Date: April 17, 2015
Many of us fall in to depression. Some of us end up our life due to depression. Depression is the state that we cannot see any good thing in our life. With a very simple act, we can wash away the depression. The act is known as Sujood ash-Shukr. This is showing the gratitude to Allah. Gratitude to Allah is the best remedy for depression. Lack of the sense of gratitude will lead you to depression. Doing prostration of thankfulness regularly will remove your depression.
"The best of what a man leaves behind are three: a righteous child who supplicates for him, ongoing charity the reward of which reaches him, and knowledge that is acted upon after him."
Sunan Ibn Mājah
"Every day two angels come down from Heaven and one of them says, 'O Allah! Compensate every person who spends in Your Cause,' and the other (angel) says, 'O Allah! Destroy every miser.'"
Sahih Bukhari
Did you ever think of what is the meaning of blindness? The meaning varies for people, for their thoughts and approach. To some, it will be merely a sickness or defect by birth. To some others, it sounds something unsound or a state of ignorance or passiveness. Often it is a frightening thought or state. Here the thing is something different. Author states that blindness has become a way of life, to be open, a disguising to lead the life. Author recollects his experience from Manipal hospital, near Bangalore, that he was bedridden due to a massive stroke which lead him to a total blindness. His illness transformed him to a blind man physically, but not mentally. Gradually he started to recover his blindness using auditory senses and the mind to be able to overcome the deficiency. And this challenging situation taught him to keep his blindness as an asset. Instead of crying about the vision loss, he found himself taking up the challenges of gaining ground and bridging the gap between being sighted and facing blindness. He read newspaper e copy by software called JAWS (Job Access With Speech). Watched movies by listening the conversation and amazingly he got extra power for his other senses. Author is giving a positive message to the blind people that to keep the defect as a challenge and live life with full of joy and activities.
Read MoreThis is part of Mufti Menk’s powerful speech on the topic “Focus on What You Have”, an understanding of our achievements and thanking Allah almighty for that. Are you happy with the blessings you have today? Let’s give it a check. Most of us run behind the ones we desire to get but never remember to thank Allah (SAW) for what we have. Yes, that’s the fact. Comparing ourselves with others is the reason for our unhappiness. Just try to list out your blessings on a paper and you will find it as an endless one and you will have to keep adding things to it. Let’s compare us with the kings of the past to focus on our achievements we have today. They might have had a luxurious life and abundance in quantity but quality wise we live a better life. To mention a few we have lights, fans, air conditioners, fridge, cars etc all these are our luxury while the kings had all these done for them by their subordinates. Still we crave for more. So isn’t it the time for us to think on how we live today and how blessed we are. So why wait! just rush to thank Allah (SAW) for giving us such a happy and blessed life. Do listen to his words as he is giving us a golden opportunity to focus on our “LIFE “.
Read MoreZakat is one of the five pillars of Islam. The word Zakat means purification and growth. Quran promotes feeding hungry people and helping the poor. Since, the month of Ramadan is termed as the very month of forgiveness, blessings, helping others, prayers and thanks giving. Zakat is an activity connected with prayer and compassion towards the poor people. Allah says that provide Zakat with prayers and it will make you and the receiver blessed. Conditions for Zakat Giving If you are possessing property in excess of a minimum exemption limit, you must give Zakat to the needy. Another term is that if your wealth equal to or in surplus of Nisab in the beginning and at the end of the lunar year, you must give Zakat. At the same time, at the end of the lunar year if the wealth is less than the Nisab, it is not necessary to give Zakat. It says that Zakat is due on all the gold and silver ornaments, jewellery. All bank deposits and provident fund will fall under the Zakat giving. It is also said that if one has agriculture land irrigated by rain water or by natural water channels or if the land is wet due to a nearby water channel, the yield of the land must be provided as Zakat. Zakat is obligatory on goats, sheep, cows, buffaloes and camels which graze on wild grass, plant leaves and on some feed, now and then given by the owner, and on the above animals meant for sale. Do Not Give Zakat to these People * To a person who owns minimum 7 1/2 tolas of gold or 52 1/2 tolas of silver or equivalent wealth in cash, kind or in trade goods. * To one’s mother, father, paternal and maternal grand-parents, great grand-parents, etc. * To one’s offspring-sons, daughters, grand-children, great grand-children, etc. * to spouse * To other relatives such as brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces, nephews, etc. * To Sayyeds(descendants of Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh). * To domestic or other servants as wages. * Zakat cannot be given for repairing or maintenance of mosque. * Do not pay Zakat to meet the funeral expenses.
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