Keep yourself content with those who call on their Rabb morning and evening seeking His good pleasure; and let not your eyes turn away from them desiring the attraction of Worldly Life; nor obey the one whose heart We have permitted to neglect Our remembrance, who follows his own desires and goes to extremes in the conduct of his affairs.
In fact the sadaqat (Zakah) collection is for the poor, thehelpless, those employed to administer the funds, those whosehearts need to be won over to the truth, ransoming the captives,helping the destitute, in the Way of Allah and for the wayfarer.That is a duty enjoined by Allah; and Allah is All-Knowledgeable,Wise.
so that they may witness the benefits which are made availablehere for them, and pronounce the name of Allah over the cattlewhich We have provided as food for them, on the appointed days,then eat meat themselves and feed the indigent and needy.
We have included the sacrificial camels among the Symbols ofAllah, for there is much good for you in them. Therefore,pronounce the name of Allah over them while standing, and whenthey fall down on their sides after slaughter, when theirmovement completely stops, then eat of their meat, feed thecontented (poor who do not ask) and the beggars (poor who ask).Thus We have subjected these animals to you so that you may begrateful.
If the relatives, orphans or needy are present at the time of thedivision of an inheritance, give them something out of it, andspeak to them kind words.
Let those (disposing of an estate) have the same fear in theirminds as they would have for their own if they were to leave ahelpless family behind: they should, therefore, fear Allah andspeak for justice.
If the relatives, orphans or needy are present at the time of thedivision of an inheritance, give them something out of it, andspeak to them kind words.
Let those (disposing of an estate) have the same fear in theirminds as they would have for their own if they were to leave ahelpless family behind: they should, therefore, fear Allah andspeak for justice.
Those people have not valued the attributes of Allah, the way Hisattributes should be valued, who say: "Allah has never revealedanything to a human being." Ask them: "Who then sent down theBook (Torah) which Musa brought, a light and guidance formankind? You have transcribed it on separate sheets, publishingsome and suppressing much of that given knowledge, which neitheryou nor your forefathers previously possessed." If they do notanswer, then just say: "Allah" and leave them alone with thediscourse of their useless arguments.
You should know that your wealth and your children are, in fact,a test for you, and that Allah is He with Whom is your mightyreward.
Have you noticed the words of that person who rejects OurRevelations yet boasts: "I shall always be given wealth andchildren".
Has he gained knowledge of the Unseen or has he been awarded acontract by the Compassionate (Allah)?
By no means! We write down what he says and We will make hispunishment long and terrible.
We will inherit all that he boasts of, and he will come back toUs all alone leaving all these things behind.
Those who do not wish to be guided say: "If we go along with youand accept this guidance, we shall be driven out from our land."But have We not given them a secure sanctuary to which arebrought the fruits of all kinds as a provision from Us? But mostof them have no knowledge.
How many towns have We destroyed who once flourished in theireconomy? Just see those dwellings of theirs, only a few of whichhave been inhabited after them; at last We Alone became theirinheritors.
Your Rabb would never destroy the towns until He had sent intheir metropolis a Rasool, proclaiming to them Our revelations;and We would not destroy towns except when their dwellers hadbecome wrongdoers.
The things which you have been given are but the provisions andadornments of this worldly life; and that which is with Allah isbetter and more lasting. Why don't you use your common sense?
Can a person to whom We have made a handsome promise and he issure to receive it, be like the one to whom We have only giventhe provisions of this world and he is scheduled to be presentedon the Day of Resurrection for punishment?
Those who do not wish to be guided say: "If we go along with youand accept this guidance, we shall be driven out from our land."But have We not given them a secure sanctuary to which arebrought the fruits of all kinds as a provision from Us? But mostof them have no knowledge.
How many towns have We destroyed who once flourished in theireconomy? Just see those dwellings of theirs, only a few of whichhave been inhabited after them; at last We Alone became theirinheritors.
Your Rabb would never destroy the towns until He had sent intheir metropolis a Rasool, proclaiming to them Our revelations;and We would not destroy towns except when their dwellers hadbecome wrongdoers.
The things which you have been given are but the provisions andadornments of this worldly life; and that which is with Allah isbetter and more lasting. Why don't you use your common sense?
Can a person to whom We have made a handsome promise and he issure to receive it, be like the one to whom We have only giventhe provisions of this world and he is scheduled to be presentedon the Day of Resurrection for punishment?
The life of this world is but play and amusement. If you believeand follow the way of piety, He will grant you your rewards andwill not ask you to give up your possessions.
If He were to demand all of your possessions and press you forit, you would grow stingy, and He would bring out all yourmalice.
Behold, you are those who are being asked to give in the cause ofAllah. Yet some of you are stingy, whereas whoever is stingy toHis cause, is in fact stingy to himself. Allah is selfsufficient, it is you who are needy. If you turn away He willreplace you by some other folk; who will not be like you.
Therefore, offer Salah (prayer) to your Rabb and sacrifice.
You should know that your wealth and your children are, in fact,a test for you, and that Allah is He with Whom is your mightyreward.
Transposing a prohibited month is only an addition to unbelief,thereby the disbelievers are misguided. They make a certain monthlawful one year and in another year they make the same aforbidden month, so that they make up for the months which Allahhas sanctified, thus making lawful what Allah has forbidden.Their evil actions seem pleasing to them. Allah does not guidethe disbelieving people.
Shaitan threatens you with poverty and prompts you to commit whatis indecent, while Allah promises you His forgiveness andbounties, and Allah has boundless knowledge.
who choose the unbelievers to be their protectors rather thanbelievers. Are they seeking honor in being with them? Whereas allhonor belongs to Allah Alone.
While he, who will be given his Book of Deeds in his left hand,will say: "Woe to me, would that I had not been given my Book ofDeeds
nor known what my account was!
Would that my death had ended all!
My wealth had availed me nothing,
and my authority has gone away from me."
We shall say: "Seize him and put a chain around his neck,
then cast him in the blazing fire,
then fasten him with a chain seventy cubits long.
For he did not believe in Allah, the Most High,
nor did he care to feed the poor.
Today he neither has a true friend here,
nor any food except the pus from the washing of wounds,
which none but the wrongdoers eat."
We are the One Who established you on earth, and provided youmeans of your sustenance therein: yet little it is that you paythanks.
Allah has promised you many spoils which you shall acquire, andhas given you these spoils of Khayber with all promptness. He hasrestrained the hands of enemies from you, so that it may serve asa sign to the believers and that He may guide you to the RightWay.
Say: "O Allah! Master of all the Kingship, You give the kingdomto whom You please and take away the kingdom from whomsoever Youplease; You give honor to whom You please and disgrace to whomYou please; all the good is in Your hand; surely You have powerover everything.
You cause the night to pass into the day and You cause the day topass into the night; You draw the living from the dead and Youdraw the dead from the living; and You provide sustenance foranyone You wish without measure."
During the prayer say: "Rabb! Make my entrance, the entrance withtruth and make my exit, the exit with truth and grant me asupporting authority from your presence;"
Evil was the outcome for those who committed evil, rejected therevelations of Allah and kept ridiculing them!
The thunder declares His glory with His praises and so do theangels with awe. He is the One Who sends thunderbolts and smiteswith them whomever He wants. Yet these unbelievers disputeconcerning Allah; He is mighty in strength.
Would you ask others to be righteous and forget to practice ityourselves? Even though you read your Holy Book? Have you nosense?
Those who rejoice in their misdeeds and wish to be praised forwhat they have not actually done, should never think that theywill escape the punishment; in fact they shall have a painfulpunishment;
Therefore be patient with what they say. Glorify your Rabb withHis praise before sunrise and before sunset, glorify Him duringthe hours of the night as well as at the ends of the day, so thatyou may find satisfaction.
Only those people believe in Our revelations, who, when they arereminded of them, prostrate themselves in adoration and celebratethe praises of their Rabb and are not puffed up with pride.
Who forsake their beds and invoke their Rabb with fear and hope;and they spend in charity out of the sustenance which We havegiven them.
So be patient, the promise of Allah is true. Implore forgivenessfor your sins and celebrate the praises of your Rabb evening andmorning.
Therefore, O Prophet, bear with them in patience whatever theysay, and keep on glorifying your Rabb before sunrise and beforesunset.
So if the unbelievers disdain His worship, let them remember thatthe angels who are nearest to your Rabb, glorify Him day andnight and never feel tired.
Therefore be patient with what they say. Glorify your Rabb withHis praise before sunrise and before sunset, glorify Him duringthe hours of the night as well as at the ends of the day, so thatyou may find satisfaction.
So that you, O people, may believe in Allah and His Rasool, andthat you may help him and honor him and glorify Allah morning andevening.
Therefore be patient with what they say. Glorify your Rabb withHis praise before sunrise and before sunset, glorify Him duringthe hours of the night as well as at the ends of the day, so thatyou may find satisfaction.
So that you, O people, may believe in Allah and His Rasool, andthat you may help him and honor him and glorify Allah morning andevening.
Therefore be patient with what they say. Glorify your Rabb withHis praise before sunrise and before sunset, glorify Him duringthe hours of the night as well as at the ends of the day, so thatyou may find satisfaction.
So if the unbelievers disdain His worship, let them remember thatthe angels who are nearest to your Rabb, glorify Him day andnight and never feel tired.
So be patient, the promise of Allah is true. Implore forgivenessfor your sins and celebrate the praises of your Rabb evening andmorning.
And glorify Him during a part of the night and after theprostration (prayers).
Therefore, wait for the judgement of your Rabb with patience, Weare surely watching over you. Glorify your Rabb with His praiseswhen you wake up,
and glorify Him in a part of the night, and also as the starsfade away.
Therefore be patient with what they say. Glorify your Rabb withHis praise before sunrise and before sunset, glorify Him duringthe hours of the night as well as at the ends of the day, so thatyou may find satisfaction.
Therefore, O Prophet, bear with them in patience whatever theysay, and keep on glorifying your Rabb before sunrise and beforesunset.
Those that turn to Allah in repentance, serve Him, praise Him,move about in the land for His sake, make Rakuh (bow down inprayer) and Sajud (prostrate themselves in prayer), enjoin whatis good and forbid what is evil, and observe the limits(permissions and prohibitions) set by Allah (they are the oneswho make such a bargain with Allah). O Prophet, proclaim the goodnews to such believers.
and say: "Praise be to Allah, the One Who has begotten no son andWho has no partner in His Kingdom; nor He is helpless to need aprotector, and glorify His greatness in the best possible way."
Say: "Praise be to Allah and peace be on His servants whom He haschosen to deliver His message. Ask them: " Who is better? Allahor the deities they associate with Him?"
Then proclaim: "Praise be to Allah, very soon He will show youHis signs and you will recognize them. Your Rabb is not unawareof what you do."
If you ask them: "Who has created the heavens and the earth?"They will certainly say: "Allah". Say: "Praise be to Allah!" Butthe fact is that most of them do not use their common sense tounderstand.
He is the Ever-Living. There is no god but Him. Therefore callupon Him with your sincere devotion. Praise be to Allah, the Rabbof the worlds.
Praying to Him Alone is the right thing. The other deities theypray to, besides Him, cannot answer their prayers. They are likea man who stretches forth his hands to the water and asks it toreach his mouth. It cannot reach his mouth this way; likewise theprayer of the unbelievers is nothing but a fruitless effort.
Who pray: "Our Rabb! Make our wives and our children to be thecomfort of our eyes, and make us leaders of the righteous."
Allah does not burden any human being with more than he can bear.Everyone will enjoy the credit of his deeds and suffer the debitsof his evil-doings.The believers say: "Our Rabb! Do notpunish us if we forget or make a mistake. Our Rabb! Do not placeon us a burden as You placed on those before us. Our Rabb! Laynot on us the kind of burden that we have no strength to bear.Pardon us, Forgive us, Have mercy on us. You are our Protector,help us against the unbelievers."
Say: "I have no control over any harm or benefit to myself,except what Allah wills. For every nation there is a deadline:when their deadline comes, it can neither be delayed for even amoment, nor it can be advanced.
Say: "Have you ever considered that if his scourge fall upon youby night or by day you can do nothing to avert it? What then isthere that the criminals wish to hasten?
Our Rabb! We have heard someone calling to the true faith saying;'Believe in your Rabb,' so we have believed. Our Rabb! Forgive usour sins, remove from us our evil deeds and make us die with therighteous.
- and say, "O my Rabb! I seek refuge in You from the prompting ofthe shaitans,
and O Rabb! I seek refuge in You even from their coming near me."
Say: I seek refuge in the Rabb of the mankind,
the King of mankind,
the real God of mankind,
from the mischief of the slinking whisperers (Shaitan and hisworkers)
who whisper into the hearts of people,
whether he be from among the jinn or from the mankind.
Allah does not burden any human being with more than he can bear.Everyone will enjoy the credit of his deeds and suffer the debitsof his evil-doings.The believers say: "Our Rabb! Do notpunish us if we forget or make a mistake. Our Rabb! Do not placeon us a burden as You placed on those before us. Our Rabb! Laynot on us the kind of burden that we have no strength to bear.Pardon us, Forgive us, Have mercy on us. You are our Protector,help us against the unbelievers."
The righteous people are those who pray: "Our Rabb! We sincerelybelieve in You: please forgive our sins and save us from theagony of the Hellfire;"
Our Rabb! We have heard someone calling to the true faith saying;'Believe in your Rabb,' so we have believed. Our Rabb! Forgive usour sins, remove from us our evil deeds and make us die with therighteous.
Say: "O Rabb, forgive, have Mercy, You are the Best of those whoshow mercy!"
Say: "O Allah! Master of all the Kingship, You give the kingdomto whom You please and take away the kingdom from whomsoever Youplease; You give honor to whom You please and disgrace to whomYou please; all the good is in Your hand; surely You have powerover everything.
You cause the night to pass into the day and You cause the day topass into the night; You draw the living from the dead and Youdraw the dead from the living; and You provide sustenance foranyone You wish without measure."
During the prayer say: "Rabb! Make my entrance, the entrance withtruth and make my exit, the exit with truth and grant me asupporting authority from your presence;"
We have enjoined man to treat his parents with kindness. Withmuch trouble his mother bore him, and much pain did she give himbirth. His bearing and his weaning took thirty months. When hereaches the age of full strength and becomes forty years old, hesays: "My Rabb! Grant me the grace that I may thank you for thefavors which You have bestowed on me and on my parents, and thatI may do good deeds that will please You, and grant me goodchildren. Surely I turn to You in repentance and surely I am ofthose who are Muslims."
Such are the people from whom We shall accept the best of theirdeeds and overlook their misdeeds. They shall be among theresidents of paradise: true is the promise that has been made tothem in this life.
They say: "Our Rabb, Do not cause our hearts to deviate now afteryou have guided us. Grant us Your own mercy; You are the Grantorof bounties without measure.
Our Rabb, You will surely gather all mankind before You on theDay about which there is no doubt; surly Allah does not break Hispromise."
without adding: "If Allah wills!" And if you forget to say this, then call your Rabb to mind and say: "I hope that my Rabb shall guide me and bring me ever closer than this to the Right Way."
Yet man prays for evil as fervently as he ought to pray for good,and mankind is ever hasty.
Allah does not burden any human being with more than he can bear.Everyone will enjoy the credit of his deeds and suffer the debitsof his evil-doings.The believers say: "Our Rabb! Do notpunish us if we forget or make a mistake. Our Rabb! Do not placeon us a burden as You placed on those before us. Our Rabb! Laynot on us the kind of burden that we have no strength to bear.Pardon us, Forgive us, Have mercy on us. You are our Protector,help us against the unbelievers."
Our Rabb! Grant us what You have promised through Your Rasoolsand save us from the shame on the Day of Resurrection; for Younever break Your promise."
Say: "O Allah! Master of all the Kingship, You give the kingdomto whom You please and take away the kingdom from whomsoever Youplease; You give honor to whom You please and disgrace to whomYou please; all the good is in Your hand; surely You have powerover everything.
You cause the night to pass into the day and You cause the day topass into the night; You draw the living from the dead and Youdraw the dead from the living; and You provide sustenance foranyone You wish without measure."
Who pray: "Our Rabb! Make our wives and our children to be thecomfort of our eyes, and make us leaders of the righteous."
Allah does not burden any human being with more than he can bear.Everyone will enjoy the credit of his deeds and suffer the debitsof his evil-doings.The believers say: "Our Rabb! Do notpunish us if we forget or make a mistake. Our Rabb! Do not placeon us a burden as You placed on those before us. Our Rabb! Laynot on us the kind of burden that we have no strength to bear.Pardon us, Forgive us, Have mercy on us. You are our Protector,help us against the unbelievers."
Allah does not burden any human being with more than he can bear.Everyone will enjoy the credit of his deeds and suffer the debitsof his evil-doings.The believers say: "Our Rabb! Do notpunish us if we forget or make a mistake. Our Rabb! Do not placeon us a burden as You placed on those before us. Our Rabb! Laynot on us the kind of burden that we have no strength to bear.Pardon us, Forgive us, Have mercy on us. You are our Protector,help us against the unbelievers."
Say: "O Rabb, forgive, have Mercy, You are the Best of those whoshow mercy!"
But some of the desert Arabs believe in Allah and the Last Day,and look on what they spend in the way of Allah as a means ofbringing them close to Allah and to the prayers of the Rasool.Indeed, closer they shall be brought: soon Allah will admit themto His mercy. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
Take sadaqat (this commanded sadaqat means - Zakat-ul-Mall) fromtheir wealth, so that they may thereby be cleansed and purified,and pray for them; for your prayer will give them comfort. Allahhears all and knows all.
We have enjoined man to treat his parents with kindness. Withmuch trouble his mother bore him, and much pain did she give himbirth. His bearing and his weaning took thirty months. When hereaches the age of full strength and becomes forty years old, hesays: "My Rabb! Grant me the grace that I may thank you for thefavors which You have bestowed on me and on my parents, and thatI may do good deeds that will please You, and grant me goodchildren. Surely I turn to You in repentance and surely I am ofthose who are Muslims."
Such are the people from whom We shall accept the best of theirdeeds and overlook their misdeeds. They shall be among theresidents of paradise: true is the promise that has been made tothem in this life.
You shall lower to them your wings of humility and pray: "O Rabb!Bestow on them Your blessings just as they cherished me when Iwas a little child."
During the prayer say: "Rabb! Make my entrance, the entrance withtruth and make my exit, the exit with truth and grant me asupporting authority from your presence;"
Allah does not burden any human being with more than he can bear.Everyone will enjoy the credit of his deeds and suffer the debitsof his evil-doings.The believers say: "Our Rabb! Do notpunish us if we forget or make a mistake. Our Rabb! Do not placeon us a burden as You placed on those before us. Our Rabb! Laynot on us the kind of burden that we have no strength to bear.Pardon us, Forgive us, Have mercy on us. You are our Protector,help us against the unbelievers."
But there are others who say: "Our Rabb! Give us the good life,both in this world and in the Hereafter and save us from thetorment of the fire."
Such people shall have their due share in both worlds accordingto what they have earned, Allah is swift in settling theaccounts.
The righteous people are those who pray: "Our Rabb! We sincerelybelieve in You: please forgive our sins and save us from theagony of the Hellfire;"
Those who remember Allah while standing, sitting, and lying ontheir sides, and meditate on the creation of the heavens and theearth. Then cry out:" Our Rabb! You have not created this invain. Glory to You! Save us from the punishment of Fire.
Allah did indeed fulfil His promise to you when with His leaveyou defeated them, until you flinched and fell into dispute aboutthe order and disobeyed the Prophet, after Allah had brought itwithin your sight the booty which you loved. Among you there weresome who desired the gain of this world and some who desired thegain of the Hereafter. He allowed you to be defeated in order totest you, but now He has forgiven you, for Allah is gracious tothe believers.
Our Rabb! Grant us what You have promised through Your Rasoolsand save us from the shame on the Day of Resurrection; for Younever break Your promise."
Our Rabb! We have heard someone calling to the true faith saying;'Believe in your Rabb,' so we have believed. Our Rabb! Forgive usour sins, remove from us our evil deeds and make us die with therighteous.
We have enjoined man to treat his parents with kindness. Withmuch trouble his mother bore him, and much pain did she give himbirth. His bearing and his weaning took thirty months. When hereaches the age of full strength and becomes forty years old, hesays: "My Rabb! Grant me the grace that I may thank you for thefavors which You have bestowed on me and on my parents, and thatI may do good deeds that will please You, and grant me goodchildren. Surely I turn to You in repentance and surely I am ofthose who are Muslims."
Such are the people from whom We shall accept the best of theirdeeds and overlook their misdeeds. They shall be among theresidents of paradise: true is the promise that has been made tothem in this life.
Remember when We made the House (the Ka'bah) a center andsanctuary for mankind saying, "Take the station of Ibrahim as aplace of prayer;" We entrusted Ibrahim and Isma`il to cleanse OurHouse for those who walk around it, who meditate in it, and whokneel and prostrate in prayers.
Say: "O Allah! Master of all the Kingship, You give the kingdomto whom You please and take away the kingdom from whomsoever Youplease; You give honor to whom You please and disgrace to whomYou please; all the good is in Your hand; surely You have powerover everything.
You cause the night to pass into the day and You cause the day topass into the night; You draw the living from the dead and Youdraw the dead from the living; and You provide sustenance foranyone You wish without measure."
When you have fulfilled your sacred duties, praise Allah as youused to praise your forefathers or with deeper reverence. Thereare some who say: "Our Rabb! Give us abundance in this world."Such people will not have any share in the hereafter.
Their only words were, "Our Rabb! Forgive our sins and ourexcesses; establish our feet firmly and give us victory over theunbelievers."
When you travel in the earth, there is no blame on you if youshorten your prayers, especially when you fear that theunbelievers may attack you, since the unbelievers are your openenemies.
Establish Salah ( prayers) at the two ends of the day and in theearly part of the night. Indeed virtues remove evils. This is areminder for the mindful.
Establish Salah from the decline of the sun till the darkness ofthe night (Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha) and read at Fajr (dawn);for the reading at Fajr is witnessed (by the angels).
Praying to Him Alone is the right thing. The other deities theypray to, besides Him, cannot answer their prayers. They are likea man who stretches forth his hands to the water and asks it toreach his mouth. It cannot reach his mouth this way; likewise theprayer of the unbelievers is nothing but a fruitless effort.
Those who are charged with the mission of conveying the messageof Allah are to fear Him, they are supposed to fear none butAllah; for Allah is sufficient to settle their account.
O believers! Prepare yourselves for encounter, then advance indetachments or all together as the occasion may require.
When you, O Muhammad, are with them, leading their Salah (prayerin the state of war), let one party of them stand up to pray withyou, armed with their weapons. After they finish theirprostrations, let them withdraw to the rear and let the otherparty who have not yet prayed come forward to pray with you; andlet them also be on their guard, armed with their weapons. Theunbelievers wish to see you neglect your arms and your baggage,so that they could suddenly attack to overpower you all in onestroke. However, there is no blame on you if you lay aside yourarms because of heavy rain or because you are sick, but youshould still be on your guard. Allah has prepared a humiliatingpunishment for the unbelievers.
O believers! Prepare yourselves for encounter, then advance indetachments or all together as the occasion may require.
O Children of Israel! Remember the special favor which I bestowedupon you; that I exalted you above all other nations.
Do you intend to ask questions from your Rasool (Muhammad) asMusa (Moses) was questioned before? But whoever barters belieffor unbelief, he indeed has lost the direction of the Right Way.
Let not the believers make unbelievers their protectors ratherthan the believers; anyone who does so will have nothing to hopefor from Allah - except if you do so as a precaution to guardyourselves against their tyranny. Anyhow, Allah warns you to fearHim: because with Allah is your final refuge.
who choose the unbelievers to be their protectors rather thanbelievers. Are they seeking honor in being with them? Whereas allhonor belongs to Allah Alone.
See how We have exalted some over others, and certainly thehereafter is more exalted and greater in excellence.
It is not proper for the people of Madinah and the beduin Arabsof the neighborhood to forsake the Rasool of Allah or tojeopardize his life so as to safeguard their own: because they donot suffer any thirst or hunger or any ordeal for the sake ofAllah, or take any step which may provoke the unbelievers, orreceive any injury from an enemy, but shall be written down as agood deed to their account; for Allah does not waste the rewardof the righteous.
O believers! What is the matter with you that when you are askedto march forth in the way of Allah, you cling to the earth? Doyou prefer the life of this world to the life of the hereafter?If it is so, then you should know that the comforts of this lifeare little compared to the life of the hereafter.
This is because such people love the life of this world more thanthe hereafter, and that Allah does not guide those who knowinglyreject faith.
Such are those whose hearts, ears and eyes are sealed by Allah;and they are the ones who are heedless.
There is no doubt that in the hereafter they will be the losers.
Those who do not wish to be guided say: "If we go along with youand accept this guidance, we shall be driven out from our land."But have We not given them a secure sanctuary to which arebrought the fruits of all kinds as a provision from Us? But mostof them have no knowledge.
How many towns have We destroyed who once flourished in theireconomy? Just see those dwellings of theirs, only a few of whichhave been inhabited after them; at last We Alone became theirinheritors.
Your Rabb would never destroy the towns until He had sent intheir metropolis a Rasool, proclaiming to them Our revelations;and We would not destroy towns except when their dwellers hadbecome wrongdoers.
The things which you have been given are but the provisions andadornments of this worldly life; and that which is with Allah isbetter and more lasting. Why don't you use your common sense?
Can a person to whom We have made a handsome promise and he issure to receive it, be like the one to whom We have only giventhe provisions of this world and he is scheduled to be presentedon the Day of Resurrection for punishment?
O Prophet, tell them: If your fathers, your sons, your brothers,your spouses, your relatives, the wealth that you have acquired,the business in which you fear a loss, and the homes which youlike are dearer to you than Allah, His Rasool, and making Jihad(struggle) in His Way, then wait until Allah brings about Hisdecision. Allah does not guide the transgressors.
O Prophet, tell them: If your fathers, your sons, your brothers,your spouses, your relatives, the wealth that you have acquired,the business in which you fear a loss, and the homes which youlike are dearer to you than Allah, His Rasool, and making Jihad(struggle) in His Way, then wait until Allah brings about Hisdecision. Allah does not guide the transgressors.
Or have We given them a Book before this to which they holdauthority for their angel-worshipping?
The only argument they have is to say: "We found our forefatherspracticing this faith and we are walking in their footsteps."
Even so, whenever We sent a Warner before you to forewarn anation, its affluent people said: "We found our forefatherspracticing this faith and surely we are going to follow theirfootsteps."
Each Warner asked: "What if I bring you better guidance than thatwhich your forefathers practiced?" But they replied: "Well! Wereject the faith with which you have been sent."
Consequently, We inflicted Our retribution on them; then see whatwas the end of those who disbelieved?
Behold! Ibrahim said to his father and his people: "I renouncethe gods you worship,
except Him Who created me, for He will surely guide me."
And he left this statement as an abiding precept among hisdescendants, so that they should turn to it.
But they started worshipping others, and rather than punishing Ikept on providing them and their forefathers the comfort of thislife, until there came to them the truth and a Rasool to expoundit clearly.
But now when the truth has came to them, they say: "This is magicand we do not believe it."
O Prophet, tell them: If your fathers, your sons, your brothers,your spouses, your relatives, the wealth that you have acquired,the business in which you fear a loss, and the homes which youlike are dearer to you than Allah, His Rasool, and making Jihad(struggle) in His Way, then wait until Allah brings about Hisdecision. Allah does not guide the transgressors.