سُبْحَانَ ٱللَّٰهِ
Holy Qur'an
Kids Qur'an
Then after this grief, He bestowed peace on some of you - aslumber which overcame them - while the others were stirred toanxiety by their own fancies, holding unjust and wrong suspicionsabout Allah, the suspicions of ignorance. Now they ask: "Have weany say in the matter?" Tell them: "All matters are in the handsof Allah." They hide in their minds what they dare not reveal toyou. They mean to say: "If we had any say in the matter, none ofus would have been killed here." Say to them: "Even if you hadremained in your homes, those of you who were destined to bekilled would nevertheless have been killed; but it was Allah'swill to test your faith and purge what was in your hearts. Allahhas knowledge of the secrets of your hearts."
and the hypocrites. When it was said to them (hypocrites): "Comefight for the cause of Allah or at least defend yourselves," theyreplied: "Had we known how to fight we would certainly come withyou." On that day they were nearer to unbelief than to belief;for they uttered with their mouths what was not in their hearts.Allah is quite aware of what they were concealing.
Now are these people waiting for anything other than the Day ofFulfillment (Day of Judgement)? When the Day of Fulfillment willcome, those who have disregarded it, will say: "Indeed theRasools of our Rabb had come with the truth. Are there anyintercessors now, who could intercede on our behalf? Or could webe sent back so that we would not do as we have done before." Infact they would have lost their souls and the things they hadinvented will leave them in the lurch.
Every nation was sent a Rasool. Once their Rasool came, judgementwas passed between them with all fairness and they were notwronged in the least.
But he who will be given his book of deeds from behind his back,
shall soon be calling for death,
and shall be made to enter a blazing fire;
for he used to live happily with his kinfolks
and thought that he would never return to Allah foraccountability.
Yet, surely his Rabb was ever watching over his misdeeds.
Their doom is because Allah has revealed the Book with the truth;surely those who seek causes of dispute in the Book (The Qur'an)are in extreme schism (divergence).
Some of the desert Arabs look upon whatever they spend in the wayof Allah as a penalty and wait for some misfortune to befall you.May misfortune befall them! Allah hears all and knows all.
But some of the desert Arabs believe in Allah and the Last Day,and look on what they spend in the way of Allah as a means ofbringing them close to Allah and to the prayers of the Rasool.Indeed, closer they shall be brought: soon Allah will admit themto His mercy. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
Their example is that of a man who kindled a fire; when itilluminated all around him Allah took away the light (theireyesight) and left them in utter darkness: they could seenothing.
When he saw a fire, he said to his family: "Stop: I saw a fire. Imay be able to bring some fire or find someone beside the fire toguide us towards the right direction."
Is it you who grow the tree which feeds the fire or are We thegrower?
The people of Ibrahim (Abraham) had no answer except to say:"Kill him!" Or "Burn him!" But Allah saved him from the fire whenthey tried to burn him. Surely in this incidence there are signsfor those who believe.
Guard yourself against the Fire which is prepared for theunbelievers.
But there are others who say: "Our Rabb! Give us the good life,both in this world and in the Hereafter and save us from thetorment of the fire."
Such people shall have their due share in both worlds accordingto what they have earned, Allah is swift in settling theaccounts.
The righteous people are those who pray: "Our Rabb! We sincerelybelieve in You: please forgive our sins and save us from theagony of the Hellfire;"
Those who remember Allah while standing, sitting, and lying ontheir sides, and meditate on the creation of the heavens and theearth. Then cry out:" Our Rabb! You have not created this invain. Glory to You! Save us from the punishment of Fire.
Our Rabb! Those to whom You will cast into the Fire will be ineternal shame: and there shall be no helper for such wrongdoers.
Those angels who bear the Throne of Allah and those who standaround it glorify their Rabb with His praises, believe in Him andimplore forgiveness for the believers, saying: "Our Rabb! Youembrace all things with your mercy and knowledge. Forgive thosewho repent and follow Your Way, and save them from the punishmentof the blazing fire.
O Rabb, admit them to the gardens of Eden which You have promisedthem together with all the righteous among their fathers, theirwives and their descendants. You are the All-Mighty, All-Wise.
Deliver them from all evil. He whom You will deliver from thepunishment of their sins on that Day will surely earn Your Mercyand that will surely be the highest achievement.
They thought that the confederates would never withdraw. Indeed,if the confederates should come again, they would wish to beamong the beduins and seek news about you from a safe distance;and if they happened to be with you, they would take but a littlepart in the fighting.
You have indeed, in the life of Rasool-Allah, the 'Best Model'for him whose hope is in Allah and the Day of the Hereafter, andwho engages himself much in the remembrance of Allah.
O believers! Save yourselves and your families from hellfire,whose fuel is men and stones; in the charge of fierce and mightyangels who never disobey Allah's command and who promptly do whatthey are commanded to do.
They will say to the unbelievers: "O unbelievers! Make no excusesfor yourselves this Day. You are being rewarded according to yourdeeds."
O Prophet! Make Jihad against the unbelievers and the hypocritesand be firm against them. Hell shall be their home; and it is theworst of all homes.
O believers! Fight the unbelievers who hem you in, to let themknow how tough you are; you should know that Allah is on the sideof the Godfearing.
Muhammad, the Rasool of Allah, and those with him are strongagainst the unbelievers and compassionate to each other amongthemselves. When you see them, you will find them making Rakuh(bowing down) and Sajud (prostrate in prayers), and craving forthe blessings from Allah and His good pleasure. They have mark ofSajud (prostration) on their foreheads, the traces of theirprostration. This is their similitude in the Taurat (Torah); andtheir similitude in the Injeel (Gospel): they are like the seedwhich puts forth its sprout, then strengthens it, then becomesthick and stands firmly on its stem, delighting the sowers of theseed, so that through them He may enrage the unbelievers. Yet tothose of them who will believe and do good deeds, Allah haspromised forgiveness and a great reward.
Just think, how can you turn away from belief on theirstatements, when Allah's revelations are being recited to you andAllah's Rasool is among you? Whoever holds fast to Allah, willindeed be guided towards the Right Way.
and who, when the people told them: "Your enemies have mustered agreat force against you: fear them," grew more firm in theirfaith and replied: "Allah's help is all-sufficient for us. He isthe best protector."
Strive in the Way of Allah as you ought to strive with sincerityand discipline; He has chosen you and has not laid upon you anyhardship in the observance of your faith - the faith of yourfather Ibrahim (Abraham). He named you Muslims before in priorscriptures and in this (The Qur'an), so that His Rasool maytestify against you and you yourselves may testify against restof the mankind. Therefore, establish Salah, pay Zakah and holdfast to Allah; Who is your Protector - so what an excellentProtector and what a splendid Supporter!
O Prophet! Make Jihad against the unbelievers and the hypocritesand be firm against them. Hell shall be their home; and it is theworst of all homes.
O unbelievers! You wanted a decision; lo! The decision, in shapeof the believers' victory, has come to you. Now if you desist, itwill be better for you, and if you repeat your act of war againstthe believers, so shall We repeat the act of providing themassistance, and your forces, however large in number they may be,shall avail you nothing, for verily Allah is with the believers.
O believers! When you encounter an enemy in a combat, be firm andfrequently remember Allah so that you may be successful.
If you fear a breach of marriage between a man and his wife,appoint one arbiter from his family and another from hers; ifthey wish to reconcile, Allah will create a way of reconciliationbetween them. Allah is the Knowledgeable, Aware.
O Prophet! Make Jihad (struggle including war) against theunbelievers and the hypocrites and deal sternly with them. Hellshall be their home, and that is an evil abode!
Remember when you said to the believers, "Is it not enough thatAllah should send down three thousand angels to help you?"
Of course! If you remain patient and on your guard, Allah willsend to your aid not three thousand but, five thousand speciallymarked angels in case of a sudden attack from the enemy.
You already know well your first creation, why then do you nottake heed?
Recite to them in all truth the story of Adam's two sons: Howeach offered a sacrifice, and how the offering of one wasaccepted while that of the other was not. The latter said: "Iwill kill you." The former replied: "Allah only accepts thesacrifice from the righteous.
Even if you stretch your hand to kill me, I shall not stretch myhand to slay you, for I fear Allah, the Rabb of the worlds.
I intend to let you bear the burden of my sins as well as yoursand thus become an inmate of the Fire which is the reward forwrongdoers."
The latter's soul prompted him to kill his brother; he killed himand thus became one of the losers.
(He carried around the dead body of his brother and did not knowwhat to do with it.) Then Allah sent a raven, which dug theground to show him how to bury the dead body of his brother."Alas!" He cried, "I failed even to be like this raven to findsome way to dispose of the dead body of my brother!" So he becamefull of regrets.
On account of that incident, We ordained for the Children ofIsrael that whoever kills a person, except as a punishment formurder or mischief in the land, it will be written in his book ofdeeds as if he had killed all the human beings on the surface ofthe Earth and whoever will save a life shall be regarded as if hegave life to all the human beings on the surface of the Earth.Yet, even though Our Rasools came to them one after the otherwith clear revelations, it was not long before, many of themcommitted excesses in the land.
These people will never refrain from wrongdoing until when deathcomes to anyone of them, he will say: "O Rabb! Send me back,
so that I may do good deeds in the world that I have leftbehind." Never! This is just a statement which carries no value,it will be too late because there will be a barrier between themand the world they have just left till the Day they are raised tolife again.
Game of the sea and its use as food is lawful for you and theseafarers, but the game of the land is forbidden as long as youare in Ihram (pilgrim garb). Have fear of Allah to whom you shallall be assembled.
Game of the sea and its use as food is lawful for you and theseafarers, but the game of the land is forbidden as long as youare in Ihram (pilgrim garb). Have fear of Allah to whom you shallall be assembled.
Game of the sea and its use as food is lawful for you and theseafarers, but the game of the land is forbidden as long as youare in Ihram (pilgrim garb). Have fear of Allah to whom you shallall be assembled.
Guard your Salah (obligatory regular prayers) especially themiddle Salah and stand up with true devotion to Allah.
Establish Salah ( prayers) at the two ends of the day and in theearly part of the night. Indeed virtues remove evils. This is areminder for the mindful.
Establish Salah from the decline of the sun till the darkness ofthe night (Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha) and read at Fajr (dawn);for the reading at Fajr is witnessed (by the angels).
During a part of the night, pray Tahajjud, an additional prayerfor you (O Muhammad), very soon your Rabb may exalt you to'Maqam-e-Mahmood' (a station of great glory).
Therefore be patient with what they say. Glorify your Rabb withHis praise before sunrise and before sunset, glorify Him duringthe hours of the night as well as at the ends of the day, so thatyou may find satisfaction.
Therefore, glorify Allah in the evening and in the morning
- all praise is due to Him in the heavens and the earth - soglorify Him in the late afternoon and when the day begins todecline.
There is no blame on you if you divorce women before the marriageis consummated or the dowry is settled. Pay them somethinganyhow, the rich man according to his means and poor according tohis, a reasonable amount in all fairness. This is an obligationon the righteous people.
And if you divorce them before the marriage is consummated butafter the fixation of a dowry, give them half of their dowryunless the woman wants to waive it or the man in whose hand isthe marriage tie is generous enough (to pay the dowry in full).It is more appropriate that the man should act generously. Do notforget to show kindness to each other. Surely Allah observes youractions.
We cast a veil upon their hearts and make them hard of hearing,so they do not comprehend it. When in the Qur'an you mention HisOneness, they turn their backs in disgust.
These unbelievers love the transitory life of this world andneglect the heavy Day that is coming ahead.
Do they not see the birds, that wing their flight in the airtowards the sky? Who holds them up but Allah? Surely in thisthere are signs for the true believers.
You certainly used to wish for death before you confronted it;now you have seen with your own eyes what it is like.
The believers were asking: "Why is not a Surah revealed allowingus to fight?" But when a decisive Surah carrying the order ofallowing them to fight is revealed, you saw those in whose heartswas a disease looking at you like the one under the shadow ofdeath. Woe to them!
On their tongues is the promise of obedience and good talk, so ifthey would have proved their promise with Allah when the finalcommand was given, it would have been better for them.
Now what can be expected of you if you are put in authority,other than to do evil in the land and violate the ties of blood.
Such are those whom Allah has cursed and made them deaf andblinded their sight.
Will they not ponder upon the Qur'an? Are there locks upon theirhearts?
When Our judgement came to pass, We saved Hud and those whobelieved with him through a special grace from Us - We did savethem from a horrifying scourge.
Such were the people of 'Ad. They denied the revelations of theirRabb, disobeyed His Rasool, and followed the command of everystubborn oppressor.
They were followed by a curse in this world, and cursed theyshall be on the Day of Resurrection. Beware! 'Ad denied theirRabb. Beware! Gone are 'Ad, the people of Hud.
Surely your Rabb will decide between them, on the Day ofResurrection, concerning those matters wherein they differ amongthemselves.
On the Day of Resurrection, neither your relatives nor yourchildren shall avail you. Allah will judge between you, and He isobserving all your actions.
You have an excellent example in Ibrahim (Abraham) and hiscompanions. They said to their people plainly: "We are clear ofyou and your gods, whom you worship besides Allah. We renounceyou. Enmity and hate shall reign between us forever until youbelieve in Allah, the One and Only God." But do not emulate whatIbrahim said to his father: "I will pray for your forgiveness,although I have no power to get anything for you from Allah."Their collective prayer was: "Our Rabb! In You we have put ourtrust, to You we turn in repentance and to You is our final goal.
Our Rabb! Do not expose us to the plots of the unbelievers.Forgive us, our Rabb! You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise."
Truly, in those there is an excellent example for everyone whoputs their hopes in Allah and the Last Day. He that gives no heedshould know that Allah is free of all wants, worthy of allpraise.
If you encounter them in combat, make them a fearsome example forothers who would follow them so that they all may learn a lesson.