سُبْحَانَ ٱللَّٰهِ
Holy Qur'an
Kids Qur'an
The fact is that Qarun (Korah) was one of Musa's people, but herebelled against them. We had given him such treasures that theirvery keys were a heavy burden to a band of strong men. When hispeople said to him: "Do not exult, for Allah does not love theexultant.
The foolish will ask: "Why did they turn away from the Qiblah(the direction in prayer) towards which they used to face?" OMuhammad, say: "East and West belong to Allah; He guides whomeverHe wishes to the Right Way."
We have made you a moderate Ummah (nation) so that you maytestify against mankind and that your own Rasool may testifyagainst you. We decreed your former Qiblah only to distinguishthose who are the real followers of the Rasool from those whowould back away from the faith. It was indeed a hard test exceptfor those whom Allah has guided. Allah wants not to make yourfaith fruitless. Allah is Compassionate and Merciful to mankind.
O Muhammad, many a time We noticed you turning your face towardsheaven; now We will make you turn towards a Qiblah that willplease you. Turn your face during Salah towards the Sacred Mosque(Ka'bah); wherever you are turn your face in that direction. Thepeople of the Book know this to be the truth from their Rabb.Allah is not unaware of what they do.
Even if you give every proof to the people of the Book, they willnot accept your Qiblah, nor will you accept theirs. Neither ofthem (the Jews and Christians) are the followers of each other'sQiblah. If, after all the knowledge you have been given, youyield to their desires then surely you will be among thewrongdoers.
From whatever place you come forth, turn your face during Salahtowards the Sacred Mosque; this is in fact a commandment fromyour Rabb. Allah is not unaware of what you do.
Again, whatever place you come forth, turn your face during Salahtowards the Sacred Mosque; and wherever you are, face towards it,so that people will not have any argument against you, exceptthose among them who are wrongdoers. Do not fear them; fear Me,so that I may perfect My favors to you and that you may berightly guided,
The foolish will ask: "Why did they turn away from the Qiblah(the direction in prayer) towards which they used to face?" OMuhammad, say: "East and West belong to Allah; He guides whomeverHe wishes to the Right Way."
From whatever place you come forth, turn your face during Salahtowards the Sacred Mosque; this is in fact a commandment fromyour Rabb. Allah is not unaware of what you do.
If two parties among the believers fall into mutual fighting,make peace between them. Then if one of them transgresses againstthe other, fight the one who has transgressed until he returns tothe commands of Allah. Then, if he returns, make peace betweenthem with justice and be fair; for Allah loves those who are fairand just.
To Musa (Moses) We gave nine clear signs. Ask the Children ofIsrael how, when he came to them and Fir'on told him: "O Musa! Ithink that you are bewitched".
O believers! Do not ask questions about things that if revealedto you, may cause you trouble. But if you ask a question aboutsomething when the Qur'an is being revealed, it will be madeknown to you. Allah has forgiven you what you did to date, Allahis Forgiving, Forbearing.
Some people before you did ask such questions and later losttheir faith because of those very things.
If you are in doubt as to whether the revelations which We havesent to Our servant (Muhammad) are from Us or not, then produceone Surah like this; and call your witnesses (gods that you callupon) besides Allah to assist you, if you are right in yourclaim.
Do they say: "He (the Prophet) has forged it?" Tell them: "Ifwhat you say be true; then produce one Surah like this, you mayeven call to your aid anyone you want other than Allah."
Do they say: "He has made up the Qur'an himself." Say to them:"Make up ten Surahs like this and call to your aid whomsoever youcan, including your gods whom you worship, besides Allah if whatyou say is true.
In this Qur'an We have used different methods to make the peopleunderstand the Message, yet the majority of them persist inunbelief.
Why don't they research the Qur'an? Don't they realize that if itwas from someone other than Allah, they would find manydiscrepancies in it.
This is the blessed Book, like the one given to Musa (Moses),which We have revealed, confirming what came before it, that you,O Muhammad, may warn the people living in the Mother City(Makkah) and those who live around her. Those who believe in thehereafter, will believe in this (Book) and will be steadfast intaking care of their Salah (prescribed prayers).
We have revealed the Qur'an in Truth, and with the Truth it hascome down: and O Muhammad, We have sent you only to give goodnews to the believers and to warn the unbelievers.
And O Muhammad, most surely you are receiving this Qur'an fromthe One Who is wise and All-Knowing.
This Book is revealed from Allah, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.
We have revealed this Book, similar to the Book given to Musa, asa blessing; therefore, follow it and adopt a Godfearing attitudeso that you may receive mercy.
When the Qur'an is recited, listen to it with complete silence sothat you may be shown mercy.
Alif Lam Ra. This Book, whose verses are perfected and issued indetail by the One Who is All-Wise, All-Aware.
We have revealed this Qur'an in the Arabic language so that you(Arabs) may understand.
With these instructions, We have revealed this commandment in theArabic language. Now, if you follow their vain desires after realknowledge has come to you, there will be none to save you orprotect you against the wrath of Allah.
Had We revealed this Qur'an in a foreign language, they (samepeople) would have said: "Why have not its verses been madeclear? Why in a foreign language, while the audience are Arabs?"Say O Prophet: "To the believers, it is a guide and a healing;and the ones who do not believe, it is merely their deafness andtheir blindness; because they act as if they are being calledfrom a far-off place."
But now when the truth has came to them, they say: "This is magicand we do not believe it."
Even if there were a Qur'an that could move mountains, cleft theearth asunder or make the dead speak (do you think the resultwould have been different?) Surely all things are subject toAllah's command. Have not yet the believers been satisfied thatif Allah wanted, He would have certainly guided the whole ofmankind? As for the unbelievers, the disaster will not cease toafflict them every now and then or to crouch at their verydoorsteps because of their misdeeds, until the promise of Allahis fulfilled; surely Allah will not fail His promise.
O Prophet, some of those to whom We have given the Book rejoiceat what is revealed to you, while there are some factions whodeny a part of it. Tell them: "I am commanded to worship Allahand to associate none with Him. To Him I invite you and to Him Ishall return."
Alif L'am Ra. O Muhammad! This is a Book which We have revealedto you so that you may bring mankind out of utter darkness (waysof ignorance) to the light; by the leave of their Rabb, to theWay of the Mighty, the Praiseworthy (Allah),
that this is indeed a Glorious Qur'an,
Alif L'am Ra. These are the verses of the Divine Book, theGlorious Qur'an which makes the things clear.
The other reason for this method is that any time they come toyou with an argument, We reveal to you the Truth and properlyexplain it.
These are verses of the Glorious Book.
Tua Sin. These are verses of the Qur'an, the Glorious Book;
These are the verses of the Glorious Book that makes the thingsclear.
By the Glorious Book.
the one who divided their Qur'an into separate parts, believingin some and denying others.
We have revealed to you the Book (The Qur'an) so that you mayclearly explain to them the reality of those things in which theydiffer - it is a guidance and blessing for those people whobelieve.
We know very well what they say about you, O Muhammad: "A certainman teaches him." But the man they allude to speaks a foreignlanguage while this (The Qur'an) is in eloquent Arabic.
Surely this Qur'an guides to the Way which is perfectly straightand gives the good news to the believers who do good that theyshall have a magnificent reward;
When you recite the Qur'an, We put a hidden barrier between youand those who do not believe in the hereafter.
We have revealed the Qur'an which is a healing and a mercy to thebelievers, while to the wrongdoers it adds nothing but loss.
In this Qur'an We have used different methods to make the peopleunderstand the Message, yet the majority of them persist inunbelief.
We have given all kinds of examples in this Qur'an to make the people understand this Message, but man is exceedingly contentious.
We have cited for mankind every kind of parable in this Qur'an,so that they may learn a lesson.
We have divided the Qur'an into sections so that you may reciteto the people with deliberation, and We have sent it down ingradual revelations to suit particular occasions.
The unbelievers ask: "Why is not the Qur'an revealed to him allin a single revelation?" This method of slow, well arranged,piecemeal revelations is adopted to strengthen your heart.
Surely, it is We Who have sent down this Qur'an to you throughgradual revelations,
Soon We shall make you recite Our revelations so you shall forgetnone of them
Praise be to Allah Who has revealed the Book to His servant and did not make it complicated.
It is straightforward so that He may warn about the terrible punishment for the unbelievers from Him and give good news to the believers who do good deeds that they shall have a goodly reward,
We have made this Qur'an easy in your own language so that youmay give good news to the righteous and warn the headstrongcontentious folk.
We have not sent down this Qur'an to put you in trouble,
This Qur'an is not brought down by the shaitans:
We have made this Qur'an easy in your own language so that youmay give good news to the righteous and warn the headstrongcontentious folk.
Surely We have made this Qur'an easy by revealing in your ownlanguage so that they may take heed.
We have indeed made the Qur'an very easy to understand theadmonition: but is there any who would take admonition?
We have indeed made the Qur'an very easy to understand theadmonition, so is there any who would take admonition?
We have indeed made the Qur'an very easy to understand theadmonition, so is there any who would take admonition?
We have indeed made the Qur'an very easy to understand theadmonition, so is there any who would take admonition?
In fact, this Qur'an clarifies for the Children of Israel most ofthose matters in which they differ.
Recite from this Book (Al-Qur'an) which has been revealed to youand establish Salah (Islamic prayers). Surely Salah keeps oneaway from shameful and evil deeds; and surely the remembrance ofAllah (during your prayers and Allah's mention of your name inresponse to your prayers) is the greatest of all deeds, Allahknows what you do.
or a little more; and recite the Qur'an with measured tone.
O Prophet, We have sent down this Book to you (similar to that ofMusa and Isa). So the People of the Book believe in it, and so dosome of these (people of Arabia): and none but unbelievers denyOur revelations.
Is it not enough for them that We have sent down to you this Book(AL-Qur'an) which is recited to them, surely in it is a blessingand a reminder for those who believe.
a guide and a blessing for the righteous:
Do the people say: "He (Muhammad) has forged it?" Nay! It is theTruth from your Rabb, so that you may warn a people to whom noWarner has come before you: so that they may receive guidance.
O Prophet, what We have revealed to you of the Book is the Truth,which confirms the previous scriptures. Surely, with respect toHis servants, Allah is well Aware and fully Observant.
Allah has revealed the most beautiful message, a Book consistentin its verses yet repeating its teachings in different ways.Those who fear their Rabb are filled with awe when they hear it,their skins and their hearts become pliant to the remembrance ofAllah. Such is the guidance of Allah: He guides with it whom Hepleases. But he to whom He confounds shall have none to guidehim.
O Prophet, surely We have revealed to you the Book with thetruth, for the instruction of Mankind. He who follows the RightWay shall follow it for his own good; and he who goes astrayshall do so at his own peril. You are not set up as a guardianover them.
It should not be so! Indeed, this is but an admonition;
No falsehood can approach it from before or from behind. It is arevelation from the One Who is Wise and Praiseworthy.
They also say: "Why is this Qur'an not revealed to a man of greatimportance in the two towns (Makkah and Ta'if)"?
Will they not ponder upon the Qur'an? Are there locks upon theirhearts?
We know very well what these unbelievers say. You (O Muhammad)are not there to compel them to believe. So admonish with thisQur'an every such person who fears My warning.
O Prophet, do not move your tongue too fast to memorize thisrevelation,
It is written in scrolls, which are honored,
Where then are you going?
What is the matter with the people that they do not believe,
Surely this is a Glorious Qur'an,
Yet surely it is the absolute truth.
All these stories of the prior Rasools that We relate to you (OMuhammad) are to strengthen your heart therewith; through theseyou have received the knowledge of reality and the believers havegotten admonition and a reminder.
We have not sent down this Qur'an to put you in trouble,
but as a reminder to those who fear Allah.
Is it not enough for them that We have sent down to you this Book(AL-Qur'an) which is recited to them, surely in it is a blessingand a reminder for those who believe.
In fact this Qur'an is a reminder for you and your people; andyou shall soon be questioned about it.
We know very well what these unbelievers say. You (O Muhammad)are not there to compel them to believe. So admonish with thisQur'an every such person who fears My warning.
This is a Surah which We have revealed and made obligatory; itsrevelations contain clear verses, so that you may take heed.
We have not taught him (Muhammad) poetry, nor does it behove him.This is nothing but a reminder and a plain Qur'an
to warn those who are alive and to establish the charge againstthe disbelievers.
Surely We have made this Qur'an easy by revealing in your ownlanguage so that they may take heed.
Alif Lam Ra. This Book, whose verses are perfected and issued indetail by the One Who is All-Wise, All-Aware.
This Book (Al-Qur'an), which contains no doubt, is revealed bythe Rabb of the worlds.
Do the people say: "He (Muhammad) has forged it?" Nay! It is theTruth from your Rabb, so that you may warn a people to whom noWarner has come before you: so that they may receive guidance.
The revelation of this Book is from Allah, the Almighty, theAll-Knowledgeable,
and then it is Our responsibility to explain it.
Have you not seen the behavior of those (Jews) who have beengiven a portion of the Book? When they are invited to settletheir disputes according to the Book of Allah, some of them turnback and decline.
This is because they say: "The fire of Hell shall not touch us;even if it does, it will be for a few days." In their religionthey are deceived by their own self-invented beliefs.
What will they do when We will gather them together on the Daywhich is sure to come, when every soul will be given what it hasearned and there shall be no injustice?
Indeed We revealed the Taurat to Moses, in which there isguidance and light: By its laws, all the Prophets, who wereMuslims, judged those who call themselves Jews and so did therabbis and jurists of law. They were entrusted the protection ofAllah's Book and they themselves were witnesses. Have no fear ofpeople; fear Me, and do not sell My revelations for a pettyprice: those who do not judge by the law which Allah hasrevealed, are indeed kafirs (unbelievers).
We ordained in Taurat for them: "A life for a life, an eye for aneye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a toothand for a wound an equal retaliation." But if anyone remits theretaliation by way of charity it will be an act of atonement forhim; those who do not judge by the law which Allah has revealed,they are the wrongdoers.
Then in the footsteps of those Prophets, We sent Isa (Jesus) theson of Maryam (Mary) confirming whatever remained intact from theTaurat in his time, and gave him the Injeel (Gospel) wherein wasguidance and light, corroborating what was revealed in theTaurat; a guidance and an admonition to those who fear Allah.
Therefore, let the people who follow the Injeel (Gospel) judge bythe Law which Allah has revealed therein; those who do not judgeby the Law which Allah has revealed, they are the transgressors.
To you, O Muhammad, We have revealed this Book with the truth. Itconfirms whatever has remained intact in the scriptures whichcame before it and also to safeguard it. Therefore, judge betweenpeople according to Allah's revelations and do not yield to theirvain desires diverging from the truth which has come to you. Wehave ordained a law and a Way of life for each of you. If Allahwanted He could have made all of you a single nation. But Hewilled otherwise in order to test you in what He has given you;therefore try to excel one another in good deeds. Ultimately youall shall return to Allah; then He will show you the truth ofthose matters in which you dispute.
So, O Muhammad, pronounce judgement among them according to thelaw which Allah has revealed and do not follow their vaindesires, and beware of them lest they tempt you away from a partof that which Allah has revealed to you. If they reject yourjudgement, then know that it is Allah's wish to scourge them forsome of their sins. In fact most of the people are transgressors.
By rejecting the Divine Law do they wish to be judged by the lawsof ignorance? Who is a better Judge than Allah for those whobelieve in Him?
When the Qur'an is recited, listen to it with complete silence sothat you may be shown mercy.
Do they say: "He has made up the Qur'an himself." Say to them:"Make up ten Surahs like this and call to your aid whomsoever youcan, including your gods whom you worship, besides Allah if whatyou say is true.
But if those gods fail to answer you, then you should know that(they are false gods and that) this (Book) is revealed with theknowledge of Allah, and that there is no god but Him! Will youthen become Muslims?"
Can they be like those who have clear revelations from their Rabband to whom a witness from Himself recites it, and they have theBook of Musa before them - a guidance and a blessing? Can suchpeople deny the revelation of Al- Qur'an? No of course not,rather such people will believe in this, but those factions whodo not believe shall have their promised place in the Hellfire.So, O Prophet, do not be in any doubt about it; it is the Truthfrom your Rabb, even though most people do not believe so.
Declare: "Even if all human beings and Jinns combined theirresources to produce the like of this Qur'an, they would never beable to compose the like thereof, even if they backed up eachother as best as they could."
We have revealed the Qur'an in Truth, and with the Truth it hascome down: and O Muhammad, We have sent you only to give goodnews to the believers and to warn the unbelievers.
- so that those who are endowed with knowledge may realize thatthis (Qur'an) is the Truth from your Rabb and thus believe in itand humble their hearts towards Him, and surely Allah will guidethe believers to the Straight Way.
Or are they really convinced that he is a madman? Nay! In fact hehas brought them the Truth and most of them dislike the Truth.
Is it not sufficient proof for the people that the learned men ofthe children of Israel knew about it?
O Muhammad, you have never read a book before this nor have youever transcribed one with your right hand. Had you done either ofthese, the quibblers could suspect it.
Rather, these are clear signs in the breast of those who areendowed with knowledge: and none deny Our signs except thewrongdoers.
This Book (Al-Qur'an), which contains no doubt, is revealed bythe Rabb of the worlds.
Do the people say: "He (Muhammad) has forged it?" Nay! It is theTruth from your Rabb, so that you may warn a people to whom noWarner has come before you: so that they may receive guidance.
Those to whom knowledge has been given can see that therevelations send down to you from your Rabb are the Truth and itguides to the Way of the Almighty, the Praise Worthy.
O Prophet, what We have revealed to you of the Book is the Truth,which confirms the previous scriptures. Surely, with respect toHis servants, Allah is well Aware and fully Observant.
O Prophet, surely We have revealed to you the Book with thetruth, for the instruction of Mankind. He who follows the RightWay shall follow it for his own good; and he who goes astrayshall do so at his own peril. You are not set up as a guardianover them.
Do they say: "This man has invented this Qur'an himself?" Nay!They do not want to believe.
Let them produce a scripture like this, if what they say is true!
This Qur'an is not such as could be produced by anyone other thanAllah; in fact it is the confirmation of prior revelations(Psalms, Torah, and Gospel) and fully explains the Holy Book(prior scriptures); there is no doubt in this fact that it is(revealed) from the Rabb of the Worlds.
Do they say: "He (the Prophet) has forged it?" Tell them: "Ifwhat you say be true; then produce one Surah like this, you mayeven call to your aid anyone you want other than Allah."
Nay! They do not believe that which they cannot grasp, for theyhave not yet seen its prophecy fulfilled. The same way those whopassed before them disbelieved. But see what was the end of thewrongdoers!
When We substitute one verse in favor of another to elaboratewith different examples - and Allah knows best what He reveals instages - they say: "You are but a forger." The fact is that mostof them do not understand.
Say, "The Holy Spirit (Gabriel) has brought it down piecemealintact from your Rabb to strengthen the faith of the believers,and to give guidance and good news to the Muslims."
We know very well what they say about you, O Muhammad: "A certainman teaches him." But the man they allude to speaks a foreignlanguage while this (The Qur'an) is in eloquent Arabic.
This Book (Al-Qur'an), which contains no doubt, is revealed bythe Rabb of the worlds.
Do the people say: "He (Muhammad) has forged it?" Nay! It is theTruth from your Rabb, so that you may warn a people to whom noWarner has come before you: so that they may receive guidance.
Do they say that the Prophet has fabricated it himself? OProphet, tell them: "If I have fabricated it myself, then thereis nothing that you can do to protect me from the wrath of Allah.He knows fully well what you say about it. Enough is He as awitness between me and you. He is the Oft-Forgiving, the MostMerciful."
O Prophet tell them: "I am no prodigy among the Rasools; nor do Iknow what will be done with me or with you. I follow only what isrevealed to me, and I am no more than a plain Warner."
Further say: "Think, if this Qur'an is indeed from Allah and youreject it, when a witness (a Jew) from the children of Israel hasalso testified to its similarity with earlier scriptures and hasbelieved (accepted Islam), while you are showing arrogance, howunjust you are! Surely Allah does not guide the unjust people."
Why don't they research the Qur'an? Don't they realize that if itwas from someone other than Allah, they would find manydiscrepancies in it.
It is Allah Who has revealed this Book (Al-Qur'an) with thetruth, and the Balance (to distinguish between right and wrong).What will make you realize that perhaps the hour of doom may befast approaching.
O mankind! There has come to you an instruction from your Rabb, acure for whatever (disease) is in your hearts, a guidance and ablessing for the true believers.
O people of the Book (Jews and Christians)! Believe in what Wehave now revealed (The Qur'an), confirming your own scriptures,before We obliterate your faces and turn them backward, or layOur curse on you as We laid Our curse on the Sabbath-breakers:and remember that Allah's command is always executed.
who believe in this Revelation (The Qur'an) which is sent to you(O Muhammad) and the Revelations which were sent before you(Torah, Psalms, Gospel...) and firmly believe in the Hereafter.
Believe in My revelations, which are confirming your scriptures;do not be the first one to deny My revelations, and do not sellthem for a petty price, fear Me and Me alone.
Say: "We believe in Allah and that which is revealed to us; andwhat was revealed to Ibrahim (Abraham), Isma'il (Ishmael), Ishaq(Isaac), Ya'qoob (Jacob) and their descendants, and that whichwas given to Musa (Moses), Isa (Jesus) and other Prophets fromtheir Rabb. We do not discriminate any of them, and to Allah wehave surrendered ourselves (in Islam)."
O Prophet, say: "We believe in Allah and what is revealed to usand what was revealed to Ibrahim (Abraham), Isma`il (Ishmael),Ishaq (Isaac), Ya'qoob (Jacob) and their descendants; and in thatwhich was given to Musa (Moses), Isa (Jesus) and other Prophetsfrom their Rabb; we do not discriminate any one of them, and toAllah do we submit in Islam."
O believers! Believe in Allah, His Rasool, the Book which He hasrevealed to His Rasool, and every Book which He previouslyrevealed. He who denies Allah, His angels, His Books, His Rasoolsand the Last Day has gone far astray.
However, those among them who are well-grounded in knowledge andthose who truly believe in what has been revealed to you, OMuhammad, and other Prophets before you, establishes Salah, paysZakah, and believes in Allah and the Last Day, will soon be givena mighty reward.
This is the blessed Book, like the one given to Musa (Moses),which We have revealed, confirming what came before it, that you,O Muhammad, may warn the people living in the Mother City(Makkah) and those who live around her. Those who believe in thehereafter, will believe in this (Book) and will be steadfast intaking care of their Salah (prescribed prayers).
Can they be like those who have clear revelations from their Rabband to whom a witness from Himself recites it, and they have theBook of Musa before them - a guidance and a blessing? Can suchpeople deny the revelation of Al- Qur'an? No of course not,rather such people will believe in this, but those factions whodo not believe shall have their promised place in the Hellfire.So, O Prophet, do not be in any doubt about it; it is the Truthfrom your Rabb, even though most people do not believe so.
Say: "Whether you believe in it or not, it is true that those whowere endowed with knowledge before its revelation prostratethemselves when it is recited
O Prophet proclaim: "This is the Truth from your Rabb. Now let him who will, believe in it, and him who will, deny it." As for those who reject it, for such wrongdoers We have prepared a Fire whose flames will hem them in like the walls of a tent. When they cry for help, they will be showered with water as hot as molten brass, which will scald their faces. What a dreadful drink and what a horrible residence!
- so that those who are endowed with knowledge may realize thatthis (Qur'an) is the Truth from your Rabb and thus believe in itand humble their hearts towards Him, and surely Allah will guidethe believers to the Straight Way.
As for those who believe and do good deeds and believe in what isrevealed to Muhammad - the truth from their Rabb - He will removefrom them their evils and improve their condition.
They themselves have turned away from the truth and also forbidother people to believe in it. With such a behavior they harmnone but their own souls but they do not perceive it.
who listen to the Word and follow the best meaning of it. Suchare the ones whom Allah has guided and such are the ones who areendowed with understanding.
Do they say: "He has made up the Qur'an himself." Say to them:"Make up ten Surahs like this and call to your aid whomsoever youcan, including your gods whom you worship, besides Allah if whatyou say is true.
But if those gods fail to answer you, then you should know that(they are false gods and that) this (Book) is revealed with theknowledge of Allah, and that there is no god but Him! Will youthen become Muslims?"
When Our clear revelations are recited to them, those whoentertain no hope of meeting Us say to you: "Bring us a Qur'andifferent than this or make some changes in it." O Muhammad, tellthem: "It is not possible for me to change it myself. I followonly what is revealed to me. Indeed, I cannot disobey my Rabb,for I fear the punishment of a Mighty Day."
Nay! They do not believe that which they cannot grasp, for theyhave not yet seen its prophecy fulfilled. The same way those whopassed before them disbelieved. But see what was the end of thewrongdoers!
and declare, "The Truth has come and falsehood has vanished, forfalsehood by its nature is bound to perish."
Yet before it the Book of Musa was revealed which was a guide andblessing; and this Book (Qur'an) confirms it. It is revealed inthe Arabic language to forewarn the wrongdoers and to give goodnews to those who have adopted the righteous conduct.
The Rasool will say: "O my Rabb! Surely my people took thisQur'an for foolish nonsense."
Allah has revealed the most beautiful message, a Book consistentin its verses yet repeating its teachings in different ways.Those who fear their Rabb are filled with awe when they hear it,their skins and their hearts become pliant to the remembrance ofAllah. Such is the guidance of Allah: He guides with it whom Hepleases. But he to whom He confounds shall have none to guidehim.
And now We have revealed this blessed Reminder (The Qur'an). Willyou then deny it?
When Our revelations are recited to them with all their clarity,you can notice a denial on the faces of the unbelievers. They canbarely restrain themselves from assaulting those who recite Ourrevelations. Say to them: "Shall I tell you something which isfar worse than that? It is the fire of hell, which Allah haspromised to those who reject the truth; what an evil abode itwill be!"
O Prophet, some of those to whom We have given the Book rejoiceat what is revealed to you, while there are some factions whodeny a part of it. Tell them: "I am commanded to worship Allahand to associate none with Him. To Him I invite you and to Him Ishall return."
This (Qur'an) is not the word of an accursed Shaitan.
Now when there has come to them a Book from Allah confirming theHoly Books of Torah and Gospel which they already have - eventhough before this they used to pray for victory against theunbelievers - when there came to them that which they very wellrecognize, they knowingly rejected it; Allah's curse is on suchdisbelievers.
Ridiculous is the price for which they have sold away theirsouls, that they deny Allah's revelation merely because of theirgrudge, that Allah should send His grace (on an Israelite ratherthan ) on whom He pleases from His servants (Muhammad)! They havedrawn on themselves wrath upon wrath, and for such disbelieversthere is a disgraceful punishment.
When they are asked to believe in what Allah has revealed, theyreply: "we only believe in what Allah has sent to us (Torah), andwe reject what is beside that," while it is the truth confirmingtheir own scriptures! Ask them, "if you sincerely believe in whatwas sent to you , why did you kill the Prophets of Allah who weresent to you from amongst yourselves before?"
Ask them: " Whose testimony is the most reliable? " When they sayAllah, then tell them: "Let Allah be Witness between me and you(that I am the Rasool of Allah) and this Qur'an has been revealedto me by Him so that I may warn you thereby and all those whom itmay reach. Can you really testify that there are other godsbesides Allah?" Tell them: "As far as I am concerned I will nevertestify to this!" Say: "Indeed He is the One and the Only God andI am absolutely disgusted with the shirk you commit.
Those to whom We have given the Book know this fact as they knowtheir own sons. In fact those who have lost their souls, will notbelieve.
Of them there are some who pretend that they listen to you; buttheir prejudices have dulled their faculties and We have castveils over their hearts and deafness in their ears so they areunable to understand. Even if they see every one of Our Signs,they will not believe. So much so, that when they come to you,they argue with you. The unbelievers say: "These are nothing buttales of the old times."
They themselves have turned away from the truth and also forbidother people to believe in it. With such a behavior they harmnone but their own souls but they do not perceive it.
If you could witness the scene, when they will be made to standbefore the hellfire! They will say: "We wish we could return toearthly life again; then we would not deny the revelations of ourRabb, and we would join the believers!"
In fact, they will say this because they had come to know thereality which they were concealing before. As a matter of facteven if they be sent back, they would certainly repeat the samethings which they had been forbidden to do. Indeed they areliars.
Whenever a Surah is revealed, some of them ask: "Whose faith fromamong you has increased by this?" Certainly the faith of thebelievers is increased and they do rejoice.
As for those whose hearts contain malice, it will add filth totheir existing filth, and they will die while they are stilldisbelievers.
Do they say: "He has made up the Qur'an himself." Say to them:"Make up ten Surahs like this and call to your aid whomsoever youcan, including your gods whom you worship, besides Allah if whatyou say is true.
But if those gods fail to answer you, then you should know that(they are false gods and that) this (Book) is revealed with theknowledge of Allah, and that there is no god but Him! Will youthen become Muslims?"
Can they be like those who have clear revelations from their Rabband to whom a witness from Himself recites it, and they have theBook of Musa before them - a guidance and a blessing? Can suchpeople deny the revelation of Al- Qur'an? No of course not,rather such people will believe in this, but those factions whodo not believe shall have their promised place in the Hellfire.So, O Prophet, do not be in any doubt about it; it is the Truthfrom your Rabb, even though most people do not believe so.
In this Qur'an We have used different methods to make the peopleunderstand the Message, yet the majority of them persist inunbelief.
O Prophet proclaim: "This is the Truth from your Rabb. Now let him who will, believe in it, and him who will, deny it." As for those who reject it, for such wrongdoers We have prepared a Fire whose flames will hem them in like the walls of a tent. When they cry for help, they will be showered with water as hot as molten brass, which will scald their faces. What a dreadful drink and what a horrible residence!
"Rather," some of them say, "this Qur'an is jumble of dreams!"Others say: "He has made it all up!" And yet others say: "He is apoet!" Let him bring to us a sign as did the former Rasools."
The fact, however, is that even though We showed Signs to theprior people, not a single nation before them, which Wedestroyed, ever believed. Will they believe?
The Rasools which We sent before you, O Muhammad, were also humanto whom We sent revelation. If you, O objectors, do not knowthis, then ask the people of the reminder (Jews and Christians).
We did not give them bodies which could survive without food, norwere they immortal.
Then We fulfilled Our promise with them: We saved them and thosewhom We pleased, and destroyed the transgressors.
Now, O People, We have sent down to you a Book (The Qur'an) whichdeals with matters concerning yourselves; why don't youunderstand?
When Our revelations are recited to them with all their clarity,you can notice a denial on the faces of the unbelievers. They canbarely restrain themselves from assaulting those who recite Ourrevelations. Say to them: "Shall I tell you something which isfar worse than that? It is the fire of hell, which Allah haspromised to those who reject the truth; what an evil abode itwill be!"
But their hearts are blind to all this; and their deeds are alsodifferent from the believers. They will continue doing theirmisdeeds
until when We seize those of them who live in comfort withpunishment; lo! Then they start crying for help in supplication.
We shall say: "Do not cry for help this Day, for surely from Usyou shall receive no help.
My revelations were recited to you, but you used to turn back onyour heels
in arrogance, talking nonsense about The Qur'an like one tellingfables by night.
Do they not ponder over the Word of Allah or has anything newcome to them which did not come to their forefathers?
Or is it because they do not recognize their Rasool, who is amember of their own community, that they deny him?
Or are they really convinced that he is a madman? Nay! In fact hehas brought them the Truth and most of them dislike the Truth.
- Had the Truth followed their appetites, the heavens, the earthand everything therein would have been disrupted. Nay! We havegiven them their reminder, but they are heedless to theirreminder.
Those who deny the Truth say: "This Al-Furqan (The Qur'an) is buta forgery which he (Muhammad) himself has devised and some otherpeople have helped him." Unjust is what they do and falsehood iswhat they utter!
And they say: "These are the stories of the ancients which he hascopied down from what is read to him day and night."
Tell them: "This (The Qur'an) is revealed by Him Who knows thesecrets of the heavens and the earth; surely He isEver-Forgiving, Merciful."
They are not going to believe in it until they see the painfulscourge
which, in their heedlessness, will come to them suddenly.
Then they will ask: "Can we be given some respite?"
Do they wish to hurry on Our scourge?
Now that the Truth has come to them from Us, they are saying:"Why is he (Muhammad) not given the like of what was given toMusa?" Have they not rejected that which was given to Musabefore? They claim: "These (Torah and Qur'an) are the two worksof sorcery complementing each other!" And they say: "We believein neither."
Ask them: "Bring a Book from Allah which is a better guide thanthese two, I will follow it, if what you say be true!"
So if they do not meet this demand, you should know that theyonly follow their own desires. And who is more misguided than theone who follows his own desires rather than the guidance fromAllah? In fact, Allah does not guide such wrongdoing people.
The fact is that We have set forth every kind of example for menin this Qur'an, but whatever sign you may bring, the unbelieversare sure to say: "You are preaching falsehood."
Thus Allah set a seal on the hearts of those who do not use theircommon sense.
The disbelievers say: "We shall never believe in this Qur'an, norin the scriptures which came before it." If you could only seewhen these wrongdoers will be made to stand before their Rabb,tossing accusing words on one another! Those who had beendespised as weaklings will say to the arrogant: "If it were notfor you, we would certainly have been believers."
The arrogant will say to those despised weaklings: "Did we blockyou off from guidance when it came to you? Nay! Rather youyourselves were guilty."
Those despised weaklings will say to the arrogant: "No! It wasyou who plotted day and night, bidding us to disbelieve in Allahand to set up equals with Him," - They will feel ashamed oncethey see the punishment, and We shall put yokes on the necks ofthose disbelievers; can there be any other reward except for whatthey did?
Before this, the same disbelievers used to say:
"If we had received a reminder which the earlier people hadreceived,
We certainly would have been sincere devotees of Allah."
But now that the Qur'an has come, they reject it: but soon theywill find out the consequences of this attitude.
Those who reject this reminder when it comes to them should knowthat in fact it is a mighty Book.
Had We revealed this Qur'an in a foreign language, they (samepeople) would have said: "Why have not its verses been madeclear? Why in a foreign language, while the audience are Arabs?"Say O Prophet: "To the believers, it is a guide and a healing;and the ones who do not believe, it is merely their deafness andtheir blindness; because they act as if they are being calledfrom a far-off place."
The unbelievers say about the believers: "Had there been any goodto believe in, this Qur'an, they would not have believed in itbefore us." And since they reject its guidance, they say: "Thisis an ancient falsehood."
Yet before it the Book of Musa was revealed which was a guide andblessing; and this Book (Qur'an) confirms it. It is revealed inthe Arabic language to forewarn the wrongdoers and to give goodnews to those who have adopted the righteous conduct.
Do they say: "This man has invented this Qur'an himself?" Nay!They do not want to believe.
Let them produce a scripture like this, if what they say is true!
In what statement after this Qur'an, will they believe?
When they are asked to believe in what Allah has revealed, theyreply: "we only believe in what Allah has sent to us (Torah), andwe reject what is beside that," while it is the truth confirmingtheir own scriptures! Ask them, "if you sincerely believe in whatwas sent to you , why did you kill the Prophets of Allah who weresent to you from amongst yourselves before?"
He is the One Who has revealed to you the Book. Some of itsverses are decisive - they are the foundation of the Book - whileothers are allegorical. Those whose hearts are infected withdisbelief follow the allegorical part to mislead others and togive it their own interpretation, seeking for its hiddenmeanings, but no one knows its hidden meanings except Allah.Those who are well grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in it;it is all from our Rabb." None will take heed except the peopleof understanding.
This is The Book in which there is no doubt. (Since its Author,Allah, the Creator of this universe, possesses completeknowledge, there is no room for doubt about its contents.) It isa guide for those who are God conscious,
Praise be to Allah Who has revealed the Book to His servant and did not make it complicated.
It is straightforward so that He may warn about the terrible punishment for the unbelievers from Him and give good news to the believers who do good deeds that they shall have a goodly reward,
This Qur'an is revealed in Arabic, which is free from any flaw,so that they may learn to be righteous.
If you are in doubt as to whether the revelations which We havesent to Our servant (Muhammad) are from Us or not, then produceone Surah like this; and call your witnesses (gods that you callupon) besides Allah to assist you, if you are right in yourclaim.
But if you are unable to do so, and you can never do so, thenfear the Hell fire, whose fuel is men and stones which isprepared for the unbelievers.
Say: Should I seek a judge other than Allah, when He is the OneWho has revealed this Book (The Qur'an) with full details? Thosewhom We gave the Book, before you, know very well that it isrevealed to you from your Rabb with the Truth; therefore, youshould not be of those who have doubts.
We settled the Children of Israel in a respectable dwelling placeand provided them with the good things of life. They did notcause dissension until after knowledge had come to them. Surelyyour Rabb will judge between them in those matters in which theycaused dissension on the Day of Resurrection.
Can they be like those who have clear revelations from their Rabband to whom a witness from Himself recites it, and they have theBook of Musa before them - a guidance and a blessing? Can suchpeople deny the revelation of Al- Qur'an? No of course not,rather such people will believe in this, but those factions whodo not believe shall have their promised place in the Hellfire.So, O Prophet, do not be in any doubt about it; it is the Truthfrom your Rabb, even though most people do not believe so.
Do the unbelievers say "He (Muhammad) himself has forged allthis?" Say to them: "If I have indeed forged it, then its sin ison me! And I am clear of the sins which you are committing fornot believing it."
All these stories of the prior Rasools that We relate to you (OMuhammad) are to strengthen your heart therewith; through theseyou have received the knowledge of reality and the believers havegotten admonition and a reminder.
When it is said to them: "Follow what Allah has revealed." Theyreply: "Nay! We will follow what our forefathers practiced."Well! Even if their forefathers had no sense at all and lackedguidance?
We have revealed this Book, similar to the Book given to Musa, asa blessing; therefore, follow it and adopt a Godfearing attitudeso that you may receive mercy.
Lest you say: "The Book was revealed only to two parties beforeus and we were unaware of what they read,"
or lest you say: "If the Book had been revealed to us, we couldhave followed its guidance better than them," a veritable signhas now come to you from your Rabb as a guidance and mercy. Whothen is more unjust than the one who denies the revelations ofAllah and turns away from them? Very soon those who turn awayfrom Our revelations will face dreadful punishment for theiraversion.
This Book is revealed to you; let there be no hesitation in yourheart about it so that you may thereby warn the unbelievers andremind the believers.
Say: "O people, follow what has been brought down to you fromyour Rabb and do not follow other patrons besides Him." Yetlittle do they take admonition.
When they are asked to follow what Allah has revealed, theyreply: "Nay, we shall follow the ways upon which we found ourforefathers". What! Will they still follow them even thoughShaitan invites them to the punishment of the blazing fire.
the people of Fir'on (Pharaoh). Have they no fear?"
Follow that which is revealed to you from your Rabb: for Allah isaware of what you do.
and when it is recited, to make you follow it,
Does it seem strange to the people that We revealed Our will to aman from among themselves, saying: "Warn mankind and give thegood news to the Believers that they are on sound footing withtheir Rabb?" The disbelievers say: "This man is indeed an obviousmagician!"
Say, "The Holy Spirit (Gabriel) has brought it down piecemealintact from your Rabb to strengthen the faith of the believers,and to give guidance and good news to the Muslims."
Tua Sin. These are verses of the Qur'an, the Glorious Book;
a guide and good news for the believers,
This is The Book in which there is no doubt. (Since its Author,Allah, the Creator of this universe, possesses completeknowledge, there is no room for doubt about its contents.) It isa guide for those who are God conscious,
Say O Muhammad: "Whoever is the enemy of Jibra'el (Gabriel)should know that he revealed this Qur'an to your heart by Allah'scommand, which confirms previous scriptures, and is a guidanceand good news for the believers."
Baptism is from Allah; and who is better than Allah in baptizing?Him do we worship.
This (Al-Qur'an) is a clear declaration to mankind, a guidanceand an admonition to those who fear Allah!
O people of the Book (Jews and Christians)! Now Our Rasool hascome to you to reveal much of what you have concealed from theHoly Books and to pass over much which is no longer necessary.There has come to you from Allah a new Light and a clear Book,
with which Allah will guide to the ways of peace all those whoseek His good pleasure and bring them out of the depth ofdarkness into the light of His grace and guide them to the RightWay.
Ask the mushrikin: "Should we call on those, instead of Allah,who can neither benefit us nor harm us? Should we turn upon ourheels after Allah has guided us to the Right Way? Like the onewhom Shaitan has misled and is wandering around in the land,while his friends are calling him to the right way, shouting:"Come this way!" Tell them: "Allah's guidance is the onlyguidance. We are commanded to surrender (become Muslims) to theRabb of the worlds,
This is the guidance from Allah; He bestows it upon whom Hepleases of His devotees. If they had committed shirk (worshipedanyone else besides Allah) all their deeds would have becomevoid.
In response to this the mushrikin will promptly say: "If Allahwanted, neither we nor our forefathers would have been mushrikin,or we could have made anything unlawful." That is how theirancestors rejected the truth in the past until they tasted of Ourpunishment. If they say so, then ask them: "Do you have anyevidence that you can put before us? The fact of the matter is,you believe in nothing but conjecture and follow nothing butfalsehood."
Say: "In contrast to your position, Allah's argument isconclusive; if it had been His will He could indeed have guidedyou all."
or lest you say: "If the Book had been revealed to us, we couldhave followed its guidance better than them," a veritable signhas now come to you from your Rabb as a guidance and mercy. Whothen is more unjust than the one who denies the revelations ofAllah and turns away from them? Very soon those who turn awayfrom Our revelations will face dreadful punishment for theiraversion.
For We have certainly brought them a Book which provides cleardetails based on knowledge and which is a guidance and blessingfor the true believers.
Only he whom Allah guides is rightly guided; and whom Heconfounds will become the losers.
None can guide those whom Allah confounds and leaves themblundering about in their rebellious transgression.
When you, O Muhammad, do not bring them a revelation, they say:"Have you not yet invented?" Tell them: "I follow only what isrevealed to me from my Rabb. This Book contains veritable insightfrom your Rabb, a guidance and blessing for the true believers."
O mankind! There has come to you an instruction from your Rabb, acure for whatever (disease) is in your hearts, a guidance and ablessing for the true believers.
There is a lesson in these stories of former people for the menof common sense. This story of Yusuf revealed in the Qur'an isnot an invented tale, but a confirmation of previous scriptures -a detailed exposition of all things, and is a guidance andblessing for the people who believe.
Alif L'am Ra. O Muhammad! This is a Book which We have revealedto you so that you may bring mankind out of utter darkness (waysof ignorance) to the light; by the leave of their Rabb, to theWay of the Mighty, the Praiseworthy (Allah),
We have revealed to you the Book (The Qur'an) so that you mayclearly explain to them the reality of those things in which theydiffer - it is a guidance and blessing for those people whobelieve.
O Muhammad, warn them about that Day when We shall call a witnessfrom every nation to testify against it, and We shall call you OMuhammad to testify against your people: that is why We have sentdown to you this Book (The Qur'an) to explain everything - aguide, a blessing and good news for Muslims.
Tua Sin. These are verses of the Qur'an, the Glorious Book;
a guide and good news for the believers,
It is certainly a guide and blessing to true believers.
and that I should recite The Qur'an. Now, whoever follows thisguidance will be guided for his own good, and to him who goesastray, say: "I am merely a Warner."
Those to whom knowledge has been given can see that therevelations send down to you from your Rabb are the Truth and itguides to the Way of the Almighty, the Praise Worthy.
who listen to the Word and follow the best meaning of it. Suchare the ones whom Allah has guided and such are the ones who areendowed with understanding.
Allah has revealed the most beautiful message, a Book consistentin its verses yet repeating its teachings in different ways.Those who fear their Rabb are filled with awe when they hear it,their skins and their hearts become pliant to the remembrance ofAllah. Such is the guidance of Allah: He guides with it whom Hepleases. But he to whom He confounds shall have none to guidehim.
O Prophet, surely We have revealed to you the Book with thetruth, for the instruction of Mankind. He who follows the RightWay shall follow it for his own good; and he who goes astrayshall do so at his own peril. You are not set up as a guardianover them.
Had We revealed this Qur'an in a foreign language, they (samepeople) would have said: "Why have not its verses been madeclear? Why in a foreign language, while the audience are Arabs?"Say O Prophet: "To the believers, it is a guide and a healing;and the ones who do not believe, it is merely their deafness andtheir blindness; because they act as if they are being calledfrom a far-off place."
Thus, have We revealed to you O Muhammad, a Spirit (inspired Book- The Qur'an) by Our command: while you did not know what is TheBook and what is the Iman (faith)? But We have made it (TheQur'an) a light whereby We guide those of Our servants whom Weplease; and surely you are guiding mankind to the Right Way
This Qur'an is the true Guidance. As for those who deny therevelations of their Rabb, there will be a terribly painfulpunishment.
These (the Qur'an and Shari'ah) are the eye openers for mankind;a guidance and a blessing to the true believers.
Say, "The Holy Spirit (Gabriel) has brought it down piecemealintact from your Rabb to strengthen the faith of the believers,and to give guidance and good news to the Muslims."
O Muhammad, declare: "O mankind! The truth has come to you fromyour Rabb! He that follows guidance (Right Way) follows it forhis own good, and he that goes astray does so at his own risk;for I am not a custodian over you."
High and exalted be Allah, the True King! Do not hasten to recitethe Qur'an before its revelation is completely conveyed to you,and then say: "O Rabb! Increase my knowledge."
We have revealed the Qur'an which is a healing and a mercy to thebelievers, while to the wrongdoers it adds nothing but loss.
Had We revealed this Qur'an in a foreign language, they (samepeople) would have said: "Why have not its verses been madeclear? Why in a foreign language, while the audience are Arabs?"Say O Prophet: "To the believers, it is a guide and a healing;and the ones who do not believe, it is merely their deafness andtheir blindness; because they act as if they are being calledfrom a far-off place."
This is a Surah which We have revealed and made obligatory; itsrevelations contain clear verses, so that you may take heed.
We have not taught him (Muhammad) poetry, nor does it behove him.This is nothing but a reminder and a plain Qur'an
to warn those who are alive and to establish the charge againstthe disbelievers.
Surely We have made this Qur'an easy by revealing in your ownlanguage so that they may take heed.
O mankind! Here is an example for your understanding, so listento it carefully. Those deities whom you call besides Allah,cannot create a single fly, even if they all combined theirforces, rather, if a fly snatches away anything from them theycannot even get it back; how feebleminded are the suppliants andhow powerless are those whom they supplicate!
This is a proclamation for mankind: let them take warningtherefrom; let them know that He is the One and Only - worthy ofworship - and let the men of understanding learn a lesson.
Thus have we sent down this Qur'an in Arabic and clearlyproclaimed in it some of the warnings so that they may take heedor that it may serve as a reminder to them.
The disbelievers say: "Do not listen this Qur'an and make noisewhen it is recited so that you may gain the upper hand."
Those who conceal the clear proofs and the guidance, after Wehave made it clear in the Book for mankind, will have Allah'scurse and that of those who are entitled to curse;
except those who repent, reform and let the truth be known; I'llaccept their repentance, for I am the Receiver of Repentance, theMerciful.
Therefore, hold fast to this Qur'an which is reveled to you,surely you are on the Right Way.
Would you scorn a scripture such as this
and make it's denying a means of your livelihood?
Why is it not then that when you see a dying person's soul comeup to his throat
while you are helplessly watching
- and at that time We are nearer to him than you, although youcannot see Us.
Then why do you not - if you claim you are not subject toreckoning
- restore to the dying person his soul? Answer this, if what yousay be true!
They shall have the jewelled couches,
reclining on them facing each other,
and there shall wait on them the eternal youths
with goblets, shining beakers and cups of pure wine,
- which will neither pain their heads nor take away their senses.
They shall have fruits of their own choice
and flesh of fowls that they may desire,
and dark eyed Huris (damsels),
as lovely as well guarded pearls
as a reward for their good deeds that they had done.
There they shall not hear any vain talk nor sinful words,
but only the greetings of "Peace be upon you! Peace be upon you!"
Those of the right hand - happy shall be those on the right hand!
They shall be among the thornless lot trees,
clusters of bananas,
extended thick shades,
constantly flowing water,
abundant fruits
of unforbidden never ending supply,
and will be reclining on high raised couches.
We shall create their wives of special creation
and make them virgins
beloved by nature, equal in age,
for those of the right hand.
Many of them will be from the former
and many from the later generations.
As for those of the left hand - how unfortunate will be thepeople of the left hand!
They will be in the midst of scorching winds and in boilingwater:
in the shade of a pitch-black smoke,
neither cool nor refreshing.
For they lived in comfort before meeting this fate.
They persisted in heinous sins
and used to say: "When we are dead and turned to dust and bones,shall we then be raised to life again?
And our forefathers, too?"
Tell them: "Surely those of old and those of present age
shall certainly be brought together on an appointed time of aknown Day.
Then, "O the mistaken rejecters,
you shall eat of the Zaqqum tree,
and fill your bellies with it;
and drink on top of it scalding water;
yet you shall drink it like a thirsty camel."
Such will be their entertainment on the Day of Reckoning.
We have created you: will you not then testify about Our power ofcreation?
Have you ever considered the semen you discharge:
Is it you who create the child from it, or are We the Creator?
It is We Who have ordained death among you and We are nothelpless
in replacing you by others like yourselves or transforming youinto beings that you do not know.
You already know well your first creation, why then do you nottake heed?
Have you ever considered the seed that you sow in the ground?
Is it you who cause it to grow or are We the grower?
If it be Our Will, We could crumble your harvest into chaff, andyou would then be left in lamenting:
"We are indeed left laden with debts,
indeed we have been deprived from the fruits of our labor!"
Have you ever considered the water which you drink?
Is it you who send it down from the clouds or are We the sender?
If it be Our Will, We could turn it salty. Why then do you notgive thanks?
Have you ever considered the fire that you kindle?
Is it you who grow the tree which feeds the fire or are We thegrower?
We have made it a reminder for man as to what would be the lifewithout it, and a provision of life for the travellers of desert.
So glorify the name of your Rabb, Who is the Greatest.
I swear by the setting of the stars,
and it is indeed a mighty oath if you but knew it,
that this is indeed a Glorious Qur'an,
inscribed in a well-guarded Book,
which none can touch except the purified (angels):
a revelation from the Rabb of the worlds.
This (Al-Qur'an) is a clear declaration to mankind, a guidanceand an admonition to those who fear Allah!
Nay! I swear by all that you can see,
and all that you cannot see,
that this is the word of a noble Rasool.
is it not the word of a poet - little is it that you believe,
nor it is the word of a soothsayer - little admonition is thatyou take.
This is a revelation from the Rabb of the worlds.
Had he (Muhammad) invented false statement concerning Us,
We would certainly have seize him by his right hand
then cut off his main artery,
and none of you could prevent it!
Tell them how We brought to you a group of jinns, who when theyreached the place where you were reciting and listened to theQur'an, said to each other: "Be silent." When the recitation wasover, they returned to their people as warners.
They said "O our people! We have just listened to a Book that hasbeen revealed after Musa which is confirming that what camebefore it, and it guides to the truth and to the Right Way.
O our people, answer the one who is calling you towards Allah andbelieve in him! Allah will forgive you your sins and save youfrom a painful punishment.
He that does not answer the one who is calling towards Allah,shall neither escape in the earth, nor shall have any to protectfrom Him. Surely such people are in manifest error."
Have you not seen the behavior of those (Jews) who have beengiven a portion of the Book? When they are invited to settletheir disputes according to the Book of Allah, some of them turnback and decline.
This is because they say: "The fire of Hell shall not touch us;even if it does, it will be for a few days." In their religionthey are deceived by their own self-invented beliefs.
What will they do when We will gather them together on the Daywhich is sure to come, when every soul will be given what it hasearned and there shall be no injustice?
Indeed We revealed the Taurat to Moses, in which there isguidance and light: By its laws, all the Prophets, who wereMuslims, judged those who call themselves Jews and so did therabbis and jurists of law. They were entrusted the protection ofAllah's Book and they themselves were witnesses. Have no fear ofpeople; fear Me, and do not sell My revelations for a pettyprice: those who do not judge by the law which Allah hasrevealed, are indeed kafirs (unbelievers).
We ordained in Taurat for them: "A life for a life, an eye for aneye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a toothand for a wound an equal retaliation." But if anyone remits theretaliation by way of charity it will be an act of atonement forhim; those who do not judge by the law which Allah has revealed,they are the wrongdoers.
Then in the footsteps of those Prophets, We sent Isa (Jesus) theson of Maryam (Mary) confirming whatever remained intact from theTaurat in his time, and gave him the Injeel (Gospel) wherein wasguidance and light, corroborating what was revealed in theTaurat; a guidance and an admonition to those who fear Allah.
Therefore, let the people who follow the Injeel (Gospel) judge bythe Law which Allah has revealed therein; those who do not judgeby the Law which Allah has revealed, they are the transgressors.
To you, O Muhammad, We have revealed this Book with the truth. Itconfirms whatever has remained intact in the scriptures whichcame before it and also to safeguard it. Therefore, judge betweenpeople according to Allah's revelations and do not yield to theirvain desires diverging from the truth which has come to you. Wehave ordained a law and a Way of life for each of you. If Allahwanted He could have made all of you a single nation. But Hewilled otherwise in order to test you in what He has given you;therefore try to excel one another in good deeds. Ultimately youall shall return to Allah; then He will show you the truth ofthose matters in which you dispute.
So, O Muhammad, pronounce judgement among them according to thelaw which Allah has revealed and do not follow their vaindesires, and beware of them lest they tempt you away from a partof that which Allah has revealed to you. If they reject yourjudgement, then know that it is Allah's wish to scourge them forsome of their sins. In fact most of the people are transgressors.
By rejecting the Divine Law do they wish to be judged by the lawsof ignorance? Who is a better Judge than Allah for those whobelieve in Him?
When such people are called to Allah and His Rasool that He mayjudge between them, behold! A party of them decline to come.
However, if they have the truth on their side, they come to himvoluntarily.
Is there a disease in their hearts? Either they are skeptical, orelse they fear that Allah and His Rasool will deny them justice.Nay! In fact they are the ones who are the wrongdoers.
The response of the true believers, when they are called to Allahand His Rasool that he may judge between them, is only to say:"We hear and we obey." Such are the ones who will attainfelicity.
Only those who obey Allah and His Rasool, have fear of Allah anddo good deeds, are the ones who will be the winners.
Have you not seen the behavior of those (Jews) who have beengiven a portion of the Book? When they are invited to settletheir disputes according to the Book of Allah, some of them turnback and decline.
This is because they say: "The fire of Hell shall not touch us;even if it does, it will be for a few days." In their religionthey are deceived by their own self-invented beliefs.
What will they do when We will gather them together on the Daywhich is sure to come, when every soul will be given what it hasearned and there shall be no injustice?
So, O Muhammad, pronounce judgement among them according to thelaw which Allah has revealed and do not follow their vaindesires, and beware of them lest they tempt you away from a partof that which Allah has revealed to you. If they reject yourjudgement, then know that it is Allah's wish to scourge them forsome of their sins. In fact most of the people are transgressors.
O Prophet, surely We have revealed to you the Book with thetruth, for the instruction of Mankind. He who follows the RightWay shall follow it for his own good; and he who goes astrayshall do so at his own peril. You are not set up as a guardianover them.
or lest you say: "If the Book had been revealed to us, we couldhave followed its guidance better than them," a veritable signhas now come to you from your Rabb as a guidance and mercy. Whothen is more unjust than the one who denies the revelations ofAllah and turns away from them? Very soon those who turn awayfrom Our revelations will face dreadful punishment for theiraversion.
For We have certainly brought them a Book which provides cleardetails based on knowledge and which is a guidance and blessingfor the true believers.
O mankind! There has come to you an instruction from your Rabb, acure for whatever (disease) is in your hearts, a guidance and ablessing for the true believers.
There is a lesson in these stories of former people for the menof common sense. This story of Yusuf revealed in the Qur'an isnot an invented tale, but a confirmation of previous scriptures -a detailed exposition of all things, and is a guidance andblessing for the people who believe.
We have revealed to you the Book (The Qur'an) so that you mayclearly explain to them the reality of those things in which theydiffer - it is a guidance and blessing for those people whobelieve.
O Muhammad, warn them about that Day when We shall call a witnessfrom every nation to testify against it, and We shall call you OMuhammad to testify against your people: that is why We have sentdown to you this Book (The Qur'an) to explain everything - aguide, a blessing and good news for Muslims.
We have revealed the Qur'an which is a healing and a mercy to thebelievers, while to the wrongdoers it adds nothing but loss.
It is certainly a guide and blessing to true believers.
Is it not enough for them that We have sent down to you this Book(AL-Qur'an) which is recited to them, surely in it is a blessingand a reminder for those who believe.
This Qur'an is nothing but a Reminder to all the Worlds;
and before long, you will certainly know its truth."
This (The Qur'an) is nothing but a Reminder to all the people ofthe world.
This is but a Message to all the people of the world,
to each one who wishes to follow the Right Way.
Yet your wishes are of no avail unless Allah, the Rabb of theworlds, pleases so.
If We had sent down this Qur'an on a mountain, you would haveseen it humble itself and split asunder from the fear of Allah,We are citing this example for mankind, so that they may takeheed.
But now that they have neglected the warning, they will soon cometo know the reality of what they have been mocking at.
Have you not seen the behavior of those (Jews) who have beengiven a portion of the Book? When they are invited to settletheir disputes according to the Book of Allah, some of them turnback and decline.
This is because they say: "The fire of Hell shall not touch us;even if it does, it will be for a few days." In their religionthey are deceived by their own self-invented beliefs.
What will they do when We will gather them together on the Daywhich is sure to come, when every soul will be given what it hasearned and there shall be no injustice?
Those who do not wish to be guided say: "If we go along with youand accept this guidance, we shall be driven out from our land."But have We not given them a secure sanctuary to which arebrought the fruits of all kinds as a provision from Us? But mostof them have no knowledge.
How many towns have We destroyed who once flourished in theireconomy? Just see those dwellings of theirs, only a few of whichhave been inhabited after them; at last We Alone became theirinheritors.
Your Rabb would never destroy the towns until He had sent intheir metropolis a Rasool, proclaiming to them Our revelations;and We would not destroy towns except when their dwellers hadbecome wrongdoers.
The things which you have been given are but the provisions andadornments of this worldly life; and that which is with Allah isbetter and more lasting. Why don't you use your common sense?
Can a person to whom We have made a handsome promise and he issure to receive it, be like the one to whom We have only giventhe provisions of this world and he is scheduled to be presentedon the Day of Resurrection for punishment?
and when the Qur'an is recited to them, they do not prostrate?
Surely We have revealed this reminder (The Qur'an); and We willsurely preserve it Ourself.
When the Qur'an is recited, listen to it with complete silence sothat you may be shown mercy.
O Prophet! Recite what has been revealed to you from the Book of your Rabb: no one is authorized to change His Words and if you dare to make any change, you will find no refuge to protect you from Him.
and that I should recite The Qur'an. Now, whoever follows thisguidance will be guided for his own good, and to him who goesastray, say: "I am merely a Warner."
Recite from this Book (Al-Qur'an) which has been revealed to youand establish Salah (Islamic prayers). Surely Salah keeps oneaway from shameful and evil deeds; and surely the remembrance ofAllah (during your prayers and Allah's mention of your name inresponse to your prayers) is the greatest of all deeds, Allahknows what you do.
When Our revelations are recited to them with all their clarity,you can notice a denial on the faces of the unbelievers. They canbarely restrain themselves from assaulting those who recite Ourrevelations. Say to them: "Shall I tell you something which isfar worse than that? It is the fire of hell, which Allah haspromised to those who reject the truth; what an evil abode itwill be!"
Establish Salah from the decline of the sun till the darkness ofthe night (Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha) and read at Fajr (dawn);for the reading at Fajr is witnessed (by the angels).
When Our revelations are recited to them with all their clarity,you can notice a denial on the faces of the unbelievers. They canbarely restrain themselves from assaulting those who recite Ourrevelations. Say to them: "Shall I tell you something which isfar worse than that? It is the fire of hell, which Allah haspromised to those who reject the truth; what an evil abode itwill be!"
Stand in prayers at night, but not the whole night,
half of it or a little less,
or a little more; and recite the Qur'an with measured tone.
Soon We are going to send you a weighty message.
Surely the getting up at night for prayer is most effective forcontrolling the self and most suitable for reciting the Qur'an aswell;
because, during the day you are hard pressed with worldlyaffairs.
Remember the name of your Rabb and devote yourself to Himexclusively.
Surely your Rabb knows that you stand in prayers nearly two-thirds of the night, and sometimes one-half or one-third of it,so do others among your companions. Allah has the measures of thenight and the day. He knows that you will not be able to keep itup, so He has turned to you in Mercy, therefore, read from theQur'an as much as you easily can. He knows that there may be somesick people among you, and some others who travel through theland to seek Allah's bounty; and yet some others fighting for thecause of Allah. Therefore, read as much of the Qur'an as youeasily can. Establish the Salah (five time daily prayers) and paythe Zakah (poor due), and give to Allah a goodly loan. Whatevergood you will send forth for yourselves, you will find it withAllah, which will be much better and greater in reward. SeekAllah's forgiveness, surely Allah is Oft-Forgiving, MostMerciful.
O believers! Obey Allah, obey the Rasool and those charged withauthority among you. Should you have a dispute in anything, referit to Allah and His Rasool, if you truly believe in Allah and theLast Day. This course of action will be better and more suitable.
They say: "Why does he (Muhammad) not bring us a Sign from HisRabb?" Has not a clear Sign (The Qur'an) come to them containingall the teachings of the former Scriptures?
Had We destroyed them as punishment before its revelation, theywould have said: "Our Rabb! If only You had sent us a Rasool, wewould certainly have followed Your revelations before beinghumiliated and disgraced."
But your people are rejecting this (The Qur'an), although it isthe very truth." Tell them: "I am not appointed as yourcaretaker.
Nay! They do not believe that which they cannot grasp, for theyhave not yet seen its prophecy fulfilled. The same way those whopassed before them disbelieved. But see what was the end of thewrongdoers!
They have been turning their backs on each fresh warning thatcomes to them from the Compassionate (Allah).
But now that they have neglected the warning, they will soon cometo know the reality of what they have been mocking at.
We have not heard such a thing from anyone of the people oflatter days (Jews and Christians): it is nothing but afabrication.
Is he the only fit person among us to whom the admonition isrevealed?" But in fact they doubt My admonition, for they havenot yet tasted My punishment.
Do they have the treasures of the mercy of your Rabb, theAll-Mighty, the Munificent One.
Or do they have sovereignty over the heavens and the earth andall that lies between them? If so, let them ascend by any meansto be in a position of dictating Allah according to their wishes.
Their faction is no more than an army who will be beaten righthere.
Before them the people of Nuh, `Ad and Fir'on, the man of spikes,denied their Rasools,
So did Thamud, the people of Lut and those of Aiykah (the peopleof Median) - all divided themselves into factions;
all charged their Rasools as liars, so just was my torment ofannihilating them.
These people also await nothing but a single mighty Blast - theone which none may retard.
O Prophet, surely We have revealed to you the Book with thetruth, for the instruction of Mankind. He who follows the RightWay shall follow it for his own good; and he who goes astrayshall do so at his own peril. You are not set up as a guardianover them.
Would you scorn a scripture such as this
and make it's denying a means of your livelihood?
Why is it not then that when you see a dying person's soul comeup to his throat
while you are helplessly watching
- and at that time We are nearer to him than you, although youcannot see Us.
Then why do you not - if you claim you are not subject toreckoning
- restore to the dying person his soul? Answer this, if what yousay be true!
We know that there are some among you who deny it,
When you divorce women and they have reached the end of theirwaiting period ('Iddat) either allow them to stay with honor orlet them go with kindness; but you should not retain them to harmthem or to take undue advantage; if anyone does that he wrongshis own soul. Do not take Allah's revelations as a joke. Rememberthe favors of Allah upon you and the fact that He sent down theBook and Wisdom for your guidance. Fear Allah and know that Allahhas knowledge of everything.
This is a Surah which We have revealed and made obligatory; itsrevelations contain clear verses, so that you may take heed.
We have not taught him (Muhammad) poetry, nor does it behove him.This is nothing but a reminder and a plain Qur'an
to warn those who are alive and to establish the charge againstthe disbelievers.
Surely We have made this Qur'an easy by revealing in your ownlanguage so that they may take heed.
Has not the time arrived for the believers to submit with ferventhearts to Allah's warning and to the truth He has revealed, sothat they may not become like those who were given the Bookbefore this, even though their term was prolonged for them buttheir hearts became hardened? Today most among them aretransgressors.
All these stories of the prior Rasools that We relate to you (OMuhammad) are to strengthen your heart therewith; through theseyou have received the knowledge of reality and the believers havegotten admonition and a reminder.
We have not sent down this Qur'an to put you in trouble,
but as a reminder to those who fear Allah.
Is it not enough for them that We have sent down to you this Book(AL-Qur'an) which is recited to them, surely in it is a blessingand a reminder for those who believe.
In fact this Qur'an is a reminder for you and your people; andyou shall soon be questioned about it.
Those who conceal the clear proofs and the guidance, after Wehave made it clear in the Book for mankind, will have Allah'scurse and that of those who are entitled to curse;
except those who repent, reform and let the truth be known; I'llaccept their repentance, for I am the Receiver of Repentance, theMerciful.
Nay! I swear by all that you can see,
and all that you cannot see,
that this is the word of a noble Rasool.
is it not the word of a poet - little is it that you believe,
nor it is the word of a soothsayer - little admonition is thatyou take.
This is a revelation from the Rabb of the worlds.
Had he (Muhammad) invented false statement concerning Us,
We would certainly have seize him by his right hand
then cut off his main artery,
and none of you could prevent it!
Surely, it is We Who have sent down this Qur'an to you throughgradual revelations,
Surely We have revealed this (Qur'an) in the night of Qadr.
Ask them: " Whose testimony is the most reliable? " When they sayAllah, then tell them: "Let Allah be Witness between me and you(that I am the Rasool of Allah) and this Qur'an has been revealedto me by Him so that I may warn you thereby and all those whom itmay reach. Can you really testify that there are other godsbesides Allah?" Tell them: "As far as I am concerned I will nevertestify to this!" Say: "Indeed He is the One and the Only God andI am absolutely disgusted with the shirk you commit.
Thus, have We revealed to you O Muhammad, a Spirit (inspired Book- The Qur'an) by Our command: while you did not know what is TheBook and what is the Iman (faith)? But We have made it (TheQur'an) a light whereby We guide those of Our servants whom Weplease; and surely you are guiding mankind to the Right Way
This Book is revealed to you; let there be no hesitation in yourheart about it so that you may thereby warn the unbelievers andremind the believers.
When you, O Muhammad, do not bring them a revelation, they say:"Have you not yet invented?" Tell them: "I follow only what isrevealed to me from my Rabb. This Book contains veritable insightfrom your Rabb, a guidance and blessing for the true believers."
When Our clear revelations are recited to them, those whoentertain no hope of meeting Us say to you: "Bring us a Qur'andifferent than this or make some changes in it." O Muhammad, tellthem: "It is not possible for me to change it myself. I followonly what is revealed to me. Indeed, I cannot disobey my Rabb,for I fear the punishment of a Mighty Day."
The unbelievers ask: "Why is not the Qur'an revealed to him allin a single revelation?" This method of slow, well arranged,piecemeal revelations is adopted to strengthen your heart.
The other reason for this method is that any time they come toyou with an argument, We reveal to you the Truth and properlyexplain it.
Those who will be dragged headlong into hell shall have an evilplace to dwell in, for they had lost the Way by taking an utterlywrong stand.
Would you scorn a scripture such as this
and make it's denying a means of your livelihood?
Why is it not then that when you see a dying person's soul comeup to his throat
while you are helplessly watching
- and at that time We are nearer to him than you, although youcannot see Us.
Then why do you not - if you claim you are not subject toreckoning
- restore to the dying person his soul? Answer this, if what yousay be true!
Have you not seen the behavior of those (Jews) who have beengiven a portion of the Book? When they are invited to settletheir disputes according to the Book of Allah, some of them turnback and decline.
This is because they say: "The fire of Hell shall not touch us;even if it does, it will be for a few days." In their religionthey are deceived by their own self-invented beliefs.
What will they do when We will gather them together on the Daywhich is sure to come, when every soul will be given what it hasearned and there shall be no injustice?
surely this hellfire is one of mighty scourge,
Allah does not mind using the similitude of a gnat or an evenmore insignificant creature to teach a lesson. Those who believeknow that it is the truth from their Rabb; but the unbelieverssay: "What does Allah mean by such a similitude?" By such asimilitude Allah confounds many and enlightens many. He confoundsnone except the transgressors:
These are the parables that We cite for mankind; but none willgrasp them except the wise.
There is a lesson in these stories of former people for the menof common sense. This story of Yusuf revealed in the Qur'an isnot an invented tale, but a confirmation of previous scriptures -a detailed exposition of all things, and is a guidance andblessing for the people who believe.
On that Day the wrongdoer will bite his hands saying: "Oh! Wouldthat I had only taken the pathway alongside the Rasool!
Oh! Would that I had never chosen so-and-so for my companion.
He was the one who led me astray from the admonition even afterit had reached me." Shaitan is ever treacherous to man.
- so that those who are endowed with knowledge may realize thatthis (Qur'an) is the Truth from your Rabb and thus believe in itand humble their hearts towards Him, and surely Allah will guidethe believers to the Straight Way.
But their hearts are blind to all this; and their deeds are alsodifferent from the believers. They will continue doing theirmisdeeds
until when We seize those of them who live in comfort withpunishment; lo! Then they start crying for help in supplication.
We shall say: "Do not cry for help this Day, for surely from Usyou shall receive no help.
My revelations were recited to you, but you used to turn back onyour heels
in arrogance, talking nonsense about The Qur'an like one tellingfables by night.
Do they not ponder over the Word of Allah or has anything newcome to them which did not come to their forefathers?
Or is it because they do not recognize their Rasool, who is amember of their own community, that they deny him?
Or are they really convinced that he is a madman? Nay! In fact hehas brought them the Truth and most of them dislike the Truth.
- Had the Truth followed their appetites, the heavens, the earthand everything therein would have been disrupted. Nay! We havegiven them their reminder, but they are heedless to theirreminder.
This Book is revealed to you; let there be no hesitation in yourheart about it so that you may thereby warn the unbelievers andremind the believers.
I swear by the setting of the stars,
and it is indeed a mighty oath if you but knew it,
that this is indeed a Glorious Qur'an,
inscribed in a well-guarded Book,
which none can touch except the purified (angels):
a revelation from the Rabb of the worlds.
Whenever a Surah is revealed they look at each other as if toask, "Is anyone watching?" Then they silently slip away. Allahhas slipped their hearts (from the guidance), for they are apeople who do not want to understand.
Thus do We relate to you, O Muhammad, some information of thepast events; and indeed We have sent you this Reminder (TheQur'an) from Our Own Self.
Those who reject it, shall bear a heavy burden on the Day ofResurrection.
For ever shall they bear it, and it will be indeed a very evilburden to bear on the Day of Resurrection.
but the one who will turn away from My reminder shall live ameager life and We shall raise him back to life as a blind personon the Day of Resurrection."
He will say: "O Rabb! Why have you raised me up blind here, whileI was clear-sighted before?"
Allah will say: "Just as Our revelation came to you and youplayed blind; so are you blind today."
Thus do We reward the one who is a transgressor and does notbelieve in the revelations of his Rabb. The punishment of theHereafter is more terrible and more lasting.
Or are they really convinced that he is a madman? Nay! In fact hehas brought them the Truth and most of them dislike the Truth.
Say: "This is a supreme message:
yet you pay no heed to it."
O Prophet, tell them: "I do not ask you any recompense forconveying this Message, nor do I pretend to be what I am not.
This Qur'an is nothing but a Reminder to all the Worlds;
and before long, you will certainly know its truth."
Nay! I swear by all that you can see,
and all that you cannot see,
that this is the word of a noble Rasool.
is it not the word of a poet - little is it that you believe,
nor it is the word of a soothsayer - little admonition is thatyou take.
This is a revelation from the Rabb of the worlds.
Had he (Muhammad) invented false statement concerning Us,
We would certainly have seize him by his right hand
then cut off his main artery,
and none of you could prevent it!
Surely this Qur'an is a reminder to the Godfearing.
We know that there are some among you who deny it,
and for such disbelievers it is indeed a cause of despair.
Yet surely it is the absolute truth.
Surely this is a Glorious Qur'an,
inscribed on an Imperishable Tablet.
Have you not seen the behavior of those (Jews) who have beengiven a portion of the Book? When they are invited to settletheir disputes according to the Book of Allah, some of them turnback and decline.
This is because they say: "The fire of Hell shall not touch us;even if it does, it will be for a few days." In their religionthey are deceived by their own self-invented beliefs.
What will they do when We will gather them together on the Daywhich is sure to come, when every soul will be given what it hasearned and there shall be no injustice?
Will they not ponder upon the Qur'an? Are there locks upon theirhearts?
Tell them how We brought to you a group of jinns, who when theyreached the place where you were reciting and listened to theQur'an, said to each other: "Be silent." When the recitation wasover, they returned to their people as warners.
They said "O our people! We have just listened to a Book that hasbeen revealed after Musa which is confirming that what camebefore it, and it guides to the truth and to the Right Way.
O our people, answer the one who is calling you towards Allah andbelieve in him! Allah will forgive you your sins and save youfrom a painful punishment.
He that does not answer the one who is calling towards Allah,shall neither escape in the earth, nor shall have any to protectfrom Him. Surely such people are in manifest error."
This Book is revealed to you; let there be no hesitation in yourheart about it so that you may thereby warn the unbelievers andremind the believers.
Does it seem strange to the people that We revealed Our will to aman from among themselves, saying: "Warn mankind and give thegood news to the Believers that they are on sound footing withtheir Rabb?" The disbelievers say: "This man is indeed an obviousmagician!"
We gave Musa (Moses) the Book and made it a guide for theChildren of Israel, saying: "Do not take any other protectorbesides Me.
This is revealed by the Compassionate, the Merciful (Allah):
a Book whose verses are well explained, a Qur'an in the Arabiclanguage for people who understand.
A giver of good news and admonition: yet most of the people turntheir backs and do not listen.
He is the One Who has revealed to you the Book. Some of itsverses are decisive - they are the foundation of the Book - whileothers are allegorical. Those whose hearts are infected withdisbelief follow the allegorical part to mislead others and togive it their own interpretation, seeking for its hiddenmeanings, but no one knows its hidden meanings except Allah.Those who are well grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in it;it is all from our Rabb." None will take heed except the peopleof understanding.
No falsehood can approach it from before or from behind. It is arevelation from the One Who is Wise and Praiseworthy.
so that Allah may forgive your past as well as your future sins,and may perfect His blessings upon you, and keep you on the RightWay,
your companion (Muhammad) is neither astray, nor misguided,
nor does he speak out of his own desire.
This Qur'an is but an inspired revelation.
He is being taught by one who is mighty, powerful (angelGabriel);
the one free from defects who became stable in the view.
He stood poised at the uppermost horizon,
then he drew near, coming closer
within the length of two bows or even closer,
and revealed to Allah's servant that what he was supposed toreveal.
This (Qur'an) is not the word of an accursed Shaitan.
surely this word (The Qur'an) is brought by a noble Messenger(Gabriel),
possessor of mighty power, having very high rank with the Ownerof the Throne (Allah),
who is obeyed in heaven, and is trustworthy.
O people of Makkah! Your companion has not gone mad;
he (Muhammad) indeed saw him (Gabriel) in the clear horizon
and he is not stingy to withhold the knowledge of the unseen.
This (Qur'an) is not the word of an accursed Shaitan.
Where then are you going?
and then it is Our responsibility to explain it.
Nay! I swear by all that you can see,
and all that you cannot see,
that this is the word of a noble Rasool.
is it not the word of a poet - little is it that you believe,
nor it is the word of a soothsayer - little admonition is thatyou take.
This is a revelation from the Rabb of the worlds.
Had he (Muhammad) invented false statement concerning Us,
We would certainly have seize him by his right hand
then cut off his main artery,
and none of you could prevent it!
Surely, it is We Who have sent down this Qur'an to you throughgradual revelations,
Surely We have revealed this (Qur'an) in the night of Qadr.