سُبْحَانَ ٱللَّٰهِ
Holy Qur'an
Kids Qur'an
Their doom is because Allah has revealed the Book with the truth;surely those who seek causes of dispute in the Book (The Qur'an)are in extreme schism (divergence).
Tell them: "O people of the Book! What makes you against us otherthan that we believe in Allah and in what has been revealed to usand what was revealed before? The fact is that most of you arerebellious transgressors."
Ridiculous is the price for which they have sold away theirsouls, that they deny Allah's revelation merely because of theirgrudge, that Allah should send His grace (on an Israelite ratherthan ) on whom He pleases from His servants (Muhammad)! They havedrawn on themselves wrath upon wrath, and for such disbelieversthere is a disgraceful punishment.
And if We send a wind which turns their crops yellow, behold theywill become even more firm in their disbelief.
As for he who disbelieves, let not his disbelief grieve you. ToUs is their return and We shall inform them the reality of theirdeeds; surely Allah knows the secrets of the breasts.
We let them enjoy for a while this life, then in the hereafter Weshall drive them to an unrelenting punishment.
If you ask them: "Who has created the heavens and the earth?"They will certainly say: "Allah". Say: "Praise be to Allah!" Butthe fact is that most of them do not use their common sense tounderstand.
They ask you about war in the Sacred Month. Tell them: "fightingin this month is a heinous offence; but to prevent from the pathof Allah, to deny Him, to prevent access and expel Hisworshippers from the Sacred Mosque is a more severe crime, sincemischief is worse than killing in His sight. As for unbelievers:they will not cease fighting until they succeed in turning youback from your religion if they can; and if any of you turns backfrom his religion and dies as an unbeliever, his deeds willbecome void in this life and in the hereafter. He will be theinmate of hellfire, to live in there forever.
Then on the Day of Judgment He will humiliate them and say:"Where are those deities you associated with Me concerning whomyou used to dispute with the true believers?" Those who have beengiven knowledge will say: "Today there will be shame and sorrowfor the unbelievers,"
- those whom the angels cause to die while they were stillengaged in doing injustice to their own souls. At the time ofdeath they offer submission, saying: "We were not doing anythingwrong." The angels will reply: "O Yea! How dare you deny!Certainly Allah is aware of what you were doing.
Now go ahead and enter the gates of Hell, there you will abideforever." In fact, very awful will be the abode of the arrogant.
Do you intend to ask questions from your Rasool (Muhammad) asMusa (Moses) was questioned before? But whoever barters belieffor unbelief, he indeed has lost the direction of the Right Way.
O Prophet, tell the believers to bear with those who do not fearthe coming of the bad days from Allah, so that He may Himselfrecompense those people according to what they have earned.
O Rasool! Do not grieve for those who plunge headlong intounbelief; those who say with their tongues: We believe, but haveno faith in their hearts; and do not grieve for those Jews, wholisten to lies and spy for other people who had never come toyou. They tamper with the words of Allah and take them out oftheir context and say: "If you are given such and suchcommandment, accept it; but if it is other than this, reject it."If Allah intends to put anyone to trial, you have no authority inthe least to save him from Allah. Such people are those whosehearts Allah does not desire to purify; they will havehumiliation in this world and a grievous punishment in theHereafter.
That is because they listen to falsehood and eat what isforbidden. Therefore, if they come to you with their cases, youmay judge between them or refuse to do so. Even if you refuse,they will not be able to harm you the least, but if you do act asa judge, judge between them with fairness, for Allah loves thosewho judge with fairness.
O Rasool! Do not grieve for those who plunge headlong intounbelief; those who say with their tongues: We believe, but haveno faith in their hearts; and do not grieve for those Jews, wholisten to lies and spy for other people who had never come toyou. They tamper with the words of Allah and take them out oftheir context and say: "If you are given such and suchcommandment, accept it; but if it is other than this, reject it."If Allah intends to put anyone to trial, you have no authority inthe least to save him from Allah. Such people are those whosehearts Allah does not desire to purify; they will havehumiliation in this world and a grievous punishment in theHereafter.
That is because they listen to falsehood and eat what isforbidden. Therefore, if they come to you with their cases, youmay judge between them or refuse to do so. Even if you refuse,they will not be able to harm you the least, but if you do act asa judge, judge between them with fairness, for Allah loves thosewho judge with fairness.
As for those who accept the faith then renounce it, who againembrace it and again deny it and go on increasing in unbelief;Allah will neither forgive them nor guide them to the Right Way.
O Muhammad, let not those who rush headlong into unbelief grieveyou; surely they can do absolutely no harm to Allah. Allahintends to give them no share in the Hereafter. They shall have agrievous punishment.
On that Day when the disbelievers will be brought before thefire, they will be told: "You squandered away your good things inyour earthly life and you enjoyed them for a while. Today youshall be recompensed with a punishment of humiliation because youbehaved with arrogance for which you had no right during yourlife on earth and because of the transgressions you committed."
When Our judgement came to pass, We delivered Shu'aib and thosewho believed with him through Our special mercy. A mighty blastseized the wrongdoers and they lay dead with their faces down intheir homes by the morning,
as if they had never flourished there. Behold! Like Thamud, goneare the people of Median!
Those who barter away faith for unbelief will in no way harmAllah. They shall have a painful punishment.
The reasons which prevent their contributions from being acceptedare: that they disbelieve in Allah and His Rasool, that they cometo offer Salah but reluctantly, and that they offer contributionsbut unwillingly.
Let neither their wealth nor their children dazzle you: inreality Allah intends to punish them with these things in thislife and that their souls may depart while they are stillunbelievers.
As for those who rejected the Divine Revelations, there have beenmany examples before you; therefore, travel through the earth andsee what was the end of those who rejected the truth.
The example of these two kinds of people is like two men, one ofwhom is blind and deaf, and the other who can see and hear. Arethey equal when compared? Will you not then learn a lesson fromthis example?
There are others who built a Masjid for mischievous motives(Masjid-e-Zirar), to spread disbelief and to disunite thebelievers, and an outpost for one (Abu 'Amir) who had made waragainst Allah and His Rasool before. They will indeed swear thattheir intentions are nothing but good; but Allah declares thatthey are absolute liars.
You should never stand to offer Salah in it. Certainly the Masjidfounded on piety from the very first day is more deserving thatyou should stand to offer Salah in it; for in it there are menwho love to be purified; and Allah loves those who purifythemselves.
Who is a better person; he who lays the foundation of hisbuilding on piety to Allah and His good pleasure, or he who laysthe foundation of his building on an undermined bank that willtumble down with him into the fire of Hell? Allah does not guidesuch wrongdoers.
The foundation of those who so build is never free from suspicionand shakiness in their hearts until their hearts are cut topieces. Allah is Knowledgeable, Wise.
On that Day the hypocrite men and hypocrite women will say to thetrue believers: "Wait for us, that we may borrow some of yourlight." But they will be told: "Go away! Seek your lightelsewhere." So a wall with a gate shall be set up between them.Inside there shall be mercy, and outside all along there shall bepunishment of hell.
They will call out the believers, saying: "Were we not on yourside?" "Yes," they will reply, "but you led yourselves intotemptation, you wavered, you doubted, and were deceived by yourvain desires until Allah's command came, while the arch-deceiver(shaitan) deceived you concerning Allah till the last moment."
They will be told, "Today no ransom shall be accepted from you,or from the unbelievers. Your abode is the fire: which you havejustly earned, and it is an evil refuge."
Fight those people of the Book (Jews and Christians) who do notbelieve in Allah and the Last Day, do not refrain from what hasbeen prohibited by Allah and His Rasool and do not embrace thereligion of truth (Al-Islam), until they pay Jizya (protectiontax) with their own hands and feel themselves subdued.
Do not obey the unbelievers and the hypocrites, disregard theirannoyances and put your trust in Allah; for Allah is sufficientas a disposer of affairs.
Therefore, when you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield smitetheir necks and, when you have thoroughly subdued them, then takeprisoners of war and bind them firmly. After the war lay down herburdens, then you have the choice whether you show them favor oraccept ransom. Thus are you commanded. If Allah wanted, HeHimself could have punished them; but He adopted this way so thatHe may test some of you by means of others. As for those who areslain in the cause of Allah, He will never let their deeds belost.
Therefore, when you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield smitetheir necks and, when you have thoroughly subdued them, then takeprisoners of war and bind them firmly. After the war lay down herburdens, then you have the choice whether you show them favor oraccept ransom. Thus are you commanded. If Allah wanted, HeHimself could have punished them; but He adopted this way so thatHe may test some of you by means of others. As for those who areslain in the cause of Allah, He will never let their deeds belost.
O believers! When the believing women seek refuge with you, testthem. Allah best knows their faith. If you find them truebelievers, do not send them back to the unbelievers. They are notlawful to the unbelievers, nor are the unbelievers lawful tothem. Return to their unbelieving husbands what they have spenton them. There is no blame on you if you marry such women,provided you give them their dowers. Do not hold on to yourmarriages with unbelieving women. Demand what you have spent onthem and let the unbelievers do the same. This is the order ofAllah which He has decreed between you. Allah is All-Knowing,All-Wise.
If you do not get back the demanded amount that you have spent onyour disbelieving wives from the unbelievers, and your turncomes, to pay the demanded amount of Muslim wives to theunbelievers, you can offset the amount and pay those whose wiveshave fled the equivalent of the amount they have spent on theirdisbelieving wives. Fear Allah, in Whom you believe.
He has already revealed for you in the Book that when you hearAllah's revelations being denied or ridiculed by people, you mustnot sit with them unless they change the topic of their talk,otherwise you shall be considered guilty like them. Rest assuredthat Allah is going to gather the hypocrites and the unbelieversall together in hell.
Those who do not expect to meet Us on the Day of Judgement say:"Why are not the angels sent down to us or why do we not see ourRabb?" Certainly they are too proud of themselves, and haverevolted in a great revolt.
On the Day when they see the angels, it will not be a Day ofrejoicing for the criminal; rather they will cry: "May there be astone barrier between us and the angels of punishment."
Then We shall turn to the deeds which they did, based on theirwrong opinions, and render them vain like blown dust.
That is why they said to those who showed an aversion to whatAllah has revealed: "We shall obey you in some matters," andAllah knows their secret talks.
Then what will they do when the angels carry off their souls,smiting their faces and their backs?
That will happen because they followed the way that called forthe wrath of Allah and hated to adopt the way of His pleasure,therefore He made all their deeds void.
Do those in whose hearts is a disease think that Allah will notreveal their malice?
Had We so pleased, We could have pointed them out to you and youwould have recognized them promptly by their faces. But you willsurely know them by the tone of their speech. Allah knows all ofyour actions.
Do they not see that We are gradually reducing the land in theircontrol through curtailing its borders? When Allah commands,there is none to reverse His command and He is swift in takingaccountability.
The fact is that We gave the good things of this life to them andtheir forefathers until they got used to these things because oftheir prolonged lives; can they not see how We gradually reducethe land which was in their control and curtail it from allsides? Do they still expect to be victorious against Us?
That is because they hate the revelations of Allah; therefore, Herendered their deeds fruitless.
The unbelievers who obstruct others from the Way of Allah anddisputed the Rasool after the guidance has become clear to themshall in no way harm Allah; as a result, he will bring theirdeeds to nothing.
"Have not the unbelievers been fully rewarded for what they usedto do?"
Say: "Our Rabb will bring us all together, then He will rightlyjudge between us. He is the Judge Who knows everything."
As for he who disbelieves, let not his disbelief grieve you. ToUs is their return and We shall inform them the reality of theirdeeds; surely Allah knows the secrets of the breasts.
We let them enjoy for a while this life, then in the hereafter Weshall drive them to an unrelenting punishment.
If you ask them: "Who has created the heavens and the earth?"They will certainly say: "Allah". Say: "Praise be to Allah!" Butthe fact is that most of them do not use their common sense tounderstand.
If We show them mercy and relieve them of their affliction, theywould obstinately persist in their rebellion, blindly wanderingto and fro;
Kill them wherever they confront you in combat and drive them outof the places from which they have driven you. Though killing isbad, creating mischief is worse than killing. Do not fight themwithin the precincts of the Sacred Mosque unless they attack youthere; but if they attack you put them to the sword; that is thepunishment for such unbelievers.
Surely those who are unbelievers and die while they areunbelievers, they are the ones on whom is the curse of Allah, theangels and all mankind,
they will live in it forever; neither their punishment shall belightened nor shall they be given respite.
As to those who are unbelievers and die while they wereunbelievers, if they were to fill the whole earth with gold andoffer as a ransom for each one of them, that will not beaccepted. These are the ones who shall have the painfulpunishment, and shall have no helpers.
There is no repentance for those who persist in their evil deedsuntil death approaches anyone of them and he says: "surely now Irepent." Similarly, there is no repentance for those who diewhile they were still unbelievers; for them We have prepared apainful punishment.
Those who disbelieve and obstruct the Way of Allah and die whilethey were still disbelievers, Allah will never forgive them.
O Muhammad We know it well that what they say grieves you: it isnot you that they deny, these wrongdoers actually deny therevelations of Allah.
Many Rasools before you were denied but patiently bore with theirdenial and persecution until Our help came down to them: for nonecan change the decrees of Allah. You have already received thenews of what happened to those Rasools.
If you find their aversion hard to bear, then see if you can makea tunnel in the ground or put a ladder to ascend in the skies bywhich you can bring them a sign. O Prophet, you know well that ifAllah wanted, He would have given guidance to all. So do not belike the ignorant.
Therefore be patient with what they say. Glorify your Rabb withHis praise before sunrise and before sunset, glorify Him duringthe hours of the night as well as at the ends of the day, so thatyou may find satisfaction.
They say: "Our Rabb, hasten our doom for us before the Day ofReckoning."
O Prophet, have patience at what they say, and remember Ourservant Dawood, the man of strength, who was frequent in turningto Allah for guidance.
Therefore, O Prophet, bear with them in patience whatever theysay, and keep on glorifying your Rabb before sunrise and beforesunset.
Bear patiently with what they say and leave their company in apolite manner.
Let me deal with rejecters who are enjoying the comforts of thislife, so put up with them for a while.
We have in store for them heavy fetters and a blazing fire,
choking food and a painful punishment.
On the day when the earth with all it's mountains will be in aviolent commotion, and the mountains will crumble into heaps ofshifting sand.
Tell them: "On the Day of Judgement it will be of no benefit tothe unbelievers even if they believe, since at that time theywill not be granted a respite".
Leave them alone to eat and enjoy themselves and be deluded byfalse hopes, for soon they will find out the Truth.
O Qureysh, are your unbelievers better than they were, or haveyou been granted an immunity in the Sacred Books?
Or, do they say: "Acting together, we can defend ourselves?"
Soon will their multitude be routed and put to flight.
Nay! The Hour of Judgment is the time promised to deal with them.That hour will be the most grievous and bitter.
Now you must have realized that it was the Shaitan who was tryingto prompt you to fear his followers. But have no fear of them.Fear Me, if you are true believers.
You are forbidden to eat the meat of any animal that dies byitself (dead body), blood, the flesh of swine (pork) and that onwhich any name other than Allah has been invoked; also that whichis strangled to death , killed by a violent blow, killed by aheadlong fall and of those beaten or gored to death; and thatwhich has been partly eaten by a wild animal unless you are ableto slaughter it before its death; also that which is sacrificedon altars or is divided by raffling of arrows. All these aresinful acts. Today the unbelievers have given up all their hopeof vanquishing your religion. Have no fear of them, fear Me.Today I have perfected your religion for you, completed my favorupon you and approved Al-Islam as a Deen (way of life for you).Anyone who is compelled by hunger to eat what is forbidden, notintending to commit sin, will find Allah Forgiving, Merciful.
Will you not fight against those people who have broken theiroaths, conspired to expel the Rasool and were the first to attackyou? Do you fear them? Nay, it is Allah Who is more deserving ofyour fear, if you are true believers.
O believers, fight them until there is no more mischief and theDeen of Allah (way of life prescribed by Allah) is establishedcompletely; but if they do stop from mischief, then surely Allahis observant of all their actions.
If they give no heed, then you should know that Allah is yourprotector. He is the best to protect and the best to help.
But if they violate their treaty once they have sworn it andinsult your Deen, then fight with the ringleaders of the unbelief- for their oaths are nothing to them - so that they may bestopped.
Will you not fight against those people who have broken theiroaths, conspired to expel the Rasool and were the first to attackyou? Do you fear them? Nay, it is Allah Who is more deserving ofyour fear, if you are true believers.
Fight them; Allah will punish them by your hands and humiliatethem. He will grant you victory over them and soothe the heartsof a believing people.
He will take away all rancor from their hearts. Allah shows mercyto whom He pleases, and Allah is All-Knowledgeable, All-Wise.
Do you think that you will be left alone (without trial)? WhileAllah has not yet demonstrated which of you had exerted yourutmost struggle (in the path of Allah) and did not take anyintimate friends other than Allah, His Rasool and the believers?Allah is well aware of all your actions.
O believers! Fight the unbelievers who hem you in, to let themknow how tough you are; you should know that Allah is on the sideof the Godfearing.
But if they violate their treaty once they have sworn it andinsult your Deen, then fight with the ringleaders of the unbelief- for their oaths are nothing to them - so that they may bestopped.
O Prophet! Make Jihad against the unbelievers and the hypocritesand be firm against them. Hell shall be their home; and it is theworst of all homes.
O believers! Fight the unbelievers who hem you in, to let themknow how tough you are; you should know that Allah is on the sideof the Godfearing.
Muhammad, the Rasool of Allah, and those with him are strongagainst the unbelievers and compassionate to each other amongthemselves. When you see them, you will find them making Rakuh(bowing down) and Sajud (prostrate in prayers), and craving forthe blessings from Allah and His good pleasure. They have mark ofSajud (prostration) on their foreheads, the traces of theirprostration. This is their similitude in the Taurat (Torah); andtheir similitude in the Injeel (Gospel): they are like the seedwhich puts forth its sprout, then strengthens it, then becomesthick and stands firmly on its stem, delighting the sowers of theseed, so that through them He may enrage the unbelievers. Yet tothose of them who will believe and do good deeds, Allah haspromised forgiveness and a great reward.
and I am commanded to be the first of those who submit to Allahin Islam."
O Muhammad, tell them: "I am forbidden to worship those whom youcall upon besides Allah." Say: "I am not going to follow yourwishes: if I do, I would be lost and cease to be from the rightlyguided."
With these instructions, We have revealed this commandment in theArabic language. Now, if you follow their vain desires after realknowledge has come to you, there will be none to save you orprotect you against the wrath of Allah.
O Prophet, tell the believers to bear with those who do not fearthe coming of the bad days from Allah, so that He may Himselfrecompense those people according to what they have earned.
None dispute the revelations of Allah but those who disbelieve;so let not their affluent activity in the land deceive you.
Let not the believers make unbelievers their protectors ratherthan the believers; anyone who does so will have nothing to hopefor from Allah - except if you do so as a precaution to guardyourselves against their tyranny. Anyhow, Allah warns you to fearHim: because with Allah is your final refuge.
O believers! Do not choose unbelievers to be your protectingfriends instead of believers. Would you like to furnish Allah aclear proof against yourselves?
O believers! Do not make your protecting friends those, fromamong the people who were given the Book before you and theunbelievers, who have made your religion a mockery or pastime,fear Allah if you are true believers.
Have you not seen the ones who have befriended those people whoare under the wrath of Allah? They are neither on your side noryet on theirs and they knowingly swear to falsehood.
Allah has prepared for them a severe punishment; evil indeed iswhat they are doing.
They use their oaths as shields, and debar others from the Way ofAllah. They shall have a humiliating punishment.
Neither their riches nor their sons shall avail them anythingagainst Allah. They shall be the inmates of hell and live thereforever.
On the Day when Allah will raise them all to life, they willswear to Him as they now swear to you, thinking that their oathswill help them. By no means! Surely they are the liars.
Shaitan has gained possession of them, and caused them to forgetAllah's warning. They are the party of shaitan. Beware! Surely itis the party of shaitan that shall be the loser.
Let not the believers make unbelievers their protectors ratherthan the believers; anyone who does so will have nothing to hopefor from Allah - except if you do so as a precaution to guardyourselves against their tyranny. Anyhow, Allah warns you to fearHim: because with Allah is your final refuge.
who choose the unbelievers to be their protectors rather thanbelievers. Are they seeking honor in being with them? Whereas allhonor belongs to Allah Alone.
O believers! Do not choose unbelievers to be your protectingfriends instead of believers. Would you like to furnish Allah aclear proof against yourselves?
As you can see many of them are taking the side of theunbelievers. Evil is that, which their souls have sent forth forthem for the Hereafter. Because they have incurred the wrath ofAllah, so in punishment, they are going to live forever.
Had they believed in Allah, in the Prophet, and in what wasrevealed to him, they would have never taken unbelievers as theirprotecting friends instead of believers, but most of them arerebellious transgressors.
It is not for the mushrikin to maintain the mosques of Allahwhile they bear witness against themselves about their unbelief.It is they whose deeds are in vain and in the hellfire shall theylive forever.
As for the unbelievers, their deeds will disappear like a miragein a sandy desert, which the thirsty traveller thinks to bewater, but when he comes near, he finds it to be nothing, insteadhe finds Allah to settle his account - Allah is swift in settlingaccounts.
Then We shall turn to the deeds which they did, based on theirwrong opinions, and render them vain like blown dust.
Beyond them there lies hell, and nothing of what they have earnedin this world will be of any benefit to them, nor those whom theyhave taken as their protectors besides Allah, and they shall havegrievous punishment.
Leave Me and the one (Walid bin Mughirah, a staunch opponent ofthe Prophet) whom I created, alone.
I gave him abundant resources,
thriving sons,
and made his life smooth and comfortable.
Yet he hopes that I shall give him more.
By no means! Because he has stubbornly denied Our revelations.
Soon I shall make him suffer mounting calamities,
surely he pondered and devised a plot.
May he perish, how he plotted!
Again, may he perish, how he plotted!
He looked around,
frowned and scowled,
then he turned his back in scornful pride
and said: "This is nothing but counterfeited magic,
this is nothing but the word of a human being."
Soon I shall cast him into Saqar.
What will make you understand, what Saqar is?
It is burning fire which leaves nothing and spares none.
It shrivels human flesh.
It is guarded by nineteen guards.
Let not the believers make unbelievers their protectors ratherthan the believers; anyone who does so will have nothing to hopefor from Allah - except if you do so as a precaution to guardyourselves against their tyranny. Anyhow, Allah warns you to fearHim: because with Allah is your final refuge.
Therefore be not in haste against them, their days are numbered.
Do they not see that We are gradually reducing the land in theircontrol through curtailing its borders? When Allah commands,there is none to reverse His command and He is swift in takingaccountability.
The fact is that We gave the good things of this life to them andtheir forefathers until they got used to these things because oftheir prolonged lives; can they not see how We gradually reducethe land which was in their control and curtail it from allsides? Do they still expect to be victorious against Us?
Fight against them until there is no more disorder and Allah'ssupremacy is established. If they desist, let there be nohostility except against the oppressors.
Do not obey the unbelievers and the hypocrites, disregard theirannoyances and put your trust in Allah; for Allah is sufficientas a disposer of affairs.
Like this Rasool, We had granted each Rasool his opponents -shaitans from among the human beings and Jinns - some of theminspire the others with seductive discourses of deception. Ifyour Rabb wanted, they would not have done so. Therefore, neglectthem as well as what they invent,
Therefore, when you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield smitetheir necks and, when you have thoroughly subdued them, then takeprisoners of war and bind them firmly. After the war lay down herburdens, then you have the choice whether you show them favor oraccept ransom. Thus are you commanded. If Allah wanted, HeHimself could have punished them; but He adopted this way so thatHe may test some of you by means of others. As for those who areslain in the cause of Allah, He will never let their deeds belost.
Allah does not forbid you to be kind and equitable to those whohad neither fought against your faith nor driven you out of yourhomes. In fact Allah loves the equitable.
So We opened the gates of heaven with pouring rain
and caused the earth to burst with gushing springs, and thewaters met to fulfill the decreed end.
We carried him in an Ark built with planks and nails,
which drifted on under Our care: a reward for him (Noah) who wasdenied by the unbelievers.
We have left that Ark as a sign, so is there any who would takeadmonition?
How terrible was My scourge and how clear My warning!
If the hypocrites, those in whose hearts is malice and thescandal mongers of Madinah do not desist; We shall rouse youagainst them, and their days in the city - as your neighbors -will be numbered.
They shall be cursed wherever they are found and they shall beseized and killed mercilessly.
O Prophet! Make Jihad (struggle including war) against theunbelievers and the hypocrites and deal sternly with them. Hellshall be their home, and that is an evil abode!
O Prophet! Fear Allah and do not obey the unbelievers and thehypocrites: certainly Allah is aware and wise.
O Prophet! Make Jihad (struggle including war) against theunbelievers and the hypocrites and deal sternly with them. Hellshall be their home, and that is an evil abode!
Do not obey the unbelievers and the hypocrites, disregard theirannoyances and put your trust in Allah; for Allah is sufficientas a disposer of affairs.
When Our Clear Revelations are recited to them the unbelieverssay to the believer: "Which one, of the two of us, have finedwelling and better companions?"
Don't they see, how many generations have We destroyed beforethem, who were far greater in riches and in splendor?
Tell them: "Anyone who has gone astray, the Compassionate (Allah)prolongs his respite and extends an opportunity until they seeabout which they were warned; - be it a worldly scourge or theHour of Doom - then they will realize whose is the worst dwellingand whose are the weak companions?
O believers! If you yield to the unbelievers they will drag youback to unbelief and you will become the losers.
therefore, do not yield to the unbelievers, and make Jihad(strive) against them with this Qur'an, a mighty Jihad (strenuousstriving).
That Day, when their faces will roll about in the fire, they willsay: "Woe to us! Would that we had obeyed Allah and obeyed theRasool."
They will further say: "Our Rabb! We obeyed our chiefs and ourgreat ones and they misled us from the Right Way.
Our Rabb! Give them double punishment and lay on them a mightycurse."
So do not yield to the unbelievers.
They desire you to compromise a little, so they too wouldcompromise.
Neither yield to any mean oath-monger,
mischief making slanderer,
opponent of good, transgressor,
wicked oppressor, and above all, ignoble by birth,
though he be possessing wealth and children.
When Our revelations are recited to him , he says: "They arenothing but the tales of the ancient."
Soon We shall brand him on the snout.
therefore, await with patience the command of your Rabb and donot yield to any sinner or disbeliever from among theunbelievers.
Bear patiently with what they say and leave their company in apolite manner.
Have they not heard the news of those who have gone before them?The people of Nuh (Noah), Ad and Thamud; the people of Ibrahim(Abraham), the men of Madyan and the cities which wereoverthrown. Their Rasools came to them with clear warnings; butthey did not listen, Allah did not wrong them, but they wrongedtheir own souls.
O Muhammad We know it well that what they say grieves you: it isnot you that they deny, these wrongdoers actually deny therevelations of Allah.
Many Rasools before you were denied but patiently bore with theirdenial and persecution until Our help came down to them: for nonecan change the decrees of Allah. You have already received thenews of what happened to those Rasools.
If you find their aversion hard to bear, then see if you can makea tunnel in the ground or put a ladder to ascend in the skies bywhich you can bring them a sign. O Prophet, you know well that ifAllah wanted, He would have given guidance to all. So do not belike the ignorant.
Therefore be patient with what they say. Glorify your Rabb withHis praise before sunrise and before sunset, glorify Him duringthe hours of the night as well as at the ends of the day, so thatyou may find satisfaction.
They say: "Our Rabb, hasten our doom for us before the Day ofReckoning."
O Prophet, have patience at what they say, and remember Ourservant Dawood, the man of strength, who was frequent in turningto Allah for guidance.
Therefore, bear with them with patience, as did the Rasoolsendowed with firmness of purpose before you, and do not be inhaste about them. On the Day when they shall see that which theyare being threatened with, their life on earth will seem to themas if they had lived no more than an hour of a day. The Messageof forewarning has been conveyed. Shall any be destroyed exceptthe transgressors?
Therefore, O Prophet, bear with them in patience whatever theysay, and keep on glorifying your Rabb before sunrise and beforesunset.
So wait with patience for the Judgement of your Rabb and be notlike the man of the fish (reference is to the Prophet Jonah whowas swallowed by a whale), who cried when he was in distress.
Had his Rabb not bestowed on him His grace, he would certainlyhave been cast off on the naked shore, while he was condemned.
Therefore, endure with graceful patience.
They see it (Day of Judgement) to be far-off:
but We see it quite near.
Bear patiently with what they say and leave their company in apolite manner.
Let me deal with rejecters who are enjoying the comforts of thislife, so put up with them for a while.
We have in store for them heavy fetters and a blazing fire,
choking food and a painful punishment.
On the day when the earth with all it's mountains will be in aviolent commotion, and the mountains will crumble into heaps ofshifting sand.
Therefore, do not be fainthearted crying for peace, for you willsurely gain the upper hand. Allah is on your side and will neverlet your deeds be wasted.
Surely those who disbelieve from among the people of the Book andthe Mushrikin shall be in fire of hell, to dwell therein forever.They are the worst of all creatures.
They hatched their plots but their plots were well within thesight of Allah, even though these were such which could movemountains.
Then, when he brought them the truth from Us, they said: "Killthe sons of those who share his faith and spare only theirfemales." But futile were the schemes of the unbelievers.
Those unbelievers who have passed before them also devised plots;but Allah is the Master of all planning. He knows the actions ofevery soul. Soon the unbelievers will come to know who will getthe home of paradise in the hereafter.
Also imagine when the dwellers of fire will ask the Keepers ofhell: "Pray to your Rabb for relieving our punishment at leastfor one day!"
The Keepers of hell will ask: "Did there not come to you Rasoolswith clear revelations?" "Yes," they will answer. The Keepers ofhell will say: "Then pray yourselves." But vain shall be theprayer of the disbelievers.
Allah does not burden any human being with more than he can bear.Everyone will enjoy the credit of his deeds and suffer the debitsof his evil-doings.The believers say: "Our Rabb! Do notpunish us if we forget or make a mistake. Our Rabb! Do not placeon us a burden as You placed on those before us. Our Rabb! Laynot on us the kind of burden that we have no strength to bear.Pardon us, Forgive us, Have mercy on us. You are our Protector,help us against the unbelievers."
Nevertheless, a group of them deliberately conceal the truth. Thetruth is from your Rabb; therefore, you should never be among thedoubters.
O believers! Prepare yourselves for encounter, then advance indetachments or all together as the occasion may require.
When you, O Muhammad, are with them, leading their Salah (prayerin the state of war), let one party of them stand up to pray withyou, armed with their weapons. After they finish theirprostrations, let them withdraw to the rear and let the otherparty who have not yet prayed come forward to pray with you; andlet them also be on their guard, armed with their weapons. Theunbelievers wish to see you neglect your arms and your baggage,so that they could suddenly attack to overpower you all in onestroke. However, there is no blame on you if you lay aside yourarms because of heavy rain or because you are sick, but youshould still be on your guard. Allah has prepared a humiliatingpunishment for the unbelievers.
Surely neither their wealth nor their children will save theunbelievers from the wrath of Allah: they are the ones who willbecome the fuel for Hell fire.
Surely for those who are unbelievers, neither their wealth northeir children shall in the least protect them from the wrath ofAllah; they will be the inmates of hellfire and live thereinforever.
Let neither their wealth nor their children dazzle you: inreality Allah intends to punish them with these things in thislife and that their souls may depart while they are stillunbelievers.
Let neither their wealth nor their children dazzle you. Throughthese Allah wants to punish them in this world and let theirsouls depart while they are still disbelievers.
This is because Allah is the Protector of the believers while theunbelievers have no protector.
- and sent forth Our Rasools one after another: every time aRasool came to his people, they disbelieved him, so We punishedthem one by one and made them a history; so gone is the nation ofdisbelievers.
Allah has indeed helped you in many battlefields and (recently)on the day of Hunain: when you were proud of your great numbers(the Muslim army was 12,000 strong and the unbelievers were only4,000), but the numbers availed you nothing. The earth, with allits vastness, seemed to close in upon you, and you turned yourbacks and fled.
But Allah sent down His sakeenah (peace and tranquility) upon HisRasool and the believers and sent down to your aid those forceswhich you could not see, and punished the unbelievers. Thus wasthe recompense for the unbelievers.
When Our revelations are recited to them with all their clarity,you can notice a denial on the faces of the unbelievers. They canbarely restrain themselves from assaulting those who recite Ourrevelations. Say to them: "Shall I tell you something which isfar worse than that? It is the fire of hell, which Allah haspromised to those who reject the truth; what an evil abode itwill be!"
You (O Muhammad) never expected that the Book would be revealedto you. Only through your Rabb's mercy has it been revealed toyou: therefore do not be a helper in any way to the unbelievers.
But if they violate their treaty once they have sworn it andinsult your Deen, then fight with the ringleaders of the unbelief- for their oaths are nothing to them - so that they may bestopped.
If you have to retaliate, let your retaliation be commensuratewith the wrong which was done to you; but if you endure withpatience, the best reward indeed is for those who endure withpatience.
How is it that when you are afflicted with a loss, after youyourselves had inflicted losses twice as heavy upon your enemy inthe battle of Badr, you exclaimed: "Whose fault was that?" Say tothem: "It was your own fault," Allah has power over everything.
Surely neither their wealth nor their children will save theunbelievers from the wrath of Allah: they are the ones who willbecome the fuel for Hell fire.
Surely for those who are unbelievers, neither their wealth northeir children shall in the least protect them from the wrath ofAllah; they will be the inmates of hellfire and live thereinforever.
If you should die or get killed in the cause of Allah, Hisforgiveness and mercy will be far better than all the riches youcould gather.
who choose the unbelievers to be their protectors rather thanbelievers. Are they seeking honor in being with them? Whereas allhonor belongs to Allah Alone.
When you travel in the earth, there is no blame on you if youshorten your prayers, especially when you fear that theunbelievers may attack you, since the unbelievers are your openenemies.
When you, O Muhammad, are with them, leading their Salah (prayerin the state of war), let one party of them stand up to pray withyou, armed with their weapons. After they finish theirprostrations, let them withdraw to the rear and let the otherparty who have not yet prayed come forward to pray with you; andlet them also be on their guard, armed with their weapons. Theunbelievers wish to see you neglect your arms and your baggage,so that they could suddenly attack to overpower you all in onestroke. However, there is no blame on you if you lay aside yourarms because of heavy rain or because you are sick, but youshould still be on your guard. Allah has prepared a humiliatingpunishment for the unbelievers.
When you finish your Salah (prayers) remember Allah whether youare standing, sitting or reclining; then as soon as you are safe(out of danger) establish regular Salah in full. Surely Salah aremade obligatory for the believers at their prescribed times.
Kill them wherever they confront you in combat and drive them outof the places from which they have driven you. Though killing isbad, creating mischief is worse than killing. Do not fight themwithin the precincts of the Sacred Mosque unless they attack youthere; but if they attack you put them to the sword; that is thepunishment for such unbelievers.
Therefore, when you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield smitetheir necks and, when you have thoroughly subdued them, then takeprisoners of war and bind them firmly. After the war lay down herburdens, then you have the choice whether you show them favor oraccept ransom. Thus are you commanded. If Allah wanted, HeHimself could have punished them; but He adopted this way so thatHe may test some of you by means of others. As for those who areslain in the cause of Allah, He will never let their deeds belost.
What they spend in this life (hypocritical charity) may becompared to a freezing wind which strikes and destroys thetillage of people who have wronged themselves (it is the lack offaith which makes their reward null and void); Allah is notunjust to them; it is they who have done injustice to their ownsouls.
O believers! Whoever among you renounce Islam let him do so; soonAllah will replace them with others whom He will love and theywill love Him, who will be humble towards the believers, mightyagainst the unbelievers, striving hard in the way of Allah, andwill have no fear of reproach from any critic. Now this is thegrace of Allah which He bestows on whom He pleases. Allah hasboundless knowledge.
If you encounter them in combat, make them a fearsome example forothers who would follow them so that they all may learn a lesson.
Those who do not expect to meet Us on the Day of Judgement say:"Why are not the angels sent down to us or why do we not see ourRabb?" Certainly they are too proud of themselves, and haverevolted in a great revolt.
On the Day when they see the angels, it will not be a Day ofrejoicing for the criminal; rather they will cry: "May there be astone barrier between us and the angels of punishment."
Then We shall turn to the deeds which they did, based on theirwrong opinions, and render them vain like blown dust.
O believers! Do not violate the sanctity of the Symbols of Allah:the Sacred Month , the animals brought for sacrifice, thegarlands that mark such animals, and those people visiting theSacred House (Ka'bah) to seek the grace and good pleasure oftheir Rabb. When you put off your Ihram (pilgrimage is over) thenyou are allowed to hunt. Let not the hatred of some people - whoonce hindered you from the Sacred Mosque - incite you to committransgression. Cooperate with one another in righteousness andpiety, and do not cooperate in sin and transgression. Have fearof Allah. Allah is stern in punishment.
Therefore, pay no heed to them, and wait as they are waiting.
So give no heed to them for a while;
you will see their downfall as they shall see your victory.
Do they wish to hurry on Our punishment?
But dreadful will be that morning, when it will descend in thecourtyards of those who have been forewarned.
So pay no heed to them for a while.
You will surely see their downfall as they shall see yourvictory.
So, O Prophet, ignore them; you are not at fault.
and profound wisdom to serve as a warning, but warnings are of nouse to these people.
Therefore, O Prophet, let them be. On the Day when the callerwill call them to a terrible event.
These hypocrites are the ones who wait and watch to see how thewind blows. If Allah grants you a victory, they say: "Were we notwith you?" And if the unbelievers gain success, they will say tothem: "Were we not strong enough to fight against you? Yet weprotected you from the believers (Muslims)." Allah will judgebetween you and them on the Day of Resurrection. Allah will notleave the way for the unbelievers to triumph over the believers.
O believers! When you encounter an enemy in a combat, be firm andfrequently remember Allah so that you may be successful.
Obey Allah and His Rasool and do not argue with one another, lestyou lose courage and weaken your strength. Show patience, surelyAllah is on the side of the patient.
Surely neither their wealth nor their children will save theunbelievers from the wrath of Allah: they are the ones who willbecome the fuel for Hell fire.
Surely for those who are unbelievers, neither their wealth northeir children shall in the least protect them from the wrath ofAllah; they will be the inmates of hellfire and live thereinforever.
If you should die or get killed in the cause of Allah, Hisforgiveness and mercy will be far better than all the riches youcould gather.
We have already sent down to you revelations giving you clearguidance and cited examples of those people who passed awaybefore you to serve as a warning and an admonition for therighteous people.
Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The parable ofHis Light is as if there were a Niche, in which there is a lamp,the lamp is enclosed in crystal, the crystal is of a starlikebrilliance, it is lit with the olive oil from a blessed olivetree which is neither eastern nor western, its very oil wouldalmost be luminous though no fire touched it - as though all themeans of increasing Light upon Light are provided - Allah guidesto His Light whom He pleases. Allah cites such parables to makeHis message clear to the people; and Allah has knowledge ofeverything.
His Light is found in those houses which Allah has sanctioned tobe built for the remembrance of His name; where His praise issung, in the mornings and in the evenings again and again,
Therefore, pay no heed to them, and wait as they are waiting.
So give no heed to them for a while;
you will see their downfall as they shall see your victory.
Do they wish to hurry on Our punishment?
But dreadful will be that morning, when it will descend in thecourtyards of those who have been forewarned.
So pay no heed to them for a while.
You will surely see their downfall as they shall see yourvictory.
So, O Prophet, ignore them; you are not at fault.
and profound wisdom to serve as a warning, but warnings are of nouse to these people.
Therefore, O Prophet, let them be. On the Day when the callerwill call them to a terrible event.
When Our Clear Revelations are recited to them the unbelieverssay to the believer: "Which one, of the two of us, have finedwelling and better companions?"
Don't they see, how many generations have We destroyed beforethem, who were far greater in riches and in splendor?
Tell them: "Anyone who has gone astray, the Compassionate (Allah)prolongs his respite and extends an opportunity until they seeabout which they were warned; - be it a worldly scourge or theHour of Doom - then they will realize whose is the worst dwellingand whose are the weak companions?
They say: "Our hearts are in secure wrappers;" but the fact ofthe matter is that Allah has cursed them for their disbelief, solittle is that which they believe.
Ridiculous is the price for which they have sold away theirsouls, that they deny Allah's revelation merely because of theirgrudge, that Allah should send His grace (on an Israelite ratherthan ) on whom He pleases from His servants (Muhammad)! They havedrawn on themselves wrath upon wrath, and for such disbelieversthere is a disgraceful punishment.
Let them know that whoever is an enemy to Allah, His angels, HisRasools, Jibra'el (Gabriel) and Mika'el (Michael); Allah is anenemy to such unbelievers.
and accepted what the shaitans falsely attributed to the kingdomof Sulaiman; not that Sulaiman was an unbeliever, it was theshaitans who were unbelievers: they taught witchcraft to thepeople and that which was revealed to the two angels, Harut andMarut in the city of Babylon. Yet these two angels never taughtmagic to anyone without saying: "We have been sent to tempt you;do not renounce your faith." Inspite of this warning those peoplekept on learning, from the angels, the magic which could causediscord between husband and wife; although they could harm nonewith it except with Allah's permission. They learned, indeed,what harmed them and did not profit them; even though they knewfully well that the buyers of magic would have no share in thehappiness of the Hereafter. Surely, they sold their souls for abad price, if they could understand it!
If they would have believed (accepted Islam) and kept themselvesaway from evil, there would have been a better reward from Allah,if they could understand it!
O Believers, do not say to our Rasool: "Ra'ina" (an ambiguousword for: "Listen, may you become deaf" or "Our shepherd" or inJudeo-Arabic language conveys the sense, "our evil one.") But say"Unzurna" ("look upon" us "or pay attention" to us) and listen tohim carefully; and remember that there is a painful punishmentfor the unbelievers.
Ibrahim said: "My Rabb make this (Makkah) a secure town andprovide its people with plenty of food from fruits, those of themwho believe in Allah and the Last Day." He answered, "As forthose who do not, I shall also provide for them in this life,though in the Hereafter I shall drag them to the torture ofHellfire and it is an evil destination indeed!"
Surely those who are unbelievers and die while they areunbelievers, they are the ones on whom is the curse of Allah, theangels and all mankind,
they will live in it forever; neither their punishment shall belightened nor shall they be given respite.
The parable of those who reject faith is like the cattle which,call out to them as one may, hear nothing but a shout and a crysince they are unable to understand; they are deaf, dumb andblind, and understand nothing.
Allah is the Wali (Protector) of those who believe, He bringsthem out of the depth of darkness and lead them into the light.As for the unbelievers, whose wali (protector) is Taghut (forcesof Shaitan), he takes them out of the light and leads them intothe depths of darkness. As a result they will become thecompanions of the Hell fire and shall live therein forever.
Have you ever reflected upon the one (Namrud), to whom Allah hadgiven him kingdom, who argued with Ibrahim (Abraham) about hisRabb. When Ibrahim said: "My Rabb is He Who has power to givelife and to cause death." He replied: "I too have the power togive life and to cause death." Ibrahim said: "Well, Allah causesthe sun to rise from the east; just make it rise from the west."Thus the unbeliever was confounded; Allah does not guide theevildoers.
O believers! Do not make your charity worthless by reminders ofyour generosity or by injury to the recipients feelings, likethose who spend their wealth to be seen by people and believeneither in Allah nor in the Last Day. Their parable is like ahard barren rock covered with thin layer of soil; a heavy rainfalls, leaving it just a bare stone. Such people will not gainany reward that they thought they had earned. Allah does notguide the unbelievers.
Surely neither their wealth nor their children will save theunbelievers from the wrath of Allah: they are the ones who willbecome the fuel for Hell fire.
Their end will be the same as that of the people of Fir'on(Pharaoh) and their predecessors who denied Our revelations, soAllah called them to account for their sins. Allah is strict inretribution.
O Muhammad, say to the unbelievers: "Soon you will be overpoweredand driven together to Hell - which is a horrible refuge.
Also tell them, "Obey Allah and His Rasool." Inspite of this, ifthey turn back then warn them, that Allah does not love thedisobedient.
As to those who are unbelievers and die while they wereunbelievers, if they were to fill the whole earth with gold andoffer as a ransom for each one of them, that will not beaccepted. These are the ones who shall have the painfulpunishment, and shall have no helpers.
In it are clear signs and the Station of Ibrahim (Abraham) wherehe used to worship. Whoever enters it is safe. Performance ofHajj (pilgrimage) to this House is a duty to Allah for all whocan afford the journey to it; and the one who disobeys thiscommandment should know that Allah is Self-sufficient, beyond theneed of anyone from the worlds.
Just think, how can you turn away from belief on theirstatements, when Allah's revelations are being recited to you andAllah's Rasool is among you? Whoever holds fast to Allah, willindeed be guided towards the Right Way.
on the Day when some faces will be brightened with joy and othersdarkened with gloom. To the dark-faced sinner it will be said:"Did you adopt the way of disbelief after embracing the TrueFaith? Then taste the punishment for having adopted the way ofdisbelief."
Guard yourself against the Fire which is prepared for theunbelievers.
and that Allah may purge the believers and annihilate theunbelievers.
Serve Allah and do not commit shirk (associate any partner) withHim, and be good to your parents, kinfolks, orphans, thehelpless, near and far neighbors who keep company with you, thetravellers in need, and the slaves you own. Allah does not lovethose who are arrogant and boastful,
who are themselves stingy and enjoin others to be stingy, whohide the bounties which Allah has bestowed on them. For suchunbelievers We have prepared a disgraceful punishment.
Just imagine how they will feel when We shall bring a witnessfrom every nation and call upon you , O Muhammad, to testifyagainst them?
On that Day (the Day of Judgement) those who rejected faith anddisobeyed the Rasool will wish that they were levelled withearth; for they will not be able to hide a single word fromAllah!
As for those who accept the faith then renounce it, who againembrace it and again deny it and go on increasing in unbelief;Allah will neither forgive them nor guide them to the Right Way.
He has already revealed for you in the Book that when you hearAllah's revelations being denied or ridiculed by people, you mustnot sit with them unless they change the topic of their talk,otherwise you shall be considered guilty like them. Rest assuredthat Allah is going to gather the hypocrites and the unbelieversall together in hell.
Those who reject faith and hinder others from the Way of Allah,have indeed strayed far away from the Path.
Surely Allah will neither forgive those who reject faith and actunjustly; nor guide them to any way
other than the path of hell, wherein they will live forever andthis is easy for Allah.
O mankind! The Rasool has brought you the Truth from your Rabb,so believe in it, it is for your own benefit. If you disbelieve,then you should know that to Allah belongs all that is in theheavens and in the earth. Allah is the Knowledgeable, Wise.
As for those who reject faith and deny Our revelations, they willbe the companions of hellfire.
As for those who are unbelievers, if they have everything thatthe earth contains or twice as much to offer as a ransom toredeem themselves from the punishment of the Day of Resurrection,it will not be accepted from them and they shall have a painfulpunishment.
They will desire to get out of the fire but will not be able todo so and they shall have an everlasting punishment.
Indeed We revealed the Taurat to Moses, in which there isguidance and light: By its laws, all the Prophets, who wereMuslims, judged those who call themselves Jews and so did therabbis and jurists of law. They were entrusted the protection ofAllah's Book and they themselves were witnesses. Have no fear ofpeople; fear Me, and do not sell My revelations for a pettyprice: those who do not judge by the law which Allah hasrevealed, are indeed kafirs (unbelievers).
O Rasool! Deliver the message which has been revealed to you fromyour Rabb, and if you do not, you are not doing justice to yourmission. Allah will protect you from the mischief of the people.Rest assured that Allah will not let the unbelievers succeedagainst you.
As for those who reject and deny Our revelations, they shallbecome the inmates of hellfire.
O Prophet, if We had sent to you a Book written on paper and theycould have touched it with their own hands, the unbelievers wouldstill have said: "This is nothing but plain sorcery!"
O Muhammad, say: "Travel through the earth and see what was theend of those who denied the truth."
Ask them: "To whom belongs all that is in the heavens and in theearth?" If they don't respond, tell them: "To Allah!" He hasdecreed mercy for Himself, that is why He does not punish you foryour misdeeds right away. He will certainly gather you alltogether on the Day of Resurrection; there is no doubt about it.Yet those who have lost their souls will not believe.
Of them there are some who pretend that they listen to you; buttheir prejudices have dulled their faculties and We have castveils over their hearts and deafness in their ears so they areunable to understand. Even if they see every one of Our Signs,they will not believe. So much so, that when they come to you,they argue with you. The unbelievers say: "These are nothing buttales of the old times."
They themselves have turned away from the truth and also forbidother people to believe in it. With such a behavior they harmnone but their own souls but they do not perceive it.
If you could witness the scene, when they will be made to standbefore the hellfire! They will say: "We wish we could return toearthly life again; then we would not deny the revelations of ourRabb, and we would join the believers!"
In fact, they will say this because they had come to know thereality which they were concealing before. As a matter of facteven if they be sent back, they would certainly repeat the samethings which they had been forbidden to do. Indeed they areliars.
They ask: "Why has a sign not been sent down to him from hisRabb?" Tell them: "Allah is surely able to send down a Sign if Hewants; but most of them do not understand the wisdom behind it."
Leave those people alone, who take their religion as mere playand amusement and are deceived by the life of this world.However, keep on admonishing them with this (The Qur'an), lesttheir souls be damned by their own sinful deeds. They will nothave any protector or intercessor to rescue them from Allah, andif they seek to offer every imaginable ransom, it shall not beaccepted from them. Such are those who are damned by their ownsinful deeds. They will get boiling water to drink and painfultorture for their rejection of the Truth.
These mushrikin solemnly swear by Allah that if a Sign came tothem they would most certainly believe in your Prophethood. Say:"All signs are vouchsafed by Allah." What should make youunderstand that if a sign comes to them they will still notbelieve?.
We will turn away their hearts and their eyes from the Truthbecause of their attitude which prompted them to disbelieve inthe first place, and We will leave them to wander in theirrebellious wrongdoing.
Even if We had sent to them the angels, made the dead speak tothem, and presented all the different things of the world beforethem as proof, they would have not believed, unless Allah wantedotherwise (and forcing someone to believe is not what He wants):Yet most of them act out of ignorance.
Like this Rasool, We had granted each Rasool his opponents -shaitans from among the human beings and Jinns - some of theminspire the others with seductive discourses of deception. Ifyour Rabb wanted, they would not have done so. Therefore, neglectthem as well as what they invent,
so that the hearts of those who do not believe in the hereaftermay be inclined to what they say, and be pleased with it; and sothat they can earn what they wish to earn.
Can a person who was dead (ignorant), and whom We raised to lifeand gave the Light to walk with among people, be like the one whois in the depths of darkness from which he can never come out?Since they treat both of them alike, the actions of theunbelievers are made lucrative to them,
Whenever there comes to them a sign (verses of The Qur'an) theysay: "We shall not believe until we are given directly that whichis given to the Rasools of Allah." Allah knows best to whom Heshould give His Message. Soon these criminals will be overtakenby humiliation and by a severe punishment from Allah for theirevil plots.
Whomever Allah wills to guide, He opens his chest to Islam andwhomever He intends to confound, He makes his chest narrow andsqueezes so tight that, at the very idea of Islam, he feel as ifhis soul is going to climb up towards the sky. That is how Allahplaces a blight on those who do not believe,
O children of Adam! Let not Shaitan seduce you in the same manneras he seduced your parents out of paradise through stripping themof their clothing in order to expose their nakedness. He and histribe watch you from where you cannot see them. We have permittedthe shaitans to be the guardians over the unbelievers.
Who can be more unjust than the one who invents a lie againstAllah or rejects His revelations? Such people will have theirdestined portion from the Book (what was written for them toreceive during their life on earth); until when Our messengers(angels of death) arrive to take away their souls, they will ask:"Where are those gods whom you used to invoke besides Allah?"They will reply: "They have forsaken us" and they will bearwitness against themselves (admit) that they were indeed kuffar(unbelievers).
Allah will say: "Enter the fire and join the nations of Jinns andmen who have gone before you." As each nation will enter hell, itwill curse its preceding sister till all are gathered there, thelast of them will say about the first one: "Our Rabb! These haveled us astray; therefore, give them double punishment of thefire." He will answer: "There will be double for all, althoughyou may not know because of being predecessor or successor in sinand aggression."
Then the first will say to the last: "If we were to blame, youtoo, were no better than us; now taste the punishment of yourmisdeeds."
Now are these people waiting for anything other than the Day ofFulfillment (Day of Judgement)? When the Day of Fulfillment willcome, those who have disregarded it, will say: "Indeed theRasools of our Rabb had come with the truth. Are there anyintercessors now, who could intercede on our behalf? Or could webe sent back so that we would not do as we have done before." Infact they would have lost their souls and the things they hadinvented will leave them in the lurch.
Do the people of these towns now feel secure from Our punishmentcoming to them by night while they might be fast asleep?
Or do the people of these towns feel secure from Our punishmentcoming to them in broad daylight while they are playing around?
Do these people feel secure against the plan of Allah? In fact,only those people feel secure from the plan of Allah who aredoomed to destruction.
Is it not a guiding lesson to those who inherit the earth afterits former occupants, that if We please, We can punish them fortheir sins and seal their hearts so they would not hear?
Those towns whose stories We related to you, can serve asexamples. Certainly their Rasools came to them with clear signs,but they persisted in their unbelief and would not believe whatthey had denied before. That's why Allah sealed the hearts ofthose unbelievers.
We did not find most of them true to their commitments rather Wefound that most of them were transgressors.
This is because they defied Allah and His Rasool. Whoever defiesAllah and His Rasool should know that Allah is strict inretribution,
that it is the reality, so taste it, and there will also be thetorture of hellfire for the unbelievers.
Surely the unbelievers spend their wealth in blocking the way ofAllah and so will they continue to spend; but in the end thesevery efforts will become the cause of their regrets; at lengththey will be defeated, and in the hereafter these unbelieverswill be gathered together and driven to hell,
in order that Allah may separate the filthy from the pure. Hewill heap the filthy one upon another, altogether, and then castthem into hell. They are the ones who will be the losers.
If you could only see the angels when they were taking away thesouls of the killed unbelievers! They were smiting their facesand their backs saying: "Taste the torment of the conflagration!
This is the punishment for what your hands have sent forth; forAllah is never unjust to His servants."
This was the same that happened to the people of Fir'on (Pharaoh)and to those that had gone before them. They also rejected therevelations of Allah and Allah seized them for their sins. SurelyAllah is Mighty and severe in punishment.
That is because Allah has never changed the blessings which Hehas bestowed on a people until they themselves changed thecondition of their souls; verily Allah hears all and knows all.
This same principle was applied to the people of Fir'on and thosewho have gone before them, they rejected the revelations of theirRabb so We destroyed them for their sins, and We drowned thepeople of Fir'on; they were all wrongdoers.
The worst of animals in the sight of Allah are those who rejectthe truth and do not become believers.
Those who make treaties with you and time after time violatetheir treaties, and have no fear of Allah.
"You have four months to go around in the land unmolested; butyou should know that you cannot frustrate the will of Allah, andthat Allah will humiliate the unbelievers."
This is a public proclamation from Allah and His Rasool to thepeople on the day of the Great Hajj (Pilgrimage) that Allah andHis Rasool do hereby dissolve treaty obligations with themushrikin. Therefore, if you repent, it will be better for youbut if you turn away, then you should know that you cannotfrustrate the Will of Allah. O Prophet, proclaim a painfulpunishment to those who are unbelievers.
Transposing a prohibited month is only an addition to unbelief,thereby the disbelievers are misguided. They make a certain monthlawful one year and in another year they make the same aforbidden month, so that they make up for the months which Allahhas sanctified, thus making lawful what Allah has forbidden.Their evil actions seem pleasing to them. Allah does not guidethe disbelieving people.
Allah has promised the hypocrite men, the hypocrite women, andthe unbelievers the fire of hell to live therein forever, asufficient recompense. Allah has cursed them and they shall havea lasting punishment.
Your behavior is just like those who have gone before you. Theywere mightier than you in power and more flourishing in wealthand children. They enjoyed their portion of this worldly life;thus have you enjoyed your portion as did those before you; andyou have entered into vain discourses as they did. Consequentlytheir deeds were fruitless in this world and in the Hereafter,and they are the ones who are the losers.
Those who remained behind (did not join the Tabuk expedition)were delighted to sit inactive behind Allah's Rasool, and theyhated to make Jihad with their goods and their persons in thecause of Allah. They said to each other "Do not go forth in theheat." Say to them: "The fire of hell is much more severe inheat." If only they could understand!
Let them laugh a little; much will they weep as a recompense forwhat they have earned.
From now on, if Allah brings you among them and any of them askyour permission to go forth for Jihad, say: "You shall never beallowed to go forth with me nor fight an enemy in my company. Youchose to sit inactive on the first occasion, therefore you shallnow stay with those who stay behind."
You shall never offer funeral prayer for any of them who dies,nor shall you attend their burial, for they have denied Allah andHis Rasool and died while they were transgressors.
Let neither their wealth nor their children dazzle you. Throughthese Allah wants to punish them in this world and let theirsouls depart while they are still disbelievers.
Whenever a Surah is revealed, saying: " Believe in Allah and makeJihad along with His Rasool," capable people among them ask youfor exemption, saying: "Please leave us with those who are tostay at home."
They preferred to be with those who remain behind, as a result, aseal was set upon their hearts so that they do not understand.
Does it seem strange to the people that We revealed Our will to aman from among themselves, saying: "Warn mankind and give thegood news to the Believers that they are on sound footing withtheir Rabb?" The disbelievers say: "This man is indeed an obviousmagician!"
To Him you shall all return. Allah's promise is true. He is theOne Who originates the process of Creation and repeats it (willbring it back to life) so that He may justly reward those whobelieved in Him and did righteous deeds. As for those whodisbelieved, they shall have boiling fluids to drink and shallundergo a painful punishment because they rejected the truth.
Thus has the Word of your Rabb proved true in regards to thetransgressors that they do not believe.
Say: "Look at whatever exists in the heavens and the earth."Signs and warnings do not benefit those people who do notbelieve.
Now are they waiting for evil days like the ones that befell thepeople who passed away before them? Say: "Wait if you will; I toowill wait with you."
When such a time comes, We rescue Our Rasools and those whobelieve - this is Our way; it is but right that We rescue thebelievers.
Even if there were a Qur'an that could move mountains, cleft theearth asunder or make the dead speak (do you think the resultwould have been different?) Surely all things are subject toAllah's command. Have not yet the believers been satisfied thatif Allah wanted, He would have certainly guided the whole ofmankind? As for the unbelievers, the disaster will not cease toafflict them every now and then or to crouch at their verydoorsteps because of their misdeeds, until the promise of Allahis fulfilled; surely Allah will not fail His promise.
As for the paradise which the righteous have been promised, it islike this: rivers flow beneath it; eternal are its fruits, andeternal are its shades; such is the reward of the righteous. Butthe reward of unbelievers is the fire.
the One to Whom belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth.Woe to the unbelievers, for they will be sternly punished.
Hell is next for him wherein he will be given festering water todrink;
he will sip, but never will be able to swallow. Death willsurround him from all sides, yet he will not die; beyond thatthere will be horrible punishment.
The parable of the deeds of those who deny their Rabb is thattheir deeds are like ashes which the wind scatters on a stormyday; they will gain nothing from their deeds, and this is tostray far away from the goal of getting back to Paradise.
Certainly We sent Rasools before you among the early nations;
but whenever a Rasool came to them, they mocked him.
Thus do We let doubt creep into the hearts of the criminals;
that they do not believe in it (The Qur'an), despite the examplesof the people who passed before them.
Even if we had opened a gate in Heaven and they ascend through itand keep on ascending,
still they would have said, 'Our eyes have been dazzled; ratherwe have been bewitched.'"
Then on the Day of Judgment He will humiliate them and say:"Where are those deities you associated with Me concerning whomyou used to dispute with the true believers?" Those who have beengiven knowledge will say: "Today there will be shame and sorrowfor the unbelievers,"
- those whom the angels cause to die while they were stillengaged in doing injustice to their own souls. At the time ofdeath they offer submission, saying: "We were not doing anythingwrong." The angels will reply: "O Yea! How dare you deny!Certainly Allah is aware of what you were doing.
Now go ahead and enter the gates of Hell, there you will abideforever." In fact, very awful will be the abode of the arrogant.
It will be fulfilled so that He may manifest to them the Truthabout which they differ, and so that the rejecters of Truth mayknow that they were indeed liars.
Do they realize what will happen on that Day when We shall call awitness from every nation? Then the unbelievers will neither beallowed to put forward any excuse nor will they receive anyfavor.
As for those who disbelieve and debar others from the Way ofAllah, We shall punish them all the more for their misdeeds.
Now your Rabb may again be merciful to you; but if you repeat thesame behavior, We will repeat the punishment, and in thehereafter, We have made hell a prison for such unbelievers.
They say: "We will not believe in you until you cause a spring togush forth from the earth for us,
or until a garden of date-palms and grapes be created for you andyou cause rivers to flow in it;
or until you cause the sky to fall upon us in pieces as you havethreatened us; or you bring Allah and the angels before us faceto face,
or a house made with gold comes into being for you; or you ascendto the sky - we shall not even believe in your ascendance untilyou bring down to us a book that we can read." O Muhammad, tellthem: "Glory be to my Rabb! Have I ever claimed to be anythingmore than a human Rasool?"
Can they not see that Allah Who has created the heavens and theearth has power to create the people like them? He has set adeadline for their lives, there is no doubt about it: yet thewrongdoers refuse to do anything except deny.
We shall spread Hell out on display before the unbelievers,
who had turned a blind eye to My admonition and a deaf ear to My warning.
Do the unbelievers think that they can take my servants as protectors, to save themselves from Hell, instead of Me? Certainly We have prepared Hell for the entertainment of such unbelievers.
O Muhammad tell them: "Should we tell you the worst kind of losers relating to their deeds?
Those whose all efforts in this worldly life had gone astray from the Right Way, but all along they were under the delusion that they were doing good deeds;
Inspite of this, the sects from among them are divided concerningJesus. So woe to the disbelievers who shall be punished afterwitnessing this Truth on the Great Day of Judgement.
They will be able to see and hear very clearly on that Day whenthey will appear before Us! But today these wrong doers, neitherwant to hear nor see the Truth and, are in manifest error.
O Muhammad, forewarn them about the Day of intense regret whenthis matter will be decided, even though at present they arepaying no heed and do not believe.
Don't you see that We have sent down to the unbelievers shaitanswho incite them against the Truth?
Therefore be not in haste against them, their days are numbered.
Have not the unbelievers ever considered that the skies and theearth were once one mass, then We split them asunder? And We havecreated every living thing from water. Will they still notbelieve?
and the time of fulfillment for the True Promise will draw near,then behold! The eyes of the unbelievers will fixedly stare inhorror: "O woe to us! We were indeed heedless of this warning;nay we were wrongdoers."
As for those who are unbelievers and debar others from the Way ofAllah and from the Masjid-al-Haram, to which We have assigned allmankind with equal rights whether they are natives or foreigners,and whoever intend to deviate from righteousness to wrongdoing inits vicinity, We will make him taste a painful punishment.
If they deny you O Muhammad, remember that before them the peopleof Nuh (Noah), 'Ad and Thamud;
the people of Ibrahim (Abraham) and Lut (Lot);
as well as the residents of Madyan had denied their Prophets,likewise Musa (Moses) was also denied. Initially, I gave respiteto all those unbelievers and then I seized them: see how terriblewas My disapproval!
How many townships, teaming with wrong doings, have We utterlydestroyed! Today they lie with their roofs fallen in, their wellsabandoned, and their lofty castles deserted.
- so that those who are endowed with knowledge may realize thatthis (Qur'an) is the Truth from your Rabb and thus believe in itand humble their hearts towards Him, and surely Allah will guidethe believers to the Straight Way.
but the unbelievers who have denied Our revelations shall receivea disgraceful punishment.
When Our revelations are recited to them with all their clarity,you can notice a denial on the faces of the unbelievers. They canbarely restrain themselves from assaulting those who recite Ourrevelations. Say to them: "Shall I tell you something which isfar worse than that? It is the fire of hell, which Allah haspromised to those who reject the truth; what an evil abode itwill be!"
Whoever invokes another god besides Allah - about whose divinityhe has no proof -he will have to give an account to his Rabb.Surely such unbelievers will never attain salvation.
Or another parable of unbelievers' efforts is that of persontrying to swim in a bottomless ocean overwhelmed with billows,one over the other, overcast with dark clouds - layers of utterdarkness one above another - so much so that if he stretches outhis hand, he can hardly see it. The one to whom Allah does notgive light, will have no light!
Allah has promised those of you who believe and do good deedsthat He will most surely make them vicegerent in the earth as Hemade their ancestors before them, and that He will establish forthem their religion, the one which He has chosen for them, andthat He will change their present state of fear into peace andsecurity. Let them worship Me Alone and not to commit shirk withMe; and if anyone rejects faith after this, it is they who arethe transgressors.
Never think that the unbelievers can frustrate anything in theland. As for them, the fire shall be their home, and that is anevil abode.
the real Kingdom on that Day will belong only to theCompassionate (Allah), a hard Day shall it be for theunbelievers.
The unbelievers ask: "Why is not the Qur'an revealed to him allin a single revelation?" This method of slow, well arranged,piecemeal revelations is adopted to strengthen your heart.
The other reason for this method is that any time they come toyou with an argument, We reveal to you the Truth and properlyexplain it.
Those who will be dragged headlong into hell shall have an evilplace to dwell in, for they had lost the Way by taking an utterlywrong stand.
Now the same people who envied him for his lot the day before,began to say: "Alas! We had forgotten that it is indeed Allah Whoenlarges the provision for whom He wills and restricts it fromwhom He pleases. If Allah had not been gracious to us, He couldhave caused the earth to swallow us too. Alas! We did notremember that the disbelievers never attain felicity."
They challenge you to hasten the scourge on them. Had a time notbeen fixed for it, the scourge would already have overtaken them.It is going to come suddenly and catch them unaware.
They challenge you to hasten the scourge, whereas hell hasalready encircled the unbelievers.
On that Day the punishment shall cover them from above and frombeneath their feet, and Allah will say: "Now taste the reward ofyour deeds."
And who is more wicked than the one who forges a lie againstAllah or rejects the Truth when it reaches him? Is not the hell afitting abode for such disbelievers?
And those who have rejected Faith, denied Our revelations and themeeting of the hereafter shall be presented for punishment.
Those who disbelieved will bear the burden of their disbelief,and those who have done good deeds will be made ready for theirhome in paradise,
so that He may, out of His mercy, reward those who have believedand done good deeds. Surely He does not like the disbelievers.
As for he who disbelieves, let not his disbelief grieve you. ToUs is their return and We shall inform them the reality of theirdeeds; surely Allah knows the secrets of the breasts.
We let them enjoy for a while this life, then in the hereafter Weshall drive them to an unrelenting punishment.
If you ask them: "Who has created the heavens and the earth?"They will certainly say: "Allah". Say: "Praise be to Allah!" Butthe fact is that most of them do not use their common sense tounderstand.
so that He may question the truthful concerning the Truth (thatthey were entrusted with): as for the unbelievers, He hasprepared a painful punishment.
Surely Allah has laid a curse on the unbelievers and has preparedfor them a blazing fire;
to live therein forever and they shall find no protector orhelper.
That Day, when their faces will roll about in the fire, they willsay: "Woe to us! Would that we had obeyed Allah and obeyed theRasool."
They will further say: "Our Rabb! We obeyed our chiefs and ourgreat ones and they misled us from the Right Way.
Our Rabb! Give them double punishment and lay on them a mightycurse."
If you could only see the disbelievers on the Day of Judgementwhen they will be in a state of confusion! On that Day there willbe no escape; and they will be seized from a nearby place.
Then they will say: "We believe in it (the Truth brought by theProphet": but how could they attain the Faith from such a fardistant place.
They had disbelieved in it before - and they had sneered at theunseen when they were far away during their life on earth?
A barrier will be placed between them and what they desired tohave as was done with the similar people before them; for theywere indeed involved in a misleading suspicion.
Those who disbelieve shall have a terrible punishment, and thosewho believe and do good deeds shall have forgiveness and amagnificent reward.
If they disbelieve you, know that their predecessors alsodisbelieved their Rasools who came to them with clear signs,scriptures and light-giving Book.
But in the end I seized the disbelievers, and behold, howterrible was My disapproval!
As for the disbelievers, there shall be the fire of hell, no termshall be determined for them so that they could die nor shall itspunishment be ever lightened for them. Thus shall We reward everydisbeliever.
Therein they shall cry for help: "Our Rabb! Get us out, from nowon we shall do good deeds and shall not repeat the ones we usedto do". The response will be: "Did we not give you lives longenough so that he who would, could take a warning? Besides,someone did come to warn you. Now taste the fruit of your deeds,here there is no helper for the wrongdoers."
It is He Who has made you vicegerent on the earth. Whoeverdisbelieves, bears the burden of his disbelief; and for thedisbelievers their disbelief does not increase anything exceptthe wrath of their Rabb and the disbelievers do not gain anythingexcept an increase in their loss.
In fact the Word has been proved true against most of them whoare arrogant; so they do not believe.
Since they have chosen to neglect Our revelations, therefore, Wehave put yokes round their necks right up to their chins so theirheads are raised up,
and We have put a barrier in front of them and a barrier behindthem, and then We have covered them over so they cannot see.
It is the same for them whether you warn them or warn them not,they will not believe.
This is the hell, of which you were repeatedly warned.
Now! Enter in it this Day because you persistently rejected thetruth."
We have not taught him (Muhammad) poetry, nor does it behove him.This is nothing but a reminder and a plain Qur'an
to warn those who are alive and to establish the charge againstthe disbelievers.
It will be commanded: "Gather all the wrongdoers, their spousesand those whom they used to worship
besides Allah and show them the way to hell.
When they will all be gathered and angels will start pushing themtowards hell, Allah shall say: "Stop for a while, they have to bequestioned:
"What is the matter with you today that you do not help eachother?"
Nay! On that Day they shall all be submissive.
Some of them will step forward to question one another.
The followers will say to their leaders: "It was you who used tocome at us from the right hand (right hand is a symbol ofauthority) and forced us towards the wrong way."
They will reply: "Nay! But it was you who had no faith.
we had no power over you, the fact is that you were an inordinatepeople;
true is the verdict which Our Rabb has passed upon us, we shallindeed taste the punishment of our sins:
We misled you, for we ourselves were astray."
So on that Day they shall all be partners in the punishment.
Thus, shall We deal with the criminals;
for when they were told: "There is no god except Allah," theyused to puff themselves up with pride
and say: "What! Should we give up our gods for the sake of a madpoet?"
Whereas he had come with the truth and had confirmed the messageof prior Rasools.
Then it will be said: "You are surely going to taste the painfulpunishment:
and this reward is nothing except what you had done.
Some of them will be asking questions to others.
One of them will say: "I had a friend
who used to ask: 'Are you really of those who affirm (the messageof Islam)?
When we are dead and turned to dust and bones, shall we ever bebrought to judgement?'"
It will be said: "Would you like to see him?"
He will look down and see his friend in the midst of hellfire.
Then he will say: "By Allah! You had almost ruined me.
Had it not been for the grace of my Rabb, I should certainly havebeen among those who are brought there.
Is this a better entertainment or the tree of Zaqqum?
Surely We have made this tree a trial for the wrongdoers.
Surely it is a tree that grows in the bottom of the hellfire,
bearing fruits as if they were heads of shaitans,
on it they shall feed and with it they shall fill their bellies.
Then on top of that, they will be given a concoction made fromboiling water.
Then to hellfire they shall be returned.
In fact, they found their fathers on the wrong path,
and they are eagerly following their footsteps.
Most of the ancient went astray before them,
though We had sent Warners towards them.
See what was the end of those who had been forewarned: they allperished,
We have not created the heaven and the earth and all that liesbetween them in vain. That is the fancy of the unbelievers. Suchdisbelievers should be aware of the hellfire.
Who could be more wicked than the one who invents a lie againstAllah and rejects the truth when it comes to him? Is there not anabode in hell for such unbelievers?
Then Allah will say to him: "My revelations did come to you; butyou denied them, were arrogant and you were among thedisbelievers."
O believers! When the believing women seek refuge with you, testthem. Allah best knows their faith. If you find them truebelievers, do not send them back to the unbelievers. They are notlawful to the unbelievers, nor are the unbelievers lawful tothem. Return to their unbelieving husbands what they have spenton them. There is no blame on you if you marry such women,provided you give them their dowers. Do not hold on to yourmarriages with unbelieving women. Demand what you have spent onthem and let the unbelievers do the same. This is the order ofAllah which He has decreed between you. Allah is All-Knowing,All-Wise.
If you do not get back the demanded amount that you have spent onyour disbelieving wives from the unbelievers, and your turncomes, to pay the demanded amount of Muslim wives to theunbelievers, you can offset the amount and pay those whose wiveshave fled the equivalent of the amount they have spent on theirdisbelieving wives. Fear Allah, in Whom you believe.
O believers! Do not take your fathers and your brothers as yourfriends if they prefer Kufr (unbelief) over Iman (belief); forthose who turn away from this commandment shall be consideredwrongdoers.
Such were the people to whom We gave the Book, wisdom andProphethood. Now if these people deny this guidance, it does notmatter; We would bestow this guidance upon other people who wouldnot disbelieve.
All the Rasools that We sent before you, O Muhammad, were humanbeings, to whom We sent Our Revelations after choosing them fromthe people of their town. Have these unbelievers not traveledthrough the land and seen what was the end of those who passedaway before them? From their destiny you should know that thehome of the hereafter is better for those who are righteous. Whydon't you understand?
Have they not traveled through the earth and seen what was theend of those before them? They were superior in strength thanthese; they tilled the soil and built on it more than these haveever built. There came to them their Rasools with clear signs(but they rejected them to the detriment of their owndestruction): it was not Allah Who wronged them, but they wrongedtheir own souls.
Evil was the outcome for those who committed evil, rejected therevelations of Allah and kept ridiculing them!
O believers! When the believing women seek refuge with you, testthem. Allah best knows their faith. If you find them truebelievers, do not send them back to the unbelievers. They are notlawful to the unbelievers, nor are the unbelievers lawful tothem. Return to their unbelieving husbands what they have spenton them. There is no blame on you if you marry such women,provided you give them their dowers. Do not hold on to yourmarriages with unbelieving women. Demand what you have spent onthem and let the unbelievers do the same. This is the order ofAllah which He has decreed between you. Allah is All-Knowing,All-Wise.
If you do not get back the demanded amount that you have spent onyour disbelieving wives from the unbelievers, and your turncomes, to pay the demanded amount of Muslim wives to theunbelievers, you can offset the amount and pay those whose wiveshave fled the equivalent of the amount they have spent on theirdisbelieving wives. Fear Allah, in Whom you believe.
as well as the residents of Madyan had denied their Prophets,likewise Musa (Moses) was also denied. Initially, I gave respiteto all those unbelievers and then I seized them: see how terriblewas My disapproval!
So did Thamud, the people of Lut and those of Aiykah (the peopleof Median) - all divided themselves into factions;
all charged their Rasools as liars, so just was my torment ofannihilating them.
O believers! When the believing women seek refuge with you, testthem. Allah best knows their faith. If you find them truebelievers, do not send them back to the unbelievers. They are notlawful to the unbelievers, nor are the unbelievers lawful tothem. Return to their unbelieving husbands what they have spenton them. There is no blame on you if you marry such women,provided you give them their dowers. Do not hold on to yourmarriages with unbelieving women. Demand what you have spent onthem and let the unbelievers do the same. This is the order ofAllah which He has decreed between you. Allah is All-Knowing,All-Wise.
If you do not get back the demanded amount that you have spent onyour disbelieving wives from the unbelievers, and your turncomes, to pay the demanded amount of Muslim wives to theunbelievers, you can offset the amount and pay those whose wiveshave fled the equivalent of the amount they have spent on theirdisbelieving wives. Fear Allah, in Whom you believe.
Today all good clean things have been made lawful for you; andthe food of the People of the Book is also made lawful for youand your food is made lawful for them. Likewise, marriage withchaste free believing women and also chaste women among thePeople who were given the Book before you is made lawful for you,provided that you give them their dowries and desire chastity,neither committing fornication nor taking them as mistresses.Anyone who commits Kufr with Iman (rejects faith), all his gooddeeds will be in vain and in the Hereafter he will be one of thelosers.
O believers! Do not take your fathers and your brothers as yourfriends if they prefer Kufr (unbelief) over Iman (belief); forthose who turn away from this commandment shall be consideredwrongdoers.
Do they not see that We have made for them a secure sanctuary inthe Ka'bah, while the people are being snatched away from allaround them? Do they still believe in falsehood and deny theblessings of Allah?
The unbelievers say: "The Hour of Doom will never come to us."Tell them: "Nay! By my Rabb, the Knower of the unseen, it shallcertainly come upon you. Nothing, even equal an atom, in theheavens or the earth is hidden from Him; nor there is anythingsmaller or greater than that, but is recorded in the Clear Book.
The hour of Doom is sure to come, there is no doubt about it; yetmost people do not believe it.
When it was said, "the promise of Allah is true and the Hour ofJudgement is sure to come. You used to say, `We don't know whatthe Hour of Judgement is: we think it is just a conjecture, weare not convinced.'"
When it is said to them: "Follow what Allah has revealed." Theyreply: "Nay! We will follow what our forefathers practiced."Well! Even if their forefathers had no sense at all and lackedguidance?
These are the stories of the nations which We relate to you; ofthem some have survived and some have ceased to exist.
We were not unjust to them, but they were unjust to themselves.The deities they invoked beside Allah did not avail them when thejudgement of your Rabb came to pass; they added nothing to theirlot but perdition.
Such is the scourge of your Rabb when He seizes a sinful town;indeed, His seizure is terrible and painful.
In fact, there is a sign in this for those who fear thepunishment of the hereafter; that is a Day in which mankind willbe gathered together and that will be a Day of Testimony.
Have you not heard the information of those who passed awaybefore you, the people of Nuh (Noah), `Ad and Thamud, and thosewho came after them? Allah Alone knows them. Their Rasools cameto them with clear signs; but they bit their hands with theirmouths and said: "Certainly we reject the Message with which youhave been sent and certainly we strongly doubt the faith to whichyou invite us."
Their Rasools responded: "Are you doubting the existence ofAllah, Who is the Creator of the heavens and the earth? He is theOne Who invites you so that He may forgive your sins and give yourespite till your appointed term." They said: "You are nothingbut a human like us! You only wish to turn us away from theworship of those deities whom our forefathers used to worship.Bring us some clear sign."
Their Rasools said to them: "It is true that we are human likeyourselves, but Allah bestows His grace of appointing a Rasool onsuch of His servants as He pleases. It is not in our power tobring you any sign except by Allah's permission, and in Allah letthe believers put their trust.
What reason do we have not to put our trust in Allah, when He hasalready guided us to the ways of our lives? We shall certainlyendure your persecution patiently, and those who want to puttheir trust, should put their trust in Allah."
Finally the unbelievers said to their Rasools: "Return to ourreligion or we will expel you from our land." But their Rabbrevealed His will to them: "We shall destroy the wrongdoers
and give you the land to dwell in after they are gone! This isthe reward for the ones who dread My eminence and fear Mythreats."
The Rasools called for judgement, (and when the judgement waspassed) every tyrant opposer of the Truth was disappointed.
Hell is next for him wherein he will be given festering water todrink;
he will sip, but never will be able to swallow. Death willsurround him from all sides, yet he will not die; beyond thatthere will be horrible punishment.
The parable of the deeds of those who deny their Rabb is thattheir deeds are like ashes which the wind scatters on a stormyday; they will gain nothing from their deeds, and this is tostray far away from the goal of getting back to Paradise.
How many townships, teaming with wrong doings, have We utterlydestroyed! Today they lie with their roofs fallen in, their wellsabandoned, and their lofty castles deserted.
Have they not traveled through the land? Have they no hearts tolearn wisdom, or ears to hear the Truth? Certainly it is nottheir eyes which are blind, but it is the hearts in their breastswhich are blind.
These people ask you to hasten the threatened punishment. Well,Allah will never go back on His promise. In fact a day of yourRabb (time period in which Allah's decision is executed) is equalto a thousand years of your calculation.
There have been many townships teeming with wrong doings, to whomat first I gave respite and at the end I smote them. Towards Meis the destination of all.
We have destroyed the towns which were once flourished around you- and We repeatedly sent them Our revelations so that they mayturn to the Right Way.
- Then Why did not those whom they worshipped besides Allahhelped them who they regarded as a means of attaining nearness toHim? But those deities utterly forsake them, because those werenothing but their lies and their false inventions.
Have they not traveled through the land and see what was the endof those who have gone before them? Allah destroyed them utterlyand a similar fate awaits these unbelievers.
Among the Jews there are some who take the words out of theircontext and utter them with a twist of their tongues to slanderthe true Deen (faith) and say: "We hear and we disobey;" and"Hear, may you (O Muhammad) hear nothing!" And "Ra'ina" (anambiguous word meaning: "listen, may you become deaf," or "ourshepherd," or "in judeo-Arabic language conveying the sense of"our evil one"). If only they had said: "We hear and we obey;"and "Hear us;" and "Unzurna ("look upon us," or " pay attentionto us"): it would have been better for them and more proper. Dueto all this Allah has cursed them for their unbelief. In factwith the exception of a few, they have no faith.
Have you not seen those who claim that they believe in what hasbeen revealed to you and other prophets before you? Yet theydesire that the judgment (in their disputes) be made by Taghut(forces of Shaitan) though they were commanded to reject them,and Shaitan's wish is to lead them far astray into deep error.
When it is said to them: "Come to be judged by the Rasool inaccordance with what Allah has revealed, " you see that thehypocrites show their utmost hesitation in coming to you.
Certainly We sent Rasools before you among the early nations;
but whenever a Rasool came to them, they mocked him.
Thus do We let doubt creep into the hearts of the criminals;
that they do not believe in it (The Qur'an), despite the examplesof the people who passed before them.
Even if we had opened a gate in Heaven and they ascend through itand keep on ascending,
still they would have said, 'Our eyes have been dazzled; ratherwe have been bewitched.'"
These unbelievers must have passed by that town which wasdestroyed by a fatal rain; had they not seen its ruins? But thefact of the matter is they do not believe in the life hereafter.
they are the ones who are disregarding the revelations of their Rabb and the fact that they will meet Him for accountability of their deeds in the Hereafter, so their deeds will become null and will not carry any weight on the Day of Judgment.
Thus the reward of such people will be Hell; because they had no faith and because they took My revelations and My Rasools as a joke.
Those who do not expect to meet Us on the Day of Judgement say:"Why are not the angels sent down to us or why do we not see ourRabb?" Certainly they are too proud of themselves, and haverevolted in a great revolt.
On the Day when they see the angels, it will not be a Day ofrejoicing for the criminal; rather they will cry: "May there be astone barrier between us and the angels of punishment."
Then We shall turn to the deeds which they did, based on theirwrong opinions, and render them vain like blown dust.
As for those who disbelieve Allah's revelations and deny thatthey will ever meet Him, they are the ones who shall despair ofMy mercy and they the ones who shall have a painful punishment.
Have they not considered in their own minds that Allah createdthe heavens and the earth and all that lies between them for ajust reason and for a specified time? But the truth is that manyamong mankind do not believe in the meeting with their Rabb (theDay of Resurrection)!
They say: "What! Once we are lost in the earth, shall we becreated afresh?" Nay! They deny the fact that they will ever meettheir Rabb.
Say: "The angel of death (Izra'il) is assigned for you will carryoff your souls and bring you back to your Rabb."
If only you could visualize when the criminals will hang theirheads before their Rabb saying: "Our Rabb! We have seen and wehave heard; please send us back to the world and we will do gooddeeds: we are now convinced."
In response to that, it will be said: "Had We so willed, We couldhave given every soul its guidance. But My word which I had saidhas been fulfilled, that I shall fill hell with jinns and men alltogether."
Now taste the reward for your forgetting the meeting of this Day- We too have forgotten you now - taste the everlastingpunishment in consequence of your misdeeds."
It will be said: "Today We will forget you as you forgot themeeting of this Day of yours! Hellfire will be your home and nonewill be there to help you.
And if after affliction We vouchsafe him a favor from Ourself, heis sure to say: "I deserve this, I do not think that the Hourwill ever come; and even if I am brought back to my Rabb, I wouldstill get good treatment from Him." The fact, however, is that Weshall tell the disbelievers the truth of all that they had doneand We shall make them taste a severe punishment.
When We bestow favors on man, he turns away and drifts off toanother side; and when an evil befalls him, he comes with lengthysupplications.
Whenever We have sent a Warner to a town, its wealthy residentshave said: "We surely disbelieve in what you are sent with".
They say: "We have more wealth and children, which indicates thatour gods are happy with us so we shall never be punished."
O Prophet tell them: "Surely my Rabb gives abundantly to whom Hewills and sparingly to whom He pleases, but most people do notunderstand this."
But those who rebukes his parents and say: "Uff (as if to say, donot bothering me)! Do you threaten me with a resurrection,whereas many a generations have passed before me and none hascome back from among them?" And they both cry for Allah's helpand say: "Woe to you! Be a good believer. Surely the promise ofAllah is true." But he replies: "This is nothing but tales of theancients."
Such are the people against whom the verdict of torment hasproved true and they will be among the prior people of the jinnsand the men that have passed away before them. Indeed they willbe the losers.
If they deny you O Muhammad, remember that before them the peopleof Nuh (Noah), 'Ad and Thamud;
the people of Ibrahim (Abraham) and Lut (Lot);
as well as the residents of Madyan had denied their Prophets,likewise Musa (Moses) was also denied. Initially, I gave respiteto all those unbelievers and then I seized them: see how terriblewas My disapproval!
If they deny you O Muhammad, remember that before them the peopleof Nuh (Noah), 'Ad and Thamud;
the people of Ibrahim (Abraham) and Lut (Lot);
as well as the residents of Madyan had denied their Prophets,likewise Musa (Moses) was also denied. Initially, I gave respiteto all those unbelievers and then I seized them: see how terriblewas My disapproval!
So did Thamud, the people of Lut and those of Aiykah (the peopleof Median) - all divided themselves into factions;
all charged their Rasools as liars, so just was my torment ofannihilating them.
as well as the residents of Madyan had denied their Prophets,likewise Musa (Moses) was also denied. Initially, I gave respiteto all those unbelievers and then I seized them: see how terriblewas My disapproval!
But they disbelieved him. As a result, We saved him and those ofthem who were with him in the Ark and We made them successors inthe Earth and drowned those who rejected Our revelations. You seewhat was the end of those who were warned but did not believe!
If they deny you O Muhammad, remember that before them the peopleof Nuh (Noah), 'Ad and Thamud;
Before them the people of Nuh, `Ad and Fir'on, the man of spikes,denied their Rasools,
So did Thamud, the people of Lut and those of Aiykah (the peopleof Median) - all divided themselves into factions;
all charged their Rasools as liars, so just was my torment ofannihilating them.
Before them the people of Nuh, `Ad and Fir'on, the man of spikes,denied their Rasools,
So did Thamud, the people of Lut and those of Aiykah (the peopleof Median) - all divided themselves into factions;
all charged their Rasools as liars, so just was my torment ofannihilating them.
Have you not seen those who were given a portion of the Book?They believe in superstition and Taghut (forces of Shaitan) andsay about the unbelievers that they are better guided to theRight Way than the believers!
Those are the ones whom Allah has cursed, and the one who iscursed by Allah can find no helper.
Do they have a share in the kingdom? If they had any share theywould have not given other people equal to a speck on adate-stone.
But some of them believed in it and some turned away. Sufficientis hell to burn those who turned away.
But those who rebukes his parents and say: "Uff (as if to say, donot bothering me)! Do you threaten me with a resurrection,whereas many a generations have passed before me and none hascome back from among them?" And they both cry for Allah's helpand say: "Woe to you! Be a good believer. Surely the promise ofAllah is true." But he replies: "This is nothing but tales of theancients."
Such are the people against whom the verdict of torment hasproved true and they will be among the prior people of the jinnsand the men that have passed away before them. Indeed they willbe the losers.
Such were the people to whom We gave the Book, wisdom andProphethood. Now if these people deny this guidance, it does notmatter; We would bestow this guidance upon other people who wouldnot disbelieve.
Surely for such wrongdoers, there is another punishment besidesthat, even though most of them do not realize that.
When Our judgement came to pass, We saved Hud and those whobelieved with him through a special grace from Us - We did savethem from a horrifying scourge.
Such were the people of 'Ad. They denied the revelations of theirRabb, disobeyed His Rasool, and followed the command of everystubborn oppressor.
They were followed by a curse in this world, and cursed theyshall be on the Day of Resurrection. Beware! 'Ad denied theirRabb. Beware! Gone are 'Ad, the people of Hud.
to Fir'on (Pharaoh) and his chiefs; but they followed the commandof Fir'on, and the command of Fir'on was not right.
He will be in front of his people on the Day of Resurrection, andwill bring them down to Hell. How awful will be the place towhich they will be brought?
A curse followed them in this life, and a curse will follow themon the Day of Resurrection. What an evil reward for one toreceive.
while hell shall be spread open to the straying
and they will be asked: "Now, where are those whom you worshipped
besides Allah? Can they help you or even help themselves?"
Then they will be toppled into it, both they and those who misledthem,
together with all the armies of Iblees.
Wherein they will argue with one another
saying: " By Allah, we were indeed in manifest error,
when we made you equals with the Rabb of the Worlds.
It was the criminals who led us astray.
Now we have no intercessors,
and no loving friends.
If we could but once return to our worldly life, we would be ofthe true believers."
Surely in this narration there is a great lesson, but most ofthese people do not learn a lesson to become believers.
When Our Judgement came to pass, We saved Saleh and those whobelieved with him, through a special grace from Us, from thedisgrace of that Day. Indeed your Rabb is All-Strong, All-Mighty.
A terrible blast overtook the wrongdoers and by the morning theywere laying with their faces down in their homes,
as if they had never flourished there. Beware! Thamud deniedtheir Rabb. Gone are the people of Thamud.
How it can be that Allah would guide those people who commit Kufr(reject faith) after their Iman (acceptance of faith),acknowledge that the Rasool is true, and clear proofs have cometo them? Allah does not guide such wrongdoers.
The reward of such people is that upon them is the curse ofAllah, the angels and all mankind.
They shall remain under it for ever; neither will theirpunishment be lightened nor will they be given respite.
However, those who repent after this and mend their ways, thenverily Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
However, those who disbelieve after their belief (acceptance ofIslam) then go on adding to their disbelief, their repentancewill never be accepted; because they intentionally chose to goastray.
I will turn away from My signs the eyes of those who are unjustlyarrogant in the land, so that even if they see each and everysign they will not believe in it. If they see the Right Waybefore them they will not follow it; but if they see a crookedway they will follow it; this is because they denied Ourrevelations and were heedless of them.
Surely in the heavens and the earth there are signs for the truebelievers.
and in your own creation and that of animals which are scatteredthrough the earth, there are signs for those who are firm infaith,
and in the alternation of night and day, in the sustenance thatAllah sends down from heaven with which He revives the earthafter its death and in the changing of the winds, there are signsfor those who use their common sense.
These are the revelations of Allah, which We are reciting to youin all truth. Then, in what report will they believe if not Allahand His revelations?
Woe to each lying sinner
before whom the revelations of Allah are recited: he hears them,yet he arrogantly persists as though he never heard them;announce to him a painful punishment.
And when something of Our revelations come to his knowledge, hetakes them as a joke; for all such people there will be ahumiliating punishment.
Beyond them there lies hell, and nothing of what they have earnedin this world will be of any benefit to them, nor those whom theyhave taken as their protectors besides Allah, and they shall havegrievous punishment.
Now that the Truth has come to them from Us, they are saying:"Why is he (Muhammad) not given the like of what was given toMusa?" Have they not rejected that which was given to Musabefore? They claim: "These (Torah and Qur'an) are the two worksof sorcery complementing each other!" And they say: "We believein neither."
Ask them: "Bring a Book from Allah which is a better guide thanthese two, I will follow it, if what you say be true!"
So if they do not meet this demand, you should know that theyonly follow their own desires. And who is more misguided than theone who follows his own desires rather than the guidance fromAllah? In fact, Allah does not guide such wrongdoing people.
O Prophet, tell them: "Travel through the earth and see what wasthe end of those who have passed away before you: most of themwere mushrikin (worshipped other gods besides Allah)".
If they deny you O Muhammad, remember that before them the peopleof Nuh (Noah), 'Ad and Thamud;
Before them the people of Nuh, `Ad and Fir'on, the man of spikes,denied their Rasools,
So did Thamud, the people of Lut and those of Aiykah (the peopleof Median) - all divided themselves into factions;
all charged their Rasools as liars, so just was my torment ofannihilating them.
The Thamud and the 'Ad people denied the striking calamity.
As for Thamud, they were destroyed by the Thunderbolt.
As for 'Ad they were destroyed by a furious windstorm
- which He let loose on them for seven nights and eightsuccessive days. Had you been there, you would have seen themlying prostrate as though they were hollow trunks of thepalm-trees.
Now, do you see any of them alive?
If they deny you O Muhammad, remember that before them the peopleof Nuh (Noah), 'Ad and Thamud;
So did Thamud, the people of Lut and those of Aiykah (the peopleof Median) - all divided themselves into factions;
all charged their Rasools as liars, so just was my torment ofannihilating them.
The Thamud and the 'Ad people denied the striking calamity.
As for Thamud, they were destroyed by the Thunderbolt.
As for 'Ad they were destroyed by a furious windstorm
But now when the truth has came to them, they say: "This is magicand we do not believe it."
Tell them the story of 'Ad's brethren, the Prophet Hud, when hewarned his people, the residents of Ahqaf - in fact Warners cameto them before him and after him - saying: "Worship none butAllah. Surely I fear for you the torment of a mighty Day."
They replied: "Have you come to turn us away from our gods? Bringus the torment that you threaten us with, if you are telling thetruth."
The Prophet Hud said: "The Knowledge of when it is going to comeis only with Allah. I am only conveying the Message with which Ihave been sent, however, I can see that you are ignorant people."
Then when they saw the torment in the shape of a cloud comingtowards their valleys, they said: "This cloud will bring usrain." - "Nay! It is what you were asking for, a fierce windbringing you a woeful torment.
It is going to destroy everything by the command of its Rabb.Consequently by the morning, there was nothing to be seen exceptthe ruins of their dwellings. Thus did We reward those guiltypeople.
We had established them much better than We have established you,O Qureysh of Makkah, and endowed them with the faculties ofhearing, seeing, and intellect. Yet their faculties of hearing,sight and intellect avail them nothing since they denied therevelations of Allah; and they were completely hemmed in by thesame thing that they used to mock at.
Allah has set an example to the unbelievers in the wife of Nuh(Noah) and the wife of Lut (Lot). They were married to two of Ourrighteous servants, but they betrayed them. In no way could theirhusbands protect them from Allah. Both of them were told: "Enterthe fire, along with those who enter."
Allah has set an example to the unbelievers in the wife of Nuh(Noah) and the wife of Lut (Lot). They were married to two of Ourrighteous servants, but they betrayed them. In no way could theirhusbands protect them from Allah. Both of them were told: "Enterthe fire, along with those who enter."
O believers! When the believing women seek refuge with you, testthem. Allah best knows their faith. If you find them truebelievers, do not send them back to the unbelievers. They are notlawful to the unbelievers, nor are the unbelievers lawful tothem. Return to their unbelieving husbands what they have spenton them. There is no blame on you if you marry such women,provided you give them their dowers. Do not hold on to yourmarriages with unbelieving women. Demand what you have spent onthem and let the unbelievers do the same. This is the order ofAllah which He has decreed between you. Allah is All-Knowing,All-Wise.
If you do not get back the demanded amount that you have spent onyour disbelieving wives from the unbelievers, and your turncomes, to pay the demanded amount of Muslim wives to theunbelievers, you can offset the amount and pay those whose wiveshave fled the equivalent of the amount they have spent on theirdisbelieving wives. Fear Allah, in Whom you believe.
Such are the people who trade the life of this world at theexpense of the Hereafter; so neither their punishment shall belightened nor shall they be helped.
To Musa (Moses) We gave the Book (Torah) and sent after him otherRasools in succession; then We gave Isa (Jesus), the son ofMaryam (Mary), clear Signs and strengthened him with the HolySpirit (Gabriel). Why is it that whenever there came to you aRasool with a message which did not suit your desires, you becameso arrogant that some you called impostors and others you killed!
They say: "Our hearts are in secure wrappers;" but the fact ofthe matter is that Allah has cursed them for their disbelief, solittle is that which they believe.
Now when there has come to them a Book from Allah confirming theHoly Books of Torah and Gospel which they already have - eventhough before this they used to pray for victory against theunbelievers - when there came to them that which they very wellrecognize, they knowingly rejected it; Allah's curse is on suchdisbelievers.
Ridiculous is the price for which they have sold away theirsouls, that they deny Allah's revelation merely because of theirgrudge, that Allah should send His grace (on an Israelite ratherthan ) on whom He pleases from His servants (Muhammad)! They havedrawn on themselves wrath upon wrath, and for such disbelieversthere is a disgraceful punishment.
We do not abrogate any of Our verses of the Qur'an or cause it tobe forgotten except that We substitute it with something betteror similar; don't you know that Allah has full power overeverything?
As for those who accept the faith then renounce it, who againembrace it and again deny it and go on increasing in unbelief;Allah will neither forgive them nor guide them to the Right Way.
Make no excuses now: you have rejected faith after your belief;even if We may pardon some of you who were not serious inparticipating, We will punish others amongst you, because theyare criminals.
Anyone who is forced to deny faith after its acceptance, whilehis heart remains loyal to the faith shall be absolved; but anywho denies faith willingly after its acceptance and open hisbreast to unbelief, shall incur the wrath of Allah and shall besternly punished.
This is because such people love the life of this world more thanthe hereafter, and that Allah does not guide those who knowinglyreject faith.
Such are those whose hearts, ears and eyes are sealed by Allah;and they are the ones who are heedless.
There is no doubt that in the hereafter they will be the losers.
This is because they believed and then renounced their faith.Their hearts are sealed, therefore, they are devoid ofunderstanding.
Therefore, remember Me, and I will remember you, be grateful toMe and never deny Me.
They ask you about war in the Sacred Month. Tell them: "fightingin this month is a heinous offence; but to prevent from the pathof Allah, to deny Him, to prevent access and expel Hisworshippers from the Sacred Mosque is a more severe crime, sincemischief is worse than killing in His sight. As for unbelievers:they will not cease fighting until they succeed in turning youback from your religion if they can; and if any of you turns backfrom his religion and dies as an unbeliever, his deeds willbecome void in this life and in the hereafter. He will be theinmate of hellfire, to live in there forever.
O believers! Do not make your charity worthless by reminders ofyour generosity or by injury to the recipients feelings, likethose who spend their wealth to be seen by people and believeneither in Allah nor in the Last Day. Their parable is like ahard barren rock covered with thin layer of soil; a heavy rainfalls, leaving it just a bare stone. Such people will not gainany reward that they thought they had earned. Allah does notguide the unbelievers.
Serve Allah and do not commit shirk (associate any partner) withHim, and be good to your parents, kinfolks, orphans, thehelpless, near and far neighbors who keep company with you, thetravellers in need, and the slaves you own. Allah does not lovethose who are arrogant and boastful,
who are themselves stingy and enjoin others to be stingy, whohide the bounties which Allah has bestowed on them. For suchunbelievers We have prepared a disgraceful punishment.
Similarly, Allah does not like those who spend their wealth toshow off to the people, believing neither in Allah nor in theLast Day. In fact the one who chooses Shaitan as his companionhas chosen a very evil companion!
To Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and in the earth. Wedirected the People of the Book before you and now direct youalso, to fear Allah in your dealings with one another. But if youdisobey ( you will do so at your own risk) for Allah owns allthat is in the Heavens and in the Earth and Allah isSelf-sufficient, Praiseworthy.
O believers! Believe in Allah, His Rasool, the Book which He hasrevealed to His Rasool, and every Book which He previouslyrevealed. He who denies Allah, His angels, His Books, His Rasoolsand the Last Day has gone far astray.
Those who deny Allah and his Rasool and those who intend to drawa line between Allah and His Rasools saying: "We believe in some,and reject the rest" - desiring to take a middle way betweenbelief and unbelief
- these are the real unbelievers and We have prepared for suchunbelievers a humiliating punishment.
Who can be more unjust than the one who invents a lie againstAllah or rejects His revelations? Such people will have theirdestined portion from the Book (what was written for them toreceive during their life on earth); until when Our messengers(angels of death) arrive to take away their souls, they will ask:"Where are those gods whom you used to invoke besides Allah?"They will reply: "They have forsaken us" and they will bearwitness against themselves (admit) that they were indeed kuffar(unbelievers).
Allah will say: "Enter the fire and join the nations of Jinns andmen who have gone before you." As each nation will enter hell, itwill curse its preceding sister till all are gathered there, thelast of them will say about the first one: "Our Rabb! These haveled us astray; therefore, give them double punishment of thefire." He will answer: "There will be double for all, althoughyou may not know because of being predecessor or successor in sinand aggression."
Then the first will say to the last: "If we were to blame, youtoo, were no better than us; now taste the punishment of yourmisdeeds."
Then the inmates of the fire will cry out to the residents ofparadise: "Give us some water or some of the food which Allah hasprovided you." They will reply: "Allah has prohibited both ofthese things to the unbelievers,
who took their religion to be mere amusement and play and weredeceived by their earthly life." Allah will say: "Today We willforget them as they forgot the meeting of this Day; and mocked atOur revelations."
Only those people ask for exemption who do not believe in Allahand the Last Day and whose hearts are filled with doubt, and arewavering because of their doubts.
The reasons which prevent their contributions from being acceptedare: that they disbelieve in Allah and His Rasool, that they cometo offer Salah but reluctantly, and that they offer contributionsbut unwillingly.
O Prophet! It is the same, whether you ask forgiveness for themor not; even if you ask for their forgiveness seventy times,Allah is not going to forgive them: because they have disbelievedAllah and His Rasool. Allah does not guide those who aretransgressors.
Now, if there is anything that feels strange, then strange istheir saying: "What! When we will become dust, could we then beraised to a new life again?" They are the people who have deniedtheir Rabb, they are the ones who will have yokes around theirnecks and they are the ones who will be the inmates of hellfireto live therein forever.
O Muhammad! We have sent you among a nation before whom othernations have passed away; so that you may recite to them Ourrevelations which We have sent down to you; yet they arerejecting the Compassionate (Allah). Say: "He is my Rabb! Thereis no god but Him. In Him I have put my trust and to Him shall Ireturn."
O Prophet! Give them this parable. Once there were two men. To one of them We had given two gardens of grapevines surrounded with palm-trees and put between them land for cultivation.
Both of those gardens yielded abundant produce and did not fail to yield its best. We had even caused a river to flow between the two gardens.
He had abundant produce, he said to his companion while conversing with him: "I am richer than you and my clan is mightier than yours."
When, having thus wronged his soul, he entered his garden and said: "I do not think that this garden will ever perish!
Nor do I believe that the Hour of Judgment will ever come. Even if I am returned to my Rabb, I will surely find even a better place than this."
His companion replied while still conversing with him: "Do you disbelieve in Him Who created you from dust, from a drop of semen, and fashioned you into a perfect man?
As for myself, Allah is the One Who is my Rabb and I do not associate anyone with Him.
When you entered your garden why did you not say: `It is as Allah pleased, no one has power except Allah!' Though you see me poorer than yourself in wealth and children,
yet my Rabb may give me a garden better than yours, and may send down thunderbolts from sky upon your garden, turning it into a barren wasteland.
Or its' water may dry out and you may never be able to find it."
It so happened that all his fruit produce was destroyed and the vines tumbled down upon their trellises, so he wrung his hands with grief for all that he had spent on it. He cried: "I wish I had not associated anyone with my Rabb!"
He was so helpless that he could neither find anyone to help him beside Allah, nor could he himself avert that catastrophe
it was then that he realized that the real protection comes only from Allah. His is the best reward and His is the best requital.
These are the two adversaries (the believers and disbelievers)who dispute with each other about their Rabb: as for thedisbelievers, garments of Fire will be cut out for them, boilingwater will be poured over their heads,
which will not only melt their skins but also the inner parts oftheir bellies,
and there will be maces of iron to lash them.
Whenever, in their anguish, they try to escape therefrom, theywill be forced back therein, and will be told: "Taste thepunishment of conflagration!"
When it is said to them, "Prostrate yourselves before the MostCompassionate," they ask: "Who is that Most Compassionate? Are weto prostrate just because you order us to?" It merely increasetheir disdain.
Tell them: "Allah is sufficient as a witness between me and you -for He knows all that is in the heavens and the earth - those whobelieve in falsehood and disbelieve Allah, it is they who shallbe the losers."
Those despised weaklings will say to the arrogant: "No! It wasyou who plotted day and night, bidding us to disbelieve in Allahand to set up equals with Him," - They will feel ashamed oncethey see the punishment, and We shall put yokes on the necks ofthose disbelievers; can there be any other reward except for whatthey did?
Ask them: "Do you really deny the One Who created the earth intwo periods and do you set up rivals in worship with Him while Heis the Rabb of the worlds.
And were it not that all mankind might become one nation ofunbelievers, We would have given those who disbelieve in theCompassionate (Allah), such houses whose roofs, stairways bywhich they go to upper chambers all made with silver,
and also the doors of their houses and couches on which theyrecline,
along with ornaments of gold - for all these are nothing butmerely comforts of this worldly life. It is the life of thehereafter which your Rabb has reserved for the righteous.
These are the revelations of Allah, which We are reciting to youin all truth. Then, in what report will they believe if not Allahand His revelations?
He who does not believe in Allah and His Rasool, We have prepareda blazing fire for such unbelievers.
As for those who disbelieve their Rabb, there will be thepunishment of hell, which is an evil abode.
When they will be plunged into its fire, they shall hear itsroaring and boiling
as though bursting with rage. Every time a group is plungedtherein, its guards will ask: "Did not a Warner come to you?"
They will answer: "Yes indeed, a Warner did come to us, but werejected him and said, Allah has revealed nothing - you aremerely in gross error."
They will further say: "Had we only listened or used ourintelligence, we would have not been among the inmates of theblazing fire."
Thus shall they confess their sin; so away from the mercy ofAllah will be the dwellers of hell.
While he, who will be given his Book of Deeds in his left hand,will say: "Woe to me, would that I had not been given my Book ofDeeds
nor known what my account was!
Would that my death had ended all!
My wealth had availed me nothing,
and my authority has gone away from me."
We shall say: "Seize him and put a chain around his neck,
then cast him in the blazing fire,
then fasten him with a chain seventy cubits long.
For he did not believe in Allah, the Most High,
nor did he care to feed the poor.
Today he neither has a true friend here,
nor any food except the pus from the washing of wounds,
which none but the wrongdoers eat."
They also claim: "Allah has commanded us to believe in no Rasoolunless he shows us a sacrifice consumed by a fire from theHeaven." Ask them: "Other prophets before me have come to youwith clear arguments and showed this miracle you are asking for.Why did you kill them if what you say is true?"
O Muhammad if they reject you by calling you an impostor, so didthey reject other Rasools before you, although they brought themclear signs, Psalms, and the enlightening Book.
The reasons which prevent their contributions from being acceptedare: that they disbelieve in Allah and His Rasool, that they cometo offer Salah but reluctantly, and that they offer contributionsbut unwillingly.
O Prophet! It is the same, whether you ask forgiveness for themor not; even if you ask for their forgiveness seventy times,Allah is not going to forgive them: because they have disbelievedAllah and His Rasool. Allah does not guide those who aretransgressors.
In regards to their saying: "Why has not a sign been sent down tohim (Muhammad) from his Rabb?" Tell them: " Allah Alone has theknowledge of the unseen. Wait if you will: I too shall wait withyou."
O Prophet, be on your guard lest you omit to recite some thingswhich are being revealed to you feeling distressed in your heartthat they might say: "Why has no treasure been sent down to him,or why has no angel come with him?" You should know that you arenothing but a Warner! It is Allah Who is the Custodian ofeverything.
The unbelievers say: "You are no Rasool." Say: "Allah isall-sufficient witness between me and you, and so are those whohave knowledge of the Book."
They say: "O you to whom the reminder (The Qur'an) is beingrevealed! You are surely insane.
Why don't you bring us the angels, if you are of the truthfulones?"
O Muhammad, tell them: "We do not send down the angels except forjust cause (to execute Our scourge), and when they come, peopleare not given respite.
We are quite aware what they really wish to hear when they listento you, and what they say when they converse in private. Thesewrongdoers say to one another: "The man you follow is surelybewitched"
"Rather," some of them say, "this Qur'an is jumble of dreams!"Others say: "He has made it all up!" And yet others say: "He is apoet!" Let him bring to us a sign as did the former Rasools."
The fact, however, is that even though We showed Signs to theprior people, not a single nation before them, which Wedestroyed, ever believed. Will they believe?
The Rasools which We sent before you, O Muhammad, were also humanto whom We sent revelation. If you, O objectors, do not knowthis, then ask the people of the reminder (Jews and Christians).
We did not give them bodies which could survive without food, norwere they immortal.
Then We fulfilled Our promise with them: We saved them and thosewhom We pleased, and destroyed the transgressors.
Now, O People, We have sent down to you a Book (The Qur'an) whichdeals with matters concerning yourselves; why don't youunderstand?
Today when Our clear revelations are recited to them, they say:"This man only wants to turn you away from those gods to whomyour forefathers have been worshipping." Others say: "This Qur'anis nothing but an invented falsehood." While yet others, who denythe truth when it comes to them, say: "This is nothing but plainmagic."
Those who have gone before them also denied - these Arabs havenot received one tenth of what We had granted them - yet whenthey denied My Rasools, see how terrible was My scourge.
O Prophet say: "I would ask you one thing. For Allah's sake!Think individually or consult one another and ponder whether yourcompanion Muhammad is really mad? You yourself will come to theconclusion that he is nothing but a Warner to you to forewarn youof a sever punishment."
If they disbelieve you, know that their predecessors alsodisbelieved their Rasools who came to them with clear signs,scriptures and light-giving Book.
But in the end I seized the disbelievers, and behold, howterrible was My disapproval!
They wonder that a Warner has come to them from among themselves,and the disbelievers say: "He is a sorcerer telling lies!
Does he claim that there is only One God in place of all othergods? Surely this is a strange thing."
Their leaders go about saying: "Pay no heed, stand firm in theservice of your gods; this slogan of One God is designed againstyou.
We have not heard such a thing from anyone of the people oflatter days (Jews and Christians): it is nothing but afabrication.
Is he the only fit person among us to whom the admonition isrevealed?" But in fact they doubt My admonition, for they havenot yet tasted My punishment.
Do they have the treasures of the mercy of your Rabb, theAll-Mighty, the Munificent One.
Or do they have sovereignty over the heavens and the earth andall that lies between them? If so, let them ascend by any meansto be in a position of dictating Allah according to their wishes.
Their faction is no more than an army who will be beaten righthere.
Before them the people of Nuh, `Ad and Fir'on, the man of spikes,denied their Rasools,
So did Thamud, the people of Lut and those of Aiykah (the peopleof Median) - all divided themselves into factions;
all charged their Rasools as liars, so just was my torment ofannihilating them.
These people also await nothing but a single mighty Blast - theone which none may retard.
Also imagine when the dwellers of fire will ask the Keepers ofhell: "Pray to your Rabb for relieving our punishment at leastfor one day!"
The Keepers of hell will ask: "Did there not come to you Rasoolswith clear revelations?" "Yes," they will answer. The Keepers ofhell will say: "Then pray yourselves." But vain shall be theprayer of the disbelievers.
He who does not believe in Allah and His Rasool, We have prepareda blazing fire for such unbelievers.
It has been the case that whenever a Rasool came to the peoplesbefore them, they said about him: "He is a sorcerer or a madman."
Have they transmitted this statement from one generation to thenext? Nay, but they are all a rebellious people.
So, O Prophet, ignore them; you are not at fault.
Therefore, O Prophet, keep up your mission of admonition. By thegrace of your Rabb you are neither a soothsayer nor a madman.
Do they say: "He is but a poet! We are waiting for somemisfortune to befall him."
Tell them: "Wait if you will; I too shall wait with you."
Does their faculties of reasoning prompt them to say this? Or isit merely that they are wicked people?
And remember when Isa (Jesus) the son of Maryam said: "O childrenof Israel! I am the Rasool of Allah towards you, confirming theTorah which came before me, and to give you good news of a Rasoolthat will come after me whose name shall be Ahmed (another nameof Muhammad, meaning 'The praised one')." But when he (Muhammad)came to them with clear signs, they said "This is plain magic."
O believers! Believe in Allah, His Rasool, the Book which He hasrevealed to His Rasool, and every Book which He previouslyrevealed. He who denies Allah, His angels, His Books, His Rasoolsand the Last Day has gone far astray.
Fight those people of the Book (Jews and Christians) who do notbelieve in Allah and the Last Day, do not refrain from what hasbeen prohibited by Allah and His Rasool and do not embrace thereligion of truth (Al-Islam), until they pay Jizya (protectiontax) with their own hands and feel themselves subdued.
Those who deny Allah and his Rasool and those who intend to drawa line between Allah and His Rasools saying: "We believe in some,and reject the rest" - desiring to take a middle way betweenbelief and unbelief
- these are the real unbelievers and We have prepared for suchunbelievers a humiliating punishment.
When they are asked to believe in what Allah has revealed, theyreply: "we only believe in what Allah has sent to us (Torah), andwe reject what is beside that," while it is the truth confirmingtheir own scriptures! Ask them, "if you sincerely believe in whatwas sent to you , why did you kill the Prophets of Allah who weresent to you from amongst yourselves before?"
He is the One Who created the heavens and the earth in sixperiods - at the time when His Throne was rested on the water -so that He may test to find out which of you is the best indeeds. Now if you tell them:" You shall indeed be raised up afterdeath," the unbelievers would certainly say: "This is nothing butsheer magic!"
Now, if there is anything that feels strange, then strange istheir saying: "What! When we will become dust, could we then beraised to a new life again?" They are the people who have deniedtheir Rabb, they are the ones who will have yokes around theirnecks and they are the ones who will be the inmates of hellfireto live therein forever.
Those whom Allah guides are rightly guided; and those whom Helets go astray, shall find no protector besides Him. On the Dayof Judgment We shall gather them all, prone on their faces,blind, dumb and deaf. Hell shall be their abode: whenever itsflames die down, We will rekindle for them the fierceness of thefire.
Thus shall they be rewarded: because they rejected Ourrevelations and said: "When we are reduced to bones and decayedparticles, shall we really be raised to life in a new creation?"
Can they not see that Allah Who has created the heavens and theearth has power to create the people like them? He has set adeadline for their lives, there is no doubt about it: yet thewrongdoers refuse to do anything except deny.
They say: "What! Once we are lost in the earth, shall we becreated afresh?" Nay! They deny the fact that they will ever meettheir Rabb.
Say: "The angel of death (Izra'il) is assigned for you will carryoff your souls and bring you back to your Rabb."
If only you could visualize when the criminals will hang theirheads before their Rabb saying: "Our Rabb! We have seen and wehave heard; please send us back to the world and we will do gooddeeds: we are now convinced."
In response to that, it will be said: "Had We so willed, We couldhave given every soul its guidance. But My word which I had saidhas been fulfilled, that I shall fill hell with jinns and men alltogether."
Now taste the reward for your forgetting the meeting of this Day- We too have forgotten you now - taste the everlastingpunishment in consequence of your misdeeds."
The unbelievers say to the people: "Shall we point out to you aman who claims that when your body will disintegrate and mangleinto dust you shall be raised to life again?
Has he forged a lie against Allah or is he mad?" Nay! In factthose who do not believe in the Hereafter are doomed, for theyare in gross error.
You marvel at the wonders of Allah's creation, while theyridicule at it.
When they are admonished, they pay no heed,
and when they see a sign, they mock at it
and say: "This is nothing but plain sorcery.
What! When we are dead and have become dust and bones, shall webe raised to life again
- we and also our forefathers of the ancient time?"
Tell them: "Yes and you shall be held up to shame."
It will be just a single cry, and they will see it all with theirown eyes.
"Ah, woe to us!" They shall exclaim, "this is the Day ofJudgement!"
It will be said: "Yes, this is the same Day of Judgement whichyou used to deny".
"There is nothing beyond our first death and we shall not beraised again.
Bring back our forefathers if you are truthful."
Are these people better than the people of Tubba and those whowere before them? We destroyed them all only because they hadbecome criminals.
When Our clear revelations are recited to them, they have noother argument but to say: "Bring our forefathers back if whatyou say is true!"
O Prophet tell them: "It is Allah Who gives you life and latercauses you to die; then it is He Who will gather you all on theDay of Resurrection, about which there is no doubt, yet mostpeople do not understand."
But those who rebukes his parents and say: "Uff (as if to say, donot bothering me)! Do you threaten me with a resurrection,whereas many a generations have passed before me and none hascome back from among them?" And they both cry for Allah's helpand say: "Woe to you! Be a good believer. Surely the promise ofAllah is true." But he replies: "This is nothing but tales of theancients."
Such are the people against whom the verdict of torment hasproved true and they will be among the prior people of the jinnsand the men that have passed away before them. Indeed they willbe the losers.
Do they not see that Allah, Who created the heavens and the earthand was not wearied by their creation, has the power to raise thedead to life? Why not! Surely He has the power over everything.
On the Day when the unbelievers will be brought before the fire,Allah will ask: "Is this not real?" "Yes, by our Rabb!" They willanswer. "Well, then taste the punishment now," Will He reply, "inconsequence of your disbelieve."
that after we are dead and have become dust we shall be raised tolife again, such a return is far from reason."
The unbelievers claim that they shall not be raised to lifeagain. Tell them: "Indeed, by my Rabb, you shall surely be raisedto life again! Then you shall be told of all that you have done,and that is easy for Allah."
Those to whom We have given the book and who read it as it oughtto be read, they are the ones who believe in it; as for those whoreject it, they are for sure the losers.
O believers! Believe in Allah, His Rasool, the Book which He hasrevealed to His Rasool, and every Book which He previouslyrevealed. He who denies Allah, His angels, His Books, His Rasoolsand the Last Day has gone far astray.
Such were the people to whom We gave the Book, wisdom andProphethood. Now if these people deny this guidance, it does notmatter; We would bestow this guidance upon other people who wouldnot disbelieve.
The disbelievers say: "We shall never believe in this Qur'an, norin the scriptures which came before it." If you could only seewhen these wrongdoers will be made to stand before their Rabb,tossing accusing words on one another! Those who had beendespised as weaklings will say to the arrogant: "If it were notfor you, we would certainly have been believers."
The arrogant will say to those despised weaklings: "Did we blockyou off from guidance when it came to you? Nay! Rather youyourselves were guilty."
Those despised weaklings will say to the arrogant: "No! It wasyou who plotted day and night, bidding us to disbelieve in Allahand to set up equals with Him," - They will feel ashamed oncethey see the punishment, and We shall put yokes on the necks ofthose disbelievers; can there be any other reward except for whatthey did?
O People of the Book! Why you deny the revelations of Allah whileyou know that they are true?
Say: "O people of the Book! Why do you deny the revelations ofAllah? Allah Himself is a witness to your actions."
Disgrace will be branded on them wherever they are found exceptwhen they get refuge under the favor of Allah or the patronage ofother people; they have incurred the wrath of Allah and have beenbranded with misery because they disbelieved Allah's revelationsand slew His prophets unjustly and because they disobeyed andtransgressed the limits.
There is no blame on such elderly women who have no interest ingetting married, if they lay aside their cloaks withoutdisplaying their adornment, but it is better for them if they donot discard. Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
If you are on a journey and cannot find a scribe to write downthe transaction, then transect your business by taking possessionof a pledge. If one of you entrust another with a pledge, let thetrustee deliver the pledged property to its owner, and let himfear Allah, his Rabb. Do not conceal testimony, and whoeverconceals it, his heart is surely sinful. Allah is aware of allyour actions.
Allah did indeed fulfil His promise to you when with His leaveyou defeated them, until you flinched and fell into dispute aboutthe order and disobeyed the Prophet, after Allah had brought itwithin your sight the booty which you loved. Among you there weresome who desired the gain of this world and some who desired thegain of the Hereafter. He allowed you to be defeated in order totest you, but now He has forgiven you, for Allah is gracious tothe believers.
Indeed Allah loves those who fight for His Cause in battle arrayas if they were a solid wall.
To give charity in public is good, but to gives the poor inprivate is better and will remove from you some of your sins.Allah is aware of your actions.