turns back after this, he will become thetransgressor.
O people of the Book! Indeed Our Rasool has now come to youmaking clear to you the teaching of the Right Way, after a longbreak in the series of the Rasools, so that you may not be ableto say, "No one has come to give us good news or to warn us." Nowsomeone has come to give you good news and warn you so listen tohim. Allah has power over everything.
Allah took the covenant with the Prophets, saying: "Now that youhave been given the Book and Wisdom; there will come to you aRasool who will confirm that which is with you; you will have tobelieve in him and help him in his mission." Then He said "Do youaffirm this covenant and agree to take this heavyresponsibility?" The Prophets replied, "Yes, we do affirm." Allahsaid, "Very well, bear witness to this and I too bear witnesswith you."
Now if anyone turns back after this, he will become thetransgressor.
O people of the Book! Indeed Our Rasool has now come to youmaking clear to you the teaching of the Right Way, after a longbreak in the series of the Rasools, so that you may not be ableto say, "No one has come to give us good news or to warn us." Nowsomeone has come to give you good news and warn you so listen tohim. Allah has power over everything.
The unbelievers say: "You are no Rasool." Say: "Allah isall-sufficient witness between me and you, and so are those whohave knowledge of the Book."
The true believers are only those who believe in Allah and HisRasool, and who, when gathered with him on a matter requiringcollective action, do not depart until they have obtained hispermission - only those who ask your permission are the ones whotruly believe in Allah and His Rasool - so when they ask yourpermission to leave and attend to theirs private business, youmay give permission to those of them whom you deem appropriateand implore Allah to forgive them; surely Allah is Forgiving,Merciful.
They swear to you by Allah in order to please you. But it is morefitting that they should please Allah and His Rasool if they aretrue believers.
Before them the people of Nuh denied the Message and so did othergroups after them. Every nation plotted against its Prophet,seized him and sought to refute the truth through falsearguments; but I smote them, and how terrible was My retribution!
Thus shall the Word of your Rabb be proved true against thedisbelievers; they are the inmates of hellfire.
Do they intend to devise a plot against you? If so, thedisbelievers themselves will be trapped in their plot.
So leave them alone until they encounter that Day of theirswherein they shall be made to swoon with terror.
The Day when their designs will avail them nothing and none willhelp them.
These unbelievers of Makkah are plotting a scheme:
and I, too, am plotting a scheme.
Therefore, leave the unbelievers alone. Leave them alone for awhile.
Those unbelievers who have passed before them also devised plots;but Allah is the Master of all planning. He knows the actions ofevery soul. Soon the unbelievers will come to know who will getthe home of paradise in the hereafter.
keep yourself away from uncleanliness,
By the grace of your Rabb you are not a madman,
and you shall have a never ending reward.
You are of the highest noble character.
Soon you will see - as they will see
- which of you is afflicted with madness.
The unbelievers would almost trip you up with their eyes whenthey hear Our revelations (The Qur'an), and say: "He (Muhammad)is surely crazy."
This (The Qur'an) is nothing but a Reminder to all the people ofthe world.
But some of the desert Arabs believe in Allah and the Last Day,and look on what they spend in the way of Allah as a means ofbringing them close to Allah and to the prayers of the Rasool.Indeed, closer they shall be brought: soon Allah will admit themto His mercy. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
Take sadaqat (this commanded sadaqat means - Zakat-ul-Mall) fromtheir wealth, so that they may thereby be cleansed and purified,and pray for them; for your prayer will give them comfort. Allahhears all and knows all.
O Prophet, tell them: If your fathers, your sons, your brothers,your spouses, your relatives, the wealth that you have acquired,the business in which you fear a loss, and the homes which youlike are dearer to you than Allah, His Rasool, and making Jihad(struggle) in His Way, then wait until Allah brings about Hisdecision. Allah does not guide the transgressors.
O Prophet, tell them: If your fathers, your sons, your brothers,your spouses, your relatives, the wealth that you have acquired,the business in which you fear a loss, and the homes which youlike are dearer to you than Allah, His Rasool, and making Jihad(struggle) in His Way, then wait until Allah brings about Hisdecision. Allah does not guide the transgressors.
The punishment for those who wage war against Allah and HisRasool and strive to create mischief in the land is death orcrucifixion or the cutting off their hands and feet from oppositesides or exile from the land based on the gravity of theiroffense. This will be their humiliation in this world and in theHereafter they will have grievous punishment,
except those who repent before you apprehend them, in such acase, you should know that Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
If they do not believe you, say: "I am responsible for my actionsand you are for yours! You are not accountable for my actions,nor I am responsible for what you do."
They say: "O you to whom the reminder (The Qur'an) is beingrevealed! You are surely insane.
Why don't you bring us the angels, if you are of the truthfulones?"
O Muhammad, tell them: "We do not send down the angels except forjust cause (to execute Our scourge), and when they come, peopleare not given respite.
A Rasool was sent to them from among themselves, but they deniedhim; so the punishment overtook them because they werewrongdoers.
Nothing prevented people from belief when guidance came to themexcept the excuse: "What! Has Allah sent a man like us to be aRasool?"
O Muhammad, tell them: "Had there been in the earth angelswalking about as settlers, We would certainly have sent down tothem an angel from heaven as a Rasool."
Say: "Sufficient is Allah as a witness between me and you. He isthe One Who is Aware and Observant of His servants."
If they deny you O Muhammad, remember that before them the peopleof Nuh (Noah), 'Ad and Thamud;
the people of Ibrahim (Abraham) and Lut (Lot);
as well as the residents of Madyan had denied their Prophets,likewise Musa (Moses) was also denied. Initially, I gave respiteto all those unbelievers and then I seized them: see how terriblewas My disapproval!
And they say: "What sort of Rasool is he who eats food and walksthrough the streets? Why has no angel been sent down with him tothreaten the disbelievers?
Why he has not been given a treasure or at least a garden fromwhich he could eat?" And these wicked people further say: "Youare only following a man who is bewitched."
See what sort of examples they apply to you! Because they arelost and cannot find the way to refute the truth of Tawhid andlife after death.
Blessed is He, Who, if He wills, could give you much betterthings than what they propose for you: not one but many gardensbeneath which rivers flow; and make for you palaces too.
We have sent no Rasool before you, who did not eat or walkthrough the streets. In fact, We test you by means of oneanother. Now, will you show patience, for your Rabb is EverObservant.
Today when Our clear revelations are recited to them, they say:"This man only wants to turn you away from those gods to whomyour forefathers have been worshipping." Others say: "This Qur'anis nothing but an invented falsehood." While yet others, who denythe truth when it comes to them, say: "This is nothing but plainmagic."
In fact, neither had We given them books to study, nor had Wesent to them any Warner before you.
Those who have gone before them also denied - these Arabs havenot received one tenth of what We had granted them - yet whenthey denied My Rasools, see how terrible was My scourge.
O Prophet! If they deny you, so were the Rasools denied beforeyou. All affairs shall ultimately be presented before Allah.
If they disbelieve you, know that their predecessors alsodisbelieved their Rasools who came to them with clear signs,scriptures and light-giving Book.
But in the end I seized the disbelievers, and behold, howterrible was My disapproval!
O Believers, do not say to our Rasool: "Ra'ina" (an ambiguousword for: "Listen, may you become deaf" or "Our shepherd" or inJudeo-Arabic language conveys the sense, "our evil one.") But say"Unzurna" ("look upon" us "or pay attention" to us) and listen tohim carefully; and remember that there is a painful punishmentfor the unbelievers.
Now, special mercy is assigned to those who follow the Rasool,the unlettered Prophet (Muhammad) - whom they shall finddescribed in the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel). Whoenjoins them what is good and forbids what is evil; makes purethings Halal (lawful) for them and impure things Haram(unlawful); relieves them from their heavy burdens and from theyokes that were around their necks. Therefore, those who believein him, honor him, help him, and follow the Light which is sentdown with him will be the ones who will be successful in thislife and the hereafter".
Indeed Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet. Obelievers, call for Allah's blessings on him and salute him withall respect.
O believers! Respond to the call of Allah and His Rasool, when Hecalls you to that which gives you life; and know that Allahstands between man and his heart, and that it is He in Whosepresence you shall all be assembled.
Tell them: "I do not ask you for any recompense, even though whatI preach is all in your interest. My reward is only due fromAllah and He is a witness over everything."
If you ask them, "what were you talking about?" They willpromptly say: "We were only jesting and having fun." Say: "What,then! Were you mocking at Allah, His revelations and His Rasool?"
Make no excuses now: you have rejected faith after your belief;even if We may pardon some of you who were not serious inparticipating, We will punish others amongst you, because theyare criminals.
Rasools have been mocked before you (O Muhammad), but I alwaysgave respite to the unbelievers and finally I seized them, so seehow terrible was My requital!
Surely We Ourself will suffice you against the scoffers;
those who place other deities alongside Allah, will soon come toknow their folly.
As for their scoffing, the Rasools before you were also scoffedat; but their scoffers were hemmed in by the very thing at whichthey used to scoff.
Whenever they see you, they scoff at you, saying: "Is this theman whom Allah has sent as a Rasool?
Had we not stood firm, he (Muhammad) would have turned us awayfrom our gods." Very soon, when they face the punishment, theywill realize who actually went off the Right Path.
Indeed Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet. Obelievers, call for Allah's blessings on him and salute him withall respect.
O Prophet say: "I would ask you one thing. For Allah's sake!Think individually or consult one another and ponder whether yourcompanion Muhammad is really mad? You yourself will come to theconclusion that he is nothing but a Warner to you to forewarn youof a sever punishment."
By the grace of your Rabb you are not a madman,
and you shall have a never ending reward.
You are of the highest noble character.
Soon you will see - as they will see
- which of you is afflicted with madness.
Muhammad is not the father of any of your men (he is not going toleave any male heirs). He is the Rasool of Allah and the Seal ofthe Prophets. Allah has the knowledge of all things.
Know that one-fifth of the booty (spoils of war) is for Allah,His Rasool, close relatives of the Rasool, orphans, the needy andthe wayfarer, if you do believe in Allah and in what We revealedto Our servant on the day of distinction (between right andwrong), the day when two armies met in combat. Allah has powerover everything.
O believers! Do not put yourselves ahead of Allah and His Rasool.Fear Allah; surely Allah hears all and knows all.
The true believers are those who believe in Allah and His Rasool,then never doubt; and make Jihad (exert their efforts) with theirwealth and their persons in the cause of Allah. Such are the oneswho are truthful in their claim to be the believers.
O believers! Be not like those who slandered Musa, but Allahcleared him of what they said - for he was honorable in the sightof Allah.
O Believers, do not say to our Rasool: "Ra'ina" (an ambiguousword for: "Listen, may you become deaf" or "Our shepherd" or inJudeo-Arabic language conveys the sense, "our evil one.") But say"Unzurna" ("look upon" us "or pay attention" to us) and listen tohim carefully; and remember that there is a painful punishmentfor the unbelievers.
O believers! Obey Allah and his Rasool and do not turn your backto him, now that you have heard all.
Do not be like those who say: "We hear," but give no heed to whatthey hear.
For the worst animals in the sight of Allah are those deaf anddumb people who do not use common sense.
O believers! Do not put yourselves ahead of Allah and His Rasool.Fear Allah; surely Allah hears all and knows all.
The Hour of Doom is drawing near, the moon has split asunder;which is a clear proof that the same thing can happen to theearth.
Yet when they see a sign, the unbelievers turn their backs andsay: "This is an ingenious magic."
They deny this and keep on following their own fancies.Ultimately every matter shall be laid to rest.
Do not consider the summoning of the Rasool in the same manner,as you consider the summoning of one another among yourselves.Allah knows those of you who slip away, concealing themselvesbehind others. Let those who disobey his orders beware, lest sometrial befall them or a painful punishment be inflicted on them.
Those who lower their voices and speak softly in the presence ofAllah's Rasool are the ones whose hearts Allah has tested forpiety; they shall have forgiveness and a great reward.
O Prophet! Fear Allah and do not obey the unbelievers and thehypocrites: certainly Allah is aware and wise.
But keep on admonishing them, for admonition is beneficial to thetrue believers.
Therefore, proclaim publicly what you are commanded and turn awayfrom the mushrikin.
Put your trust in Allah: for Allah is your all-sufficientprotector.
Anyone who obeys the Rasool, in fact, obeys Allah. As for thosewho pay no heed, they should know that We have not sent you as ataskmaster over them.
O believers! Obey Allah and his Rasool and do not turn your backto him, now that you have heard all.
But how can the acceptance of Our Message at that time bebeneficial to them? A Rasool (Muhammad), who made the thingsclear, has come to them
yet they deny him, saying: "He is a madman, taught by others!"
They also say: "Why is this Qur'an not revealed to a man of greatimportance in the two towns (Makkah and Ta'if)"?
Is it they who distribute the blessings of your Rabb? It is WeWho distribute the means of their livelihood in the life of thisworld, raising some in rank above others, so that one may takeothers into his service. But the blessing of your Rabb is fargreater in value than the wealth of this world which they amass.
O Prophet, We have sent you to the entire mankind, to give themgood news and forewarn them, but most men do not know.
If anyone thinks that Allah will not help His Rasool in thisworld and in the Hereafter, let him stretch out a rope to the skyif he can and cut a hole to peep through and see for himselfwhether his device can avert that which irritates him.
O believers! Do not put yourselves ahead of Allah and His Rasool.Fear Allah; surely Allah hears all and knows all.
and tell the unbelievers: "Surely I am only a plain Warner."
O Prophet, We have sent you to the entire mankind, to give themgood news and forewarn them, but most men do not know.
O Prophet say: "I would ask you one thing. For Allah's sake!Think individually or consult one another and ponder whether yourcompanion Muhammad is really mad? You yourself will come to theconclusion that he is nothing but a Warner to you to forewarn youof a sever punishment."
O Prophet, We have sent you as a witness, as a bearer of goodnews, and as a Warner.
O Prophet, say to mankind: "Rush towards Allah, surely I amassigned by Him as a plain Warner to you all.
Do not set up another god besides Allah, surely I am assigned byHim as a plain Warner to you all."
But keep on admonishing them, for admonition is beneficial to thetrue believers.
Therefore, O Prophet, keep up your mission of admonition. By thegrace of your Rabb you are neither a soothsayer nor a madman.
This Warner (Muhammad) is just like the earlier warners.
O Muhammad, tell them: "O mankind! I am merely a plain Warner toyou;
I am informed about all this through a revelation because I amassigned the mission of a plain Warner."
O Prophet, We have sent you as a witness, as a bearer of goodnews, and as a Warner.
We have made you a moderate Ummah (nation) so that you maytestify against mankind and that your own Rasool may testifyagainst you. We decreed your former Qiblah only to distinguishthose who are the real followers of the Rasool from those whowould back away from the faith. It was indeed a hard test exceptfor those whom Allah has guided. Allah wants not to make yourfaith fruitless. Allah is Compassionate and Merciful to mankind.
O Prophet! Say to your wives: "If you desire the life of thisworld and its glitter, then come, I shall give you of these andlet you go in an honorable way."
O wives of the Prophet! You are not like the other women: if youfear Allah, then you should not be complaisant while talking tothe men who are not closely related to you, lest the one in whoseheart is a disease may thereby be encouraged, and speak usingsuitable good words.
O wives of the Prophet! If any of you were guilty of openindecency, her punishment will be increased to double and this iseasy for Allah.
O wives of the Prophet! You are not like the other women: if youfear Allah, then you should not be complaisant while talking tothe men who are not closely related to you, lest the one in whoseheart is a disease may thereby be encouraged, and speak usingsuitable good words.
Stay in your homes and do not display your finery as women usedto do in the days of ignorance (pre-Islamic days); establishSalah, pay Zakah, and obey Allah and His Rasool. O women of thehousehold of Rasool, Allah only intends to remove uncleanlinessfrom you and to purify you completely.
O Prophet! Say to your wives: "If you desire the life of thisworld and its glitter, then come, I shall give you of these andlet you go in an honorable way."
But if you seek Allah and His Rasool and the home of thehereafter, then you should rest assured that Allah has prepared agreat reward for those of you who are good.
O believers! Do not enter the houses of the Prophet withoutpermission, nor stay waiting for meal time: but if you areinvited to a meal, enter, and when you have eaten disperse and donot seek long conversation. Such behavior annoys the Prophet, hefeels shy in asking you to leave, but Allah does not feel shy intelling the truth. If you have to ask his wives for anything,speak to them from behind a curtain. This is more chaste for yourhearts and for theirs. It is not proper for you to annoy theRasool of Allah, nor ever to marry his wives after him; thiswould be a grievous offence in the sight of Allah.
O wives of the Prophet! You are not like the other women: if youfear Allah, then you should not be complaisant while talking tothe men who are not closely related to you, lest the one in whoseheart is a disease may thereby be encouraged, and speak usingsuitable good words.
Stay in your homes and do not display your finery as women usedto do in the days of ignorance (pre-Islamic days); establishSalah, pay Zakah, and obey Allah and His Rasool. O women of thehousehold of Rasool, Allah only intends to remove uncleanlinessfrom you and to purify you completely.
O believers! Do not enter the houses of the Prophet withoutpermission, nor stay waiting for meal time: but if you areinvited to a meal, enter, and when you have eaten disperse and donot seek long conversation. Such behavior annoys the Prophet, hefeels shy in asking you to leave, but Allah does not feel shy intelling the truth. If you have to ask his wives for anything,speak to them from behind a curtain. This is more chaste for yourhearts and for theirs. It is not proper for you to annoy theRasool of Allah, nor ever to marry his wives after him; thiswould be a grievous offence in the sight of Allah.
O wives of the Prophet! You are not like the other women: if youfear Allah, then you should not be complaisant while talking tothe men who are not closely related to you, lest the one in whoseheart is a disease may thereby be encouraged, and speak usingsuitable good words.
Stay in your homes and do not display your finery as women usedto do in the days of ignorance (pre-Islamic days); establishSalah, pay Zakah, and obey Allah and His Rasool. O women of thehousehold of Rasool, Allah only intends to remove uncleanlinessfrom you and to purify you completely.
Remember the revelations of Allah and wise sayings which arerecited in your homes, surely Allah is aware of even the finestmysteries.
O wives of the Prophet! If any of you were guilty of openindecency, her punishment will be increased to double and this iseasy for Allah.
JUZ (PART): 22 Those of you (O wives of the Prophet Muhammad)who obey Allah and His Rasool and practice righteousness, shallbe granted double reward, and for them We have prepared agenerous provision.
O wives of the Prophet! If any of you were guilty of openindecency, her punishment will be increased to double and this iseasy for Allah.
JUZ (PART): 22 Those of you (O wives of the Prophet Muhammad)who obey Allah and His Rasool and practice righteousness, shallbe granted double reward, and for them We have prepared agenerous provision.
O wives of the Prophet! You are not like the other women: if youfear Allah, then you should not be complaisant while talking tothe men who are not closely related to you, lest the one in whoseheart is a disease may thereby be encouraged, and speak usingsuitable good words.
Stay in your homes and do not display your finery as women usedto do in the days of ignorance (pre-Islamic days); establishSalah, pay Zakah, and obey Allah and His Rasool. O women of thehousehold of Rasool, Allah only intends to remove uncleanlinessfrom you and to purify you completely.
O Prophet! Say to your wives: "If you desire the life of thisworld and its glitter, then come, I shall give you of these andlet you go in an honorable way."
But if you seek Allah and His Rasool and the home of thehereafter, then you should rest assured that Allah has prepared agreat reward for those of you who are good.
O wives of the Prophet! You are not like the other women: if youfear Allah, then you should not be complaisant while talking tothe men who are not closely related to you, lest the one in whoseheart is a disease may thereby be encouraged, and speak usingsuitable good words.
Stay in your homes and do not display your finery as women usedto do in the days of ignorance (pre-Islamic days); establishSalah, pay Zakah, and obey Allah and His Rasool. O women of thehousehold of Rasool, Allah only intends to remove uncleanlinessfrom you and to purify you completely.
O wives of the Prophet! You are not like the other women: if youfear Allah, then you should not be complaisant while talking tothe men who are not closely related to you, lest the one in whoseheart is a disease may thereby be encouraged, and speak usingsuitable good words.
Stay in your homes and do not display your finery as women usedto do in the days of ignorance (pre-Islamic days); establishSalah, pay Zakah, and obey Allah and His Rasool. O women of thehousehold of Rasool, Allah only intends to remove uncleanlinessfrom you and to purify you completely.
Do they say: "He has forged a falsehood against Allah?" But ifAllah so willed, He could have sealed your heart. In fact Allahblots out falsehood and vindicates the truth by His words. SurelyHe knows everything that is hidden in your breast.
Say: "It is He Who has multiplied you in the earth, and beforeHim you shall all be assembled."
Of His signs, one is that He created you from dust; and thenbehold you men are scattered throughout the earth.
O believers! Retaliation is prescribed for you in the cases ofmurder: a free man for a free man, a slave for a slave, and afemale for a female. But if anyone is pardoned by his aggrievedbrother, then bloodwit (a ransom for manslaughter) should bedecided according to the common law and payment should be madewith gratitude. This is a concession and a mercy from your Rabb.Now, whoever exceeds the limits after this, shall have a painfulpunishment.
O believers! Fear Allah and seek the means to be closer to Himand make Jihad (struggle) in His Way so that you may besuccessful.
O believers! Retaliation is prescribed for you in the cases ofmurder: a free man for a free man, a slave for a slave, and afemale for a female. But if anyone is pardoned by his aggrievedbrother, then bloodwit (a ransom for manslaughter) should bedecided according to the common law and payment should be madewith gratitude. This is a concession and a mercy from your Rabb.Now, whoever exceeds the limits after this, shall have a painfulpunishment.
You shall not kill anyone whom Allah has forbidden, except forjust cause under the law. If anyone is killed unjustly, We havegranted the right of retribution to his heir, but let him notcarry his vengeance too far in killing the culprit through takingthe law in his own hands, as he is supported by the law.
O believers! Retaliation is prescribed for you in the cases ofmurder: a free man for a free man, a slave for a slave, and afemale for a female. But if anyone is pardoned by his aggrievedbrother, then bloodwit (a ransom for manslaughter) should bedecided according to the common law and payment should be madewith gratitude. This is a concession and a mercy from your Rabb.Now, whoever exceeds the limits after this, shall have a painfulpunishment.
O men of understanding! There is security of life for you in thelaw of retaliation, so that you may learn self-restraint.
You shall not kill anyone whom Allah has forbidden, except forjust cause under the law. If anyone is killed unjustly, We havegranted the right of retribution to his heir, but let him notcarry his vengeance too far in killing the culprit through takingthe law in his own hands, as he is supported by the law.
Recite to them in all truth the story of Adam's two sons: Howeach offered a sacrifice, and how the offering of one wasaccepted while that of the other was not. The latter said: "Iwill kill you." The former replied: "Allah only accepts thesacrifice from the righteous.
Even if you stretch your hand to kill me, I shall not stretch myhand to slay you, for I fear Allah, the Rabb of the worlds.
I intend to let you bear the burden of my sins as well as yoursand thus become an inmate of the Fire which is the reward forwrongdoers."
The latter's soul prompted him to kill his brother; he killed himand thus became one of the losers.
(He carried around the dead body of his brother and did not knowwhat to do with it.) Then Allah sent a raven, which dug theground to show him how to bury the dead body of his brother."Alas!" He cried, "I failed even to be like this raven to findsome way to dispose of the dead body of my brother!" So he becamefull of regrets.
On account of that incident, We ordained for the Children ofIsrael that whoever kills a person, except as a punishment formurder or mischief in the land, it will be written in his book ofdeeds as if he had killed all the human beings on the surface ofthe Earth and whoever will save a life shall be regarded as if hegave life to all the human beings on the surface of the Earth.Yet, even though Our Rasools came to them one after the otherwith clear revelations, it was not long before, many of themcommitted excesses in the land.
When the forbidden months (10,11,12 & 1 of the Islamic calendar) are over, then fight the mushrikïn wherever you find them, seize them, besiege them, and lie in ambush for them in every stratagem of war, but if they repent, establish Salah and pay Zakah, then let them go their way: surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
If anyone from the mushrikin ask you for asylum, grant it to himso that he may hear the Word of Allah, and then escort him to hisplace of safety: this should be done because these people do notknow the truth.
But if they violate their treaty once they have sworn it andinsult your Deen, then fight with the ringleaders of the unbelief- for their oaths are nothing to them - so that they may bestopped.
When the forbidden months (10,11,12 & 1 of the Islamic calendar) are over, then fight the mushrikïn wherever you find them, seize them, besiege them, and lie in ambush for them in every stratagem of war, but if they repent, establish Salah and pay Zakah, then let them go their way: surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
A declaration of immunity from Allah and His Rasool is herebymade to those of the mushrikin with whom you have made a treaty:
"You have four months to go around in the land unmolested; butyou should know that you cannot frustrate the will of Allah, andthat Allah will humiliate the unbelievers."
This is a public proclamation from Allah and His Rasool to thepeople on the day of the Great Hajj (Pilgrimage) that Allah andHis Rasool do hereby dissolve treaty obligations with themushrikin. Therefore, if you repent, it will be better for youbut if you turn away, then you should know that you cannotfrustrate the Will of Allah. O Prophet, proclaim a painfulpunishment to those who are unbelievers.
Except (this proclamation does not apply to) those mushrikin whohonored their treaties with you in every detail and aided noneagainst you. So fulfill your treaties with them to the end oftheir term; for Allah loves the righteous.
When the forbidden months (10,11,12 & 1 of the Islamic calendar) are over, then fight the mushrikïn wherever you find them, seize them, besiege them, and lie in ambush for them in every stratagem of war, but if they repent, establish Salah and pay Zakah, then let them go their way: surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
When the forbidden months (10,11,12 & 1 of the Islamic calendar) are over, then fight the mushrikïn wherever you find them, seize them, besiege them, and lie in ambush for them in every stratagem of war, but if they repent, establish Salah and pay Zakah, then let them go their way: surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
We have enjoined man to show kindness to his parents; but if they(your parents) force you to commit shirk with Me, of which youhave no knowledge, do not obey them. To Me is your return and Iwill inform you of what you have done.
If they argue with you to commit shirk, of which you have noknowledge, then do not obey them; however you should still treatthem kindly in this world, but follow the way of that individualwho has turned to Me. After all, to Me is your return; then Iwill inform you about the reality of all that you have done."
You will find the most violent in enmity to the believers are theJews and the mushrikin (pagan Arabs); and nearest in affection tothe believers are those who say: "We are Christians." That isbecause among them there are men that are priests and monks, whodo not behave arrogantly.
When the forbidden months (10,11,12 & 1 of the Islamic calendar) are over, then fight the mushrikïn wherever you find them, seize them, besiege them, and lie in ambush for them in every stratagem of war, but if they repent, establish Salah and pay Zakah, then let them go their way: surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
However, if they repent, establish Salah and pay Zakah, then theyshall be your brethren in Deen (faith and way of life based onDivine guidance): thus do We spell out Our revelations for peopleof understanding.
O believers, do not insult those, whom these mushrikin call uponbesides Allah, lest in retaliation they call bad names to Allahout of their ignorance. Thus We have made the deeds of everygroup of people seem fair to them. In the end they will allreturn to their Rabb and then, He will inform them of the realityof all that they have done.
Will you not fight against those people who have broken theiroaths, conspired to expel the Rasool and were the first to attackyou? Do you fear them? Nay, it is Allah Who is more deserving ofyour fear, if you are true believers.
When the forbidden months (10,11,12 & 1 of the Islamic calendar) are over, then fight the mushrikïn wherever you find them, seize them, besiege them, and lie in ambush for them in every stratagem of war, but if they repent, establish Salah and pay Zakah, then let them go their way: surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
But if they violate their treaty once they have sworn it andinsult your Deen, then fight with the ringleaders of the unbelief- for their oaths are nothing to them - so that they may bestopped.
Will you not fight against those people who have broken theiroaths, conspired to expel the Rasool and were the first to attackyou? Do you fear them? Nay, it is Allah Who is more deserving ofyour fear, if you are true believers.
Fight them; Allah will punish them by your hands and humiliatethem. He will grant you victory over them and soothe the heartsof a believing people.
He will take away all rancor from their hearts. Allah shows mercyto whom He pleases, and Allah is All-Knowledgeable, All-Wise.
Do you think that you will be left alone (without trial)? WhileAllah has not yet demonstrated which of you had exerted yourutmost struggle (in the path of Allah) and did not take anyintimate friends other than Allah, His Rasool and the believers?Allah is well aware of all your actions.
It is not proper for the Prophet and those who believe that theyshould beg forgiveness for the mushrikin, even though they betheir relatives, after it has been explained to them that theyare the inmates of hellfire.
Ibrahim (Abraham) prayed for his father's forgiveness only tofulfill a promise he had made to him. But when it became clear tohim that he was an enemy of Allah he disassociated himself fromhim. The fact is that Ibrahim was tenderhearted, forbearing.
Have you not seen the ones who have befriended those people whoare under the wrath of Allah? They are neither on your side noryet on theirs and they knowingly swear to falsehood.
The number of months ordained by Allah is twelve in the Book ofAllah since the day He created the heavens and the earth. Ofthese, four are sacred; that is the established principle ofDeen. Therefore, do not wrong yourselves by violating them. Butyou may fight against the mushrikin in all these months if theyfight against you in all of them. Know that Allah is with therighteous.
Do not marry mushrik women until they become believers; abelieving slave woman is better than a free mushrik woman eventhough she may be more attractive to you. Likewise, do not marrymushrik men until they become believers: a believing slave isbetter than a free mushrik even though he may be more pleasing toyou. These mushrikin invite you to hell fire while Allah invitesyou towards paradise and forgiveness by His grace. He makes Hisrevelations clear to mankind so that they may take heed.
It is not for the mushrikin to maintain the mosques of Allahwhile they bear witness against themselves about their unbelief.It is they whose deeds are in vain and in the hellfire shall theylive forever.
When the forbidden months (10,11,12 & 1 of the Islamic calendar) are over, then fight the mushrikïn wherever you find them, seize them, besiege them, and lie in ambush for them in every stratagem of war, but if they repent, establish Salah and pay Zakah, then let them go their way: surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
However, if they repent, establish Salah and pay Zakah, then theyshall be your brethren in Deen (faith and way of life based onDivine guidance): thus do We spell out Our revelations for peopleof understanding.
But if they violate their treaty once they have sworn it andinsult your Deen, then fight with the ringleaders of the unbelief- for their oaths are nothing to them - so that they may bestopped.
O believers! Know that mushrikin are unclean; therefore, do notlet them come near the Masjid-al-Haram after this year'spilgrimage. If you fear poverty, soon Allah - if He so wills -enrich you out of His bounty. Allah is All-Knowledgeable,All-Wise.
When the forbidden months (10,11,12 & 1 of the Islamic calendar) are over, then fight the mushrikïn wherever you find them, seize them, besiege them, and lie in ambush for them in every stratagem of war, but if they repent, establish Salah and pay Zakah, then let them go their way: surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
A declaration of immunity from Allah and His Rasool is herebymade to those of the mushrikin with whom you have made a treaty:
"You have four months to go around in the land unmolested; butyou should know that you cannot frustrate the will of Allah, andthat Allah will humiliate the unbelievers."
This is a public proclamation from Allah and His Rasool to thepeople on the day of the Great Hajj (Pilgrimage) that Allah andHis Rasool do hereby dissolve treaty obligations with themushrikin. Therefore, if you repent, it will be better for youbut if you turn away, then you should know that you cannotfrustrate the Will of Allah. O Prophet, proclaim a painfulpunishment to those who are unbelievers.
Except (this proclamation does not apply to) those mushrikin whohonored their treaties with you in every detail and aided noneagainst you. So fulfill your treaties with them to the end oftheir term; for Allah loves the righteous.
When the forbidden months (10,11,12 & 1 of the Islamic calendar) are over, then fight the mushrikïn wherever you find them, seize them, besiege them, and lie in ambush for them in every stratagem of war, but if they repent, establish Salah and pay Zakah, then let them go their way: surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
A declaration of immunity from Allah and His Rasool is herebymade to those of the mushrikin with whom you have made a treaty:
"You have four months to go around in the land unmolested; butyou should know that you cannot frustrate the will of Allah, andthat Allah will humiliate the unbelievers."
This is a public proclamation from Allah and His Rasool to thepeople on the day of the Great Hajj (Pilgrimage) that Allah andHis Rasool do hereby dissolve treaty obligations with themushrikin. Therefore, if you repent, it will be better for youbut if you turn away, then you should know that you cannotfrustrate the Will of Allah. O Prophet, proclaim a painfulpunishment to those who are unbelievers.
Except (this proclamation does not apply to) those mushrikin whohonored their treaties with you in every detail and aided noneagainst you. So fulfill your treaties with them to the end oftheir term; for Allah loves the righteous.
When the forbidden months (10,11,12 & 1 of the Islamic calendar) are over, then fight the mushrikïn wherever you find them, seize them, besiege them, and lie in ambush for them in every stratagem of war, but if they repent, establish Salah and pay Zakah, then let them go their way: surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
How can there be a treaty with the mushrikin on the part of Allahand His Rasool - except for those with whom you ratified a treatyat the Masjid-al-Haram? So long as they honor it, you also honor:for Allah loves the righteous.
How can you trust them? If they prevail against you, they respectneither treaty nor ties of relationship. They just flatter youwith their tongues, but their hearts reject you, and most of themare transgressors.
They have sold the revelations of Allah for paltry worldly gainand they have hindered others from His way; indeed evil are thedeeds that they have done.
They neither honor the ties of relationship nor observe theobligations of treaties with the believers; it is they who arethe transgressors.
However, if they repent, establish Salah and pay Zakah, then theyshall be your brethren in Deen (faith and way of life based onDivine guidance): thus do We spell out Our revelations for peopleof understanding.
But if they violate their treaty once they have sworn it andinsult your Deen, then fight with the ringleaders of the unbelief- for their oaths are nothing to them - so that they may bestopped.
Will you not fight against those people who have broken theiroaths, conspired to expel the Rasool and were the first to attackyou? Do you fear them? Nay, it is Allah Who is more deserving ofyour fear, if you are true believers.
Fight them; Allah will punish them by your hands and humiliatethem. He will grant you victory over them and soothe the heartsof a believing people.
Follow what is revealed to you from your Rabb, there is no godbut Him and turn aside from the mushrikin.
When the forbidden months (10,11,12 & 1 of the Islamic calendar) are over, then fight the mushrikïn wherever you find them, seize them, besiege them, and lie in ambush for them in every stratagem of war, but if they repent, establish Salah and pay Zakah, then let them go their way: surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
However, if they repent, establish Salah and pay Zakah, then theyshall be your brethren in Deen (faith and way of life based onDivine guidance): thus do We spell out Our revelations for peopleof understanding.
Surely the Muslim men and the Muslim women, the believing men andthe believing women, the devout men and the devout women, thetruthful men and the truthful women, the patient men and thepatient women, the humble men and humble women, the charitablemen and the charitable women, the fasting men and the fastingwomen, the men who guard their chastity and the women who guardtheir chastity, and the men who remember Allah much and the womenwho remember Allah much - for all those, Allah has preparedforgiveness and a great reward.
We have made you a moderate Ummah (nation) so that you maytestify against mankind and that your own Rasool may testifyagainst you. We decreed your former Qiblah only to distinguishthose who are the real followers of the Rasool from those whowould back away from the faith. It was indeed a hard test exceptfor those whom Allah has guided. Allah wants not to make yourfaith fruitless. Allah is Compassionate and Merciful to mankind.
O believers! When the believing women seek refuge with you, testthem. Allah best knows their faith. If you find them truebelievers, do not send them back to the unbelievers. They are notlawful to the unbelievers, nor are the unbelievers lawful tothem. Return to their unbelieving husbands what they have spenton them. There is no blame on you if you marry such women,provided you give them their dowers. Do not hold on to yourmarriages with unbelieving women. Demand what you have spent onthem and let the unbelievers do the same. This is the order ofAllah which He has decreed between you. Allah is All-Knowing,All-Wise.
If you do not get back the demanded amount that you have spent onyour disbelieving wives from the unbelievers, and your turncomes, to pay the demanded amount of Muslim wives to theunbelievers, you can offset the amount and pay those whose wiveshave fled the equivalent of the amount they have spent on theirdisbelieving wives. Fear Allah, in Whom you believe.
O believers! Do not make friendship with those who are enemies ofMine and yours. Would you show them friendship, when they havedenied the truth that has come to you and have driven the Rasooland yourselves out of your homes, simply because you believe inAllah, your Rabb? If it was indeed to strive in My way, and toseek My good pleasure that you left your homes, how can youbefriend in secret? I know all that you conceal, and all that youreveal. Any of you who does this, he indeed has gone astray fromthe Right Way.
If they overcome you, they would behave to you as enemies andstretch out their hands and their tongues towards you with evil,and they wish to see you become unbelievers.
On the Day of Resurrection, neither your relatives nor yourchildren shall avail you. Allah will judge between you, and He isobserving all your actions.
You have an excellent example in Ibrahim (Abraham) and hiscompanions. They said to their people plainly: "We are clear ofyou and your gods, whom you worship besides Allah. We renounceyou. Enmity and hate shall reign between us forever until youbelieve in Allah, the One and Only God." But do not emulate whatIbrahim said to his father: "I will pray for your forgiveness,although I have no power to get anything for you from Allah."Their collective prayer was: "Our Rabb! In You we have put ourtrust, to You we turn in repentance and to You is our final goal.
Our Rabb! Do not expose us to the plots of the unbelievers.Forgive us, our Rabb! You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise."
Truly, in those there is an excellent example for everyone whoputs their hopes in Allah and the Last Day. He that gives no heedshould know that Allah is free of all wants, worthy of allpraise.
It may well be that Allah will put love between you and thosewith whom you are now at odds because of the order which is givento you, for Allah is All-Powerful, and Allah is Oft-Forgiving,Most Merciful.
Allah does not forbid you to be kind and equitable to those whohad neither fought against your faith nor driven you out of yourhomes. In fact Allah loves the equitable.
Allah only forbids you to make friendship with those who foughtyou on account of your faith and drove you out of your homes andbacked up others in your expulsion. Those who will take them forfriends are indeed the wrongdoers.
O believers! Do not befriend those who have incurred the wrath ofAllah. Indeed they despair of the Hereafter, just as theunbelievers despair of those buried in the graves.
On the Day of Resurrection, neither your relatives nor yourchildren shall avail you. Allah will judge between you, and He isobserving all your actions.
You have an excellent example in Ibrahim (Abraham) and hiscompanions. They said to their people plainly: "We are clear ofyou and your gods, whom you worship besides Allah. We renounceyou. Enmity and hate shall reign between us forever until youbelieve in Allah, the One and Only God." But do not emulate whatIbrahim said to his father: "I will pray for your forgiveness,although I have no power to get anything for you from Allah."Their collective prayer was: "Our Rabb! In You we have put ourtrust, to You we turn in repentance and to You is our final goal.
Our Rabb! Do not expose us to the plots of the unbelievers.Forgive us, our Rabb! You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise."
Truly, in those there is an excellent example for everyone whoputs their hopes in Allah and the Last Day. He that gives no heedshould know that Allah is free of all wants, worthy of allpraise.
O believers! Do not make friendship with those who are enemies ofMine and yours. Would you show them friendship, when they havedenied the truth that has come to you and have driven the Rasooland yourselves out of your homes, simply because you believe inAllah, your Rabb? If it was indeed to strive in My way, and toseek My good pleasure that you left your homes, how can youbefriend in secret? I know all that you conceal, and all that youreveal. Any of you who does this, he indeed has gone astray fromthe Right Way.
If they overcome you, they would behave to you as enemies andstretch out their hands and their tongues towards you with evil,and they wish to see you become unbelievers.
On the Day of Resurrection, neither your relatives nor yourchildren shall avail you. Allah will judge between you, and He isobserving all your actions.
You have an excellent example in Ibrahim (Abraham) and hiscompanions. They said to their people plainly: "We are clear ofyou and your gods, whom you worship besides Allah. We renounceyou. Enmity and hate shall reign between us forever until youbelieve in Allah, the One and Only God." But do not emulate whatIbrahim said to his father: "I will pray for your forgiveness,although I have no power to get anything for you from Allah."Their collective prayer was: "Our Rabb! In You we have put ourtrust, to You we turn in repentance and to You is our final goal.
Our Rabb! Do not expose us to the plots of the unbelievers.Forgive us, our Rabb! You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise."
Truly, in those there is an excellent example for everyone whoputs their hopes in Allah and the Last Day. He that gives no heedshould know that Allah is free of all wants, worthy of allpraise.
It may well be that Allah will put love between you and thosewith whom you are now at odds because of the order which is givento you, for Allah is All-Powerful, and Allah is Oft-Forgiving,Most Merciful.
Allah does not forbid you to be kind and equitable to those whohad neither fought against your faith nor driven you out of yourhomes. In fact Allah loves the equitable.
Allah only forbids you to make friendship with those who foughtyou on account of your faith and drove you out of your homes andbacked up others in your expulsion. Those who will take them forfriends are indeed the wrongdoers.
O believers! Do not befriend those who have incurred the wrath ofAllah. Indeed they despair of the Hereafter, just as theunbelievers despair of those buried in the graves.
Surely Shaitan (Satan) is your enemy: so take him as an enemy. Heis inviting his adherents towards his way so that they may becomecompanions of the blazing fire.
Therefore, you should know that there is no god but Allah;implore Him to forgive your sins and to forgive the believing menand believing women; for Allah knows your activities and yourresting places.
O Prophet! When the believing women come to you to take the oathof allegiance , take their pledge: that they will not commitshirk with Allah, that they will not steal, that they will notcommit adultery, that they will not kill their children, thatthey will not give any cause for scandal which they may inventbetween either their hands or legs (a woman accusing anotherwoman of having an illicit relationship with a man and spreadssuch stories - or - a woman carrying an illegitimate child andmakes her husband believe that it is his), and that they will notdisobey you in any just matter, then accept their allegiance andpray to Allah for the forgiveness. Surely Allah is Oft-Forgiving,most Merciful.
O believers! Do not make friendship with those who are enemies ofMine and yours. Would you show them friendship, when they havedenied the truth that has come to you and have driven the Rasooland yourselves out of your homes, simply because you believe inAllah, your Rabb? If it was indeed to strive in My way, and toseek My good pleasure that you left your homes, how can youbefriend in secret? I know all that you conceal, and all that youreveal. Any of you who does this, he indeed has gone astray fromthe Right Way.
If they overcome you, they would behave to you as enemies andstretch out their hands and their tongues towards you with evil,and they wish to see you become unbelievers.
On the Day of Resurrection, neither your relatives nor yourchildren shall avail you. Allah will judge between you, and He isobserving all your actions.
You have an excellent example in Ibrahim (Abraham) and hiscompanions. They said to their people plainly: "We are clear ofyou and your gods, whom you worship besides Allah. We renounceyou. Enmity and hate shall reign between us forever until youbelieve in Allah, the One and Only God." But do not emulate whatIbrahim said to his father: "I will pray for your forgiveness,although I have no power to get anything for you from Allah."Their collective prayer was: "Our Rabb! In You we have put ourtrust, to You we turn in repentance and to You is our final goal.
Our Rabb! Do not expose us to the plots of the unbelievers.Forgive us, our Rabb! You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise."
Truly, in those there is an excellent example for everyone whoputs their hopes in Allah and the Last Day. He that gives no heedshould know that Allah is free of all wants, worthy of allpraise.
It may well be that Allah will put love between you and thosewith whom you are now at odds because of the order which is givento you, for Allah is All-Powerful, and Allah is Oft-Forgiving,Most Merciful.
Allah does not forbid you to be kind and equitable to those whohad neither fought against your faith nor driven you out of yourhomes. In fact Allah loves the equitable.
Allah only forbids you to make friendship with those who foughtyou on account of your faith and drove you out of your homes andbacked up others in your expulsion. Those who will take them forfriends are indeed the wrongdoers.
O believers! Do not befriend those who have incurred the wrath ofAllah. Indeed they despair of the Hereafter, just as theunbelievers despair of those buried in the graves.
So their Rabb answers their prayers, saying: " I will not let thegood deed of any worker among you, whether a male or a female, bewasted. You are the offspring of one another. Those who had toleave their homes or were expelled therefrom, and those whosuffered persecution for My sake and fought and were killed: Iwill forgive them their sins and admit them into gardens beneathwhich the rivers flow; a prize from Allah, and Allah holds thefinest prize!"
Have you not observed the hypocrites? They say to their fellowunbelievers among the people of the Book: "If they drive you out,we will go with you. We will never obey anyone who seeks to harmyou. If you are attacked we will certainly help you." Allah bearswitness that they are lying.
If the People of the Book are driven out, they will never go withthem, nor, if the people of the Book are attacked, will they helpthem, and even if they help them, they will turn their backs;leaving them with no help at all.
A share of the spoils shall also be given to those who made theirabode in Madinah (the Ansar) and believed even before thearrivals of the Muhajirin and love those who migrated to them andentertain no desire in their hearts for things given to them, andprefer those Muhajirin over themselves, even though theythemselves are poor. In fact those who are saved from thegreediness of hearts, are the ones who will achieve true success.
They ask you about booty (spoils of war). Tell them: "The Bootybelongs to Allah and His Rasool: so fear Allah, end yourdisputes, and correct the relations between yourselves: obeyAllah and His Rasool if you are true believers."
All together hold fast the rope of Allah (Faith of Islam) and benot divided among yourselves. Remember Allah's favors upon youwhen you were enemies; He united your hearts, so by His favor youbecame brethren; you were at the brink of the fiery pit and Hesaved you from it. Thus Allah makes His revelations clear to you,so that you may be rightly guided.
for they can in no way protect you against Allah. In fact, thewrongdoers are protectors of one another, while the protector ofthe righteous is Allah Himself.
but We saved those who believed and had the fear of Allah.
Who pray: "Our Rabb! Make our wives and our children to be thecomfort of our eyes, and make us leaders of the righteous."
Certainly, We granted to Musa (Moses) and Haroon (Aaron) theCriterion of right and wrong, a light and a reminder for thoserighteous people
O believers! Let no men laugh at other men who may perhaps bebetter than themselves; and let no woman laugh at another woman,who may perhaps be better than herself. Do not defame throughsarcastic remarks about one another, nor call one another byoffensive nicknames. It is an evil thing to be called by a badname after being a believer, and those who do not repent are theones who are the wrongdoers.
The unbelievers are protectors of one of another. If you fail todo likewise, there will be disorder in the land and greatcorruption.
Also forbidden for you are married women, except those who havefallen in your hands as prisoners of war. This is the order ofAllah relating to marriage prohibitions. All women other thanthese are lawful provided you seek them in marriage with giftsfrom your property (dowry), desiring chastity and not lust. Givethem their dowry as an obligation for the benefit you havereceived from your marriage relationship. However, there is noblame on you if you change the agreement of dowry with mutualconsent. Allah is the Knowledgeable, Wise.
There is no blame on you if you seek the bounty of your Rabbduring this journey. When you return from Arafat (stop atMuzdalifah and) praise Allah near Mash'ar-il-Haram. Praise Him asHe has guided you, for before this you were from the people whohad lost the Right Way.