سُبْحَانَ ٱللَّٰهِ
Holy Qur'an
Kids Qur'an
It is not befitting for a believer to kill a believer except byaccident, and whoever accidently kills a believer, he iscommanded to free a believing slave and pay bloodwit to thefamily of the victim, unless they forgo it as a charity. If thevictim is from a hostile nation, then the freeing of a believingslave is enough, but if he belonged to a nation with whom youhave a treaty, then bloodwit must be paid to his family alongwith the freeing of a believing slave. Those who do not have themeans (bloodwit and or a slave) must fast two consecutive months:a method of repentance provided by Allah. Allah is theKnowledgeable, Wise.
Do not use Allah's name in your oaths as an excuse to prevent youfrom dealing justly, guarding against evil and making peacebetween people; Allah hears and knows everything.
Do not misappropriate one another's property unjustly, nor bribethe judges, in order to misappropriate a part of other people'sproperty, sinfully and knowingly.
There are some who have confessed their sins: they have mixedrecords of good and bad deeds. It is quite possible that Allahmay turn to them in mercy, for Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
this world and the hereafter. They ask you about orphans. Tellthem: "It is best to deal with them justly; you may becomeco-partners with them, after all they are your brethren; Allahknows who means harm and also who means their welfare. If Allahhad wanted He could be hard on you in this matter, surely Allahis Mighty, Wise."
There is no blame on such elderly women who have no interest ingetting married, if they lay aside their cloaks withoutdisplaying their adornment, but it is better for them if they donot discard. Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
Indeed successful are those believers
who are humble in their Salah (prayers),
who avoid vain talk,
who are punctual in the payment of Zakah (charity),
who guard their private parts
except with their spouses or those who are legally in theirpossession, for in that case they shall not be blamed
- however those who seek to go beyond that in lust are the oneswho shall be the transgressors
- who are true to their trust and covenants,
and who are diligent about their Salah (prayers).
These are the heirs
who will inherit paradise; and live therein forever.
Surely the Muslim men and the Muslim women, the believing men andthe believing women, the devout men and the devout women, thetruthful men and the truthful women, the patient men and thepatient women, the humble men and humble women, the charitablemen and the charitable women, the fasting men and the fastingwomen, the men who guard their chastity and the women who guardtheir chastity, and the men who remember Allah much and the womenwho remember Allah much - for all those, Allah has preparedforgiveness and a great reward.
Enjoin the believing men to lower their gaze and guard theirmodesty; that is chaster for them. Surely Allah is well aware oftheir actions.
O believers! Do not enter the houses of the Prophet withoutpermission, nor stay waiting for meal time: but if you areinvited to a meal, enter, and when you have eaten disperse and donot seek long conversation. Such behavior annoys the Prophet, hefeels shy in asking you to leave, but Allah does not feel shy intelling the truth. If you have to ask his wives for anything,speak to them from behind a curtain. This is more chaste for yourhearts and for theirs. It is not proper for you to annoy theRasool of Allah, nor ever to marry his wives after him; thiswould be a grievous offence in the sight of Allah.
Surely those who annoy Allah and His Rasool, are cursed by Allahin this world and in the hereafter. He has prepared for them ahumiliating punishment.
O believers! Be not like those who slandered Musa, but Allahcleared him of what they said - for he was honorable in the sightof Allah.
O Prophet! Enjoin your wives, daughters and the believing womenthat they should draw their outer garments over their persons.That is more proper, so that they may be recognized and notbothered. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
If the hypocrites, those in whose hearts is malice and thescandal mongers of Madinah do not desist; We shall rouse youagainst them, and their days in the city - as your neighbors -will be numbered.
They shall be cursed wherever they are found and they shall beseized and killed mercilessly.
After them We sent other Rasools, one after the other, andfollowed them with Isa (Jesus) the son of Maryam. We gave him TheInjeel (Gospel), and put compassion and mercy into the hearts ofhis followers. As for monasticism, they instituted it themselves- for We did not enjoin it on them - in order to seek the goodpleasure of Allah, but they did not observe it as it should havebeen observed. Yet We rewarded those among them who were truebelievers, but most of them are transgressors.
They (Jews and Christians) have taken their rabbis and priests tobe their Lords beside Allah and so they did with Messiah (Jesus)the son of Maryam (Mary), although they were commanded in theTorah and the Gospel to worship none but One Ilah (Allah);besides Whom there is none worthy of worship. Exalted be He abovethose whom they associate with Him.
They desire to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouthsbut Allah will not allow it to happen, for He seeks to perfectHis light even though the disbelievers may dislike it.
O believers! Indeed most of the (Jewish) rabbis and (Christian)priests misappropriate the wealth of people and hinder them fromthe way of Allah. To those who hoard gold and silver and do notspend it in the way of Allah, proclaim a painful punishment.
O believers! Indeed most of the (Jewish) rabbis and (Christian)priests misappropriate the wealth of people and hinder them fromthe way of Allah. To those who hoard gold and silver and do notspend it in the way of Allah, proclaim a painful punishment.
It is the month of Ramadhan in which the Qur'an was revealed, aguidance for mankind with clear teachings showing the Right Wayand a criterion of truth and falsehood. Therefore, anyone of youwho witnesses that month should fast therein, and whoever is illor upon a journey shall fast a similar number of days later on.Allah intends your well-being and does not want to put you tohardship. He wants you to complete the prescribed period so thatyou should glorify His Greatness and render thanks to Him forgiving you guidance.
A declaration of immunity from Allah and His Rasool is herebymade to those of the mushrikin with whom you have made a treaty:
"You have four months to go around in the land unmolested; butyou should know that you cannot frustrate the will of Allah, andthat Allah will humiliate the unbelievers."
This is a public proclamation from Allah and His Rasool to thepeople on the day of the Great Hajj (Pilgrimage) that Allah andHis Rasool do hereby dissolve treaty obligations with themushrikin. Therefore, if you repent, it will be better for youbut if you turn away, then you should know that you cannotfrustrate the Will of Allah. O Prophet, proclaim a painfulpunishment to those who are unbelievers.
Except (this proclamation does not apply to) those mushrikin whohonored their treaties with you in every detail and aided noneagainst you. So fulfill your treaties with them to the end oftheir term; for Allah loves the righteous.
When the forbidden months (10,11,12 & 1 of the Islamic calendar) are over, then fight the mushrikïn wherever you find them, seize them, besiege them, and lie in ambush for them in every stratagem of war, but if they repent, establish Salah and pay Zakah, then let them go their way: surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
They ask you about war in the Sacred Month. Tell them: "fightingin this month is a heinous offence; but to prevent from the pathof Allah, to deny Him, to prevent access and expel Hisworshippers from the Sacred Mosque is a more severe crime, sincemischief is worse than killing in His sight. As for unbelievers:they will not cease fighting until they succeed in turning youback from your religion if they can; and if any of you turns backfrom his religion and dies as an unbeliever, his deeds willbecome void in this life and in the hereafter. He will be theinmate of hellfire, to live in there forever.
The number of months ordained by Allah is twelve in the Book ofAllah since the day He created the heavens and the earth. Ofthese, four are sacred; that is the established principle ofDeen. Therefore, do not wrong yourselves by violating them. Butyou may fight against the mushrikin in all these months if theyfight against you in all of them. Know that Allah is with therighteous.
Transposing a prohibited month is only an addition to unbelief,thereby the disbelievers are misguided. They make a certain monthlawful one year and in another year they make the same aforbidden month, so that they make up for the months which Allahhas sanctified, thus making lawful what Allah has forbidden.Their evil actions seem pleasing to them. Allah does not guidethe disbelieving people.
O believers! Do not violate the sanctity of the Symbols of Allah:the Sacred Month , the animals brought for sacrifice, thegarlands that mark such animals, and those people visiting theSacred House (Ka'bah) to seek the grace and good pleasure oftheir Rabb. When you put off your Ihram (pilgrimage is over) thenyou are allowed to hunt. Let not the hatred of some people - whoonce hindered you from the Sacred Mosque - incite you to committransgression. Cooperate with one another in righteousness andpiety, and do not cooperate in sin and transgression. Have fearof Allah. Allah is stern in punishment.
The Day will surely come when their treasure will be heated up inthe fire of hell, and their foreheads, sides and backs brandedwith it. They will be told: "This is the treasure which youhoarded. Now taste what you were hoarding!"
He is the One Who gave the sun its brightness and the moon itslight, established her phases that you may learn to compute theyears and other such counts (days, weeks, months). Allah createdthem only to manifest the truth. He has spelled out Hisrevelations for people who want to understand.
They question you about the new moon. Tell them: it is todetermine the periods of time for the benefit of mankind and forthe Hajj (pilgrimage). It is not righteous to enter your housesfrom the back doors during Hajj times. Righteousness is to fearAllah. Enter your houses through the proper doors and fear Allahso that you may prosper.
Do you not see that Allah causes the night to pass into the dayand the day into the night, that He has subjected the sun and themoon to follow His law, each pursuing its course for an appointedterm, and that Allah is well aware of all your actions?
Among His signs are the night and the day and the sun and moon.Do not prostrate yourselves before the sun or the moon; ratherprostrate yourselves before Allah, Who created them both, if youtruly are His worshippers.
So if the unbelievers disdain His worship, let them remember thatthe angels who are nearest to your Rabb, glorify Him day andnight and never feel tired.
As for the moon, We have designed phases for it till it againbecomes like an old dry palm branch.
Neither it is possible for the sun to overtake the moon, nor forthe night to outstrip the day: each floats along in its ownorbit.
Among His signs are the night and the day and the sun and moon.Do not prostrate yourselves before the sun or the moon; ratherprostrate yourselves before Allah, Who created them both, if youtruly are His worshippers.
So if the unbelievers disdain His worship, let them remember thatthe angels who are nearest to your Rabb, glorify Him day andnight and never feel tired.
The Hour of Doom is drawing near, the moon has split asunder;which is a clear proof that the same thing can happen to theearth.
Yet when they see a sign, the unbelievers turn their backs andsay: "This is an ingenious magic."
They deny this and keep on following their own fancies.Ultimately every matter shall be laid to rest.
He has subjected to your service the night and the day, the sunand the moon: and likewise the stars also serve you by Hiscommand: surely there are signs in this for people who use theircommon sense.
Therefore be patient with what they say. Glorify your Rabb withHis praise before sunrise and before sunset, glorify Him duringthe hours of the night as well as at the ends of the day, so thatyou may find satisfaction.
So that you, O people, may believe in Allah and His Rasool, andthat you may help him and honor him and glorify Allah morning andevening.
Bring your Rabb to remembrance deep in your soul with humilityand in reverence without raising your voice, both in the morningsand in the evenings; and be not of those who are heedless.
Glorify the name of your Rabb morning and evening;
By the heaven and by the visitant by night,
and what will explain to you what the visitant by night is?
It is the star of piercing brightness.
(Just as Allah Almighty is taking care of each star in thegalaxies, similarly) over each soul there is an appointedguardian angel.
They ask: "Why has no angel been sent down to us?" Well, if Wehad sent down an angel, the matter would have been settled atonce and no respite would have been granted after that;
and if We had sent an angel, We would have certainly send him ina human form and thus involved them in the same confusion as theyare in at this time.
or a house made with gold comes into being for you; or you ascendto the sky - we shall not even believe in your ascendance untilyou bring down to us a book that we can read." O Muhammad, tellthem: "Glory be to my Rabb! Have I ever claimed to be anythingmore than a human Rasool?"
O Muhammad, tell them: "I am but a human being like you; the revelation is sent to me to declare that your God is One God; therefore, whoever hopes to meet his Rabb, let him do good deeds and join no other deity in the worship of his Rabb."
Remember when We communed with Musa (Moses) for forty nights andin his absence you took the calf for worship, thus committing awicked transgression.
Thereupon two Allah-fearing men upon whom Allah had bestowed HisGrace said: "Attack directly at the city gate, once you enter it,you will surely be victorious. Put your trust in Allah if you arereally believers."
Then after them, We sent Musa (Moses) with Our revelations toFir'on (Pharaoh) and his chiefs but they too treated Ourrevelations unjustly, so see what was the end of thosemischief-makers.
Then later on We sent Musa (Moses) and Haroon (Aaron) to Fir'on(Pharaoh) and his chiefs with Our signs. But they showedarrogance, for they were a guilty nation.
We sent Musa with Our signs and clear authority
To Musa (Moses) We gave nine clear signs. Ask the Children ofIsrael how, when he came to them and Fir'on told him: "O Musa! Ithink that you are bewitched".
You and your brother should go with My Signs and do not neglectto mention Me.
We showed Fir'on all kinds of Our Signs, but he denied them andgave no heed.
Then We sent Musa (Moses) and his brother Haroon (Aaron) with Oursigns and clear authority,
We gave Musa (Moses) the Book and appointed his brother Haroon(Aaron) as a deputy with him,
Remind them of the story when your Rabb called Musa (Moses) andsaid: "Go to the wicked people
The fact is that Fir'on elevated himself in the land and dividedits residents into groups, one group of which he persecuted,putting their sons to death and sparing only their females.Indeed he was one of the mischief-makers.
Then Allah commanded, "Throw down your staff." When Musa saw thatthe staff was writhing like a snake, he turned his back and fled,and did not even look behind. Allah said, "O Musa, come back anddo not fear; you are quite safe.
Indeed We sent Musa with Our signs and a clear authority,
Ask those of Our Rasools whom We sent before you if We everappointed other gods to be worshipped besides the CompassionateAllah?
There is also a sign for you in the story of Musa (Moses): whenWe sent him to Fir'on (Pharaoh) with clear authority,
So We plagued them with storms, locusts, lice, frogs and blood:clear cut signs, yet they persisted in their arrogance, for theywere a criminal nation.
To Musa (Moses) We gave nine clear signs. Ask the Children ofIsrael how, when he came to them and Fir'on told him: "O Musa! Ithink that you are bewitched".
We summoned Musa to the mount of Tur for thirty nights and addedten more to complete the term of forty nights for communion withhis Rabb. (Before leaving) Musa asked his brother Haroon (Aaron):"You will be in my place among my people, set a good example anddo not follow the way of mischief-makers."
In his absence the nation of Musa (Moses) made an image of a calffor worship from their jewelry which produced a mooing sound. Didthey not see that it could neither speak to them nor give themthe guidance? Yet they took it for worship and became wrongdoers.
In the nation of Musa (Moses) there were some who guided otherswith the truth and thereby established justice.
We certainly gave the Book to Musa (Moses), but differences aroseabout it; had not a Word gone forth from your Rabb, the matterwould have been decided between them regarding those differences.It is a fact that they are in suspicious doubt about this,
Now tell them about the story of Khizr to whom Allah has given special knowledge. The Prophet Musa (Moses) was asked to go to him and learn from him. When Musa set out to meet him at an appointed place, he said to his young servant: "I will not give up my journey until I reach the junction of the two rivers, even if I have to spend ages in travel."
Relate to them the story of Musa in the Book; surely he was achosen man and was a Rasool, a Prophet.
Have you heard the story of Musa?
After completing the term of his agreement, when Musa (Moses) wastravelling with his family, he saw a fire in the direction ofMount Tur. He said to his family: "Stay here, I saw a fire, Ihope to bring some information from there or a lighted torch withwhich you may warm yourselves."
So Musa returned to his people in a state of anger and sorrow. Hesaid: "O my people! Did your Rabb not make a gracious promise toyou? Did my absence seem too long to you? Or was it to incur thewrath of your Rabb that you broke your promise with me?"
Relate to them the story of Musa (Moses), when he said to hisfamily: "I have seen a fire; soon I may either bring you someinformation from there or a lighted torch to warm yourselveswith."
After completing the term of his agreement, when Musa (Moses) wastravelling with his family, he saw a fire in the direction ofMount Tur. He said to his family: "Stay here, I saw a fire, Ihope to bring some information from there or a lighted torch withwhich you may warm yourselves."
When he reached maturity and became full-grown, We bestowed onhim wisdom and knowledge. Thus do We reward the righteous.
As he made his way towards Madyan, he said: "Soon my Rabb shallguide me to the Right Way."
We bestowed Our favor on Musa and Haroon.
Or has he not been notified about what was in the scrolls of Musa(Moses)
Remember what Musa (Moses) said to his people: "O my people! Whydo you vex me while you know that I am the Rasool of Allahtowards you?" But inspite of this when they adopted perverseness,Allah let their hearts be perverted. Allah does not guide thosewho are transgressors.
Ha M'im.
Recall! When Musa said to his people: "Remember Allah's favor toyou when He delivered you from the people of Fir'on (Pharaoh),who subjected you to cruel afflictions, putting your sons todeath and sparing your females, and in this there was atremendous trial from your Rabb."
To Musa (Moses) We gave nine clear signs. Ask the Children ofIsrael how, when he came to them and Fir'on told him: "O Musa! Ithink that you are bewitched".
There is also a sign for you in the story of Musa (Moses): whenWe sent him to Fir'on (Pharaoh) with clear authority,
but he turned his back along with his chiefs, saying: "He (Moses)is a sorcerer or a madman."
Consequently, We seized him and his warriors, and cast them intothe sea. Indeed he deserved much blame.
There are others who built a Masjid for mischievous motives(Masjid-e-Zirar), to spread disbelief and to disunite thebelievers, and an outpost for one (Abu 'Amir) who had made waragainst Allah and His Rasool before. They will indeed swear thattheir intentions are nothing but good; but Allah declares thatthey are absolute liars.
It is not for the mushrikin to maintain the mosques of Allahwhile they bear witness against themselves about their unbelief.It is they whose deeds are in vain and in the hellfire shall theylive forever.
O believers! Know that mushrikin are unclean; therefore, do notlet them come near the Masjid-al-Haram after this year'spilgrimage. If you fear poverty, soon Allah - if He so wills -enrich you out of His bounty. Allah is All-Knowledgeable,All-Wise.
O Children of Adam! Put on your adornment (decent proper dress)when you attend your Masjid at the time of every prayer. Eat anddrink, but do not be extravagant; surely He does not love theextravagant.
It is made lawful for you to approach your wives during the nightof the fast; they are an apparel for you and you for them. Allahknows that you were committing dishonesty to your souls. So Hehas relented towards you and pardoned you. Now, you may approachyour wives and seek what Allah has written for you. Eat and drinkuntil the white thread of dawn appears to you distinct from theblack thread of night, then complete your fast till nightfall. Donot approach your wives during I'htikaf (retreat in the mosquesin last ten days of Ramadhan). These are the limits set by Allah:do not ever violate them. Thus Allah makes His revelations clearto mankind so that they may guard themselves against evil.
There are others who built a Masjid for mischievous motives(Masjid-e-Zirar), to spread disbelief and to disunite thebelievers, and an outpost for one (Abu 'Amir) who had made waragainst Allah and His Rasool before. They will indeed swear thattheir intentions are nothing but good; but Allah declares thatthey are absolute liars.
You should never stand to offer Salah in it. Certainly the Masjidfounded on piety from the very first day is more deserving thatyou should stand to offer Salah in it; for in it there are menwho love to be purified; and Allah loves those who purifythemselves.
Who is a better person; he who lays the foundation of hisbuilding on piety to Allah and His good pleasure, or he who laysthe foundation of his building on an undermined bank that willtumble down with him into the fire of Hell? Allah does not guidesuch wrongdoers.
The foundation of those who so build is never free from suspicionand shakiness in their hearts until their hearts are cut topieces. Allah is Knowledgeable, Wise.
It is not for the mushrikin to maintain the mosques of Allahwhile they bear witness against themselves about their unbelief.It is they whose deeds are in vain and in the hellfire shall theylive forever.
It is not for the mushrikin to maintain the mosques of Allahwhile they bear witness against themselves about their unbelief.It is they whose deeds are in vain and in the hellfire shall theylive forever.
The mosques of Allah should be maintained by those who believe inAllah and the Last Day, establish Salah (prayers), and pay Zakah(poor due) and fear none except Allah. It is they who areexpected to follow the true guidance.
Have you made those who provide water to the pilgrims andmaintain the Masjid-al-Haram equal to those who believe in Allah,the Last Day and make Jihad (striving in the cause of Allah)?They are not equal in the sight of Allah, and Allah does notguide the wrongdoers.
It is not for the mushrikin to maintain the mosques of Allahwhile they bear witness against themselves about their unbelief.It is they whose deeds are in vain and in the hellfire shall theylive forever.
Who is more unjust than he who prevents people from the Masajid(place of worship) of Allah , forbids the mention of His nametherein, and strives to ruin them ? It is not proper for suchpeople to enter in them except with His fear. For them there isdisgrace in this world and grievous punishment in the Hereafter.
It is not for the mushrikin to maintain the mosques of Allahwhile they bear witness against themselves about their unbelief.It is they whose deeds are in vain and in the hellfire shall theylive forever.
The mosques of Allah should be maintained by those who believe inAllah and the Last Day, establish Salah (prayers), and pay Zakah(poor due) and fear none except Allah. It is they who areexpected to follow the true guidance.
Have you made those who provide water to the pilgrims andmaintain the Masjid-al-Haram equal to those who believe in Allah,the Last Day and make Jihad (striving in the cause of Allah)?They are not equal in the sight of Allah, and Allah does notguide the wrongdoers.