سُبْحَانَ ٱللَّٰهِ
Holy Qur'an
Kids Qur'an
Lit., "Consider that which has created [or "creates"] the male and the female", i.e., the elements which are responsible for the differentiation between male and female. This, together with the symbolism of night and day, darkness and light, is an allusion - similar to the first ten verses of the preceding surah - to the polarity evident in all nature and, hence, to the dichotomy (spoken of in the next verse) which characterises man's aims and motives.
I.e., at good and bad ends (cf. note [6] on 91:8 ) - sc., "and so the consequences of your doings are, of necessity, divergent".
I.e., in moral values independent of time and social circumstance and, hence, in the absolute validity of what may be described as "the moral imperative".
See note [6] on 87:8 .
Or (as a statement): "of no avail will be to him his wealth when he...", etc.
This statement is meant to stress the fact that man's life in this world and in the hereafter are but two stages of one continuous entity.
Lit., "no one having with him any favour to be repaid". In its widest sense, projected towards the future, the phrase implies also the expectation of a reward.