Date: February 13, 2015
In the great epic books, it’s noted that Aisha Ra was the most beloved to the Prophet SAW. She is known as the woman who exonerated by Allah SWT in the Qur’an. History and Prophetic words claims that it was upon her lap that prophet Muhammad SAW he breathed his last. Now you might have understood that who this elegant and great woman is. She is the lovable and respectful wife of Prophet Muhammad. She loved her husband, Prophet Muhammad. She was the most eloquent and compassionate wives of Prophet. She was a complete example for innocence, eloquence, wise, knowledge and much more. We can definitely say that she is the complete instance of what a Muslim woman should be like. Aisha Ra is the number four in the most prolific narrators of Hadith. There is no book of Fiqh, which does not have the opinions of Aisha Ra. Every Islamic book has mentioned the name of Aisha Ra. Aisha Ra was the daughter of Muhammad’s close friend Abu Bakr. She was born after four years of prophet hood of Muhammad. Muhammad called her Humaira, means one who has reddish skin. She was engaged to Prophet at the age of six. Many sources say that she stayed with her parents at home until the age of nine when the marriage was declared with Muhammad. Her role to the spread of Prophet’s message was astonishing, and she helped the Muslims for 44 years after the death of Prophet. Histories say that after the migration of Prophet, she lost her father and mother. Years passed and she was living under the rein of Ali Ibn Abi Talib and Muawiya Ibn Abi Sufian Ra. Many of her lovable people and companions of Prophet were assassinated in the war. Then she went to do the holy Haj. From there she returned by hearing these assassination and war news. Aftermath, many conflicts had took place and our mother Aisha Ra also participated in the great battle of the camel for peace. She was a great woman who struggled for peace and truth and the follower of Prophetic messages. In her last days in the earth, she was very calm and not even accepted a word of praise from the visitors. At the time of her last breath, she said: “I am OK if I fear Allah SWT. Aisha Ra was buried in Al Baqi at night time as that was her will.
"The best of what a man leaves behind are three: a righteous child who supplicates for him, ongoing charity the reward of which reaches him, and knowledge that is acted upon after him."
Sunan Ibn Mājah
"Every day two angels come down from Heaven and one of them says, 'O Allah! Compensate every person who spends in Your Cause,' and the other (angel) says, 'O Allah! Destroy every miser.'"
Sahih Bukhari
Sheima Salam Sumer, a trained counselor by profession explains that faith should be a source of achieving felicity and joy, paving the way for happy individuals and happy societies, and a happy humanity at large through her book ‘How to Be A Happy Muslim Insha Allah.’ The book aims to guide you in attaining inner peace and joy by uniting Islamic teachings with mental and physical health concepts. Do not get into worries or hurries due to pitfalls in your life, Allah will create a happy path in between. By reading this book, you can manage your emotions and sentiments. One of the main subjects she talks about is on negative judgement about other people. There are people around us who used to blame others for their deeds or conditions. But why we are talking negative on others? Who gave us the authority to blame them? Our situations will go back and forth. It will progress or regress. But the apex of judgement can be given by Allah only. No other living legends can comment negative on others. The book also talks about Quran and Sunnah, resources from psychology, health and nutrition, and personal stories to provide readers with clear, practical tools to make positive improvements in their attitude and behavior. Happiness has great importance in one’s life so that we have to produce contents that can establish happiness all the way. The book provides steps on how the practical application of timeless and sacred Islamic teachings can formulate a happy Muslim.
Read MoreAlhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, it is the Greatness of our Lord Allah, Subhanahu Wa Taala (SWT(the Exalted))who has honored us with blessed days and blessed nights throughout the entire year. Friday is the best day of the week; Ramadan, the best month of the year;and the last ten nights of Ramadan,the best nights of Ramadan. Then, there is one night inthe last ten best nights of Ramadan, Lailatul Qadr, that is better than one thousand months (Qur’an: Al-Qadr, 97:1). Additionally, Allah SWT has chosen to give us another ten highly blessed days: first ten days of Dhul Hijjah. These are the best days of the year. The significance of these first days of Dhul Hijjah, is emphasized by our beloved Prophet, Mohammad, Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallama (SAW): "No good deeds done on other days are superior to those done on these (first ten days of Dhul Hijjah)." Then some companions of the Prophet said, "Not even Jihad?" He replied, "Not even Jihad, except that of a man who does it by putting himself and his property in danger (for Allah's sake) and does not return with any of those things." (Bukhari) Alhamdulillah, Allah, SWT continually showers upon us with His Blessings day and night all our lives without any end to it. Do we have to do anything in return? Yes, we do! We need to thank deeply and heavily. The ten best blessed days of Dhul Hijjah are upon us. Here are some of the ways our scholars recommend to thank Allah, SWT: 1. Hajj (Pilgrimage): It is the first and the foremost best deed during these ten days. It is an obligation upon every able and capable Muslim and Muslimah. Upon completion of Hajj one receives the greater blessings in terms of complete forgiveness from all sins by Allah, SWT. 2. Sawm (Fasting): The second-bestdeed,for those who can’t undertake the Hajj, is to fast first nine days. And if it not possible then at least fast the ninth day, the Day of Arafat (the actual day of Hajj). The Prophet, SAW said: “Anyone who fasts for one day for Allah’s pleasure, Allah will keep his face away from the (Hell) fire for (a distance covered by a journey of) seventy years.” (Bukhari, Muslim). Additionally, he, SAW emphasized about the fast on the ninth day of Dhul-Hijjah saying: “Fasting the Day of ‘Arafat (ninth Dhul-Hijjah) is an expiation for (all the sins of) the previous year and expiation for (all the sins of) the coming year.” (Muslim) 3. Tadhkir/Dhikr:Recite the following Tasbihaat as much and as often as possible during these ten days: Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar La ilaha illallah Wa Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Walil Lahil Hamd. The Prophet, SAW said: “There are no days on which good deeds are greater or more beloved to Allah than on these ten days, so recite much Tahleel (saying Laa ilaaha ill-Allah), Takbeer (saying Allahu Akbar) and Tahmeed (saying Alhamdu Lillaah).” 4. Salat-ut Tahajjud (Nightly Prayer): This prayer is observed during the last part of the night before the start of Fajr prayer time. To seekthe bounty, forgiveness, and the pleasure of Allah, SWT, this is the best time to supplicate (pray) to Him that is highly beloved to Him.This is the time when He, SWT calls upon His servants: “Is there anyone to invoke Me, so that I may respond to his invocation? Is there anyone to ask Me, so that I may grant him his request? Is there anyone seeking My forgiveness, so that I may forgive him?” (Bukhari, Muslim) Let us take the advantage of His blessings every day but essentially during theseten best days of the year. 5. Istighfar (Repentance): Another deed that pleases Allah, SWT much is to return to Him after committing sins and mistakes. One should feel guilty for own sins and mistakes, commit to Allah, SWT to not ever return to them, and then seek His forgiveness sincerely. Assure that this good deed is done on every such occasion but during these days extra benefits will be reaped.Allah, SWT says, “But as for him who repented, believed and did righteous deeds, then he will be among those who are successful.” (Quran: Al-Qasas, 28:67) 6. Recite Al-Quran (Read the Book of Allah): Communication and continuous relationship with the book of Allah, SWT every day but especially during these ten days of Dhul-Hijjah, can’t be emphasized enough. Recite its verses, understand its meaning and guidance; implement in your life and support its implementation in the life of your family, and community members. Further, take the message to others. The continuous relationship with the Quran opens the doors of wisdom and happiness. This then, leads to guidance and success in this life and the Hereafter. 7. Udhiyyah (Slaughter an animal): Ibn Umar said: “The Prophet, SAW lived in Madeenah for ten years and every year he slaughtered an animal.” (Ahmad) Another act of good deed during these ten days is to sacrifice an animal for the sake of Allah. Then distribute the meat to the poor, use some of it, and give some to your relatives. 8. Charity: Give extra charity as much as you can to reap the extra blessings of these days. 9. Salat ul Eid (Eid Prayer): Attending Eid prayers is from the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet, SAW. We should be keen on practicing this Sunnah and performing it according to the teachings of our Prophet, SAW Eid is a time of joy and happiness and we should be inclusive of all of our brothers and sisters who may not be as fortunate to have enough to enjoy this blessed occasion. 10. Shukrulla (Thank Allah): Thanking Allah, SWT deeply, sincerely, and continuously brings His pleasure closer and closer. It is He, SWT who has created us, sustained us through every moment of our life, then He, SWT will not only Judge us on the Day of Judgement but decide our fate beyond that day. Is it not enough for us to understand and thank Him? Thank Him as much as you can during these best days of Dhul Hijjah. Alhamdulillah, there is much to be gained in these coming days. Hasten to do good deeds and appreciate this blessing and make the most of it. _"And worship your Lord until there comes unto you the certainty (death)."_� (Qur’an: Al-Hijr, 15:99)
Read MoreParenting is a great time in one’s life. As far as parenting is concerned, it is a challenging and lovely responsibility. There are a number of different needs that a person has in his or her life. That needs may be physical, mental or spiritual. A parent should give the correct path to his child on how to fulfill these needs by the time. Good parenting is all about meeting all these needs of a child in a balanced and correct order. Many parents think that, by meeting the physical and material needs of their children, all their responsibilities are complete. No! You have to make them learn how to lead a life with spirituality and kindness. Normally, if a parent is very much busy with his job or something else, he tries to manage the needs of his child by gifting everything that is possible with money power. By doing this, you are spoiling your child’s great future. So, every parent should find some time to pay attention to his child and to love him or her with affection and care. Each child has emotional needs and spiritual needs. To meet these needs, there are different ways for parents. Parents can read about this particular subject by referring respective books or magazines. Parents can go for a class online or offline that covers the psychological scene of a child. Try to find some time to meet the intellectual needs of your children that their school cannot meet-such as visit historical places, visit some places of natural beauty, centers of worship, homes for the aged or the infirm, factories, museums, or a slum, a forest or an orphanage, a shrine or a park, a dance performance or a planetarium or a bakery, combining in this way entertainment as well as exposure to various situations and dimensions of lived reality. Parents should have to teach their children about God and his wisdom. Make them pray to God everyday at regular time with family members. Let them thank God for the good time they had in life. One cannot acquire good parenting skills by simply giving birth to a child. Its a regular practice to lead the child to a good future by giving him or her better guidance spiritually, physically and emotionally.
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