سُبْحَانَ ٱللَّٰهِ
Holy Qur'an
Kids Qur'an
There is no blame on such elderly women who have no interest ingetting married, if they lay aside their cloaks withoutdisplaying their adornment, but it is better for them if they donot discard. Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
If you have any doubt concerning those of your wives who haveceased menstruating, then you should know that their waitingperiod will be three months, and the same will apply to those whohave no menstruation due to young age or a disease. As for thosewho are pregnant, their waiting period will end with delivery.Allah will ease the hardship of those who fear Him.
This is the command of Allah which He has sent down to you. Hethat fears Allah, will have his sins removed and his rewardenlarged.
There is no blame on such elderly women who have no interest ingetting married, if they lay aside their cloaks withoutdisplaying their adornment, but it is better for them if they donot discard. Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
However, an exception is made for those (poets) who believe, dogood deeds, engage much in the remembrance of Allah and defendthemselves when wronged, showing no vindictiveness. The unjustoppressors will soon find out what vicissitudes their affairswill take.
Whatever you are given is nothing but a provision for thetransitory life of this world, better and ever lasting is thereward which Allah has for those who believe, put their trust intheir Rabb,
avoid major sins and shameful deeds, forgive even when they areangry;
answer the call of their Rabb, establish Salah, conduct theiraffairs with mutual consultation, spend out of the sustenancewhich We have given them,
and when they are oppressed, help and defend themselves.
Those who avenge themselves when wronged cannot be blamed.
Have you ever considered the seed that you sow in the ground?
Is it you who cause it to grow or are We the grower?
If it be Our Will, We could crumble your harvest into chaff, andyou would then be left in lamenting:
"We are indeed left laden with debts,
indeed we have been deprived from the fruits of our labor!"
and foremost shall be the foremost.
He laid out the earth for His creatures,
They will be nearest to Allah,
With all its fruits and palms having sheathed clusters,
in the gardens of bliss.
And grain with husk and scented herbs.
Most of them will be from the former
So, O jinns and men, which of your Rabb’s favors will both of you deny?
And remember when Isa (Jesus) the son of Maryam said: "O childrenof Israel! I am the Rasool of Allah towards you, confirming theTorah which came before me, and to give you good news of a Rasoolthat will come after me whose name shall be Ahmed (another nameof Muhammad, meaning 'The praised one')." But when he (Muhammad)came to them with clear signs, they said "This is plain magic."
and surely to Us belong the end and the beginning.
Besides this direct knowledge ,We have assigned to every one twoscribes (guardian angels), the one seated on his right and theother on his left,
not a single word does he utter but there is a vigilant guardianready to note it down.
When the agony of death will bring the truth before his eyes,they will say: "This is what you were trying to escape!"
And the Trumpet shall be blown; that will be the Day of which youwere threatened!
Each soul will come forth; with it there will be a an angel todrive and an angel to bear witness.
It will be said: "You were heedless of this, but now We haveremoved your veil, so your eyesight is sharp today!"
His companion will say: "Here is my testimony ready with me."
The sentence will be: "Throw into hell every stubborndisbeliever,
every opponent of good, and every doubting transgressor
who set up other gods besides Allah. Throw him into severepunishment."
His companion will say: "Our Rabb! I did not mislead him. Hehimself had gone far astray."
Allah will say: "Do not dispute with each other in My presence. Igave you warning beforehand.
My words cannot be changed, nor am I unjust to My servants."
You should know that guardian angels have indeed been appointedover you,
who are noble writers,
they know all that you do.
He also subjected to you whatever is between the heavens and theearth; all from Himself. Surely there are signs in this for thosewho think.
He knows whatever is in the Heavens and whatever is in the Earth.Allah has full power over everything. On the Day of Judgement,when every soul will be confronted with whatever good it has done- as for its evil deeds, it will wish they were a long way off.Allah warns you to have His fear. Allah is full of kindness forHis devotees.
Surely it is Allah Who causes the seed and the fruit-stone tosplit and sprout. He brings forth the living from the dead andthe dead from the living. It is Allah, Who does all this; thenwhy are you being misled?
Surely your Rabb is Allah Who created the heavens and the earthin six Yome (time periods) and is firmly established on thethrone of authority. He makes the night cover the day and the dayfollow the night automatically. He created the sun, the moon andthe stars; and made them subservient to His will. Take note: Hisis the creation, and His is the command. Blessed is Allah, theRabb of the worlds!
O Prophet, remind mankind about incident when your Rabb broughtinto existence the offspring from the loins of Adam and hisdescendants (virtually each single individual of mankind) andmade them testify about themselves. Allah asked them: "Am I notyour Rabb?" They all replied: "Yes! We bear witness that Youare." This We did, lest you mankind should say on the Day ofResurrection: "We were not aware of this fact that You are ourRabb and that there will be a Day of Judgement.
So We plagued them with storms, locusts, lice, frogs and blood:clear cut signs, yet they persisted in their arrogance, for theywere a criminal nation.
The fact is that your Rabb is the same Allah Who created theheavens and the earth in six Yome (time periods) and is firmlyestablished on the Throne of authority, and is directing theaffairs of the universe. None can intercede for you, except theone who receives His permission. This is Allah your Rabb, soworship Him: will you not receive admonition?
To Him you shall all return. Allah's promise is true. He is theOne Who originates the process of Creation and repeats it (willbring it back to life) so that He may justly reward those whobelieved in Him and did righteous deeds. As for those whodisbelieved, they shall have boiling fluids to drink and shallundergo a painful punishment because they rejected the truth.
Ask them: "Who provides your sustenance from the heaven and fromthe earth? Who has control over hearing and sight? Who bringsforth the living from the dead and the dead from the living? Whoregulates the universe?" They will soon reply: "Allah." Say: "Whydo you not then fear Him for you going against the truth?"
As for those who believe and do good deeds, they shall be awardedthe gardens of paradise as a reward of their labors.
Put your trust in the Ever-Living (Allah) Who never dies:celebrate His praise, for He Alone is sufficient to be aware ofthe sins of His servants.
The One Who created the heavens and the earth and all that isbetween them in six days, and is firmly established on the Throneof authority; the Compassionate (Allah): as to His Glory, ask theone who knows.
He causes the night to pass into the day and the day into thenight, and He has made the sun and the moon to serve you; eachone follows its course for an appointed term. Such is Allah, yourRabb; His is the kingdom; and those to whom you pray besides Himdo not even own a thread of a date-stone.
O Prophet, tell them: "My mission is only as a Warner; there isno divinity except Allah, the One, the Irresistible,
the Rabb of the heavens and the earth and all that lies betweenthem, the Almighty, the Forgiver."
Such is Allah your Rabb, the Creator of all things. There is nogod but Him. None has the right to be worshipped except Him, sohow are you being deluded?
It is Allah Who has made the earth a resting place for you, andthe sky a canopy. He has molded your bodies and molded them well,and has provided you with good things. Such is Allah your Rabb.So glory be to Allah, the Rabb of the worlds.
He is the Ever-Living. There is no god but Him. Therefore callupon Him with your sincere devotion. Praise be to Allah, the Rabbof the worlds.
It is He Who has created you from dust, then from a sperm, thenfrom a leechlike mass, then He delivers you from the womb of yourmother as a child, then He makes you grow to reach the age offull strength, then He makes you grow to reach an old age -though some of you die earlier - so that you may complete yourappointed term and grow in wisdom.
It is He Who gives you life and causes you to die. It is He Whowhen He decides to do something, needs only to say: "Be," and itis.
It is He (Allah) Who is God in the heavens and God on earth; Heis the All-Wise, the All-Knowledgeable.
Blessed is He to Whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and theearth and all that lies between them! He Alone has the knowledgeof the Hour of Doom, and to Him you shall all be brought back.
He is the First and the Last, the Evident and the Immanent, andHe has the knowledge of all things.
Allah is He, besides Whom there is no god, the Knower of theunseen and the seen. He is the Compassionate, the Merciful.
Allah is He, besides Whom there is no god, the King, the Holy,the Giver of peace, the Granter of security, the Guardian, theAlmighty, the Irresistible, the Supreme: Glory be to Allah! He isfar above the shirk they commit (by associating other gods withHim).
He is Allah, the Creator, the Evolver, the Modeler. His are themost beautiful names. All that is in the heavens and the earthdeclares His glory, and He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.
It is Allah Who has created seven heavens, and earths as many.His commandment descends through them, this is being explained toyou, so that you may know that Allah has power over all things,and that Allah encompasses all things in His knowledge.
Say: He is Allah the One and Only;
Allah is the Self-Sufficient (independent of all, while all aredependent on Him);
He begets not, nor is He begotten;
And there is none comparable to Him.
O Prophet! When the believing women come to you to take the oathof allegiance , take their pledge: that they will not commitshirk with Allah, that they will not steal, that they will notcommit adultery, that they will not kill their children, thatthey will not give any cause for scandal which they may inventbetween either their hands or legs (a woman accusing anotherwoman of having an illicit relationship with a man and spreadssuch stories - or - a woman carrying an illegitimate child andmakes her husband believe that it is his), and that they will notdisobey you in any just matter, then accept their allegiance andpray to Allah for the forgiveness. Surely Allah is Oft-Forgiving,most Merciful.
Surely those who swore allegiance to you O Prophet, indeed sworeallegiance to Allah Himself. The Hand of Allah was above theirhands. Now, the one who will break his pledge, will break it athis own peril, and the one who will keep his pledge that he hasmade with Allah, shall soon be given a great rewarded by Him.
Reasonable provisions must also be made for divorced women. Thatis an obligation upon those who fear Allah.
Those of you who die and leave widows should bequeath for them ayear's maintenance without causing them to leave their homes; butif they leave the residence on their own there is no blame on youfor what they chose for themselves in a fair way. Allah isMighty, Wise.
Fight those people of the Book (Jews and Christians) who do notbelieve in Allah and the Last Day, do not refrain from what hasbeen prohibited by Allah and His Rasool and do not embrace thereligion of truth (Al-Islam), until they pay Jizya (protectiontax) with their own hands and feel themselves subdued.
Righteousness is not whether you turn your face towards East orWest; but the righteousness is to believe in Allah, the Last Day,the Angels, the Books and the Prophets, and to spend wealth outof love for Him on relatives, orphans, helpless, needytravellers, those who ask for and on the redemption of captives;and to establish Salah (prayers), to pay Zakah (alms), to fulfillpromises when made, to be steadfast in distress, in adversity,and at the time of war. These people are the truthful and theseare the pious.
In fact the sadaqat (Zakah) collection is for the poor, thehelpless, those employed to administer the funds, those whosehearts need to be won over to the truth, ransoming the captives,helping the destitute, in the Way of Allah and for the wayfarer.That is a duty enjoined by Allah; and Allah is All-Knowledgeable,Wise.
In fact the sadaqat (Zakah) collection is for the poor, thehelpless, those employed to administer the funds, those whosehearts need to be won over to the truth, ransoming the captives,helping the destitute, in the Way of Allah and for the wayfarer.That is a duty enjoined by Allah; and Allah is All-Knowledgeable,Wise.
It would have been better for them, if they had only been pleasedwith what Allah and His Rasool had given them and said: "Allah isall-sufficient to us! Soon Allah will give us of His bounty, andso will His Rasool. Indeed to Allah do we turn our hopes."
In fact the sadaqat (Zakah) collection is for the poor, thehelpless, those employed to administer the funds, those whosehearts need to be won over to the truth, ransoming the captives,helping the destitute, in the Way of Allah and for the wayfarer.That is a duty enjoined by Allah; and Allah is All-Knowledgeable,Wise.
There are some among them who criticize you (O Muhammad)concerning the distribution of sadaqat. If they are given from itthey are pleased, and if they are not given from it, lo! They arefull of rage.
In fact the sadaqat (Zakah) collection is for the poor, thehelpless, those employed to administer the funds, those whosehearts need to be won over to the truth, ransoming the captives,helping the destitute, in the Way of Allah and for the wayfarer.That is a duty enjoined by Allah; and Allah is All-Knowledgeable,Wise.
It would have been better for them, if they had only been pleasedwith what Allah and His Rasool had given them and said: "Allah isall-sufficient to us! Soon Allah will give us of His bounty, andso will His Rasool. Indeed to Allah do we turn our hopes."
In fact the sadaqat (Zakah) collection is for the poor, thehelpless, those employed to administer the funds, those whosehearts need to be won over to the truth, ransoming the captives,helping the destitute, in the Way of Allah and for the wayfarer.That is a duty enjoined by Allah; and Allah is All-Knowledgeable,Wise.
Righteousness is not whether you turn your face towards East orWest; but the righteousness is to believe in Allah, the Last Day,the Angels, the Books and the Prophets, and to spend wealth outof love for Him on relatives, orphans, helpless, needytravellers, those who ask for and on the redemption of captives;and to establish Salah (prayers), to pay Zakah (alms), to fulfillpromises when made, to be steadfast in distress, in adversity,and at the time of war. These people are the truthful and theseare the pious.
O believers, give what is due to your relatives, the needy andthe traveller in need. That is best for those who seek thepleasure of Allah and it is they who will attain felicity.
Righteousness is not whether you turn your face towards East orWest; but the righteousness is to believe in Allah, the Last Day,the Angels, the Books and the Prophets, and to spend wealth outof love for Him on relatives, orphans, helpless, needytravellers, those who ask for and on the redemption of captives;and to establish Salah (prayers), to pay Zakah (alms), to fulfillpromises when made, to be steadfast in distress, in adversity,and at the time of war. These people are the truthful and theseare the pious.
In fact the sadaqat (Zakah) collection is for the poor, thehelpless, those employed to administer the funds, those whosehearts need to be won over to the truth, ransoming the captives,helping the destitute, in the Way of Allah and for the wayfarer.That is a duty enjoined by Allah; and Allah is All-Knowledgeable,Wise.
O believers, give what is due to your relatives, the needy andthe traveller in need. That is best for those who seek thepleasure of Allah and it is they who will attain felicity.
Righteousness is not whether you turn your face towards East orWest; but the righteousness is to believe in Allah, the Last Day,the Angels, the Books and the Prophets, and to spend wealth outof love for Him on relatives, orphans, helpless, needytravellers, those who ask for and on the redemption of captives;and to establish Salah (prayers), to pay Zakah (alms), to fulfillpromises when made, to be steadfast in distress, in adversity,and at the time of war. These people are the truthful and theseare the pious.
In fact the sadaqat (Zakah) collection is for the poor, thehelpless, those employed to administer the funds, those whosehearts need to be won over to the truth, ransoming the captives,helping the destitute, in the Way of Allah and for the wayfarer.That is a duty enjoined by Allah; and Allah is All-Knowledgeable,Wise.
As for those that taunt the believers who give freely andridicule those who find nothing to give except the fruits oftheir labor; Allah will throw back their ridicule on them andthey shall have a painful punishment.
O Prophet! It is the same, whether you ask forgiveness for themor not; even if you ask for their forgiveness seventy times,Allah is not going to forgive them: because they have disbelievedAllah and His Rasool. Allah does not guide those who aretransgressors.
Take sadaqat (this commanded sadaqat means - Zakat-ul-Mall) fromtheir wealth, so that they may thereby be cleansed and purified,and pray for them; for your prayer will give them comfort. Allahhears all and knows all.
Righteousness is not whether you turn your face towards East orWest; but the righteousness is to believe in Allah, the Last Day,the Angels, the Books and the Prophets, and to spend wealth outof love for Him on relatives, orphans, helpless, needytravellers, those who ask for and on the redemption of captives;and to establish Salah (prayers), to pay Zakah (alms), to fulfillpromises when made, to be steadfast in distress, in adversity,and at the time of war. These people are the truthful and theseare the pious.
In fact the sadaqat (Zakah) collection is for the poor, thehelpless, those employed to administer the funds, those whosehearts need to be won over to the truth, ransoming the captives,helping the destitute, in the Way of Allah and for the wayfarer.That is a duty enjoined by Allah; and Allah is All-Knowledgeable,Wise.
O believers, give what is due to your relatives, the needy andthe traveller in need. That is best for those who seek thepleasure of Allah and it is they who will attain felicity.
Allah gives you another example of two men: one of them is aslave, the property of the other, and has no power over anything;and the other man is one on whom We have bestowed Our bounty,from which he freely spends secretly and openly. Ask them: "Arethose two men equal?" Praise be to Allah - most of them do notunderstand this simple thing.
To give charity in public is good, but to gives the poor inprivate is better and will remove from you some of your sins.Allah is aware of your actions.
O believers! When you want to consult the Rasool in private,offer something in charity before your consultation, that is bestand purest for you. But if you lack the means, know that Allah isOft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Do you hesitate to give out in charity before your privateconsultation with him? If you cannot afford it - Allah willforgive you - so establish Salah and pay Zakah, and obey Allahand His Rasool. Allah is well aware of all your actions.
To give charity in public is good, but to gives the poor inprivate is better and will remove from you some of your sins.Allah is aware of your actions.
There is no virtue in most of the secret counsels of the people;it is, however, good if one secretly enjoins charity, kindness,and reconciliation among people; the one who does this to pleaseAllah, will soon be given a mighty reward.
Those who spend their wealth in the cause of Allah and do notfollow their charity with reminders of their generosity or injurethe feeling of the recipient, shall get their reward from theirRabb; they shall have nothing to fear or to regret.
Kind words and forgiveness are better than charity followed byinjury. Allah is Self-sufficient, Forbearing.
O believers! Do not make your charity worthless by reminders ofyour generosity or by injury to the recipients feelings, likethose who spend their wealth to be seen by people and believeneither in Allah nor in the Last Day. Their parable is like ahard barren rock covered with thin layer of soil; a heavy rainfalls, leaving it just a bare stone. Such people will not gainany reward that they thought they had earned. Allah does notguide the unbelievers.
We ordained in Taurat for them: "A life for a life, an eye for aneye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a toothand for a wound an equal retaliation." But if anyone remits theretaliation by way of charity it will be an act of atonement forhim; those who do not judge by the law which Allah has revealed,they are the wrongdoers.
If the debtor is in a difficulty, grant him time till it is easyfor him to repay; but if you waive the sum by way of charity itwill be better for you, if you understand it.
O Prophet, you are not responsible for their guidance, it isAllah Who guides whom He pleases. Whatever wealth you spend incharity, it is to your own advantage; provided you give to seekthe pleasure of Allah. Whatever wealth you spend for the sake ofAllah, will be paid back to you in full, and you will not bewronged.
They ask you about drinking and gambling. Tell them: "There isgreat sin in both, although they may have some benefit for men;but the sin is greater than the benefit." They ask you what theyshould spend; tell them: "Whatever you can." Thus Allah makes Hisrevelations clear to you, so that you may reflect upon
Whatever you spend in charity or whatever vow you make, surelyAllah knows it. The wrongdoers shall have no helpers.
Those who spend their wealth in charity by night and day,secretly and openly, they will have their reward from their Rabb.They shall have nothing to fear or to regret.
O Prophet, tell My devotees who have believed, to establish Salah(regular five times daily prayers) and spend in charity openlyand secretly out of the sustenance which We have given them,before the coming of that Day in which there will neither betrading nor any friendship.
whose hearts tremble at the mention of Allah; who endureadversity with patience, who establish Salah and spend in charityout of what we have given them.
Only those people believe in Our revelations, who, when they arereminded of them, prostrate themselves in adoration and celebratethe praises of their Rabb and are not puffed up with pride.
Who forsake their beds and invoke their Rabb with fear and hope;and they spend in charity out of the sustenance which We havegiven them.
Believe in Allah and His Rasool and spend in charity out of whatyou have been made the inheritors of, for those of you whobelieve and spend in charity shall be richly rewarded.
Who is the one that will give to Allah a goodly loan, so that Hemay increase it manifold to his credit and give him a liberalreward besides it.
Spend, in charity and in the Cause of Allah, out of thesustenance which We have bestowed on you before that time whendeath will come to anyone of you, and he shall say: "O my Rabb!If only you would reprieve me for a little while then I wouldgive out everything in charity, and be among the righteous."
But Allah reprieves no soul when its term comes to an end. Allahis well aware of all your actions.
If you lend to Allah a goodly loan, He will pay you backmanifold, and will forgive you your sins. Allah is Appreciativeand Forbearing to those who are grateful.
So for him who gives in charity, fears Allah
He was the one who led me astray from the admonition even afterit had reached me." Shaitan is ever treacherous to man.
The Rasool will say: "O my Rabb! Surely my people took thisQur'an for foolish nonsense."
Whenever they are asked: "Spend out of what Allah has given you."The disbelievers say to the believers: "Should we feed those whomAllah can feed Himself if He so chooses? You are quite obviouslyin error!"
O Prophet, you are not responsible for their guidance, it isAllah Who guides whom He pleases. Whatever wealth you spend incharity, it is to your own advantage; provided you give to seekthe pleasure of Allah. Whatever wealth you spend for the sake ofAllah, will be paid back to you in full, and you will not bewronged.
O believers, spend in Allah's Way the best portion of the wealthyou have lawfully earned and that which We have produced for youfrom the earth, and do not pick out for charity those worthlessthings that you yourselves would not accept but with closed eyes.Bear in mind that Allah is Self-Sufficient, Praiseworthy.
O believers, spend in Allah's Way the best portion of the wealthyou have lawfully earned and that which We have produced for youfrom the earth, and do not pick out for charity those worthlessthings that you yourselves would not accept but with closed eyes.Bear in mind that Allah is Self-Sufficient, Praiseworthy.
O believers, spend in Allah's Way the best portion of the wealthyou have lawfully earned and that which We have produced for youfrom the earth, and do not pick out for charity those worthlessthings that you yourselves would not accept but with closed eyes.Bear in mind that Allah is Self-Sufficient, Praiseworthy.
Let not those among you who are endowed with grace and amplitudeof means swear to withhold their help from their relatives, theindigent and those who left their homes for the cause of Allah -rather let them forgive and overlook - do you not wish that Allahshould forgive you? Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
Allah alternates the night and the day; there is indeed a lessonin it for those who possess insight.
O Prophet, ask them: "Have you ever considered that if Allah wereto make the night perpetual till the Day of Resurrection, whichdeity other than Allah could bring you light?" Will you notlisten?
Ask them again: "Have you ever considered that if Allah were tomake the day perpetual till the Day of Resurrection, which deityother than Allah could bring you the night in which you couldrest? Will you not see?
It is out of His mercy that He has made for you the night thatyou may rest in it, and the day that you may seek His bounty, sothat you may render thanks.
Surely, In the creation of the heavens and the earth; in thealternation of the night and the day, in the sailing of the shipsthrough the ocean for the profit of mankind; in the rain whichAllah sends down from the skies, with which He revives the earthafter its death and spreads in it all kinds of animals, in thechange of the winds and the clouds between the sky and the earththat are made subservient, there are signs for rational people.
For sure, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and thealternation of the night and the day there are signs for men ofunderstanding.
Indeed in the alternation of the night and the day and what Allahhas created in the heavens and the earth, there are signs forthose who are Godfearing.
and in the alternation of night and day, in the sustenance thatAllah sends down from heaven with which He revives the earthafter its death and in the changing of the winds, there are signsfor those who use their common sense.
When the forbidden months (10,11,12 & 1 of the Islamic calendar) are over, then fight the mushrikïn wherever you find them, seize them, besiege them, and lie in ambush for them in every stratagem of war, but if they repent, establish Salah and pay Zakah, then let them go their way: surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
When those who believe in Our revelations come to you, say:"Peace be upon you. Your Rabb has decreed mercy upon Himself. Ifanyone among you commits evil because of ignorance and thereafterrepents and mends his ways; you will find Allah Forgiving,Merciful."
O children of Adam! Whenever there come to you Rasools from amongyou and recite to you My revelations, those who will becomerighteous and mend their ways will have nothing to fear or toregret;
But whoever repents after committing the crime and reforms hisconduct, Allah will surely turn to him with forgiveness. Allah isForgiving, Merciful.
Allah says: "O My servants who have transgressed against theirsouls, do not despair of Allah's mercy, for Allah forgives allsins. It is He Who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.
Turn in repentance to your Rabb, and submit to Him before therecomes to you the scourge: for then, there shall be none to helpyou.
It is He Who accepts repentance from His servants and pardonstheir sins, and He knows whatever you do.
O children of Adam! Whenever there come to you Rasools from amongyou and recite to you My revelations, those who will becomerighteous and mend their ways will have nothing to fear or toregret;
O children of Adam! Whenever there come to you Rasools from amongyou and recite to you My revelations, those who will becomerighteous and mend their ways will have nothing to fear or toregret;
O believers! When you deal with each other in lending for a fixedperiod of time, put it in writing. Let a scribe write it downwith justice between the parties. The scribe, who is given thegift of literacy by Allah, should not refuse to write; he isunder obligation to write. Let him who incurs the liability(debtor) dictate, fearing Allah his Rabb and not diminishinganything from the settlement. If the borrower is mentally unsoundor weak or is unable to dictate himself, let the guardian of hisinterests dictate for him with justice. Let two witnesses fromamong you bear witness to all such documents, if two men cannotbe found, then one man and two women of your choice should bearwitness, so that if one of the women forgets anything the othermay remind her. The witnesses must not refuse when they arecalled upon to do so. You must not be averse to writing (yourcontract) for a future period, whether it is a small matter orbig. This action is more just for you in the sight of Allah,because it facilitates the establishment of evidence and is thebest way to remove all doubts; but if it is a common commercialtransaction concluded on the spot among yourselves, there is noblame on you if you do not put it in writing. You should havewitnesses when you make commercial transactions. Let no harm bedone to the scribe or witnesses; and if you do so, you shall beguilty of transgression. Fear Allah; it is Allah that teaches youand Allah has knowledge of everything.
Also say: "I have no knowledge of that time when the exaltedchiefs disputed among themselves.
I am informed about all this through a revelation because I amassigned the mission of a plain Warner."
Behold when your Rabb said to the angels: "I am about to create aman from clay:
then when I have fashioned him and breathed of My spirit intohim, kneel down and prostrate yourselves before him."
Accordingly all the angels prostrated themselves,
When it is said to them: "Follow what Allah has revealed." Theyreply: "Nay! We will follow what our forefathers practiced."Well! Even if their forefathers had no sense at all and lackedguidance?
When they are asked to follow what Allah has revealed, theyreply: "Nay, we shall follow the ways upon which we found ourforefathers". What! Will they still follow them even thoughShaitan invites them to the punishment of the blazing fire.
When it is said to them: "Come to what Allah has revealed andcome to the Rasool." They reply: "Sufficient for us are the wayson which we found our forefathers." What! Even though theirforefathers knew nothing and were not rightly guided?
Or have We given them a Book before this to which they holdauthority for their angel-worshipping?
The only argument they have is to say: "We found our forefatherspracticing this faith and we are walking in their footsteps."
Even so, whenever We sent a Warner before you to forewarn anation, its affluent people said: "We found our forefatherspracticing this faith and surely we are going to follow theirfootsteps."
Each Warner asked: "What if I bring you better guidance than thatwhich your forefathers practiced?" But they replied: "Well! Wereject the faith with which you have been sent."
Consequently, We inflicted Our retribution on them; then see whatwas the end of those who disbelieved?
Behold! Ibrahim said to his father and his people: "I renouncethe gods you worship,
except Him Who created me, for He will surely guide me."
And he left this statement as an abiding precept among hisdescendants, so that they should turn to it.
But they started worshipping others, and rather than punishing Ikept on providing them and their forefathers the comfort of thislife, until there came to them the truth and a Rasool to expoundit clearly.
But now when the truth has came to them, they say: "This is magicand we do not believe it."
They (Jews and Christians) have taken their rabbis and priests tobe their Lords beside Allah and so they did with Messiah (Jesus)the son of Maryam (Mary), although they were commanded in theTorah and the Gospel to worship none but One Ilah (Allah);besides Whom there is none worthy of worship. Exalted be He abovethose whom they associate with Him.
They desire to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouthsbut Allah will not allow it to happen, for He seeks to perfectHis light even though the disbelievers may dislike it.
O believers! Indeed most of the (Jewish) rabbis and (Christian)priests misappropriate the wealth of people and hinder them fromthe way of Allah. To those who hoard gold and silver and do notspend it in the way of Allah, proclaim a painful punishment.
They (Jews and Christians) have taken their rabbis and priests tobe their Lords beside Allah and so they did with Messiah (Jesus)the son of Maryam (Mary), although they were commanded in theTorah and the Gospel to worship none but One Ilah (Allah);besides Whom there is none worthy of worship. Exalted be He abovethose whom they associate with Him.
They desire to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouthsbut Allah will not allow it to happen, for He seeks to perfectHis light even though the disbelievers may dislike it.
O believers! Indeed most of the (Jewish) rabbis and (Christian)priests misappropriate the wealth of people and hinder them fromthe way of Allah. To those who hoard gold and silver and do notspend it in the way of Allah, proclaim a painful punishment.
Say O Muhammad: "Whoever is the enemy of Jibra'el (Gabriel)should know that he revealed this Qur'an to your heart by Allah'scommand, which confirms previous scriptures, and is a guidanceand good news for the believers."
Why don't you bring us the angels, if you are of the truthfulones?"
He sends down His angels with inspiration of His Command to whomHe pleases of His servants, saying: "Warn the people that thereis no one else worthy of worship except Me, therefore fear Me."
Those who do not expect to meet Us on the Day of Judgement say:"Why are not the angels sent down to us or why do we not see ourRabb?" Certainly they are too proud of themselves, and haverevolted in a great revolt.
On that Day when the heavens shall burst asunder with clouds andthe angels will be sent down ranks after ranks,
Praise be to Allah, the Creator of the heavens and the earth! Whoappoint the angels having two, three and four pairs of wings asHis messengers. He adds to His creation as He pleases; for Allahhas power over all things.
The heavens might have almost broken apart from above those whoare elevating Allah's creatures to His rank, if the angels wouldhave not been glorifying their Rabb with His praise and beggingforgiveness for those on earth. Behold! Surely it is Allah Who isthe oft-Forgiving, most Merciful.
Besides this direct knowledge ,We have assigned to every one twoscribes (guardian angels), the one seated on his right and theother on his left,
Those who do not believe in the hereafter give the angels thefemale names of goddesses.
The angels and the Spirit ascend to Him in a Day the measure ofwhich is fifty thousand years.
By those angels who violently pull out the souls of thewrongdoers,
You should know that guardian angels have indeed been appointedover you,
What! Has your Rabb preferred to give you sons and adopted angelsas daughters for Himself? Certainly you are uttering a monstrousstatement.
Righteousness is not whether you turn your face towards East orWest; but the righteousness is to believe in Allah, the Last Day,the Angels, the Books and the Prophets, and to spend wealth outof love for Him on relatives, orphans, helpless, needytravellers, those who ask for and on the redemption of captives;and to establish Salah (prayers), to pay Zakah (alms), to fulfillpromises when made, to be steadfast in distress, in adversity,and at the time of war. These people are the truthful and theseare the pious.
The Rasool has believed in the Guidance which has been revealedto him from his Rabb and so do the Believers. They all believe inAllah, His angels, His books and His Rasools. They say we do notdiscriminate against anyone of His Rasools. And they say: "Wehear and we obey. Grant us Your forgiveness, O Rabb; to You weshall all return."
O believers! Believe in Allah, His Rasool, the Book which He hasrevealed to His Rasool, and every Book which He previouslyrevealed. He who denies Allah, His angels, His Books, His Rasoolsand the Last Day has gone far astray.
The angle Gabriel who brought this revelation after a longinterval said: "We do not descend from heaven except by thecommand of your Rabb; to Him belongs whatever is before us andwhatever is behind us and all that lies in between. Your Rabb isnever forgetful.
O believers! Believe in Allah, His Rasool, the Book which He hasrevealed to His Rasool, and every Book which He previouslyrevealed. He who denies Allah, His angels, His Books, His Rasoolsand the Last Day has gone far astray.
They regard the angels, who are themselves servants of theCompassionate, as female divinities. Did they witness theircreation? They should know that their testimony shall be noteddown and they shall be called to account for it.
He would never ask you to take angels and prophets as your lords.Would he ask you to become kafir (unbelievers) after you havebecome Muslims (believers)?
One Day He will gather them all together and ask the angels: "Wasit you that these people used to worship?"
They will respond: "Glory be to You! Our tie is with You - as aprotector - not with them; but they used to worship the jinns andit was them in whom most of these people believed."
On that Day you will be helpless to profit or harm one another.To the wrongdoers We shall say: "Taste the punishment of the firewhich you persistently denied."
Let them know that whoever is an enemy to Allah, His angels, HisRasools, Jibra'el (Gabriel) and Mika'el (Michael); Allah is anenemy to such unbelievers.