سُبْحَانَ ٱللَّٰهِ
Holy Qur'an
Kids Qur'an
Or do they envy other people because Allah has given them fromHis grace? If so, let them know that We did give the Book andWisdom to the descendants of Ibrahim (Abraham), and blessed themwith a great kingdom.
Section 1 He (the Prophet) frowned and turned away
when there came to him the blind man (Ibn Umme Maktum, who cameto the Prophet and interrupted his conversation with the chiefsof Makkah).
How could you tell? He might have sought to purify himself
or become reminded and might have benefited from Our reminder.
As for him who is indifferent,
to whom you were attending;
you will not be held responsible if he would not purify himself.
Yet to him who came to you with zeal on his own
and with fear of Allah in his heart,
you gave no heed.
It should not be so! Indeed, this is but an admonition;
let him who wants, accept it.
When you divorce women and they have reached the end of theirwaiting period ('Iddat) either allow them to stay with honor orlet them go with kindness; but you should not retain them to harmthem or to take undue advantage; if anyone does that he wrongshis own soul. Do not take Allah's revelations as a joke. Rememberthe favors of Allah upon you and the fact that He sent down theBook and Wisdom for your guidance. Fear Allah and know that Allahhas knowledge of everything.
The mothers shall breast-feed their offspring for two whole yearsif the father wishes the breast-feeding to be completed. Thereasonable cost of their maintenance and clothing will be theresponsibility of the child's father. No one should be chargedwith more than they can afford. Neither a mother should be madeto suffer on account of her child nor a father on account of hischild. The father's heirs are under the same obligation. But ifwith mutual agreement they both decide to wean the child there isno blame on them. If you decide to have a foster-mother for youroffspring there is no blame on you provided you pay what you havepromised to pay in an honorable manner. Fear Allah and bewarethat Allah observes your actions.
Do not drive away those (poor people like Bilal, Ammar andSuhaib) who call on their Rabb morning and evening, seeking onlyto gain His favor. You are in no way accountable for their deedsnor they are in any way accountable for yours. So if you drivethem away you shall be counted among the wrongdoers.
That's how We have made some of them (poor and slaves whoaccepted Islam) a means for testing the others (the chiefs ofQureysh), so that they should say: "Are these the people whomAllah favors among us (the poor, indigent and low class)?" Well,does Allah not know best those who are grateful?
Section 1 He (the Prophet) frowned and turned away
when there came to him the blind man (Ibn Umme Maktum, who cameto the Prophet and interrupted his conversation with the chiefsof Makkah).
How could you tell? He might have sought to purify himself
or become reminded and might have benefited from Our reminder.
As for him who is indifferent,
to whom you were attending;
you will not be held responsible if he would not purify himself.
Yet to him who came to you with zeal on his own
and with fear of Allah in his heart,
you gave no heed.
It should not be so! Indeed, this is but an admonition;
let him who wants, accept it.
The recompense for an injury is an injury proportionate to it;but if a person forgives and makes reconciliation he shall berewarded by Allah; He does not like the wrongdoers.
I will turn away from My signs the eyes of those who are unjustlyarrogant in the land, so that even if they see each and everysign they will not believe in it. If they see the Right Waybefore them they will not follow it; but if they see a crookedway they will follow it; this is because they denied Ourrevelations and were heedless of them.
We know that we can neither frustrate Allah in the earth norfrustrate Him by flight.
Then when their waiting period ends, either keep them honorablyor part with them in an honorable way. Call to witness two honestpersons among you, and O witnesses, bear witness equitably forthe sake of Allah. This advise is being given to all who believein Allah and the last Day. He that fears Allah may be provided away out by Him,
Establish Salah from the decline of the sun till the darkness ofthe night (Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha) and read at Fajr (dawn);for the reading at Fajr is witnessed (by the angels).
Among those whom We have created, there are some people who guideothers with the truth and establish justice therewith.
Establish Salah from the decline of the sun till the darkness ofthe night (Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha) and read at Fajr (dawn);for the reading at Fajr is witnessed (by the angels).
He has ordained for you the same Deen (way of life - Islam) whichHe enjoined on Nuh - and which We have revealed to you O Muhammad- and which We enjoined on Ibrahim and Musa (Moses) and Isa(Jesus): "Establish the Deen of Al-Islam and make no division(sects) in it." Intolerable for the mushrikin is that to whichyou O Muhammad call them. Allah chooses for His service whom Hewills, and guides to His Way only those who turn to Him inrepentance.
The people did not become divided into sects until afterknowledge had come to them out of envy among themselves. Had yourRabb not issued the word to defer their punishment till anappointed time, the matter would have already been settledbetween them. The fact is that those who were made to inherit theBook after them, are surely in disquieting doubt concerning it.
Therefore, call them to the true Deen, stay firm on the Right Wayas you are commanded and do not follow their vain desires. Tellthem: "I believe in whatever Allah has revealed from the Book andI am commanded to do justice between you. Allah is Our Rabb andyour Rabb. We are responsible for Our deeds and you for yours.Let there be no dispute among us. Allah will bring us alltogether on the Day of Judgement and decide as to who is rightand who is wrong. Towards Him lies the goal.
who believe in the Unseen, who establish Salah (five regulardaily prayers) and spend in charity out of what We have providedfor their sustenance;
Establish Salah (prayers); give Zakah (charity); and bow downwith those who bow down in worship.
Remember, We took a covenant (firm commitment) from the childrenof Israel: "You shall worship none but Allah; be good to yourparents, relatives, orphans and destitute, speak fair to thepeople, establish 'Salah', and pay 'Zakah.'" But you broke thecovenant, except a few of you, and you paid no heed.
Establish Salah and pay Zakah, and whatever good you send aheadof you to the Hereafter for yourselves, you shall find it withAllah; surely Allah is watching all your actions.
Righteousness is not whether you turn your face towards East orWest; but the righteousness is to believe in Allah, the Last Day,the Angels, the Books and the Prophets, and to spend wealth outof love for Him on relatives, orphans, helpless, needytravellers, those who ask for and on the redemption of captives;and to establish Salah (prayers), to pay Zakah (alms), to fulfillpromises when made, to be steadfast in distress, in adversity,and at the time of war. These people are the truthful and theseare the pious.
Those who believe and do good deeds, establish regular prayers,and give regular charity will have their reward with their Rabb.They will have nothing to fear or to regret.
However, those among them who are well-grounded in knowledge andthose who truly believe in what has been revealed to you, OMuhammad, and other Prophets before you, establishes Salah, paysZakah, and believes in Allah and the Last Day, will soon be givena mighty reward.
When you call for Salah (prayers) they make it as an object ofmockery and pastime; this is because they are a people devoid ofunderstanding.
to establish Salah and fear Him, before Whom you shall all beassembled on the Day of Judgement.
As for those who strictly observe the Book and establish Salah;surely We never let the reward of such righteous people go waste.
who establish Salah and spend in charity out of the sustenancewhich We have given them.
The mosques of Allah should be maintained by those who believe inAllah and the Last Day, establish Salah (prayers), and pay Zakah(poor due) and fear none except Allah. It is they who areexpected to follow the true guidance.
The true believers, both men and women, are protectors of oneanother. They enjoin what is just and forbid what is evil; theyestablish Salah, pay Zakah, and obey Allah and His Rasool. It isthey on whom Allah will have His mercy; surely Allah is Mighty,Wise.
Establish Salah ( prayers) at the two ends of the day and in theearly part of the night. Indeed virtues remove evils. This is areminder for the mindful.
also they are the ones who are patient, seek the pleasure oftheir Rabb, establish Salah, spend secretly and openly out of thesustenance which We have provided for them, and repel evil withgood - they are the ones for whom there is the home of thehereafter
O Prophet, tell My devotees who have believed, to establish Salah(regular five times daily prayers) and spend in charity openlyand secretly out of the sustenance which We have given them,before the coming of that Day in which there will neither betrading nor any friendship.
whose hearts tremble at the mention of Allah; who endureadversity with patience, who establish Salah and spend in charityout of what we have given them.
These are the people who, if We establish them in the land, willestablish Salah and pay Zakah, enjoin justice and forbid evil;the final decision of all affairs is in the hands of Allah.
Strive in the Way of Allah as you ought to strive with sincerityand discipline; He has chosen you and has not laid upon you anyhardship in the observance of your faith - the faith of yourfather Ibrahim (Abraham). He named you Muslims before in priorscriptures and in this (The Qur'an), so that His Rasool maytestify against you and you yourselves may testify against restof the mankind. Therefore, establish Salah, pay Zakah and holdfast to Allah; Who is your Protector - so what an excellentProtector and what a splendid Supporter!
who establish the Salah (prayer) and pay the Zakah (charity) andfirmly believe in the hereafter.
Recite from this Book (Al-Qur'an) which has been revealed to youand establish Salah (Islamic prayers). Surely Salah keeps oneaway from shameful and evil deeds; and surely the remembrance ofAllah (during your prayers and Allah's mention of your name inresponse to your prayers) is the greatest of all deeds, Allahknows what you do.
Turn in repentance to Him, fear Him, establish Salah (regularfive times daily prayers) and do not be of the mushrikin
who establish Salah (Islamic Prayers), give Zakah (obligatoryCharity) and firmly believe in the hereafter.
These are on true guidance from their Rabb and these are the oneswho will attain felicity.
No bearer of a burden will bear another's burden, and if a heavyladen person cries out for help, none will come forward to sharethe least of his burden, even though he be a close relative. OProphet! You can only admonish those who fear their Rabb - thoughthey cannot see Him - and establish Salah. He that purifieshimself does so for his own good. To Allah is the destination ofall.
Surely those who recite the Book of Allah, establish Salah, spendout of what We have given them, secretly and openly, may hope forimperishable gain.
That He may pay them back their full reward and give them evenmore out of His grace; surely He is Forgiving and Appreciative ofHis devotees.
Whatever you are given is nothing but a provision for thetransitory life of this world, better and ever lasting is thereward which Allah has for those who believe, put their trust intheir Rabb,
avoid major sins and shameful deeds, forgive even when they areangry;
answer the call of their Rabb, establish Salah, conduct theiraffairs with mutual consultation, spend out of the sustenancewhich We have given them,
Do you hesitate to give out in charity before your privateconsultation with him? If you cannot afford it - Allah willforgive you - so establish Salah and pay Zakah, and obey Allahand His Rasool. Allah is well aware of all your actions.
Surely your Rabb knows that you stand in prayers nearly two-thirds of the night, and sometimes one-half or one-third of it,so do others among your companions. Allah has the measures of thenight and the day. He knows that you will not be able to keep itup, so He has turned to you in Mercy, therefore, read from theQur'an as much as you easily can. He knows that there may be somesick people among you, and some others who travel through theland to seek Allah's bounty; and yet some others fighting for thecause of Allah. Therefore, read as much of the Qur'an as youeasily can. Establish the Salah (five time daily prayers) and paythe Zakah (poor due), and give to Allah a goodly loan. Whatevergood you will send forth for yourselves, you will find it withAllah, which will be much better and greater in reward. SeekAllah's forgiveness, surely Allah is Oft-Forgiving, MostMerciful.
Yet they were commanded nothing but to worship Allah, with theirsincere devotion to Him, being True in their faith; to establishSalah ( prayers); and to pay Zakah (poor due); and that is theinfallible true Religion.
When you finish your Salah (prayers) remember Allah whether youare standing, sitting or reclining; then as soon as you are safe(out of danger) establish regular Salah in full. Surely Salah aremade obligatory for the believers at their prescribed times.
When the forbidden months (10,11,12 & 1 of the Islamic calendar) are over, then fight the mushrikïn wherever you find them, seize them, besiege them, and lie in ambush for them in every stratagem of war, but if they repent, establish Salah and pay Zakah, then let them go their way: surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
However, if they repent, establish Salah and pay Zakah, then theyshall be your brethren in Deen (faith and way of life based onDivine guidance): thus do We spell out Our revelations for peopleof understanding.
O wives of the Prophet! You are not like the other women: if youfear Allah, then you should not be complaisant while talking tothe men who are not closely related to you, lest the one in whoseheart is a disease may thereby be encouraged, and speak usingsuitable good words.
Stay in your homes and do not display your finery as women usedto do in the days of ignorance (pre-Islamic days); establishSalah, pay Zakah, and obey Allah and His Rasool. O women of thehousehold of Rasool, Allah only intends to remove uncleanlinessfrom you and to purify you completely.
For every parent and relative We have appointed the rightfulheirs to inherit what they leave. As for those with whom you havemade firm agreements, give them their share. Surely Allah is aWitness to everything.
Would you scorn a scripture such as this
and make it's denying a means of your livelihood?
Why is it not then that when you see a dying person's soul comeup to his throat
while you are helplessly watching
- and at that time We are nearer to him than you, although youcannot see Us.
Then why do you not - if you claim you are not subject toreckoning
- restore to the dying person his soul? Answer this, if what yousay be true!
Allah is the Self-Sufficient (independent of all, while all aredependent on Him);
Those who remained behind (did not join the Tabuk expedition)were delighted to sit inactive behind Allah's Rasool, and theyhated to make Jihad with their goods and their persons in thecause of Allah. They said to each other "Do not go forth in theheat." Say to them: "The fire of hell is much more severe inheat." If only they could understand!
Let them laugh a little; much will they weep as a recompense forwhat they have earned.
From now on, if Allah brings you among them and any of them askyour permission to go forth for Jihad, say: "You shall never beallowed to go forth with me nor fight an enemy in my company. Youchose to sit inactive on the first occasion, therefore you shallnow stay with those who stay behind."
You shall never offer funeral prayer for any of them who dies,nor shall you attend their burial, for they have denied Allah andHis Rasool and died while they were transgressors.
Let neither their wealth nor their children dazzle you. Throughthese Allah wants to punish them in this world and let theirsouls depart while they are still disbelievers.
Whenever a Surah is revealed, saying: " Believe in Allah and makeJihad along with His Rasool," capable people among them ask youfor exemption, saying: "Please leave us with those who are tostay at home."
They preferred to be with those who remain behind, as a result, aseal was set upon their hearts so that they do not understand.
Some from among the desert Arabs also came with their excuses,begging exemption to stay behind; thus, those who lied to Allahand His Rasool sat inactive. Soon a painful punishment shallseize those of them who disbelieved.
The way (blame) is only against those who begged exemptionalthough they are rich. They preferred to be with those whoremained behind. Allah has set a seal upon their hearts; so theydo not know what they missed.
They will apologize to you with all sorts of excuses when youreturn to them. Say: "Present no excuses: we shall not believeyou: Allah has already revealed to us the whole truth about you.Now Allah and His Rasool will keep a watch over your conduct: inthe end you will return to Him who knows what is hidden and whatis open, and He will tell you all that you have been doing."
They will swear to you by Allah when you return to them so thatyou may leave them alone. So leave them alone: they are filth.Hell shall be their abode, a punishment for their misdeeds.
They will swear to you in order to please you, but even if you bepleased with them (accept their excuses), Allah will never bepleased with these transgressors.
It is He Who created the heavens and the earth in six periods,then firmly established Himself on the throne of authority. Heknows all that enters the earth and all that emerges from it, allthat comes down from Heaven and all that ascends to it; and He iswith you wherever you are. Allah is aware of all your actions.
Therefore be patient with what they say. Glorify your Rabb withHis praise before sunrise and before sunset, glorify Him duringthe hours of the night as well as at the ends of the day, so thatyou may find satisfaction.
So that you, O people, may believe in Allah and His Rasool, andthat you may help him and honor him and glorify Allah morning andevening.
Bring your Rabb to remembrance deep in your soul with humilityand in reverence without raising your voice, both in the morningsand in the evenings; and be not of those who are heedless.
Glorify the name of your Rabb morning and evening;
Therefore, call them to the true Deen, stay firm on the Right Wayas you are commanded and do not follow their vain desires. Tellthem: "I believe in whatever Allah has revealed from the Book andI am commanded to do justice between you. Allah is Our Rabb andyour Rabb. We are responsible for Our deeds and you for yours.Let there be no dispute among us. Allah will bring us alltogether on the Day of Judgement and decide as to who is rightand who is wrong. Towards Him lies the goal.
Have you seen the one who (Walid bin Mughirah, who was willing toembrace Islam, but upon someone's promise to take theresponsibility of getting the punishment on his behalf in lieu ofcertain amount of money, he) turned away.
He gave a little from the promised amount then stopped.
Does he possess the knowledge of the unseen that he could seereality?
Or has he not been notified about what was in the scrolls of Musa(Moses)
and of Ibrahim (Abraham) who always kept his word:
"That no soul shall bear the burden of another,
that there shall be nothing for a man except what he strive for,
that his striving shall be scrutinized,
that he shall be fully rewarded for it,
Every soul is held in pledge for its deeds,
Further, tell them: "You shall not be questioned about our errorsnor shall we be questioned about your actions."
Do you not see that Allah has subdued to you all that is in theearth and the ships that sail through the sea by His command? Heis withholding the sky in a way that it cannot fall down on theearth without His permission; surely Allah is very kind andmerciful to mankind.
O believers! When you deal with each other in lending for a fixedperiod of time, put it in writing. Let a scribe write it downwith justice between the parties. The scribe, who is given thegift of literacy by Allah, should not refuse to write; he isunder obligation to write. Let him who incurs the liability(debtor) dictate, fearing Allah his Rabb and not diminishinganything from the settlement. If the borrower is mentally unsoundor weak or is unable to dictate himself, let the guardian of hisinterests dictate for him with justice. Let two witnesses fromamong you bear witness to all such documents, if two men cannotbe found, then one man and two women of your choice should bearwitness, so that if one of the women forgets anything the othermay remind her. The witnesses must not refuse when they arecalled upon to do so. You must not be averse to writing (yourcontract) for a future period, whether it is a small matter orbig. This action is more just for you in the sight of Allah,because it facilitates the establishment of evidence and is thebest way to remove all doubts; but if it is a common commercialtransaction concluded on the spot among yourselves, there is noblame on you if you do not put it in writing. You should havewitnesses when you make commercial transactions. Let no harm bedone to the scribe or witnesses; and if you do so, you shall beguilty of transgression. Fear Allah; it is Allah that teaches youand Allah has knowledge of everything.
On the Day of Resurrection when Allah gathers the Rasools andasks: "What response were you given from your addressees?" Theywill say: "We have no knowledge, only You have all the knowledgeof the unseen."
If you are on a journey and cannot find a scribe to write downthe transaction, then transect your business by taking possessionof a pledge. If one of you entrust another with a pledge, let thetrustee deliver the pledged property to its owner, and let himfear Allah, his Rabb. Do not conceal testimony, and whoeverconceals it, his heart is surely sinful. Allah is aware of allyour actions.
O believers! When you deal with each other in lending for a fixedperiod of time, put it in writing. Let a scribe write it downwith justice between the parties. The scribe, who is given thegift of literacy by Allah, should not refuse to write; he isunder obligation to write. Let him who incurs the liability(debtor) dictate, fearing Allah his Rabb and not diminishinganything from the settlement. If the borrower is mentally unsoundor weak or is unable to dictate himself, let the guardian of hisinterests dictate for him with justice. Let two witnesses fromamong you bear witness to all such documents, if two men cannotbe found, then one man and two women of your choice should bearwitness, so that if one of the women forgets anything the othermay remind her. The witnesses must not refuse when they arecalled upon to do so. You must not be averse to writing (yourcontract) for a future period, whether it is a small matter orbig. This action is more just for you in the sight of Allah,because it facilitates the establishment of evidence and is thebest way to remove all doubts; but if it is a common commercialtransaction concluded on the spot among yourselves, there is noblame on you if you do not put it in writing. You should havewitnesses when you make commercial transactions. Let no harm bedone to the scribe or witnesses; and if you do so, you shall beguilty of transgression. Fear Allah; it is Allah that teaches youand Allah has knowledge of everything.
Then when their waiting period ends, either keep them honorablyor part with them in an honorable way. Call to witness two honestpersons among you, and O witnesses, bear witness equitably forthe sake of Allah. This advise is being given to all who believein Allah and the last Day. He that fears Allah may be provided away out by Him,
Those men who accuse their own wives but have no witness exceptthemselves, each one of them shall be made to swear four times byAllah that his charge is true,
and the fifth time calling down upon himself the curse of Allahif he is lying.
As for the wife, the punishment shall be averted from her if sheswears four times by Allah that his (her husband's) charge isfalse
and the fifth time calls down the wrath of Allah on herself ifhis charge is true.
Whatever benefit comes to you O people, it is by Allah's grace;and whatever loss you suffer, it is the result of your owndoings. We have sent you, O Muhammad, as a Rasool to mankind.Allah is your All-Sufficient Witness.
Ask the mushrikin: "Should we call on those, instead of Allah,who can neither benefit us nor harm us? Should we turn upon ourheels after Allah has guided us to the Right Way? Like the onewhom Shaitan has misled and is wandering around in the land,while his friends are calling him to the right way, shouting:"Come this way!" Tell them: "Allah's guidance is the onlyguidance. We are commanded to surrender (become Muslims) to theRabb of the worlds,
Whoever does one good deed, he will be given credit for tensimilar good deeds, and whoever does one bad deed will bepunished for only one, and no one will be treated unjustly.
also they are the ones who are patient, seek the pleasure oftheir Rabb, establish Salah, spend secretly and openly out of thesustenance which We have provided for them, and repel evil withgood - they are the ones for whom there is the home of thehereafter
Repel evil with good - We are fully aware of their slanders
Good deeds are not equal to the evil ones. Repel other's evildeeds with your good deeds. You will see that he with whom youhad enmity, will become your close friend.
Don't you see that We have sent down to the unbelievers shaitanswho incite them against the Truth?
Evil was the outcome for those who committed evil, rejected therevelations of Allah and kept ridiculing them!
Their example is like those who have tasted, a short while beforethem, the evil consequences of their deeds. They shall have apainful punishment.