Date: March 11, 2016
Depression usually comes from being far from Allah. We need remembrance of Allah. Our body consists of flesh, bone, muscle and blood. Our body has two parts. Those are physical sense and spiritual sense. For physical sense, it needs exercise, good heart, good food and nutrition. But what does the soul needs. Soul needs Allah. And when that soul taken away from Allah, it never remember Allah. It never is in a good environment. It becomes depressed and lonely. It yearns for Allah and it yearns for its creator. For this we needs in good environment and we needs to be around good people. Good people will remember Allah always. People who pray and people who have genuine fear of Allah are good people. So be in a circle of good people always and remember Allah, the creator.
"The best of what a man leaves behind are three: a righteous child who supplicates for him, ongoing charity the reward of which reaches him, and knowledge that is acted upon after him."
Sunan Ibn Mājah
"Every day two angels come down from Heaven and one of them says, 'O Allah! Compensate every person who spends in Your Cause,' and the other (angel) says, 'O Allah! Destroy every miser.'"
Sahih Bukhari
Mr.Altaf Hussain delivered a wonderful speech at MSA National on body image-reality and standards. When you get ready in the morning, did you think about how Allah created you? Body image is nothing in Islam and it is completely contradictory in Islam. Beauty lies in our soul and behavior. Allah knows our inner wishes, our soul, each and every move of us. Be healthy and hold on your wonderful life with family. Allah expects this one motto from you. Black tears are never shed from our eyes. So body image is nothing about whitish, black or white. It’s all about inner beauty and reality of life. Go to people who trust you and whom can trust you. Never get in a company with people who do backbiting or marketing themselves. People should live with a conversation that can admit everybody. As a whole he says that women and men should believe Allah. Women and men should maintain their modesty and never disobey their creator.
Read MoreMany of us fall in to depression. Some of us end up our life due to depression. Depression is the state that we cannot see any good thing in our life. With a very simple act, we can wash away the depression. The act is known as Sujood ash-Shukr. This is showing the gratitude to Allah. Gratitude to Allah is the best remedy for depression. Lack of the sense of gratitude will lead you to depression. Doing prostration of thankfulness regularly will remove your depression.
Read MoreDid you ever think of what is the meaning of blindness? The meaning varies for people, for their thoughts and approach. To some, it will be merely a sickness or defect by birth. To some others, it sounds something unsound or a state of ignorance or passiveness. Often it is a frightening thought or state. Here the thing is something different. Author states that blindness has become a way of life, to be open, a disguising to lead the life. Author recollects his experience from Manipal hospital, near Bangalore, that he was bedridden due to a massive stroke which lead him to a total blindness. His illness transformed him to a blind man physically, but not mentally. Gradually he started to recover his blindness using auditory senses and the mind to be able to overcome the deficiency. And this challenging situation taught him to keep his blindness as an asset. Instead of crying about the vision loss, he found himself taking up the challenges of gaining ground and bridging the gap between being sighted and facing blindness. He read newspaper e copy by software called JAWS (Job Access With Speech). Watched movies by listening the conversation and amazingly he got extra power for his other senses. Author is giving a positive message to the blind people that to keep the defect as a challenge and live life with full of joy and activities.
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