سُبْحَانَ ٱللَّٰهِ
Holy Qur'an
Kids Qur'an
And with the people of Thamud who hewed out their dwellings inthe rocks of the valley?
Men are overseers over women because Allah has given the one morestrength than other, and because men are required to spend theirwealth for the maintenance of women. Honorable women are,therefore, devoutly obedient and guard in the husband's absencewhat Allah require them to guard their husband's property andtheir own honor. As to those women from whom you feardisobedience, first admonish them, then refuse to share your bedwith them, and then, if necessary, beat them. Then if they obeyyou, take no further actions against them and do not make excusesto punish them. Allah is Supremely Great and is aware of youractions.
The blameworthy are those who oppress their fellow men andconduct themselves with wickedness and injustice in the land. Itis they who will have painful punishment.
It would have been better for them, if they had only been pleasedwith what Allah and His Rasool had given them and said: "Allah isall-sufficient to us! Soon Allah will give us of His bounty, andso will His Rasool. Indeed to Allah do we turn our hopes."
We have explained things in various ways in this Qur'an so thatthey may receive admonition, yet it has only added to theiraversion.
-- This Book (Al-Qur'an) which We have sent down to you (OMuhammad) is highly blessed, so that they may ponder upon itsverses and the men of understanding may learn a lesson from it.
So We opened the gates of heaven with pouring rain
We have indeed made the Qur'an very easy to understand theadmonition: but is there any who would take admonition?
We have indeed made the Qur'an very easy to understand theadmonition, so is there any who would take admonition?
We have indeed made the Qur'an very easy to understand theadmonition, so is there any who would take admonition?
We have indeed made the Qur'an very easy to understand theadmonition, so is there any who would take admonition?
O Muhammad, declare: "O mankind! The truth has come to you fromyour Rabb! He that follows guidance (Right Way) follows it forhis own good, and he that goes astray does so at his own risk;for I am not a custodian over you."
Say: "If I am in error, the loss is surely mine and if I amright, it is because of what my Rabb has revealed to me. SurelyHe hears all and is very close."
and when it is recited, to make you follow it,
When Our revelations are recited to them with all their clarity,you can notice a denial on the faces of the unbelievers. They canbarely restrain themselves from assaulting those who recite Ourrevelations. Say to them: "Shall I tell you something which isfar worse than that? It is the fire of hell, which Allah haspromised to those who reject the truth; what an evil abode itwill be!"
and when the Qur'an is recited to them, they do not prostrate?
When the Qur'an is recited, listen to it with complete silence sothat you may be shown mercy.
O Prophet! Recite what has been revealed to you from the Book of your Rabb: no one is authorized to change His Words and if you dare to make any change, you will find no refuge to protect you from Him.
and that I should recite The Qur'an. Now, whoever follows thisguidance will be guided for his own good, and to him who goesastray, say: "I am merely a Warner."
When Allah's Oneness is mentioned, the hearts of those who denythe hereafter shrink with aversion; but when other gods arementioned, they are filled with joy.
Establish Salah from the decline of the sun till the darkness ofthe night (Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha) and read at Fajr (dawn);for the reading at Fajr is witnessed (by the angels).
The royal servants said: "We have lost the King's drinking cup.(The leader of the royal servants added) and the one who bringsit, will be awarded a camel-load of corn, I guarantee it."
Surely your Rabb knows that you stand in prayers nearly two-thirds of the night, and sometimes one-half or one-third of it,so do others among your companions. Allah has the measures of thenight and the day. He knows that you will not be able to keep itup, so He has turned to you in Mercy, therefore, read from theQur'an as much as you easily can. He knows that there may be somesick people among you, and some others who travel through theland to seek Allah's bounty; and yet some others fighting for thecause of Allah. Therefore, read as much of the Qur'an as youeasily can. Establish the Salah (five time daily prayers) and paythe Zakah (poor due), and give to Allah a goodly loan. Whatevergood you will send forth for yourselves, you will find it withAllah, which will be much better and greater in reward. SeekAllah's forgiveness, surely Allah is Oft-Forgiving, MostMerciful.
Yet they are not all alike: there are some among the People ofthe Book who are upright, who recite the revelations of Allah allnight long and then prostrate before Him;
O wives of the Prophet! You are not like the other women: if youfear Allah, then you should not be complaisant while talking tothe men who are not closely related to you, lest the one in whoseheart is a disease may thereby be encouraged, and speak usingsuitable good words.
Stay in your homes and do not display your finery as women usedto do in the days of ignorance (pre-Islamic days); establishSalah, pay Zakah, and obey Allah and His Rasool. O women of thehousehold of Rasool, Allah only intends to remove uncleanlinessfrom you and to purify you completely.
Remember the revelations of Allah and wise sayings which arerecited in your homes, surely Allah is aware of even the finestmysteries.
Narrate to them the story of Ibrahim,
Quote to them the story of Nuh (Noah) when he said to his people:"O my people! If it offends you that I should live among you andpreach to you the revelations of Allah, then you should know thatI have put my trust in Allah. Go ahead and muster all yourshoraka' (deities you worship) and come up with your uniteddecision. Plan it well so that you may not have any doubt aboutits being foolproof. Then execute it against me and give me norespite.
We said: "O Dawood! We have made you a vicegerent in the earth,so rule among the people with justice and do not follow your owndesires lest they mislead you from the Way of Allah. As for thosewho go astray from the Way of Allah, they shall surely have asevere punishment because of forgetting the Day of Reckoning.
For sure, the hell shall lie in ambush,
to become a home for the transgressors.
There they shall live for ages,
in it they shall taste neither refreshment nor drink,
except scalding water and decaying filth:
a fitting recompense for their deeds.
For they never expected to be accountable,
and wittingly rejected Our revelations.
But We had recorded everything in a Book.
It will be said: "Taste the fruits of your deeds! You shall havenothing but increase in punishment."
For sure, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and thealternation of the night and the day there are signs for men ofunderstanding.
Those who remember Allah while standing, sitting, and lying ontheir sides, and meditate on the creation of the heavens and theearth. Then cry out:" Our Rabb! You have not created this invain. Glory to You! Save us from the punishment of Fire.
When you finish your Salah (prayers) remember Allah whether youare standing, sitting or reclining; then as soon as you are safe(out of danger) establish regular Salah in full. Surely Salah aremade obligatory for the believers at their prescribed times.
Anyone who intercedes for a good cause shall have a share in it,and anyone who intercedes for an evil cause shall also get ashare in its burden. Allah has control over everything.
If two parties among the believers fall into mutual fighting,make peace between them. Then if one of them transgresses againstthe other, fight the one who has transgressed until he returns tothe commands of Allah. Then, if he returns, make peace betweenthem with justice and be fair; for Allah loves those who are fairand just.
The believers are brothers to one another, therefore, makereconciliation between your brothers and fear Allah, so that youmay be shown mercy.
Divorced women must keep themselves waiting for three menstrualperiods, it is not lawful for them to hide what Allah has createdin their wombs if they believe in Allah and the Last Day. In suchcases their husbands have a right to take them back in thatperiod if they desire reconciliation. Women have rights similarto those exercised against them in an equitable manner, althoughmen have a status (degree of responsibility) above them. Allah isMighty, Wise.
Besides this direct knowledge ,We have assigned to every one twoscribes (guardian angels), the one seated on his right and theother on his left,
not a single word does he utter but there is a vigilant guardianready to note it down.
When the agony of death will bring the truth before his eyes,they will say: "This is what you were trying to escape!"
And the Trumpet shall be blown; that will be the Day of which youwere threatened!
Each soul will come forth; with it there will be a an angel todrive and an angel to bear witness.
It will be said: "You were heedless of this, but now We haveremoved your veil, so your eyesight is sharp today!"
His companion will say: "Here is my testimony ready with me."
The sentence will be: "Throw into hell every stubborndisbeliever,
every opponent of good, and every doubting transgressor
who set up other gods besides Allah. Throw him into severepunishment."
His companion will say: "Our Rabb! I did not mislead him. Hehimself had gone far astray."
Allah will say: "Do not dispute with each other in My presence. Igave you warning beforehand.
My words cannot be changed, nor am I unjust to My servants."
You should know that guardian angels have indeed been appointedover you,
who are noble writers,
they know all that you do.
That Day is a sure reality. Let him who desires, seek a way backto his Rabb.
Pray: "O Allah! Creator of the heavens and the earth, Who has theknowledge of the unseen and the seen! You Alone can judge thedisputes of your servants concerning those matters in which theydiffer."
Allah commands you to give back the trusts to their rightfulowners, and when you judge between people, judge with fairness.Surely, excellent is the counsel which Allah gives you. Allah isHe who hears and observes all.
O Prophet tell them: Whatever the subject of your dispute is, itsjudgement belongs to Allah: Such is Allah my Rabb, in Him I haveput my trust, and to Him I turn in repentance.
Have you not seen those who claim that they believe in what hasbeen revealed to you and other prophets before you? Yet theydesire that the judgment (in their disputes) be made by Taghut(forces of Shaitan) though they were commanded to reject them,and Shaitan's wish is to lead them far astray into deep error.
O believers! Obey Allah, obey the Rasool and those charged withauthority among you. Should you have a dispute in anything, referit to Allah and His Rasool, if you truly believe in Allah and theLast Day. This course of action will be better and more suitable.
O believers! Obey Allah, obey the Rasool and those charged withauthority among you. Should you have a dispute in anything, referit to Allah and His Rasool, if you truly believe in Allah and theLast Day. This course of action will be better and more suitable.
Have you not seen those who claim that they believe in what hasbeen revealed to you and other prophets before you? Yet theydesire that the judgment (in their disputes) be made by Taghut(forces of Shaitan) though they were commanded to reject them,and Shaitan's wish is to lead them far astray into deep error.
Whenever they hear news of peace or of danger, they spread itquickly; but if they would report it to the Rasool and to theresponsible people in the community, it would come to theknowledge of those who could draw the right conclusions. If ithad not been for Allah's grace and mercy, all of you with theexception of a few, would have followed Shaitan.
Whenever they hear news of peace or of danger, they spread itquickly; but if they would report it to the Rasool and to theresponsible people in the community, it would come to theknowledge of those who could draw the right conclusions. If ithad not been for Allah's grace and mercy, all of you with theexception of a few, would have followed Shaitan.
Why don't they research the Qur'an? Don't they realize that if itwas from someone other than Allah, they would find manydiscrepancies in it.
He is the One Who spread out the earth and placed thereonmountains and rivers, created fruits of every kind in pairs, twoand two and makes the night cover the day. Certainly in thesethings there are signs for those who use their common sense.
Those who remember Allah while standing, sitting, and lying ontheir sides, and meditate on the creation of the heavens and theearth. Then cry out:" Our Rabb! You have not created this invain. Glory to You! Save us from the punishment of Fire.
Have they not considered in their own minds that Allah createdthe heavens and the earth and all that lies between them for ajust reason and for a specified time? But the truth is that manyamong mankind do not believe in the meeting with their Rabb (theDay of Resurrection)!
We have created everything in pairs, so that you may learn alesson from it.
Say: "I do not claim that I possess the treasures of Allah, orthat I know the unseen nor do I claim that I am an angel. What Isay is, that I follow only that which is revealed to me." Askthem: "Are the blind and the seeing alike? Why don't you think?"
They ask you about drinking and gambling. Tell them: "There isgreat sin in both, although they may have some benefit for men;but the sin is greater than the benefit." They ask you what theyshould spend; tell them: "Whatever you can." Thus Allah makes Hisrevelations clear to you, so that you may reflect upon
this world and the hereafter. They ask you about orphans. Tellthem: "It is best to deal with them justly; you may becomeco-partners with them, after all they are your brethren; Allahknows who means harm and also who means their welfare. If Allahhad wanted He could be hard on you in this matter, surely Allahis Mighty, Wise."
They ask you about drinking and gambling. Tell them: "There isgreat sin in both, although they may have some benefit for men;but the sin is greater than the benefit." They ask you what theyshould spend; tell them: "Whatever you can." Thus Allah makes Hisrevelations clear to you, so that you may reflect upon
this world and the hereafter. They ask you about orphans. Tellthem: "It is best to deal with them justly; you may becomeco-partners with them, after all they are your brethren; Allahknows who means harm and also who means their welfare. If Allahhad wanted He could be hard on you in this matter, surely Allahis Mighty, Wise."
If We had sent down this Qur'an on a mountain, you would haveseen it humble itself and split asunder from the fear of Allah,We are citing this example for mankind, so that they may takeheed.
Those are the ones who do not bear witness to falsehood and, ifthey ever pass by futility, pass with dignity.
A share of the spoils shall also be given to those who made theirabode in Madinah (the Ansar) and believed even before thearrivals of the Muhajirin and love those who migrated to them andentertain no desire in their hearts for things given to them, andprefer those Muhajirin over themselves, even though theythemselves are poor. In fact those who are saved from thegreediness of hearts, are the ones who will achieve true success.
If any time you are tempted by Shaitan, seek refuge with Allah.It is He Who hears all and knows all.
and from the mischief of darkness when it overspreads;
and from the mischief of the envier when he envies.
Say: I seek refuge in the Rabb of the mankind,
the King of mankind,
the real God of mankind,
from the mischief of the slinking whisperers (Shaitan and hisworkers)
who whisper into the hearts of people,
whether he be from among the jinn or from the mankind.
Say: I seek refuge in the Rabb of the mankind,
the King of mankind,
the real God of mankind,
from the mischief of the slinking whisperers (Shaitan and hisworkers)
who whisper into the hearts of people,
whether he be from among the jinn or from the mankind.
from the mischief of those who blow on knots (black magic);
O Prophet! Recite what has been revealed to you from the Book of your Rabb: no one is authorized to change His Words and if you dare to make any change, you will find no refuge to protect you from Him.
Say: "If I were to disobey Him, no one can protect me from Allah,nor can I find any refuge besides Him.
When you recite The Qur'an, seek Allah's protection from theaccursed Shaitan,
If Shaitan tempts you, seek refuge with Allah; for He is the oneWho is All Hearing, Knowing.
Those who fear Allah, when they are tempted by Shaitan, they havebut to remember Allah and they shall see the light (right courseof action)!
Those who dispute the revelations of Allah with no authoritybestowed on them; they nurture in their hearts arrogant ambitionswhich they shall never attain. Therefore, seek refuge with Allah;It is He Who hears all and sees all.
Say: I seek refuge with the Rabb of the dawn
from the mischief of all that He has created;
and from the mischief of darkness when it overspreads;
from the mischief of those who blow on knots (black magic);
and from the mischief of the envier when he envies.
Say: I seek refuge in the Rabb of the mankind,
the King of mankind,
the real God of mankind,
from the mischief of the slinking whisperers (Shaitan and hisworkers)
who whisper into the hearts of people,
whether he be from among the jinn or from the mankind.
Yet there you are, killing your own people, expelling a groupamongst you from their homes, backing each other with sin andaggression; and if they come to you as captives, you trade themfor ransoms whereas their expulsion was unlawful for you to beginwith. Do you believe in a part of your Holy Book and reject therest? So what other punishment do such people among you, whobehave like this, deserve, than disgrace in this world and to bedriven to grievous punishment on the Day of Judgment? Allah isnot unaware of what you do.
Such are the people who trade the life of this world at theexpense of the Hereafter; so neither their punishment shall belightened nor shall they be helped.
A share of the spoils shall also be given to those who made theirabode in Madinah (the Ansar) and believed even before thearrivals of the Muhajirin and love those who migrated to them andentertain no desire in their hearts for things given to them, andprefer those Muhajirin over themselves, even though theythemselves are poor. In fact those who are saved from thegreediness of hearts, are the ones who will achieve true success.
O believers! When the believing women seek refuge with you, testthem. Allah best knows their faith. If you find them truebelievers, do not send them back to the unbelievers. They are notlawful to the unbelievers, nor are the unbelievers lawful tothem. Return to their unbelieving husbands what they have spenton them. There is no blame on you if you marry such women,provided you give them their dowers. Do not hold on to yourmarriages with unbelieving women. Demand what you have spent onthem and let the unbelievers do the same. This is the order ofAllah which He has decreed between you. Allah is All-Knowing,All-Wise.
If you do not get back the demanded amount that you have spent onyour disbelieving wives from the unbelievers, and your turncomes, to pay the demanded amount of Muslim wives to theunbelievers, you can offset the amount and pay those whose wiveshave fled the equivalent of the amount they have spent on theirdisbelieving wives. Fear Allah, in Whom you believe.
O believers! When the believing women seek refuge with you, testthem. Allah best knows their faith. If you find them truebelievers, do not send them back to the unbelievers. They are notlawful to the unbelievers, nor are the unbelievers lawful tothem. Return to their unbelieving husbands what they have spenton them. There is no blame on you if you marry such women,provided you give them their dowers. Do not hold on to yourmarriages with unbelieving women. Demand what you have spent onthem and let the unbelievers do the same. This is the order ofAllah which He has decreed between you. Allah is All-Knowing,All-Wise.
If you do not get back the demanded amount that you have spent onyour disbelieving wives from the unbelievers, and your turncomes, to pay the demanded amount of Muslim wives to theunbelievers, you can offset the amount and pay those whose wiveshave fled the equivalent of the amount they have spent on theirdisbelieving wives. Fear Allah, in Whom you believe.
O Prophet! When the believing women come to you to take the oathof allegiance , take their pledge: that they will not commitshirk with Allah, that they will not steal, that they will notcommit adultery, that they will not kill their children, thatthey will not give any cause for scandal which they may inventbetween either their hands or legs (a woman accusing anotherwoman of having an illicit relationship with a man and spreadssuch stories - or - a woman carrying an illegitimate child andmakes her husband believe that it is his), and that they will notdisobey you in any just matter, then accept their allegiance andpray to Allah for the forgiveness. Surely Allah is Oft-Forgiving,most Merciful.
O believers! When the believing women seek refuge with you, testthem. Allah best knows their faith. If you find them truebelievers, do not send them back to the unbelievers. They are notlawful to the unbelievers, nor are the unbelievers lawful tothem. Return to their unbelieving husbands what they have spenton them. There is no blame on you if you marry such women,provided you give them their dowers. Do not hold on to yourmarriages with unbelieving women. Demand what you have spent onthem and let the unbelievers do the same. This is the order ofAllah which He has decreed between you. Allah is All-Knowing,All-Wise.
If you do not get back the demanded amount that you have spent onyour disbelieving wives from the unbelievers, and your turncomes, to pay the demanded amount of Muslim wives to theunbelievers, you can offset the amount and pay those whose wiveshave fled the equivalent of the amount they have spent on theirdisbelieving wives. Fear Allah, in Whom you believe.
O Prophet! When the believing women come to you to take the oathof allegiance , take their pledge: that they will not commitshirk with Allah, that they will not steal, that they will notcommit adultery, that they will not kill their children, thatthey will not give any cause for scandal which they may inventbetween either their hands or legs (a woman accusing anotherwoman of having an illicit relationship with a man and spreadssuch stories - or - a woman carrying an illegitimate child andmakes her husband believe that it is his), and that they will notdisobey you in any just matter, then accept their allegiance andpray to Allah for the forgiveness. Surely Allah is Oft-Forgiving,most Merciful.
O Prophet! When the believing women come to you to take the oathof allegiance , take their pledge: that they will not commitshirk with Allah, that they will not steal, that they will notcommit adultery, that they will not kill their children, thatthey will not give any cause for scandal which they may inventbetween either their hands or legs (a woman accusing anotherwoman of having an illicit relationship with a man and spreadssuch stories - or - a woman carrying an illegitimate child andmakes her husband believe that it is his), and that they will notdisobey you in any just matter, then accept their allegiance andpray to Allah for the forgiveness. Surely Allah is Oft-Forgiving,most Merciful.
O Prophet! When the believing women come to you to take the oathof allegiance , take their pledge: that they will not commitshirk with Allah, that they will not steal, that they will notcommit adultery, that they will not kill their children, thatthey will not give any cause for scandal which they may inventbetween either their hands or legs (a woman accusing anotherwoman of having an illicit relationship with a man and spreadssuch stories - or - a woman carrying an illegitimate child andmakes her husband believe that it is his), and that they will notdisobey you in any just matter, then accept their allegiance andpray to Allah for the forgiveness. Surely Allah is Oft-Forgiving,most Merciful.
He who emigrates in the path of Allah shall find numerous placesof refuge in the Earth and abundant resources. He who leaves hishome to migrate for Allah and His Rasool and dies on the way, hisreward becomes due and sure with Allah. Allah is Forgiving,Merciful.
O believers! When the believing women seek refuge with you, testthem. Allah best knows their faith. If you find them truebelievers, do not send them back to the unbelievers. They are notlawful to the unbelievers, nor are the unbelievers lawful tothem. Return to their unbelieving husbands what they have spenton them. There is no blame on you if you marry such women,provided you give them their dowers. Do not hold on to yourmarriages with unbelieving women. Demand what you have spent onthem and let the unbelievers do the same. This is the order ofAllah which He has decreed between you. Allah is All-Knowing,All-Wise.
If you do not get back the demanded amount that you have spent onyour disbelieving wives from the unbelievers, and your turncomes, to pay the demanded amount of Muslim wives to theunbelievers, you can offset the amount and pay those whose wiveshave fled the equivalent of the amount they have spent on theirdisbelieving wives. Fear Allah, in Whom you believe.
Yet there you are, killing your own people, expelling a groupamongst you from their homes, backing each other with sin andaggression; and if they come to you as captives, you trade themfor ransoms whereas their expulsion was unlawful for you to beginwith. Do you believe in a part of your Holy Book and reject therest? So what other punishment do such people among you, whobehave like this, deserve, than disgrace in this world and to bedriven to grievous punishment on the Day of Judgment? Allah isnot unaware of what you do.
Such are the people who trade the life of this world at theexpense of the Hereafter; so neither their punishment shall belightened nor shall they be helped.
A share of the spoils shall be given to the indigent Muhajirin(immigrants) who were driven out of their homes and theirpossessions, and are seeking Allah's grace and His good pleasureand who want to help Allah and His Rasool: such are indeed thetrue believers.