سُبْحَانَ ٱللَّٰهِ
Holy Qur'an
Kids Qur'an
Allah knows what really is in their hearts; therefore, neglecttheir attitude, admonish them, and speak to them effectual wordswhich may go deep into their hearts.
Men are overseers over women because Allah has given the one morestrength than other, and because men are required to spend theirwealth for the maintenance of women. Honorable women are,therefore, devoutly obedient and guard in the husband's absencewhat Allah require them to guard their husband's property andtheir own honor. As to those women from whom you feardisobedience, first admonish them, then refuse to share your bedwith them, and then, if necessary, beat them. Then if they obeyyou, take no further actions against them and do not make excusesto punish them. Allah is Supremely Great and is aware of youractions.
But no! Surely this Qur'an is an admonition.
Let him who wills take heed.
But none takes heed except by the will of Allah. He Alone isworthy to be feared and He Alone is worthy to forgive those whofear Him.
It should not be so! Indeed, this is but an admonition;
let him who wants, accept it.
Admonish your close relatives
We know very well what these unbelievers say. You (O Muhammad)are not there to compel them to believe. So admonish with thisQur'an every such person who fears My warning.
Do not marry mushrik women until they become believers; abelieving slave woman is better than a free mushrik woman eventhough she may be more attractive to you. Likewise, do not marrymushrik men until they become believers: a believing slave isbetter than a free mushrik even though he may be more pleasing toyou. These mushrikin invite you to hell fire while Allah invitesyou towards paradise and forgiveness by His grace. He makes Hisrevelations clear to mankind so that they may take heed.
whereas in fact this way (Al-Islam) is the Right Way of your Rabband We have spelled out Our revelations very clearly for thepeople who use their common sense.
For them there will be a home of peace with their Rabb. He willbe their protector because of their good deeds.
Do they not see that they are tested every year once or twice?Yet they neither repent nor learn a lesson from this.
The fact is that your Rabb is the same Allah Who created theheavens and the earth in six Yome (time periods) and is firmlyestablished on the Throne of authority, and is directing theaffairs of the universe. None can intercede for you, except theone who receives His permission. This is Allah your Rabb, soworship Him: will you not receive admonition?
Establish Salah ( prayers) at the two ends of the day and in theearly part of the night. Indeed virtues remove evils. This is areminder for the mindful.
How can the one who knows that which has been revealed to youfrom your Rabb is the Truth, be like the one who is blind to thisfact? Only those who use their common sense benefit from thisreminder.
Do you not see how Allah gave the example of comparing a goodword with a good tree, whose roots are firm and its branches arein the sky?
It yields its fruits in every season by Allah's leave. Allahcites these examples for men so that they may learn a lesson fromthem.
This is a proclamation for mankind: let them take warningtherefrom; let them know that He is the One and Only - worthy ofworship - and let the men of understanding learn a lesson.
Allah commands doing justice, doing good to others, and giving tonear relatives, and He forbids indecency, wickedness, andrebellion: He admonishes you so that you may take heed.
O believers! Do not enter houses other than your own until youhave sought permission and said greetings of peace to theoccupants; this is better for you, so that you may be mindful.
Nor were you at the side of the mountain of Tur when We calledout to Musa, but it is your Rabb's mercy that you are being giventhis information so that you may forewarn a nation to whom noWarner had come before you. Maybe they will take heed,
We have conveyed Our Word to them over and over again in orderthat they may take heed.
Those who have accepted the true faith and do good deeds shall beadmitted among the righteous.
We gave him Ishaq (Isaac - a son) and Ya'qoob (Jacob - agrandson), and placed the Prophethood and the Book in his progeny- thus We gave him his reward in this life, and in the hereafterhe will surely be among the righteous.
It is He Who shows you His signs and sends down sustenance fromthe heavens for you. Yet, none learns a lesson, from theobservation of these signs, except those who turn to Him.
The blind and those who can see are not alike, nor are thebelievers who do good deeds equal to the wicked; yet you seldomthink.
Have you considered the case of such an individual who has madehis own desires as his god, and Allah having knowledge let him goastray, and sealed his hearing and heart and drew a veil over hissight? Who is there to guide him after Allah has withdrawn Hisguidance? Will you not learn a lesson?
and it will be said: "Here is what you were promised. It is forevery penitent faithful person,
who feared the Compassionate (Allah) without seeing Him and comebefore Him with a devoted heart."
Allah will say: "Enter it in peace; this is the Day of EternalLife!"
There they shall have all that they wish, and We shall have yetmore to give.
We have explained things in various ways in this Qur'an so thatthey may receive admonition, yet it has only added to theiraversion.
Thus have we sent down this Qur'an in Arabic and clearlyproclaimed in it some of the warnings so that they may take heedor that it may serve as a reminder to them.
This is a Surah which We have revealed and made obligatory; itsrevelations contain clear verses, so that you may take heed.
We have not taught him (Muhammad) poetry, nor does it behove him.This is nothing but a reminder and a plain Qur'an
to warn those who are alive and to establish the charge againstthe disbelievers.
-- This Book (Al-Qur'an) which We have sent down to you (OMuhammad) is highly blessed, so that they may ponder upon itsverses and the men of understanding may learn a lesson from it.
Surely We have made this Qur'an easy by revealing in your ownlanguage so that they may take heed.
So We opened the gates of heaven with pouring rain
and caused the earth to burst with gushing springs, and thewaters met to fulfill the decreed end.
We carried him in an Ark built with planks and nails,
which drifted on under Our care: a reward for him (Noah) who wasdenied by the unbelievers.
We have left that Ark as a sign, so is there any who would takeadmonition?
How terrible was My scourge and how clear My warning!
We have indeed made the Qur'an very easy to understand theadmonition: but is there any who would take admonition?
We have indeed made the Qur'an very easy to understand theadmonition, so is there any who would take admonition?
We have indeed made the Qur'an very easy to understand theadmonition, so is there any who would take admonition?
We have indeed made the Qur'an very easy to understand theadmonition, so is there any who would take admonition?
This is indeed an admonition, so let him who will, adopt The Wayto his Rabb,
but you cannot will, except by the will of Allah. Surely Allah isAll-Knowledgeable, All-Wise.
He who fears Allah will heed the reminder,
Who, when reminded about the revelations of their Rabb, do notturn a blind eye and a deaf ear to them.
O mankind! Here is an example for your understanding, so listento it carefully. Those deities whom you call besides Allah,cannot create a single fly, even if they all combined theirforces, rather, if a fly snatches away anything from them theycannot even get it back; how feebleminded are the suppliants andhow powerless are those whom they supplicate!
And when your children reach the age of puberty, let them stillask your permission as their elders do. Thus Allah makes Hisrevelations clear to you, for Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
O Prophet, remember when you said to the one (Zaid, Prophet'sadopted son) whom Allah as well as you had favored: "Keep yourwife in wedlock and fear Allah". You sought to hide in your heartwhat Allah intended to reveal; you were afraid of the peoplewhereas it would have been more appropriate to fear Allah. Sowhen Zaid divorced his wife, We gave her to you in marriage, sothat there remains no hindrance for the believers to wed thewives of their adopted sons if they divorced them. And Allah'sCommand had to be carried out.
Name your adopted sons after their fathers; that is more just inthe sight of Allah, and if you don't know who their fathers are,then call them as your brothers in faith and your friends. Thereis no blame on you for an unintentional mistake, but you will beheld responsible for what you do with the intention of yourhearts; Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
Name your adopted sons after their fathers; that is more just inthe sight of Allah, and if you don't know who their fathers are,then call them as your brothers in faith and your friends. Thereis no blame on you for an unintentional mistake, but you will beheld responsible for what you do with the intention of yourhearts; Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
Likewise enjoin the believing women to lower their gaze and guardtheir modesty; not to display their beauty and ornaments exceptwhat normally appears thereof; let them draw their veils overtheir bosoms and not display their charms except to theirhusbands, their fathers, their fathers-in-law, their own sons,their stepsons, their own brothers, their nephews on eitherbrothers' or sisters' sides, their own womenfolk, their ownslaves, male attendants who lack sexual desires or small childrenwho have no carnal knowledge of women. Also enjoin them not tostrike their feet in order to draw attention to their hiddentrinkets. And O believers! Turn to Allah in repentance, all ofyou, about your past mistakes, so that you may attain salvation.
O Prophet! Say to your wives: "If you desire the life of thisworld and its glitter, then come, I shall give you of these andlet you go in an honorable way."
O Children of Adam! Put on your adornment (decent proper dress)when you attend your Masjid at the time of every prayer. Eat anddrink, but do not be extravagant; surely He does not love theextravagant.
O Children of Adam! Put on your adornment (decent proper dress)when you attend your Masjid at the time of every prayer. Eat anddrink, but do not be extravagant; surely He does not love theextravagant.
The fornicator shall not marry any but a fornicatoress or amushrik, and likewise to a fornicatoress, none shall marry herbut a fornicator or a mushrik: such marriages are forbidden tothe believers.
The fornicator shall not marry any but a fornicatoress or amushrik, and likewise to a fornicatoress, none shall marry herbut a fornicator or a mushrik: such marriages are forbidden tothe believers.
If any of your women are guilty of fornication, ask for fourreliable witnesses from among yourselves against them; and ifthey testify and their guilt is proved, confine them to theirhouses until they die or Allah opens some other way out for them.
You shall not commit adultery; surely it is a shameful deed andan evil way (opening the door to other evils).
As for the fornicatoress and the fornicator (a female and a maleguilty of rape), flog each female and a male guilty of rape onehundred lashes and do not take pity in enforcing the law ordainedby Allah, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day, and let aparty of the believers witness their punishment.
Those who accuse a chaste woman of fornication and do not producefour witnesses to support their allegation, shall be flogged witheighty lashes and their testimony shall not be accepted everafter, for they are the ones who are wicked transgressors
Those men who accuse their own wives but have no witness exceptthemselves, each one of them shall be made to swear four times byAllah that his charge is true,
and the fifth time calling down upon himself the curse of Allahif he is lying.
As for the wife, the punishment shall be averted from her if sheswears four times by Allah that his (her husband's) charge isfalse
and the fifth time calls down the wrath of Allah on herself ifhis charge is true.
As for the fornicatoress and the fornicator (a female and a maleguilty of rape), flog each female and a male guilty of rape onehundred lashes and do not take pity in enforcing the law ordainedby Allah, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day, and let aparty of the believers witness their punishment.
Those who accuse a chaste woman of fornication and do not producefour witnesses to support their allegation, shall be flogged witheighty lashes and their testimony shall not be accepted everafter, for they are the ones who are wicked transgressors
- except those who repent thereafter and mend their conduct; forAllah is surely Forgiving, Merciful.
If any of your women are guilty of fornication, ask for fourreliable witnesses from among yourselves against them; and ifthey testify and their guilt is proved, confine them to theirhouses until they die or Allah opens some other way out for them.
Those who accuse a chaste woman of fornication and do not producefour witnesses to support their allegation, shall be flogged witheighty lashes and their testimony shall not be accepted everafter, for they are the ones who are wicked transgressors
- except those who repent thereafter and mend their conduct; forAllah is surely Forgiving, Merciful.
If any of your women are guilty of fornication, ask for fourreliable witnesses from among yourselves against them; and ifthey testify and their guilt is proved, confine them to theirhouses until they die or Allah opens some other way out for them.
Those who accuse a chaste woman of fornication and do not producefour witnesses to support their allegation, shall be flogged witheighty lashes and their testimony shall not be accepted everafter, for they are the ones who are wicked transgressors
- except those who repent thereafter and mend their conduct; forAllah is surely Forgiving, Merciful.
Those who accuse a chaste woman of fornication and do not producefour witnesses to support their allegation, shall be flogged witheighty lashes and their testimony shall not be accepted everafter, for they are the ones who are wicked transgressors
- except those who repent thereafter and mend their conduct; forAllah is surely Forgiving, Merciful.
If any of your women are guilty of fornication, ask for fourreliable witnesses from among yourselves against them; and ifthey testify and their guilt is proved, confine them to theirhouses until they die or Allah opens some other way out for them.
O believers! Prepare yourselves for encounter, then advance indetachments or all together as the occasion may require.
When an affliction befalls the people, they turn in prayer totheir Rabb in repentance. But when He let them taste a blessingfrom Him, lo! Some of them start committing shirk,
showing no gratitude for What We have given them. Enjoyyourselves; soon you will find out your folly.
Man is such that when he is in trouble he appeals to Us; but whenWe bestow Our favor upon him, he says: "This has been given to mebecause of certain knowledge I possess." Nay! It is but a test,yet most of them do not know.
The same was said by those who passed before them, but theygained nothing from what they did
and the evil consequences of their deeds overtook them. Verysoon, the wrongdoers among these people will also be overtaken bythe evil consequences of their misdeeds and they will not be ableto escape.
Man is never tired of praying for good, but when any evil befallshim, he loses hope and is in despair.
And if after affliction We vouchsafe him a favor from Ourself, heis sure to say: "I deserve this, I do not think that the Hourwill ever come; and even if I am brought back to my Rabb, I wouldstill get good treatment from Him." The fact, however, is that Weshall tell the disbelievers the truth of all that they had doneand We shall make them taste a severe punishment.
When We bestow favors on man, he turns away and drifts off toanother side; and when an evil befalls him, he comes with lengthysupplications.
And if We send a wind which turns their crops yellow, behold theywill become even more firm in their disbelief.
Man is never tired of praying for good, but when any evil befallshim, he loses hope and is in despair.
And if after affliction We vouchsafe him a favor from Ourself, heis sure to say: "I deserve this, I do not think that the Hourwill ever come; and even if I am brought back to my Rabb, I wouldstill get good treatment from Him." The fact, however, is that Weshall tell the disbelievers the truth of all that they had doneand We shall make them taste a severe punishment.
When We bestow favors on man, he turns away and drifts off toanother side; and when an evil befalls him, he comes with lengthysupplications.
We did send Rasools before you to other nations and afflictedthem with suffering and adversities so that they might learnhumility.
When We show mercy to mankind after some calamity had afflictedthem, they begin to plot against Our revelations! Tell them:"Allah is more swift in plotting than you; indeed Our angels arerecording all the plots you make."
He is the One Who enables you to travel through the land and bythe sea; until when you are on board a ship, as the ship sailswith a favorable wind and they feel happy about it; but whenthere comes a stormy wind and the waves reach them from all sidesand they think they are being overwhelmed: then they pray toAllah with their sincere devotion, saying, "If You deliver usfrom this, we shall become your true thankful devotees!"
Yet, when He does deliver them, behold! The same people becomeunjustly rebellious in the land. O mankind! Your rebellion isagainst your own souls - (you may enjoy) the transitory pleasureof this world - in the end you have to return to Us, then Weshall inform you of what you have done.
Whatever blessings you enjoy are from Allah, and when touched bydistress, He is the One to Whom you cry for help.
Yet no sooner does He relieve you from the distress than some ofyou begin to associate others with Him,
as if to show their ingratitude for the favors that We bestow onthem! Enjoy yourselves; soon you will come to know theconsequences.
Whenever any adversity strikes you at sea, all those to whom youpray besides Him forsake you except He; yet when He brings yousafe to the land, you turn your backs upon Him. Indeed, man isever ungrateful.
When an affliction befalls the people, they turn in prayer totheir Rabb in repentance. But when He let them taste a blessingfrom Him, lo! Some of them start committing shirk,
showing no gratitude for What We have given them. Enjoyyourselves; soon you will find out your folly.
When any giant wave covers them like a canopy, they pray to Allahwith all devotion making their faith pure for Him. But when Hedelivers them safely to land, some of them falter between beliefand unbelief. None reject Our revelations except the treacherousand the ungrateful.
When some trouble befalls man, he cries to his Rabb and turns toHim in repentance; but no sooner does He bestow on him His favorthan he forgets what he has prayed for and sets up rivals toAllah, thus misleading others from His Way. Tell such people:"Enjoy your unbelief for a little while; certainly you will be ofthe inmates of hellfire."
And if after affliction We vouchsafe him a favor from Ourself, heis sure to say: "I deserve this, I do not think that the Hourwill ever come; and even if I am brought back to my Rabb, I wouldstill get good treatment from Him." The fact, however, is that Weshall tell the disbelievers the truth of all that they had doneand We shall make them taste a severe punishment.
When We bestow favors on man, he turns away and drifts off toanother side; and when an evil befalls him, he comes with lengthysupplications.
We shall surely test your steadfastness with fear and famine,with loss of property, life and produce. Give good news to thosewho endure with patience;
who, when afflicted with calamity, say: "We belong to Allah andto Him we shall return."
Such are the people on whom there are blessings and Mercy fromAllah; and they are the ones that are rightly guided.
Righteousness is not whether you turn your face towards East orWest; but the righteousness is to believe in Allah, the Last Day,the Angels, the Books and the Prophets, and to spend wealth outof love for Him on relatives, orphans, helpless, needytravellers, those who ask for and on the redemption of captives;and to establish Salah (prayers), to pay Zakah (alms), to fulfillpromises when made, to be steadfast in distress, in adversity,and at the time of war. These people are the truthful and theseare the pious.
Do you think that you will enter Paradise without any trialswhile you have known the examples of those who passed away beforeyou? They were afflicted with suffering and adversity and were soviolently shaken up that even the Rasool and the believers withhim cried out: "When will Allah's help come?" Then they werecomforted with the words, Be aware! Allah's help is ever close.
Whenever any adversity strikes you at sea, all those to whom youpray besides Him forsake you except He; yet when He brings yousafe to the land, you turn your backs upon Him. Indeed, man isever ungrateful.
Rush towards the forgiveness from your Rabb to a Paradise as vastas the Heavens and the earth which is prepared for the righteouspeople;
they are those who spend generously in the way of Allah, whetherthey are in prosperity or in adversity, who control their angerand forgive other people for Allah loves such charitable people,
But those who rebukes his parents and say: "Uff (as if to say, donot bothering me)! Do you threaten me with a resurrection,whereas many a generations have passed before me and none hascome back from among them?" And they both cry for Allah's helpand say: "Woe to you! Be a good believer. Surely the promise ofAllah is true." But he replies: "This is nothing but tales of theancients."
Whatever you are given is nothing but a provision for thetransitory life of this world, better and ever lasting is thereward which Allah has for those who believe, put their trust intheir Rabb,
avoid major sins and shameful deeds, forgive even when they areangry;
answer the call of their Rabb, establish Salah, conduct theiraffairs with mutual consultation, spend out of the sustenancewhich We have given them,
Do not obey the unbelievers and the hypocrites, disregard theirannoyances and put your trust in Allah; for Allah is sufficientas a disposer of affairs.
He is the Rabb of the east and the west: there is no god but Him,therefore, take Him as your Protector.
this world and the hereafter. They ask you about orphans. Tellthem: "It is best to deal with them justly; you may becomeco-partners with them, after all they are your brethren; Allahknows who means harm and also who means their welfare. If Allahhad wanted He could be hard on you in this matter, surely Allahis Mighty, Wise."
When We give mankind a taste of blessing, they rejoice, but whensome evil afflicts them because of their own misdeeds, lo! Theyare in despair.
Man is such that when he is in trouble he appeals to Us; but whenWe bestow Our favor upon him, he says: "This has been given to mebecause of certain knowledge I possess." Nay! It is but a test,yet most of them do not know.
The same was said by those who passed before them, but theygained nothing from what they did
and the evil consequences of their deeds overtook them. Verysoon, the wrongdoers among these people will also be overtaken bythe evil consequences of their misdeeds and they will not be ableto escape.
Ask them: "Who delivers you from calamities in the darkness ofthe land and of the sea, when you call upon Him in open humilityand silent terror: If You deliver us from this affliction, weshall become truly grateful."
Say: "Allah delivers you from these and all other calamities, yetyou commit shirk (worship false gods)!"
Say: "He has the power to send calamities on you from above andfrom below or to split you into discordant factions to make youtaste the violence of one another. See how We present Ourrevelations over and over again so that they may understand thereality.
When We give mankind a taste of blessing, they rejoice, but whensome evil afflicts them because of their own misdeeds, lo! Theyare in despair.
Man is never tired of praying for good, but when any evil befallshim, he loses hope and is in despair.
And if after affliction We vouchsafe him a favor from Ourself, heis sure to say: "I deserve this, I do not think that the Hourwill ever come; and even if I am brought back to my Rabb, I wouldstill get good treatment from Him." The fact, however, is that Weshall tell the disbelievers the truth of all that they had doneand We shall make them taste a severe punishment.
When We bestow favors on man, he turns away and drifts off toanother side; and when an evil befalls him, he comes with lengthysupplications.
No affliction can happen on earth nor to your souls, which is notrecorded in a Book, before We bring it into existence; surelythat is easy for Allah.
This is done so that you may not grieve for the things that youmiss, or be overjoyed at what you gain; for Allah does not loveany vainglorious boaster,
nor those who, being stingy themselves, enjoin others to bestingy also. He that gives no heed should know that Allah is freeof all needs, worthy of all praises.
Man is never tired of praying for good, but when any evil befallshim, he loses hope and is in despair.
And if after affliction We vouchsafe him a favor from Ourself, heis sure to say: "I deserve this, I do not think that the Hourwill ever come; and even if I am brought back to my Rabb, I wouldstill get good treatment from Him." The fact, however, is that Weshall tell the disbelievers the truth of all that they had doneand We shall make them taste a severe punishment.
When We bestow favors on man, he turns away and drifts off toanother side; and when an evil befalls him, he comes with lengthysupplications.
We did send Rasools before you to other nations and afflictedthem with suffering and adversities so that they might learnhumility.
We shall surely test your steadfastness with fear and famine,with loss of property, life and produce. Give good news to thosewho endure with patience;
who, when afflicted with calamity, say: "We belong to Allah andto Him we shall return."
Such are the people on whom there are blessings and Mercy fromAllah; and they are the ones that are rightly guided.
No affliction can ever befall except by the leave of Allah. Hethat believes in Allah, his heart is guided to the Right Way.Allah has knowledge of all things.
Whenever We sent a Prophet to a town We afflicted its people withadversity and misfortunes so that they might humble themselves.
Then We changed their adversity into good fortune till theybecame very affluent and said: "Our forefathers also had theiradversity and affluence." Behold! We took them by surprise whilethey did not even notice it.
- all praise is due to Him in the heavens and the earth - soglorify Him in the late afternoon and when the day begins todecline.
- all praise is due to Him in the heavens and the earth - soglorify Him in the late afternoon and when the day begins todecline.
Those to whom We grant long life, We reverse their nature. Don'tthey understand anything from this?